


Fundamental notion of the female self-objectification theory is that the women are considered to be an object of pleasure or are considered as objects, superimposed with cultural concepts, rather than being considered as a person with feelings. There has been a brazen disregard to what the women in the societies feel about their bodies. The women in the media are portrayed as women who are weak, submissive and need to conform to the impossible beauty standards that the mass media culture sets forth on the women. Some of the feminist discuss about the importance of looking good and have argued that looking good in itself is a feminist notion. But setting impossible improbable standards of beauty actually makes women feel discomfiture regarding their body. These pro feminist movements cause the women to themselves make other women feel disgust about their bodies. They are unknowingly causing the women to feel bad about themselves (Fredrickson, and Roberts, 1997). Women themselves wear provocative clothes to make the people like them. This is an act of self-objectification that is the real root of the issues. They become compliant in being objectified and loose themselves in the process. These processes of losing their original identities make the women in the societies to develop a range of psychological issues of depression and loneliness and make them act in ways that are detrimental to themselves and to the societies.

Some of the common tactics that has been undertaken by the women are simply application of cosmetic products to painful surgeries. These beauty enhancements techniques have caused the women to undertake undue efforts to look good in the conventional sense (Fredrickson and Roberts, 1997). In an effort to look pretty women even undergo painful unwanted surgeries. These also need to eating disorders and psychological issues in the women. It has been postulated by the objectification theory that the women tend to internalize the views about the selves based on outward body appearances. This perpetual habit of waiting to belong to the conventional society makes the women habitually monitor their physical self. This constant surveillance of the self-causes the women to take a critical view of their bodies. There is more room for the women to create a situation of shame and anxiety. This has found to lead to states such as unipolar depression, sexual dysfunction and a range of psychological issues. These are some of the issues that the women develop owing to negative objectification of the self. There needs to be a proper Marco and micro environmental factors for the women to deal with such conditions of the self.

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