
论文代写价格-电子通信对版权的干扰。有必要了解在日常商业和个人交易中使用电子通信如何改变了知识产权的所有权和行使。互联网彻底改变了人们使用信息的方式。然而,在这样做的知识产权,所有权和使用都受到挑战。在一篇关于“非律师适用的网络空间法”的文章中,作者认为,版权法在电子世界和在正常的物理世界中都必须受到同样多的保护。仅仅因为没有写在纸上的东西不能被理解为复制行为可能不构成侵权(Raman, 2004)。

Just because something is not on paper cannot be taken to mean that an act of copying might not be an infringement (Raman, 2004). For example, consider the economic rights that are given to a copyright owner. The copyright owner is the only person who can copy a work or distribute copies of the work or communicate the work to the public or someone who requests for an authorized copy of the work on electronic transmission etc. In the case of electronic communication, the exercise of intellectual property rights could be challenged as the chances of a person making a copy of the work online increases. A person can request for an authorized copy of a work, such as music and then enable others to listen to it in an unauthorized manner. This form of an unauthorized copy is just one-way electronic communication can result in infringement, there are many more ways (Mansell, & Steinmueller, 2011).
In most cases of electronic communication based copyright infringement there are questions on whether communication can 1) be considered as a form of electronic communication, such as a broadcast to the public and 2) at which point the communication becomes an infringement. Consider the case of the Football Association Premier League v QC leisure (No3) [2012] EWHC 108(Ch); [2012] FSR 12. Here the dispute arose because the Greek satellite decoder cards were issues to UK pubs and bars. The Football Association Premier League issues the license for decoders for both UK and Greece, the Greece decoders charge less that the UK ones. The UK operators were using Greece decoders instead of using the UK Sky decoders. While there were multiple legal issues that were raised in the case, the one that is relevant for current discussion was to understand “whether the publicans were communicating the relevant copyright works to the public by either re-broadcasting from the receiving satellite dish to the bar area; or by displaying the works on the pub’s TV screens and playing the works on the TV speakers” (Aplin et al, 2013, p.175). The Court concluded that the bar was communicating the content in a profit making way. The said transmission will attract customers to the pub and this will add to the profits of the firm and hence has an impact on its financial results According to the Article 3(1) of the Copyright directive, the transmission was considered as a form of broadcast to the public. Hence based on both these conclusions the users of the Greece decoders have copyright infringed.

Also consider the case of BMW v Round and Metal Ltd [2012] EWHC 299. Here electronic communication once again interferes with the application of copyright (in this case a database). Here there is no proper electronic communication, but there is a temporary transfer of substantial content of a database to another medium. A question raised here was whether making a copy for the purpose of extraction can be considered as a form of reutilization (Mansell, & Steinmueller, 2011). The court in this case made a ruling that a substantial part of the content of the database was not extracted and reutilized and hence it would not be a copyright breach. Also the contents are not published to the public, they are not shared and are not used in a profitable way and hence cannot be considered a breach.

留学生论文写作提升,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且硕士论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!


芝加哥论文代写-POV技术。传统的POV (point of view)利用人的术语,可以通过使用代词来定义。我、我、我和我自己都是通过POV技术讲述的第一人称故事,目的是向观众讲述个人故事(盛田2003)。那么,当POV技术与西洋镜等真人秀节目融合时,会发生什么呢?这些真人秀节目是照本宣科的,还是为观众提供了真实的叙事视角?本文介绍了在真人秀电视和虚拟场景中使用的POV技术的概念,以创建一个真实的环境,从而阐明它们是否真正从个人角度描述了现实(Bruzzi 2006)。

POV shot is often used to act and suspend a scene. This helps the angles of a camera to align with point-of-view of a character to lead the audience to feel that they are essential component of the story. Most reality TV shows and films use this special filming processes of a subjective scene, often use the explanatory scene insertion at the start or end of the show. This makes the story appear completely natural (Bullert 1997). However by inserting a premise of a film within TV reality shows, their shots of POC do not need such explanations associated with it. Generally, filming is accompanied with more focus on technical perspectives such as mount camera on tripod stands in order to give stability to the image captured and depending upon the intention of the director, the capture of imagery in the view finder is commonly briefed own to consist only minimum data (Francke 1996). Apart from this, such POV film aspects, inclusive of unstable quality of image, shaking shots or the camera person breathing sound or hand view, often become the benefit that are most essential to make a reality TV show realistic to viewers.
From this perspective, the POV shot has the ability of using not only subjective but also objective angles. In order to understand their significance, it is essential to consider what is meant by subjective and objective angles (Greven 2014). The objective angle is the most general view seen in a reality TV. This is the external observing person’s point of view. Such an angle allows the audience to obtain a view point to be within the scene as though they were a component of the act and are removed safely. This makes the external observed to be viewed as invisible.
The illusion created is that, audience feel they are pondering over the lives of the characters while the characters cannot view them. This illusion is sustained as far as actors do not look directly at the lens of the camera and speak with it. If actors do this, then audience is no more an external observer viewing the scene from some distance. They are within the scene themselves and are its essential components (Hartley 1996). However, this is not to illustrate there are certain producers of directors that have not done this in order to gain an effect on the viewers.
The subjective view on the other hand, is the view which audience get as if they were looking by the subject’s eyes. This tool helps in giving the audience an illusion that they are characters within the scene and are not simply looking from an external perspective. Being a component of subjective perspective implies the audience do not have the ability of knowing or seeing everything that is occurring within the scene which can lead towards creating mysteries, threats and stress for the viewers (Lebow 2006).
POV shot or point of view shot is used when camera has been positioned in a way that audience can exactly look what the character within the film would see from their perspective. The shot may, however show certain part of the subject or the camera may be placed so that the view of the audience is that they are standing side by side with the subject.
Therefore, it can be said that point of view shot is used to create a sense of reality for the audience especially when used within reality TV shows disregarding whether they are real scenes or not (Roscoe et al 2001).
The reality genre popularity depends upon the video domestication and related technologies that help in capturing unexpected and henceforth provide content with a specific flavor of what is here in the present. Jones, (2003) looked at establishing an interview conducted quantitatively and qualitatively of the fans from Big Broth for determining the way in which these fans negotiated perception of realness within the reality TV programs using POV shots. It was found by here that while narratives of these reality TV shows are famous, the viewers do understand the entire experience artificiality but they incorporate it to their processes to derive pleasure from this genre of media (Nabi et al 2003). From this perspective, it can be said that the use of POV shots only makes the audience feel that the experience is real and whether it is truly or not is a fact that they compromise with.

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Perception is found to influence consumer behaviour it has been found that consumer perceive elements based on the sensory receptors. These sensory receptors for perceiving are the five senses (Hazen et al., 2012). Brands should create positive connotation and vibrations in order to entice the consumers. This means that SEED Company should develop a marketing strategy and deliver results that make the consumers perceive the brand to be of high quality.

Consumers have preconceived notions about brands and product. This is a new brand foraying into UK markets (Kotler et al., 2011). This is based on the precedent set by previous products for the product. Consumers perceive and relate to the brand based on this knowledge.

Retention is again based on the elements that the consumers choose to retain in their minds (McQuarrie, 2014). It is understood that the retention should be about the positives of the brand. The retention about SEED should be how the brand is in coherence with Chinese aesthetic values and cultural heritage. It should be retained that the brand symbolizes Chinese values and culture.

Consumers should be motivated to buy a certain product. Companies use a variety of models in order to connect with the target consumers (McQuarrie, 2014). The proposed model of analysis for SEED Company is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to determine motivation factor for the brand.

Motivation to make the consumers buy a product is essential to sustain. Maslow hierarchy theory states that individuals have basic physical needs. They are food clothing and shelter (Lester, 2013). These aspects are mandatory for survival. Once they have reached this stage, individuals try to form social connections with others. From this individuals want to have self-esteem. This stage is where the individual psyche is considered (Oliver, 2014). Subsequent to reaching this level self-actualization stage develops. In this stage individuals try to reach their transcendent prospective level i.e. they try to find out about he wants of their soul and seek happiness (Bunn & Ellis, 2012). For this product SEED the motivational factors that will be used are the self- esteem and the social connection motivators.

Culture defines social requirements of a brand. When international companies foray into new markets they need to understand the culture dynamics of a place. In this analysis culture of China is analyzed using Hofestede model and this is compared to the UK culture. From this insights and recommendations are generated.

留学生论文写作提升,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且硕士论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



首先确定好assignment题目,安排好Abstract、Introduction、Body、Introduction方面的内容。在Abstract方面,字数为assignment的10-15%,例如,一篇文章要求2000字,那么abstract一般写200-300字, 除非特殊要求。Abstract的目的是让导师知道assignment写了些什么,所以Abstract的开头要用1-2句自己的语言总结并解释文章的题目,简单来说就是用自己的话把文章的题目写一遍。




在明确assignment以上几个方面的内容后,还有很重要的一点就是,文章内容一定要写的有逻辑性有条理性。框架有了,大的顺序应该错不了。可是内部的话语也一定要有顺序。最后查稿,一定要仔细审查下,看看前后两句话之间到底有没有逻辑性,或者省略掉了什么东西让别人看不懂,没任何问题后,一篇完美的assignment论文作业就完成 了。

如果中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构有认真负责的写手老师,可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供美国代写、report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用与美国各大高校同样权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!