

Leadership has remained the most talked after and most sought after subject in organisations literature. It is the element which has the maximum impact on every aspect of the organisational goals and objectives. There are theories of leadership which are developed, implemented and suggested in various different situations and organisations. These theories have their fair share of benefits and lose impact depending on the execution and the way it is accepted and incepted in the organisation and the employees. There may be a definite leadership style which is always best for an organisation, but the same contention does not stand true when the organisation itself is required to undergo multiple changes as influenced by the internal and external factors. Thus, the leadership style adopted may differ with organisations and there may even be no requirement of a fixed style for a particular organisation so as to have a clean and smooth operative standards focused on a segregated list of targets and achievements.

This paper argues that there is no fixed leadership style that is suitable or proved to be useful for leaders in organisations, because the whole idea of leadership may die if it is subjected to a restricted method of acting and leading people. However, the contingency theory scores more on the basis of situational leadership. In addition, a critical awareness of the requirement of leadership types in leaders is also made from relevant literature topics.

A contingent leader is better than the trait leader as he or she is not narrow in the approach and considers broader influences to be able to take a decision which is most profitable and most loss avoiding for the organisation. The contingent leader may be a good choice for the 21st century but he or she has limited focus of assuming the future and taking decisions. The results may be undesired, primarily because leaders also need to fix the present and the past in addition to securing the future. A flexible and adaptable leader is the most essential in the current generation of organisations due to the pace with which the growth and decline happens and the sporadic demands of the changing market is also to be considered. A trait based leader is again limited in the approach and may not succeed in situations which are out of bounds of the dominant trait of the leader, hence not the most useful for the leader. The best leader is the one who is all the time flexible, sensible, and adaptable, understands the reality and takes decisions which not only take the organisation ahead but also clear the backlog, and avoid all kinds of undesired results that are irreparable.

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一個跨國組織決定在其個別組織中開設一個新的子公司。根據組織的高級管理團隊作為人力資源管理顧問的指示,已經進行了二次研究,並編寫了一份報告,討論將人力資源管理實踐轉移到較新的子公司的可行性。在撰寫報告時,重點是明確該組織的原產國和所在部門,明確子公司將設在哪個東道國,並審查兩種可以轉移的人力資源實踐(McCann, 2014)。所選擇的虛擬組織是“whatever”,這是一家在我們的家庭環境中運營的虛擬私人有限公司。“無論何時”的主機環境是英國,該公司是一個獨特的,因為它提供24* 7的供應能力,客戶還沒有提供任何雜貨店。為了在一個新的國家成功地部署其資源,跨國公司必須查明東道國市場與它以前經營的市場之間的許多差異,並加以處理。制度環境將對政治、社會、經濟、技術、法律和環境構成威脅(Edwards, 2015)。這些將適用於虛構的組織。重點將是確定關鍵的戰略和各種相關的要求,例如東道國需要為這個虛構的組織滿足哪些要求。這些問題將在論文代筆價錢-人力資源管理實踐的報告中討論。

Home nation view for “Whenever”, a fictitious organization has been regarded in terms of institutional factors influencing over the HRM practices and policies of the firm while corporate orientations over-generalization within nation regions and states needs to be disregarded, it has been suggested by Marginson (2004) that enterprises which are embedding within MNCEs in US have a tendency of placing more focus over financial performance in the short term and adopt strategies of investment driven through pre finance criteria (Rose et al., 2011). Within this system, employees are depicted as resources that can be disposed or even liabilities at times resulting in conditioning the HR policies and employment (Thite, 2011). Therefore, for example, employer that operates in an MNC has likeliness of being orientated towards closely managing performance individually which is possible by using financial incentives with a tendency of seeing development and training as a low priority as it is regarded as over-head cost when competition is of enhanced nature. There is further likeliness to be considerable labour movement in the enterprise and within it with focus placed over flexible staff deployment (Ulgado et al., 2010). Teams of management and line managers in this home nation for the fictitious company were given empowerment of taking control of various HRM aspects and motivation of employees. Focus has been placed over international cost effectiveness, flexibility and competitiveness but still there are potential drawbacks existing for example on employee commitment inadequacy, inferior product and service quality and morale.
The HR principles within the liberal environment of UK includes management freedom, focus over shorter term competition, staff flexible deployment, paying linked over performance and training being considered as an overhead expense (Williams et al., 2013).
Firstly, in comparison to the US MNCs ethnocentric tendency to manage their HRM practices in their subsidiaries, it has been reported that with regard to US MNCs staffing, they make use of local employees for subsidiary essential positions to a higher range than multinational companies from other nations. Harzing (2001) found that for example 80 percent of managing directors from subsidiaries of US MNCs were host nation nationals while for German and Japanese MNCs, this was only at 37.5 percent and 40.7 percent (UNCTAD, 2004). The finding mostly has consistency with prior studies, for example, in study of Kopp’s (1994), the local nationals percentage in overseas position for top managers, U.S MNCs managerial and non-managerial positions were more in comparison to those from other MNCs for example UK. The low PCN usage within essential positions of subsidiaries in the firms of US can be explained partly through the kind of mechanism of control that firms in US have continued developed and based themselves over (Williams et al., 2013). It can further be argued that the US management practices formalized and codified nature lessens the need of depending over control mechanisms that are direct and personal such as expatriates.
The labour markets in US have been categorized as flexible of extreme nature. Mass production standardization helped in creating external markets of labour depending upon the transfer existing between worker companies with simplified skills and standardization (UNCTAD, 2004). Further, this has been motivated through financial markets short-termism as labour is evident as a price that needs minimization instead of, through hours at work as would also be the situation in Japanese firms.
There are few institutional based restraints over numerical flexibility that has been depicted within systems such as UK. As a consequence, employees remain in jobs for a short period significantly within US in comparison to that of UK. Osterman, (1999), has argued that tenure of job has significantly grown in terms of threats offered against job security (Ulgado et al., 2010). External labour markets flexibility has been evident as a consideration in new business sectors emergence and rapid growth within US through provision of ready mobile workers supply.

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