


播放Seneca留下了严重的印象在莎士比亚和他从这玩了很多东西,把它们加在麦克白。相似之处是发现在工作和这些相似之处可以追溯到在对Seneca的比赛麦克白。麦克白是第一次在汉普顿宫为杰姆斯本人和他的亲密朋友和客人在1606行(莎士比亚和诺斯巴肯(21)。该剧的故事线是熟悉的杰姆斯的故事,他如何继承了苏格兰的王冠。邓肯的谋杀案也被描绘在比赛前,James I.本是麦克白的第一部小说,真正的发挥了1040期间1057。该剧是莎士比亚戏剧中最短的,讲述了一个血腥的悲剧的统治,该剧的主要故事围绕勇敢的苏格兰将军名叫麦克白。故事围绕三邪恶女巫的预言;他们的预言的解释,麦克白将成为苏格兰一天国王(Brown 7)。麦克白谋杀King Duncan后成为苏格兰国王。他对他的谋杀感到悲伤和沮丧,并感到内疚。过了一段时间,他是专制的,命令他的人民。他的妻子是傲慢,麦克白也变得傲慢和粗鲁。他杀死了许多人,只是为了保护他的预言和王冠。他不得不把更多的犯罪,所以他能保护他谋杀了国王邓肯的主要犯罪。麦克白统治了这个国家十七年,在他的时期南北苏格兰统一。他面对失败的King Duncan的儿子马尔科姆III战斗。


Other sources were also present for the development of this play and these sources aided in the dramatic version of the play. The minor sources included the Reginald Scots Discovery of Witchcraft and Daemonologie. This was written during the time of 1599 by the King of that time. The words used in the act 3 of scene one came from the Collaquia that was the memoirs of Erasmus. This was from thee edition circa 1500.
The play Seneca left serious impressions on Shakespeare and he took many things from this play and added them in Macbeth. Similarities are found in both works and these similarities can be traced after reviewing the play Seneca and Macbeth. Macbeth was performed for the first time in Hampton court palace for James I and his close friends and guests in 1606 ((Shakespeare and Nostbakken 21). The story line of that play was familiar to the story of James and how he inherited the crown of Scotland. Duncan’s murder was also depicted in the play in front of James I. This was the first play of Macbeth and the real play and novel was developed during the time period of 1040 to 1057. This play is among the shortest plays of Shakespeare and tells a bloodiest tragedy of reign and the main story of the play revolves around the brave Scottish general named Macbeth. The story revolves around the prophecy of trio sinister witches; their prophecy explains that Macbeth will become the king of Scotland one day (Brown 7). Macbeth becomes the king of Scotland after murdering the King Duncan. He is sad and depressed about his murder and feels guilty. After some time he is autocratic and dictates his people. His wife is shown as arrogant and Macbeth also becomes arrogant and rude. He kills many people just to protect his prophecy and crown. He is obliged to commit more and more crimes so he could protect his main crime of murdering king Duncan. Macbeth ruled the country for seventeen years and in his period North and south of Scotland were united. He faced the defeat in the battle of Malcom III by the son of King Duncan.