美国论文代写 艺术



Both Europe and Asia have always been very rich in artistic heritage. Economic development in these countries especially Asian countries is now facing a great economic change. Economic development gives stability to art in any country. Asian countries are also getting great praises and price for their arts in auctions. Mr. Wang says that it is tricky to be an artist in China, where a student becomes best by following. Government controls is a negative scenario in China. People face; lots of restrictions in expressing their views. There are lots of restrictions; recently government demolishes some studios of artists. Even cultural factors affect them and make it difficult to judge what reality is and what is false.

美国论文代写 服装装饰


服务环境是基于人民的可操作性。在9 inety 2的情况下我们有一个厨师长,前面有一个人。他们是主人和他们的利益完全投入。工作人员在统一发出,一个黑色的衬衫和黑色的裤子。光装饰也设置,晚餐的感觉。光装饰增添了气氛,使餐厅在冬天更受欢迎。装饰他们的冬天似乎支持餐饮。家具是很舒服,因为人们往往会停留更多的时间。建筑气氛也不错的,往往有一个诱人的感觉

Service environment is based on the operability of the people. In the case of 9inety 2wo there is a head chef and there is a front man. They are the owners and they have their interests fully invested. Staffers are sent out in a uniform, a black shirt and a black pant. The light decor is also well set, giving it the dinner feeling. The light decor adds ambience that makes the restaurant more popular in the winter time. The kind of decor they have seems to support the winter dining more. Furniture is very comfortable as people tend to stay for more hours. The building atmosphere is also good and tends to have an inviting feel to it

美国论文代写 风险投资



To wind up, ethical funds in the Sharpe index are represented by a ratio of 1.719041 while unscrupulous funds are represented by a ratio of 1.45402. The observation shows ethical funds demonstrating high revenues in comparison to unscrupulous funds for every single unit of risk. In such a scenario, potential investors are likely to prefer putting their money in ethical funds in the long run. Based on the Treynor index, the ratio of unscrupulous funds is represented by 0.109692 while ethical funds, detonated by 0.04685. What is evident is the fact that unethical funds are twice as high as ethical funds. Implicitly, unethical funds represent a higher output over the risk-free ratio of revenue than the ethical funds for a single unit of market risk. In a nutshell, any investor that uses this benchmark to select funds will definitely choose unethical funds

美国论文代写 领导艺术


需要的不仅仅是负责任的态度对一个领导者是有效的。有许多其他属性使领导满意和令人费解的同时。领导的话题一直困惑思想家;普遍定义领导力不是一项容易的任务。有增加数量的研究在全球领域的领导。特别是在1950年代领导和其重要性跨地理区域的主题已经升级。人们认为领导的特质不是行为的展览。固有的特征,这是人类的表达方式,实际上是一个杰出的质量定义,使人格的人。领袖所表现出的属性定义领导他或她的个性和质量具有(荣格& Avolio,1999)。领导也被看作是一种天生的能力,是天生的领导者或他/她获得的能力,提高学习能力,领导也可能被视为展览的态度或技能。然而重要的是要理解的重要性,各级领导和可接受性不同的属性在全球各地。

It takes more than just responsible attitude for a leader to be effective. There are a number of other attributes which make leadership gratifying and perplexing at the same time. The topic of leadership has long puzzled thinkers; universally defining leadership is not an easy task. There has been an increase in amount of research being carried out in the field of leadership across the globe. Especially after 1950s the topic of leadership and its importance across geographic regions has escalated. People view leadership as more of a trait than behavioural exhibition. A trait, which is inherent in a human’s way of expression, is actually an eminent quality that defines the person and makes the personality. The attributes shown by the leader defines the personality and quality of leadership he or she possesses (Jung & Avolio, 1999). Leadership is also seen as a natural ability, which comes naturally to the leader or he/she acquires the ability by increasing learning capacity; leadership may also be seen as exhibition of attitude or skill. However it is important to understand the importance of leadership attributes and acceptability of different attributes at various levels across the globe

美国论文代写 广告学



When they first started they marketed the food by making it more commercial. Advertising on the radios was done. The owners report a certain difficulty in gauging whether the radio advertisements worked or not. Word of the mouth seems to be the best sort of advertising here and the owners feel that that was what has worked more. They have also used the trip advisor.com as they have felt that it seems to advertise the restaurant and also allows people the ‘word of the mouth’ option to comment on the food. People commented on the food and they also commented on food of others, so it was a kind of social network set up for the restaurant. They have a simple website where they can see the menu, the wine list, and the people with the restaurant

美国论文代写 营销策略


消息的策略是所有营销策略的基础。它需要强大的或你的营销努力将瓦解。你的信息战略由定位声明和三到四个支持点(打嗝&鲍威尔,2008)。他们解决关键的目标市场问题,因为一个好处。在这点上,《广告狂人》做得很好。这个节目一直利用其风格和性感因素来吸引观众。“广告狂人”提升为“性感”显示在电视从第三季。这一趋势一直持续和观众也回应它。大多数人都调在好奇心的驱使下找到什么是如此性感展示基于60的。令人难以置信的吸引力将是一大亮点,因为“Don Draper”的魅力吸引了相同数量的女性观众,的“魅力”因素的琼·哈里斯(克里斯蒂娜·亨德里克斯)或‘Betty德雷伯’吸引男性观众。

A message strategy is the foundation for all the marketing strategies that follow. It needs to be strong or your marketing efforts will disintegrate. Your message strategy consists of a positioning statement and three to four support points (Belch & Powell, 2008). They address key target market problems by stating a benefit. “Mad Men” has done this well over the years. The show has always used its style and sexiness factor to lure its audiences. “Mad Men” has been promoted as the “Sexiest Show in Television” right from season 3. This trend has been continued and the viewers have also responded to it. Most people have tuned in just to find out of curiosity what is so sexy about a show based on the 60’s. The incredibly attractive cast is a big plus because the charm of ‘Don Draper’ attracts the same amount of female viewers, as the ‘oomph’ factor of ‘Joan Harris’ (Christina Hendricks) or ‘Betty Draper’ attracts male viewers

美国论文代写 农民工带动的经济



In China it was visible that the migrant workers living in the most urban part were also treated badly and were not considered to be a part of the nation. Other than this there were a large number of economic reforms which happened in the post war period in these three countries. In this economic development which happened in these three countries a major part was contributed by these migrant workers.  In all the three countries it was evident that the foreign workers were the main contributors in the economic development.

美国论文代写 数据



The primary sources of data are those which provide direct information; the secondary sources of data are the sources which already contain the primary sources and act as intermediate source for end user. Jim and Tony used company reports from RNS (Stock Exchange Regulatory News Service) based on London Stock Exchange filings and provided by company news service from the London Stock Exchange; so RNS was the secondary source. They retrieved company filing to do their research on the basis of their hypothesis; hence the company reports (both prelims and full annual reports) are the primary sources of data.

美国论文代写 化学



The existence of dark matter is already known to the scientists. The dark matter is found to constitute to about 27% of the total mass of the universe. The article has associated the presence of WIMPs (weakly interacting massive particles) within the dark matter. This dark matter is found to clump in the haloes including the own Milky Way. These WIMPs tend to traverse across the solar system and modify the individual trajectories. The co-author of new paper by Samuel Lee in Princeton University has proved that the effects are drastic and there is a gravitational focus when there is a pull of sun on dark matter.

美国论文代写 信贷



Marks and Spencer needs to control its operating expenses. The company has to improve its asset turnover ratio. The average collection period is somewhat better than their competitor; yet, too less days of collection period indicate their rigid credit policy. The company has to focus on improving their inventory days. They have to improve their sales rather than their inventory sitting in the warehouse. It has to improve their cash and cash equivalents also as cash constitutes only 2.55% in the total assets. The company’s debt to equity ratio is more than 200 percent; so it should try to reduce its debt burden and focus on issuing more equity. The company has to improve its current and acid-test ratios, and reduce its reliance on inventories as the acid-test is very poor.