


企业主要是作为消费者和市场之间关系的一部分而发展起来的。因此,业务实体的发展是由消费者的需求和在特定区域内实现相同需求所驱动的。同时,随着业务范围的扩大和扩大,企业也会看到他们的产品或服务能够迎合并决定扩大市场的机会(Covin和Miller, 2014)。这通常是通过在国家和国际一级工作来满足更广泛的市场,满足尽可能多的消费者的需求。


因此,下面的讨论将设法获取与当地、国家和国际各级公司所采用的营销和财务战略有关的理论实践的信息。市场营销实践被认为是使公司能够在本地、国家或国际级别(Meyer和Peng, 2016)的工具。根据Meyer和Peng(2016)的说法,他们已经注意到市场营销的满意度水平,它提供了一个优势,可以帮助识别区分特定公司和其他公司的资源(Meyer and Peng, 2016)。


Businesses are mainly developed as part of the relationships between the consumers and the market. As such, the development of the business entities is motivated by the consumer’s demands and the needs to fulfill the same within a particular region. Simultaneously, with the widening and broadening of the scope of doing business, companies look at the opportunities that their products or services can cater to and decide to broaden their market (Covin and Miller, 2014). This is generally achieved by working at national and international levels to cater to a broader market and fulfill demands of the maximum number of consumers possible.

The following discussion, hence, would try to gain information about the theoretical practices that are pertinent to the marketing and financial strategies employed by companies in local, national and international levels. Marketing practices have been noted as the tools that enable a company, whether on a local, national or international level (Meyer and Peng, 2016). According to Meyer and Peng (2016), who have noted the levels of satisfaction with regards to marketing, it provides an advantage that would help in identifying the resources that differentiate a particular company from the rest (Meyer and Peng, 2016).