

美国代写论文-美国提高智能家居的原因分析。美国家庭在能源消耗方面缺乏效率。美国家庭节能记录显示,美国人每年在能源上的支出至少为2410亿美元。家庭节能记录是政府为促进全球能源效率而提供的在线资源。这平均每年为每个家庭带来2100美元的收入。智能家居是一种基本的方法,通过减少常见的人为错误节省能源账单(Bhati et al., 2017)。这样的错误,如不断地开着空调或开着灯,最终会使能源账单膨胀。未来,智能家居将为消除幽灵能源(如吸血电源、备用电源和空闲电流)提供空间。这种电力已占家庭用电的10%。这些问题被智能家居消除了,节省了能源开支。

American homes lack inefficiency in regards to the consumption of energy. As per the records of Home Energy Saver, which is an online resource of government for the promotion of global energy efficiency, American population send at least 241 billion dollars on energy annually. This brings down an average of 2,100 dollars for every household on annual basis. Smart home is a basic approach of saving energy bill by cutting off common mistakes out of human error (Bhati et al., 2017). Such mistakes like continuously running the AC or leaving on the lights, it ends up inflating the bills of energy. Further ahead, smart homes provide scope for the elimination of phantom energy such as vampire power, standby power and idle currents. This power has been accounted for 10 per cent of electrical use in households. These issues are eliminated by smart homes and energy bills are saved.
Smart homes hold the tendency of improving housing efficiency. This is possible due to the utilization of home controller for integrating several systems of automation to altogether control the devices (Wilson et al., 2015). Integrating home systems helps communication with each other by the support of home controller. This provides scope of voice control and single button for several home systems in operating modes or pre- programmed scenarios in a simultaneous manner. Smart homes have the ability supported by a central nervous system for sensing and analysing every system and appliance as per the required adjustment.
In the years to come, massive elements such as roofs and walls will be pouring out of autoclaved porous concrete, an aerated lightweight product with excellent insulating properties and great strength. Further ahead, smart homes provide scope of sophisticated cooling and heating systems for monitoring current forecasts of weather for ensuring comfortable conditions (Bhati et al., 2017). Fluids for heat transportation consist of nano-size particles for heat absorption while moving across the tube of roof deck. This will further allow the transportation of waste heat in a certain heat exchanger.
Improved panels of photovoltaic roof will provide sufficient efficiency for powering various circuits to feed the vast number of electronics in the house. There will be a strong support from Windows as well due to the development of transparent PV films for direct application on the glass windows. However, it is worth noting that social trends will be ultimately dictating the overall plan to construct homes and live in them. The industry seems to respond to this trend positively.

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