

In its most unprocessed form, it bears a cheery-like red fruit when it is ripe. The coffee bean is found in the centre. The modern version of roasted coffee that we drink nowadays was originated in Arabia. Then it changed forms, brewing methods and roasting techniques. It is the result of hundreds of years of evolution that we can now enjoy coffee in a variety of different forms. There have been various studies and researches around coffee and some studies claim that increased consumption of coffee leads to a longer life span. Although there are has not been any scientific evidence for this fact. There are also studies that claim coffee to be bad for health as well. Although recommending too much coffee has never been on the list of health experts and dieticians, however, no long-term harm has actually been caused by having coffee (Goldstein and Kaizer, 1969).

Although these studies have a good reason to believe the fact that drinking more coffee leads to a higher life expectancy, however, there are various studies that suggest otherwise as well. Besides, there are many factors that have not been considered in these studies which are essential to consider when proving that drinking more coffee leads to a higher life expectancy. For instance, factors such as coffee drinkers who are wealthier or healthier than non-coffee drinkers have not been considered. These two factors are extremely essential and have a significant impact on predicting the life span of an individual. In addition, the components present in coffee which lead to higher life expectancy have also not been discovered yet. Researchers suggest that it is not the caffeine present in coffee which leads to higher life expectancy because the positive results of coffee increasing life expectancy was also exhibited by people in the study who has decaf coffee during the experiments. Thus, there is no scientific evidence of the substance found in coffee that leads to higher life expectancy and until that substance is discovered, the study results will always be debatable (Johansson et al., 1992).
Hence, although there are various studies that encourage drinking more coffee, however, these studies need to take more factors into consideration to make a more accurate conclusion and prediction. This is because until all the factors related to this are taken into consideration, the study will never be able to gain base in the world of research and experiment backed by sufficient proof of evidence. Until all the factors are considered and taken into study, a comprehensive judgement of the consumption of coffee increasing life expectancy will always be debatable. Until all the factors related to the research are not taken into consideration, the results will never be proved, however strong the study may be or however large the research group might be. Until then, Kaldi, the goat herder’s discovery of the red fruit and its effects on human body will always be a story of mystery and lore. To bring the story into light and give it the title of a study, a comprehensive assessment is absolutely necessary. Thus, our topic of study – ‘Coffee makes you live longer’ is still debatable. Although it is gaining grounds through various studies conducted across the world on different populations and varied experiment groups, it still lacks scientific evidence and proof of fact. Researchers need to consider a lot more factors in this respect to create a comprehensive study and be able to predict accurately the correlation between drinking coffee and life expectancy. Studies have also suggested that too much coffee is detrimental for health. Thus to determine the appropriate amount of consumption is also a task that researchers need to take up carefully before they can accurately predict that drinking more coffee makes one live longer (Linsted et al., 1992).

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美国代写论文-美国提高智能家居的原因分析。美国家庭在能源消耗方面缺乏效率。美国家庭节能记录显示,美国人每年在能源上的支出至少为2410亿美元。家庭节能记录是政府为促进全球能源效率而提供的在线资源。这平均每年为每个家庭带来2100美元的收入。智能家居是一种基本的方法,通过减少常见的人为错误节省能源账单(Bhati et al., 2017)。这样的错误,如不断地开着空调或开着灯,最终会使能源账单膨胀。未来,智能家居将为消除幽灵能源(如吸血电源、备用电源和空闲电流)提供空间。这种电力已占家庭用电的10%。这些问题被智能家居消除了,节省了能源开支。

American homes lack inefficiency in regards to the consumption of energy. As per the records of Home Energy Saver, which is an online resource of government for the promotion of global energy efficiency, American population send at least 241 billion dollars on energy annually. This brings down an average of 2,100 dollars for every household on annual basis. Smart home is a basic approach of saving energy bill by cutting off common mistakes out of human error (Bhati et al., 2017). Such mistakes like continuously running the AC or leaving on the lights, it ends up inflating the bills of energy. Further ahead, smart homes provide scope for the elimination of phantom energy such as vampire power, standby power and idle currents. This power has been accounted for 10 per cent of electrical use in households. These issues are eliminated by smart homes and energy bills are saved.
Smart homes hold the tendency of improving housing efficiency. This is possible due to the utilization of home controller for integrating several systems of automation to altogether control the devices (Wilson et al., 2015). Integrating home systems helps communication with each other by the support of home controller. This provides scope of voice control and single button for several home systems in operating modes or pre- programmed scenarios in a simultaneous manner. Smart homes have the ability supported by a central nervous system for sensing and analysing every system and appliance as per the required adjustment.
In the years to come, massive elements such as roofs and walls will be pouring out of autoclaved porous concrete, an aerated lightweight product with excellent insulating properties and great strength. Further ahead, smart homes provide scope of sophisticated cooling and heating systems for monitoring current forecasts of weather for ensuring comfortable conditions (Bhati et al., 2017). Fluids for heat transportation consist of nano-size particles for heat absorption while moving across the tube of roof deck. This will further allow the transportation of waste heat in a certain heat exchanger.
Improved panels of photovoltaic roof will provide sufficient efficiency for powering various circuits to feed the vast number of electronics in the house. There will be a strong support from Windows as well due to the development of transparent PV films for direct application on the glass windows. However, it is worth noting that social trends will be ultimately dictating the overall plan to construct homes and live in them. The industry seems to respond to this trend positively.

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构有认真负责的写手老师,可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供美国代写、report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用与美国各大高校同样权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!美国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台分享的所有论文范文,未经转载,不得私自转发或专用,如有发现,我们网站平台将会追责一切法律责任,望留学生们谅解!


論文代寫價格-《環境影響評估條例》的案例分析。CEIC根據第14(3)條有權暫停或取消環境許可證。如果CEIC發現繼續為一個項目提供環境許可證可能導致對環境的福利,例如人民、動植物,產生更有害的狀況,則可以取消這種做法。與第一次頒發環境許可證時的原始狀態相比,必須證明一種更加偏見的立場。在這種背景下,上訴法院的法官表示,由於以下原因,必須更有目的性地構建更具偏見性的詞語(Bruun, 2013)。法官所指的更有目的性的使用,是指該詞必須在《環境影響評估條例》的範圍內使用,而不應簡單地指環境影響評估委員會有權簡單地取消環境許可證,因為與頒發許可證時相比,現在的動物數量更多。在更有偏見的立場下取消環境許可證的權力是一項非常重要的權力,在適當的時候不能濫用這項權力。在非常節約的狀態下使用這種權力是必要的。

Flora and fauna are as such very collective terms, so dismissing of a permit cannot just take place based on this, it was necessary for there to be proper assessment done to check if the increase in these collective concepts indeed changes a pre-existing assessment drastically reeling that the ‘more prejudicial’ standpoint is met. It is necessary to have adequate proof to show that relevant flora and fauna are affected so adversely so as to cancel permit immediately.

Why was the Director of EPD’s decision found not to have been Wednesbury unreasonable?
Wednesbury unreasonableness is identified as the criteria that are required for the assessment of an application in the context of a judicial review (Rivers, 2006). This is usually required when the court is going to make a decision that would have an impact on the public. Now according to this, doctrine called the Wednesbury unreasonableness, some decision or statement could be called as Wednesbury unreasonable. For the decision to be called as such it had to be so irrational or unreasonable that any other reasonable and sane person whose actions are also reasonable would not make this decision. The reasonableness test was established in the Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd v Wednesbury Corporation (1948) 1 KB 223 and has been applied in such contexts. Now the applicant has alleged that the Director Decision was Wednesbury unreasonable because some of the statements were seen to be highly misleading or had inadequate information presented in it.
The Judge held that the Wednesbury unreasonableness criteria cannot be held for the director. It was stated that the director could not assume that the habitat would have spotted seahorses in large numbers just because the place has a few seahorses. Thus, it would be a reasonable assumption to understand that Plover Cove where the seahorses were spotted, which need not necessarily mean that there is a significant population. Given this context, it could be held that director was not quite unreadable to consider that the statement was misleading. He could not be Wednesbury unreasonable as he cannot consider the presence of one or two of the seahorses as a large ecological impact assessment. Any reasonable person with a reasonable form of thinking would not assume, one or two sightings would mean there is a significant population. Therefore, the judge rejected the claim made that the director of the Environmental protection department was Wednesbury unreasonable
Why did the Appeal Court rule the CE’s decision in Council was not illegal?
The CE’s decision in council is not illegal. This is because the contention made by the applicant that the CE had failed to assess for whether there were changes impact to flora and fauna that were being more prejudicial could not be proven. Additionally, the CEIC has worked under the guidance and information as provided from different contexts. Material that were presented by the EIA, the EP and the AFCD surveys were all included in decision making, hence the CE decision making had a proper interpretation of the ‘more prejudicial’ undertaking. Since they were following the rules, the CE action hence was not illegal.

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美国论文代写-广告对社交网站的影响。本次作业所选取的案例研究主要关注广告对社交网站的影响。通过对案例研究的深入分析,可以看出本文的研究人员将重点放在了实验研究设计上。实验中,约118名学生随机访问4个Facebook个人资料,这些资料由该组织的知名和不知名教授秘密处理和组织(Stichler, 2016)。从研究的假设构建中可以看出,研究者选择了合适的实验研究设计。下面将讨论实验研究设计的优缺点。

Strengths: The major strength enjoyed by Experimental research design is that it allows researchers to easily design and develop casual conclusions, analysis of various factors that can help to create a change in the outcome of the result and also assists in generating innovations and treatments in the final result of the research. Experimental research design also insists users take full control of all the extraneous variables that exist within the research methodology. Compared to other research designs, the process of Experimental research design as compared to other research design is simple, efficient and straightforward in nature which in-turn allows researchers to easily implement in various research disciplines
Weakness: The major weakness faced by researchers while using Experimental research design is that it often develops artificial situations in the business which is totally in contrast with the original situation of the research (Wang, 2013). Moreover, due to the development of artificial situations occurring in the business, it becomes impossible for the researcher to acquire an appropriate reaction of the test subjects of the research.
It can be easily said that the weaknesses of Experimental research design definitely play a significant role in affecting the result of the research as it fails to identify the actual reaction of the research.

The researcher has used the Likert 6-point scale measure to analyse the data collected. The data collected has been used to judge the attitudes and behavioural intentions of the users based on user-generated content on social media. The purchase intention was measured using the Likert 6-point scale and the intention to recommend the product to the friend was assessed through the use of the single item as mentioned in the study by Bergkvist & Rossiter (2007). On the other hand, the measurement of the social identification, interpersonal or collective identification was conducted on the basis of the previous studies and literature that have explored the social influence and social identification in their research. To test the defined four hypotheses, the researcher had used the MANCOVA test. The results of the test are that H2, H4a, and H4b were supported while H1 could not be supported and H3 could not be tested. However, the researcher had appropriately conducted the analysis of the results using the MANCOVA method rather than the simple MANOVA method (Gunderman & Chan, 2013). This is because through the use of the MANCOVA method the noise or error term initiated by the covariant could be eliminated. Another advantage of using the MANCOVA for data interpretation and analysis is that the characterization of the differences in a group would help in controlling the covariates.

The findings of the research match partially with the data. This is because part of the result depicts a significant impact of the collective influence of the online advertising around user generated content. On the other hand, the interpersonal influence does not have any significant impact on the online advertising around user generated content. Considering the hypothesis testing, the data could not be assessed for the testing of H3 while H1 testing could not be supported. The findings could not be in compliance with the data because of the emergence of bias in the sample. Although the researcher, prior to the commencement of the data analysis had eliminated participants who have been engaged in the advertised product before but about one-third of the participants or sample also had prior knowledge of the product. This problem had created a particular attitude towards the product and has significantly affected the findings of the study.
Conclusions that were drawn could partially legitimate the findings as the researcher had faced difficulty in enhancing the attitudes of the participants during the experiment. Consequently, based on the conclusion drawn, the researcher have successfully applied and supported the analysis from the side of the group influence (Statistics, 2017). However, the sample size had been little or moderate for the data analysis using MANCOVA and so the findings were obscure and partially supported the conclusion drawn. The researchers have concluded that the analysis of the online advertising around user-generated content (UGC) and the intention, attitudes, and behaviours of the participants is not limited to the Facebook community and is prevalent in almost all social media sites. Therefore, in order to strengthen the research and draw an effective conclusion, the researcher could have disseminated primary research in other social media platforms like Twitter, YouTube and Instagram etc.

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构有认真负责的写手老师,可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供美国代写、report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用与美国各大高校同样权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!美国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台分享的所有论文范文,未经转载,不得私自转发或专用,如有发现,我们网站平台将会追责一切法律责任,望留学生们谅解!



The communication barriers consisting of different communication styles primarily took place as the power distance of United States is identified to be in the middle range but at the same time there is very high power distance across China. This prevented the Chinese employees to approach the leaders of US openly and assertively when they did not get any chance of exchanging communication across the conference calls. However, due to medium power distance, the US members believed that the Chinese colleagues will promptly ask them anything that they deem essential. The analysis of individualism vs. collectivism indicated that while the members of United States were working individually, the Chinese members were continually working in a collective manner. This further required increased amount of patience from the US members during the conversations as reaching an end result for the Chinese members takes relatively more time.
Furthermore, the employees of Lenovo were very task oriented whereas the IBM members were not due to which the commitments towards the tasks were often found to be breached to the inefficiency from the IBM members. This can be identified through the high uncertainty avoidance scores of US and low scores of China that resulted in the mismanagement of the tasks.
The analysis indicates that the primary difference is that while the culture of United States is individualist, the culture of China is collectivist. Therefore, when the official language was changed from Chinese to English the technical engineers experienced the major difficulties with the project development. Furthermore, the strong resistance to change was developed by the Japanese members of IBM. The masculine culture of IBM has been identified to have this effect on the members of Japan since they share high levels of masculinity, and the ownership of Chinese was viewed to be threatening to Japanese workforce.
Moreover, the difference towards the work motivation was experienced as the high long term orientation was found to be present across the Chinese members, but at the same time, this was quite low across the American members. Hence, when a collaborative project developed, the American members of IBM were not able to meet the rigid timelines and the negative perceptions towards the counter part were developed by the Chinese members. This had developed high level of stress among the Chinese colleagues since the Chinese society is regarded to have low tolerance for the uncertainty avoidance. The tight deadlines and agendas limit the long term orientation of the Chinese due to which the factor of autonomy was reduced with the hold of IBM.
The combination of the Trompenaars’ model and dimensional model indicates the contrasting differences that were essential to be foreseen and mitigated prior to the inclusion of the Chinese workforce within the global workforce.

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代写价格-技术转移的房地产市场化产品。基于技术转移的房地产市场化产品为消费者提供了显著的利益。当小公司缺乏商业化所需的资源时尤其如此。用户受益于开放创新战略。它是一种重要的权利分配机制,使消费者有最大的机会生产出最受消费者重视的适销性产品。价格继续转售,因为他们加速在单一分离的细分市场供应的市场性产品(Lee & Yu, 2011)。专利制度中房地产的目标是在面对这些费用和风险时促进创新。

In marketability products of housing, the venture capital funding is positively related to the probability of commercialization. In real estate, the previous econometric models treat the receipt of additional financing as exogenous. In some circumstances, involving hold-up based on a patent for a minor component, improving trends and prospects could unduly raise prices to consumers and deter rather than promote innovation. The variety and complexity of different factual scenarios caution against development of any assumptions are irreparable harm based on a land and property, real estate or willingness to license. Real estate or property appraisals can raise prices for consumers by depriving them of the benefit of competition among technologies.
Factors impacting upon development financial viability
The perspective of the central purpose of opening up public service provision has been to foster more technical and economic reasoning. There is a program with a high moral mission which is evident in the strengths of Communion governance that underpins property appraisals and notably the discretion to maximize the program values including the unprogrammed activity. Development for financial viability has the legal rationality of impacting the rules consistently in the specific responsibilities of omission, due process and regularity. Factors impacting upon the development of financial viability include political capacity, market development as well as more robust governance along with an enhanced esteem of political organizations. Financial viability is social cohesion and integration. The impacts of financial viability are prominent in collective action empowered through stakeholders’ collective effort. The financial viability is instrumental in reasoning of the means that are chosen in terms of their capacity to realize ends. The levels of satisfaction in the development of financial sustainability have been consistently declining for most of the services. Therefore, it is always important to provide a set of comprehensive services with continuity to ensure enduring commitment to citizens.
Reflective Learning
Development of personal, professional competence
Personal, professional competence in managing technology change involves the exploration of the potential new technology and adaptively responding to the new development of expertise and particularly its impact on social practices. Competencies are bound up with professionalism. There is no space to list all the ways in which each competency can be illustrated that captures the essence of each competency. In the development of personal and professional competence, the people have a perpetual possibility of bringing themselves to a situation of life where it can be operated by removing the complexities of the competence in an appropriate way. In other words, it is the achievement of individual potentiality in a former preconception and seeing the place of others in the formation of real identity. In a good manager, the personal and professional competence is sought rather than a poor one for the development of the community as a team. This can make for an active community for learning. It is interesting how an even higher bar is applied to senior managers and leaders and how the framework is reinforced through the appraisal system. However, the business and professional credibility is increasingly bound up with an ethical approach.

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构有认真负责的写手老师,可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供美国代写、report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用与美国各大高校同样权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!美国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台分享的所有论文范文,未经转载,不得私自转发或专用,如有发现,我们网站平台将会追责一切法律责任,望留学生们谅解!



The major long term threat for budgets and taxpayers in the case is the crisis of pension. The manager of Bell City raked a salary of approximately 800,000 dollars and a total package of compensation worth 1.5 million dollars. These were inclusive of benefits like 28 weeks of sick leave and vacation leave. This ended up placing taxpayers with more than 600,000 dollars on annual basis for the pension of manager. The key argument is placed by public worker that they are not earning this much salary as comparable workers of the private section. Hence, the governments should make up for inequity by greater benefits of pension and increased security on job.

Public has expectations of viewing procedures and policies in effect and the information is expected to be in relation with the accurate governing spending and procedures of Bell. Further ahead, this is an era in which citizens have expectations for increased technological integration across the government.
Hence, availability of data is not the only expectation of the public from Bell, but it also reflects the increased requirement for accessing the overall information. It has been suggested that Bell is expected for consolidating several ethical considerations as one document that can be read easily for ensuring the provisions which are understood by the relevant employees and the officials.
As the public has to be informed with recent and latest updates, it is important to understand the rules responsible for governance of the officials. Clear requirements simplify the compliance for officials, city watchdog and the public for checking out this compliance in the absence of any research and complicated sources.
The governmental authorities start to create a more autonomous power system where the people are targeted. Some people are made the victims to send a message to the community. They try to silence the issues of the people in order to create a newer situation. The government betrays the people by focusing on the smear campaigns. In the district of Cudahy, when the people wanted to run against the council incumbents, they were the targets of the smear campaigns. The governmental authority tries to use the funds for their own benefit (Thompson 226).
They try to use intimidation and fear to control the people and try to secure funds that were only beneficial for governmental individuals. In this schema, the public welfare projects are deterred and progress is halted in these cases (Van Prooijen and van Lange 21). The government makes promises that are not addressed by the people in the societies.
The government creates a system where the people’s needs are not met. They are forced to face the ramification of excessive greed by the people (Treisman 220). Ultimately, these are the ways in which the government betrays the people. They are found to use a number of scare tactics to control the people. These are explained in the following.
There was commencement of action by the Attorney General for recovering illegal and excessive salaries, along with block additional pensions on the basis of unlawful salaries. This was actually putting the city across a specific receivership for the causes of directing the city and then serving the members of the council. For the duration of 6 months, the City Council formerly was not having a meeting and there could be payment of bills by irregular procedures.
Apart from defending against more than 70 million dollars in claims of liability, the City was in need of spearheading the unprecedented effort for recovering from the losses incurred by the City during the scandal of corruption.

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美国教育学论文代写哪家好?在这里为留学生们推荐美国高阶论文代写AdvancedThesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且硕士论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!


要有效地提供服务,就需要深入客户的内心,体验客户需求的需求方式。在服务性能度量的情况下,必须同时包含这两种度量。公司需要开发一个清晰的范例,并且在度量组织的需求方面具有竞争优势。服务公司需要研究有形的和内在的因素(Brady et al., 2001)。大多数研究工作指出,公司需要在宏观因素环境因素以及公司面临的具体问题在每个情况下,但正如约翰斯顿&克拉克(2008)国家有必要移动客户关系的最佳状态尊重他们的意见为了成为真正成功的服务行业,良好的代写论文-服务性能测量是第一步。

To be effective in service provision there is a need to get into the minds of the customers to experience the ways the customer requirements are needed. In the cases of service performance measurement, it is mandatory to include both measurements. The companies need to develop a paradigm that is clear and also have a competitive advantage in measuring the needs of the organization. The service companies need to look into the tangible and the intrinsic factors (Brady et al., 2001). Most research work states that companies need to factors in the macro environmental factors and also the specific issues that the companies face in each situation, but as Johnston & Clark, (2008) state it is necessary to move customer relationship to a top form by respecting their opinions in order to be really successful in the services industry. A decent service performance measurement is the first step here.
Now according to the bow tie relationship, a traditional contact where the customer input feedback in performance measurement is not given much consideration would result in lessening customer loyalty. These contacts are broken easily. However, in the diamond relationship there is more interaction and the contacts are tough to break. Researchers states that companies need to monitor and maintain the control over the situation. In this process, they need to bench mark the process. The external benchmarks enabled the companies need to consider the costs per unit of information processed and also consider the service offering when compared to the other companies. The companies need to factor in the internal benchmark. These internal benchmarks are found to have the best practice to achieve the results. The companies can have the access to all the information. In this process, the companies can understand the nuances of the process (Brady et al., 2002; Stank, et al., 1999). This is necessary for Chipotle as the qualitative interviews indicate that customers are smart and understand these nuances of the feedback and performance measurement system. For instance, one of the participant who was also a hospitality major herself. She believed that Chipotle like many other fast food chains confuse performance and environmental trends and variations. These are two different things. Environmental variations and trends must be used to create and innovate product and services, and on the other hand performance measurement and assessments must be used to improve product and services. So, Chipotle has to be transparent in their feedback and service performance measurement implementation to win over customer trust. Overall all participants seemed to agree that service performance measurement techniques exist in Chipotle, but three out of five believe they were lacking and had to be improved to be in par with competing restaurants.

留学生论文写作提升,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且硕士论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!




These include economist factoring of the theory. However, there are inconsistent results that show the impact of the school resources of the student’s performances. The education production function includes a number of tangible and intangible factors that determine the average student’s success. Nevertheless, owing to the intricate factors that are in contention, it is often difficult to measure the education production function. These involved the academic study of class size and achievement of the students.
From this the education production function of the student and University can be calculated from the formula
A = f (R, SC, P)
Where A= Academic Achievement in a time period
R= school resources
SC= Student Characteristics
P = Characterization of the peer group.
A number of intangible outcome variables can be added to measure the production function. Nevertheless, in this section, the measure of the student’s commercial success in the career has been detailed. This reduces the number of intangible factors and helps focus on the ways there can be improvement. The educational production function is not an absolute function. There is room for flaws. However, it also enables in the streamlining of the education system and in the identification of the tangible gaps that can occur in the process. Owing to this, the education production functions for these two universities are calculated. It is difficult to discuss these issues in absolute terms given the intangibles and complexities that are involved in measuring commercial success of the students after their graduation. The knowledge that is gained in the process and the application of the knowledge in their respective domain is difficult to quantify. However, this process would enable in the development of broad recommendations. It is for this reason that this particular function has been used in this research. Besides, the data that is used for the analysis plays an important role in the understanding the reasons behind the outcomes of the students at each institution. The education production system in this case would be the students who had completed their education and obtained their degrees. These alumni are facing the real-life challenges and they need to tackle it with the knowledge and marks that they had obtained from the colleges.

The LNU is ranked 118th and NEU is ranked 48th in the top institutions of China. They are operating in similar geographical area and have access to the same resources. China has also seen exponential growth in the current times. These two universities are publicly funded universities. The private institutions are found to have a practice-oriented approach.
These two universities are found to have multi-level funding. They gain many sources of funding. The public university such as LNU and NEU are government funded through the tuition fees. These fees are, in general, more affordable than the private counterparts. There are three levels of governance for funding in the case of China. These occur at the national, provincial and local level. . The local education authorities also supervise universities in China. Both these university have successful alumni who make considerable contributions. These private funding also improved the resources that are allocated.
One of the important factors that are used for the deciphering of the quality of education is education production functions.

留学生论文写作提升,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且硕士论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!