

This analysis is done in the musical genre of Hip hop which is by convention dominated by the black males. The women who are trying to establish their niche in the field are often considered as feminist and called by various names in various countries across the world. As Sweden is a gender equal country with mutual respect for everyone, it has been suitably studied with respect to the expression of music belonging to Hip hop genre. The quality of life of females and their challenges have been appropriately noted.

Although barriers are concerned, there happens to be few ones as far as the participation of women in the contemporary Sweden is concerned. However, researchers working in the field of gender bias have highlighted a persistent presence of gender inequality to be highly prevalent in various categories or classes of music. Sweden was chosen by the researcher since little or no conclusive data is available in this field and also due to the fact that this country accommodates everyone irrespective of caste and ethnicity.
Let us consider the scenario of rock music where researchers have identified the position or presence of women as extras. If the electronic dance and music is considered, the existing structure does not have any room for feminist or their competence. These can be considered to be categories which are dominated by males and are exclusive in nature. The presence of females is simply not common or accepted. Irrespective of the different categories which are adopted by the womenfolk to be able to remain a part of the group, there is high risk with regard to facing a situation where the competence of the females is questioned.
The present researcher has identified a number of projects which work towards empowerment of the girls so that they can participate in the field of music. Other researchers have identified a dilemma of invisibility in spite of having the requisite talent, as it is more of bitching in this male dominated world. The females have to either consider music as masculine and thereby hiding behind the curtain and maintaining invisibility or look for alternatives so that they can challenge the explicit nature of the same and thereby being called upon by various unparliamentarily names. She has to adjust in such circumstances in order to establish her position and status. The women and non-white people are thus considered as invaders in this field. Even the media tends to frame them as hip hop feminist who are predominantly non-white females with a racial discrimination, trying to claim a position in this other masculine and men dominated black sexist circle.

中國留學生英語論文不會寫,可以找美國論文代寫Advanced Thesis平臺機構,美國論文代寫Advanced Thesis平臺機構有認真負責的寫手老師,可以解決中國留學生的論文寫作難題,保證論文原創,為留學生提供美國代寫、report代寫、essay代寫、assignment代寫等論文服務,並使用與美國各大高校同樣權威的抄襲檢測系統,讓留學生們輕松應對論文寫作並創作出專屬個人的優秀論文!美國論文代寫Advanced Thesis網站平臺分享的所有論文範文,未經轉載,不得私自轉發或專用,如有發現,我們網站平臺將會追責一切法律責任,望留學生們諒解!



The initiative of strengthening the internal bonding among employees and workers is doubtlessly the single more ingredient of advancing social and human outcomes. This when added with the spiritual practice involvement is what separates it from other hospitals. A healthcare system exists for servicing a class that is deprived of basic benefits of preventive and curative medicine, which is not availed free of cost. The primary idea is to strengthen the core which is the bonding between employees this case (Thompson 2005, pp. 105). This is strengthened by providing joined training to employees, teaching them about the value of spiritual practice with patients, which certainly helps in escalating their belief and thus medication could become more effective. Health care provision is a measure of social progress, and when it reaches a level where it treats all patients with equal eyes and law, even natural differences get diluted and there is great progress to attain social equality. Human outcomes are measured by the satisfaction that is embedded in the employees about working together and even continuing to work at the hospital when the pay is less than others (Cherian and Jacob 2012, pp. 118). These outcomes define the way a hospital prepares to establish social equality and positive human outcomes.
There may be conflict with some patient’s reception of spiritual doctrines and beliefs, but this is handled with the freedom granted to patients about accepting spiritual beliefs or not. The attempt of the hospital is more holistic and has shown more progress from it, where patients feel comfortable and better, irrespective of the intensity of their pain. Giving spiritual discourse to patients and helping them to say strong about their diseases is a unique way of developing a holistic healthcare delivery system (Lachman 2006, pp. 213). The benefits outweigh the shortfalls, as the strengthening of ties between employees and patients is a sign of tremendous social equality and moving to deliver socially aligned human outcomes.
The attempts of the hospital are aligned with the social demands of quality and working to deliver positive human outcomes. The primary contention is to deliver good outcomes that align with or are identical with humanity norms, and the hospital is practicing in a manner that produces a lot of good outcomes which are not visibly seen in contemporary healthcare systems of developed nations (Boyle et al. 2004, pp. 157). A hospital’s primary service is to render healthcare service that is affordable, which makes all patients opt for a treatment, and strives to deliver the results expected by the patient. The hospital precisely does the same, and is not compromised to cut short its service quality. This is made possible by its ability to align employee interest, build a community of strong faith, and bond and render perfect holistic service to patients through quality service and good behaviour of its employees.

留學生論文寫作提升,可以找美國論文代寫Advanced Thesis平臺機構,美國論文代寫Advanced Thesis平臺機構經過多年的經營與磨礪,已經發展成為一家專業的美國論文代寫平臺機構,而且碩士論文代寫價格公平合理,擅長寫作科目廣泛,有碩士論文代寫、美國代寫、essay代寫、assignment代寫等論文服務,良好的口碑和信譽、豐富的論文代寫經驗值得留學生選擇和信賴!


美国代写-会计概念表SAC4的框架模式。会计透明度是合法和合乎道德的报告做法的基石之一。会计实践必须减少错误信息和误导的机会和故意扭曲。当会计报告清楚时,账簿是干净的,组织仍然建立在道德实践的基础上。通过故意干预和隐瞒正确信息误导真实信息,一直是一个难以消除的恶意黑点。当风险越来越大,收益越来越高时,影响是巨大的。会计概念表4 (SAC4)的提出要求所有帐户管理员和所得税申报者遵守报告所有资产、负债、收入、支出、权益、确认收入和支出的概念框架,这些资产、负债、收入和支出已得到平淡或有些抵触的反应。负责任的组织没有遵守各自的规则。尽管政府采取措施和建议避免误导活动,情况还是恶化了。本文对SAC4由于企业的广泛游说而失败的说法进行了评论。剩下的最好工作应该是使现行做法合法化,抵制任何试图实施会计设置做法的公共部门。

Businesses never wanted to change or to embrace new standards, which would require them lose their inhibitions and become more transparent. That would simply mean losing the game and forcefully having to declare the information that would be otherwise held to evaluate personal gains. The very reason lobbying exists now is to suppress all motivation of establishing fairness in accounting practices, as accounts speaks more than actual work (Worret 2014, p. 34). Unfortunately, this practice of valuing a company solely on the basis of accounting remains and reflection is obsolete and out of focus. It misses the actual and real reason for the progress of a business, which are the passionate management and their transparent intention to become honest and benchmark new stage of integrity. The government is not exonerated from this situation, because it was the first to promote lobbying practice as a facilitator of addressing public interest and in the process fulfil private interest together. All laws were originally made for advancing larger public interests. Social equality matters more than individual gains. When the same laws are misused, they are to be squashed immediately. The squashing of the new accounting proposals of the government is prominent; therefore, the squashing of self-interest lobbying efforts should also take place. If governance is about social equality and pushing the economy towards conditions of equality and minimising income inequality, then lobbying which is about advancing self-interest and ignoring its primary intent of a wider society influence should be abandoned.
The distribution of justice is at the core when legislations meant for provisioning humanity with a better mode of living and the same legislations are misused or abused for gains otherwise. The suggestive mode of practice put forward by SAC4 framework is the alignment of Australian accounting standards with international standards. There are, however, no signs of substantive progress owing to the strength of the lobbying group and their ability to influence policies for their own economic well-being. Although Australian accounting is legislatively supported and regulated, companies still possess a choice to recognise as assets and liability (Henderson et al. 2014, p. 168). This availability of choice kills the intent of uniformity the SAC4 seeks. When companies are given choices about their freedom and flexibility in choosing the areas of assets, liability, expenses, revenues, debt, etc., the inclination to choose what safeguards the companies’ interests would be high. Thus, the laws governing accounting standards contradict with the laws governing shareholder protection. This unfolds the flaws in the Australian legal frameworks and the constitution itself. Proper information about laws which precedes others and their applicability in cases where ethical dilemma arises is an essential part of reforms.

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美国论文代写价格-体育品牌营销的差别。一个品牌被认为是一个可见的标志,它展示了一个产品是独特的和不同于竞争对手的方式。品牌最重要的部分是创造无形的理念和价值,球迷与品牌相联系。人们会把一些无形的特征与品牌联系起来。社会上存在着独立品牌、正宗品牌、奇葩品牌和某些反建制品牌。在当今社会,数以百万计的人在某种程度上要么是观众,要么是参与者。这些运动被发现在成功和受欢迎程度上是相同的。每个国家都有自己的体育偏好(Robinson, 2007)。每个国家在对待体育的方式上都有一些被普遍接受的方式。全球化的到来使得具有国际经验的公司能够在特定的市场中以不同的表面方式进行联系。这为一些运动创造了世界观众。在这个系统中,某些公司能够与人联系。某些体育机构或品牌所面临的问题,积极品牌的努力。体育的全球化和一些体育项目融入世界文化,创造了这种范式。

In modern times, the companies sell services to the consumer directly through the online portals. This process is that the companies try to sell the products and the services directly to the consumers. This process of cutting down the middle men in the e-commerce transactions is known as disintermediation. The notion is reinter mediation used as nuanced ways to foster the existing supply chain. The near-ubiquity of the Internet enables the companies to cut down the middle men and reach out the consumers. These increase the audience participations and also bring in more revenue for the company. The disintermediation process can be defined as the process that has special implications in the sports marketing arena (Bairner, 2001). The sports organization is found to connect directly with the consumers. These enable people to have direct contact with the consumers. There is development of the patronage for the brand that is formed these ideologies. The people are found to face nuanced implications that stems from the development of the disintermediation process. To connect with the consumers the companies use the technique of soft power. This is specifically true in the case of the mega events. These are explored in the following.
Soft power
Soft power can be defined as the concept that is used to attract the consumer by using the persuasion and innate attraction of the brand. The defining feature of the soft power is that they are non-coercive. The currency of the soft power is the values of culture, foreign policy and the political values of the system. This is used for the development of consumer base. This is different from the use of hard power. In this, people are forced to make a choice about their individual choices. This is used for the development of the public opinion through different channels (Wong and Trumper, 2002). Hence, the companies use the technique of creating appeal and demand for the brand in order to develop the consumer base for the products. There is no coercion of making people choose a particular brand or product. This principle is used for the brand development for the patronage for the events. In the case of the events, they can be classified into mega events and regional events. The mega events are the events that have consumer and audience patronage across the system. In case of regional events, it is found to have consumer patronage within the specified geographical location.

A brand is considered to be a visible symbol that is showcase the ways in which a product is unique and different from the competitors. The most important part of the brand is the creation of the intangible ideas and values that the fans associate with the brand. There are intangible characteristics that people associate with the brand. The independent brand, authentic brands, outlandish brands and certain anti-establishment brands exist in the society. In the current society, millions of people are either spectators or participants in some way. These sports are found to be in the same level of success and the popularity. Each country has its own predilection” sport (Robinson, 2007). Each country has certain commonly-accepted ways by how they approach sports. The advent of the globalization has caused the companies with international experience to be able to connect with different superficial ways in specific markets. This has created a world audience for some sports. In this system, certain companies are able to connect with people. Certain sports establishments or brands face the issue of positive branding of the efforts. The globalization of the sports and infusion of some sports into the world culture has created this paradigm.

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美国会计学论文代写-Vintage Fashion时尚在社会中的作用

美国会计学论文代写-Vintage Fashion时尚在社会中的作用。今天,许多人已经在服装上使用了vintage fashion。在现代使用过时或过时的衣服。Vintage始于20世纪70年代,当时艺术和服装在20世纪20年代和50年代复苏。从过去的几个时代开始,大量的年轻人开始穿衣服,不仅是为了时尚,也是为了更好地延续时间,也是为了表达对当下的政治观点(希勒2013)。随着时间的推移,“retro”和“vintage”这两个词已经有了区别。Vintage是利用旧时尚吸引现代时尚,retro是利用与现代文化表达不一致的服饰。Vintage最终成为时尚的重要组成部分,因为它有助于为佩戴者创造身份认同感。vintage fashion的吸引力在于允许普通个体将个性表达为一种感觉,同时保持美学对现代文化的吸引力(Petrizzi 2014)。然而,消费者文化已经注意到对vintage fashion感兴趣的增加,因此产生了一种以vintage fashion为主流灵感的潮流创作。说服年轻人接受vintage fashion有助于提供更多的机会来理解当代的文化和消费框架,因为这种做法以真实性为导向,存在个体选择。

The aim of this essay lies in assessing who purchases vintage fashion, and evaluating the key reasons behind these purchases. Referring to a number of academic researches on vintage fashion, this essay will be serving the purpose for drafting key points of conclusion.
Vintage clothing provides a reflection of idea to be fashionable. Fashion involves the requirement of knowledge and creativity related to aesthetic when an outfit is pieced together and personal style is created. Fashion also provides a representation of cultural values and ideals about the time. By combining fashions from several periods, there is a creation of outfit such that cultural expressions are represented while there is maintenance of idea and aesthetic as significant to present time (Fırat 2013). In modern fashion, vintage has been identified as a progression allowing the wearer for reminiscing the previous while delivering innovation to re-evaluate its significance in the owners of vintage wear. The use of vintage style and clothing does not tend to hinder the progression of fashion, but instead it has been allowing enhanced creativity of fashion trends that were in existence previously.
Women are said to be having more proneness to feelings of nostalgia in comparison with men. Also, in contradiction to the expectations, young adults have more proneness to feelings of nostalgia in comparison with older adults. In addition to this, it has been identified that individuals of all age groups tend to be experiencing emotions of nostalgia. Genuine and authentic objects are said to be involving major effectiveness to evoke feeling of nostalgia as the memory is attached with the real thing (Van-de-Peer 2014). Fake or unauthentic objects may tend to be eliciting brief moments regarding nostalgia, but not in context with richer moments from the past.
In addition to this factor, the need of customers for uniqueness has been referred to as a significant trait to persuade differentness in relation with the others by the disposition, utilization and acquisition of consumer product with the key purpose to develop and enhance one’s self image and social image (Bridger 2011). As in this case, there is huge significance of this factor for the utilization of vintage fashion. The need for expressing uniqueness among persons within a social setting can be identified by the level of uniqueness perceived by self in comparison with other groups of individuals.
In a research on contemporary and vintage clothing consumption, individuality has been identified as the key reasons to wear vintage clothing (Caldwell 2007). As per respondents of this study, vintage clothing has been identified as a better source to distinguish themselves and to improve personal uniqueness, in comparison with mainstream fashion.

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构有认真负责的写手老师,可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供美国代写、report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用与美国各大高校同样权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!美国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台分享的所有论文范文,未经转载,不得私自转发或专用,如有发现,我们网站平台将会追责一切法律责任,望留学生们谅解!



This essay gives an insight on the four major TV network services –Fox, BBC, BT Sport and Netflix in UK. The details about the past performance and how have they evolved over the years. What changes were made by each of the network company to get to the present position of business? All the four companies have performed so well in their respective regions due to the combination of skilled labour, collaboration with government and private companies, innovation in technology, hiring suppliers who can fulfil all the needs of the business and managing the change in regulation and license parameters. Fox, BBC, BT Sport and Netflix have also been affected by external and internal factors in shaping up the business where they are today.
Innovation is related to new ideas which are unique to the business in order to achieve the objectives set. Fox, BBC, BT Sport and Netflix are making used of skilled people and processes to bring about innovation in their business. All this is done to attract the viewers, who can easily compare between the introductions of new technology to fulfil his demands in shortest possible time. In the case of Netflix, the innovation is in the form of TV apps which inform about the latest improvement and streaming of UHD 4K in video viewing.
PLC (Industry life cycle)
It means that the business decides to produce the quantity of product as per the needs and wants of the customers. The employees get paid with the same profit earned, who go out in the open market and purchase products as per their needs, and hence become customers of other business. When there is unemployment and spending power reduces, the inflation is considered as low. If the spending power increases then the demand will also increase which would lead to higher cost of the products. Thus the companies will earn more profits (Rajegopal, 2013).
BBC, Netflix, BT sport and Fox have very good employee health and safety policy. Their offices are located at places where there are bus or metro services every hour. Also, BBC runs their own buses for picking and dropping of the employees. They take care of the employees and in turn the employee is highly motivated and woks towards achieving the business objectives. All this leads to the increase in the spending power of the staff. Thus, one good business gives the opportunity of growth to other businesses as well.

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美国论文代写-Wolseley的计划变更管理方法。本文选择Wolseley作为研究对象,是为了根据可行性从选项中选择一个合适的策略。无论一个组织有多强大,变更也会扭曲成功组织的运作。因此,变更管理是必不可少的(Lynch, 2012)。在合适的领导下,变更管理会对组织的运营产生积极的影响。如果Wolseley UK的战略得到更新,它还需要一个有计划的变更管理方法。

The next and the last stage that Wolseley will go through are refreezing. When modifications take place and individuals embrace the new ways to work, organization should now know that has to refreeze itself. The refreezing based outward signs are evidences for organizational stability with consistency in descriptions (Johnson, G., Whittington, R., and Scholes, K., 2014). The stage to refreeze also requires supporting individuals and the firm can then selecting to either institutionalize or internalize the modifications (Johnson et al 2014). This implies to make sure that modifications are utilized every time and they are included into businesses each day(Lynch 2012). With newer stability sense, employees can feel they are motivated and they may also feel they are at comfort with newer ways by which work is being done.
Last but not the least essential aspect of the change process at Wolseley will be inclusive of monitoring the change being implemented (Lynch, 2012). Monitoring performance might be straightforward and it will work for Wolseley UK only when done effectively and efficiently. The strategies are inclusive of:
Issuing log monitor: This is an approach to monitor the project and issue logs over it by creating them accurately(Hitt et al 2012).
Surveys: It can also be used for monitoring essential elements related with organization change such as structural change, issues related with it and risks involved.
This paper has presented how Wolseley UK would implement a change in its strategy. The strategic change recommended is to apply the focus strategy. In order to implement this strategy, the company has been advised with a change management and implementation plan. Change is essential part of an organization and Wolseley should embrace the change for it to be successful (Thompson, J., and Martin, F., 2005). As a concluding remark it can be said that changes in organizations and change management can be essential component for success of project. While organizational change management discipline might not be the key project focus, and attention is needed to acknowledge what changes in the organization might be needed and their influences on the entire organization and on the employees. Acknowledging the change scope and nature allows teams to plan in an effective way that also results into effective execution, monitoring, effectiveness and execution.

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The three sectors of the economy are “Not for Profit”, “Private Sector” and “Public Sector”. Briefly review these three sectors of the economy and describe the main challenges each sector faces.
Challenge for Public sector: The major challenge faced by public sector organizations is about cost cutting. This challenge can be managed by making changes in the various processes for increasing efficiency and enhancing capability of business activities, for example by implementing best practices of financial management.
Challenge for NGOs: The Non-profit organizations must work for managing the various risks associated with the operations and financial matters of the organization effectively. This must be done with an aim of reducing the losses of funds and high attrition rate in the organization due to organizational frauds and increasing rates of interests etc.
Challenge for Private sector: The major challenge for the private sector is of generating employment, promoting innovation and help in producing revenues for various other sectors of the society.
The four levels of management are “Top”, “senior”,” Middle” and “First Line”: Outline their main responsibilities.
The responsibilities of four levels of management:
Top management:
Planning and organizing the work therefore they are known as administrators of the organizations.
Mobilization of organizational resources.
Long-term planning ranging from 5-20 years.
Must ensure that the plans formed by them provide most effective and efficient results.
Middle management:
Provides advices to top management.
Execution and implementation of the plans formulated by the top management.
Co-ordination of activities of all departments.
Acts as a channel of communication between top management and lower management. The various internal factors include:
Financial factors such as various sources of finances, and investment opportunities etc.
Physical factors such as tangible assets, location and organizational facilities etc.
Human resources include employees and targeted audiences etc.
Intangible resources such as patents, trademarks and copyrights etc.
Current processes factors such as software, organizational hierarchies and employee training programs etc.
The external factors include:
Political factors like tax policy, trade laws and environmental laws with which the government intervenes in the economy.
Economic factors like foreign exchange rates and rate of inflation etc.
Technological factors like R&D, Technological advancements and aspects related to automation etc.
Environmental factors include climate change, global warming etc that gets affected due to tourism and farming etc.
Legal factors deals with employment laws, safety laws and laws of discrimination etc.

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本文列举了论文代写-英国工业受到短期投资或决策压力的原因。本文所述的短期主义成本是必要的,所有旨在解决这一问题的行动也具有重要意义。虽然这篇文章关注的是短期主义和它的来源,但这篇文章也着眼于确定该领域内的文献综述差距。所有短期行为下的过程都清楚地描述了减少短期主义问题需要所有利益相关者的参与(Liljebolom et al . 2010)。具体来说,高管们特别关注短期业绩,以应对市场预期和投资者压力。因此,与投资者团体进行接触是对抗短期主义问题战略的一个重要组成部分。对于试图有效平衡长期和短期目标的英国高管来说,需要与重要的外部利益相关者合作,并在他们之间建立一种理解。这有助于在积极的方向上即兴发挥短期压力的程度。

Furthermore, Goold et al, (1987), have argued that pressures in the short term have a likeliness of arising within the subject of the firm for their control style in financial control as different from their categories of strategic control and strategic planning. Internal pressures in the short term have more likeliness to be related with sectionalism (Hribar et al 2006). This is a concept which illustrates that managers are unwilling for one profit centre to take into consideration prices or advantages influencing other profit areas within the organization. This furthermore has a likeliness of being damaging to innovativeness as short term itself.
Other short term pressures with self-imposition are related to relationships present between senior management and sub-units across firms. According to a study presented by Brown et al, (1989), it was found that more than 70 percent of senior division managers in major firms of UK believe that their current profit level at the division was a very essential capital budget determinant which was allocated through Head Office and the measure utilized was the crude one for investment return (Koh et al 2005). The issues of relationships between head quarter and division go deep and get multiplied when divisions in themselves have sub-sub units or sub units. Top management potentially are such that they ignore the remaining organization as shareholders are all about organizations on the whole. This kind of ignorance has more likeliness within firms which have more diversification and financial control in the taxonomy of Goold and Campbell.
Then it is possible to evaluate division and performance for sub-division as per the measures of accounting that engender the pressures in the short term (Klein et al 2009). They also might impose challenges that have a same influence. Most of the participants in the study performed by Barton et al, (1989), indicated that this has occurred in British companies. One challenge is the criteria to evaluate proposals for investment. 2-3rd of firms participating in Baron et al study utilized the method of payback to evaluate the proposals for investment. This suggests an enhancement in the practice for deplorable short term as surveyed through Rockley (1973). Where more rational methods of DCF are used, it has more likeliness that they follow the discount rates setting practice at US at levels higher than the capital market implication (Lord 1996). There exists some anecdotal proof of UK firms that use nominal rates of interest for discounting the flows of real cash. On the other hand, Japanese companies never use payback virtually and wherever discount rates are used, it has a tendency to become rate of interest below the rate of implicit discount. In any situation, their key focus is over investment role within corporate growth. The most common defence is the hypothesis of efficient market as espoused by Marsh et al (1990). As per this hypothesis, the share price of a company at any given time does provide a reflection of all the essential data which is present on the future prospects (Shank 2001). Recent work, such as the one by Hanlon et al, (1992), depicted that firms have a tendency of confirming UK stock market efficiency generally. In this particular situation, market does require coping with accounting regulations vagaries. Tangible assets investment does not result in reducing present profit as it has capitalization within the balance sheet. For intangible assets, however such as research and development, regulations for accounting cause limitation to the amount which can undergo capitalization. Some recent work experimentally done by Goodacre et al (1990), seemed to show higher reassurance over market efficiency from this perspective. The researchers also helped in providing the notion for short term pressures on finances for British firms.

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On the other hand, it has become essential for companies to establish good and long term relations with their customers, as loyal customers can bring in good business to any company (Axelsson et al, 2005). Also understanding customer’s needs is essential because it helps the company to design their offerings in the right and appropriate manner. For instance, Manse Foods, one of the largest dairy product divisions of the major food processing companies in Europe highly focuses upon customer’s needs, as they believe that it’s a very essential part of their business. So Manse has the policy of maintaining a closer and stronger relationship with its customers. It has divided its customers into three groups as regular customers, key customers and spot customers. Once the classification is complete, the company apply separate strategy to deal with each of these customers in a particular manner. For example, company adopt “relationship approach” for its key customers (Harrison and Hoek).
As it is important to manage company’s approach downstream, it is also essential that companies do have proper approaches for all its transactions upstream i.e. with its suppliers, (Blankenburg, et al, 1999). The process starts with having the right kind of suppliers who are capable of providing right products at the right time. In order to maintain a proper position in any business network or to move to a new position, it is always essential that company have the right kind of suppliers for all its raw materials and other resources required produce the end products (goods or services). It is also important to maintain a good relationship with each and every supplier a company chose to do business with (Percy, 2010). One of the finest examples of how company has used its supply chain in an appropriate manner to achieve the right business is the case of Benetton groups. Though the company manufactures a majority of its products, for supply side, it depends mostly on its “Contractors” who in turn depend on their “Sub-contractors”. They help the company by knitting and assembling the garments for the company. This arrangement helps Benetton to keep its production cost much low compared to its competitors and on the other hand it becomes easy to absorb the demand fluctuation in the market, as a portion can be transferred to this contractors and in turn to the sub-contractors instead of bearing the entire effect all alone (Nigel Slack et al, 2001).

The essay in its short span gives an idea of how companies in today’s fast and dynamic business environment are managing their position either by maintaining a status-quo or by repositioning or by exiting the present position in the business network in which it operates. It can be understood from the essay that it has become vital for each and every company to understand the competitiveness of the market, the threats and opportunity that it might encounter in the recent future with the help of Porter’s five force analysis from time to time (Porter, 1979). It is important for the company to define its strategies depending on what exactly the company wants to do while holding a particular position in the network or if they wish to change. It is important for companies today to review its strategies from time to time and check whether they are capable of fulfilling their strategies i.e. it is essential to check whether all the resources are available or not. The essay also highlights that in order to move or maintain a position in the business network, it is essential that the company maintain a good relation with its customers (downstream) as well as have proper suppliers (upstream) at the same time. It is also essential for any company big or small to communicate with its customers at the right time to make them aware of the offering that the company have for them to achieve the above normal profits than others in the network.

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