

Organization can set up an anti-bullying policy. There can be clearly defined ethical guidelines to handle bullying. This is one of way to combat workplace bullying. In this policy should indicate what kind of actions is defined as bullying and what penalize actions will be taken against offenders. This policy must to disseminate to all staff through various corporate programs such as performance planning review. For one thing, the role of this policy is increase employees’ awareness about the commitment the organization has towards a non-bullying environment. Meanwhile, it useful because of it provide a clear direction to all staff, what behavior should not be tolerated in workplace.(Johnson 2010) Organizational policies as an explicit statement point out what attitude of an organization take on a certain issue. This statement as a written commitment gave by companies, which state that organization will fair deal with the issue of bullying and try to protect staff away from bullying. It enhances trust from employees (Johnson 2010) Anti-bullying policy is a pre-emptive management in workplace. Firstly, it clearly defines what kinds of behavior are unacceptable in workplace. Apart from this it gives each employee right take action against bullying. (Martin & Paul, 2013)

According to Brecht (yr), there are four steps to reduce the rates of bullying occurring in workplace. First of all, No matter workplace bullying actually exists or not, set up reasonable steps to help identify whether it exists. In this step employers should consider the requirement of work and the procedures of work, to determine there are no factors may lead to bullying occur in workplace, Pay attention on the system of

Initially the company should analyze the workplace and identify the places and the specific situations where the workers might be harassed. Then they should assess the impact of the risk and develop an action plan to reduce the risk. The third step is that they should control these events and ensure that they are reduced or completely removed. There should be continual monitoring to ensure that this issue has been successfully handled by the company.

論文范文論文代寫價格-工作場所的反欺淩政策就為留學生分享到這裏。美國論文代寫Advanced Thesis是一家專業的美國論文代寫平台機構,而且論文代寫價格公平合理,擅長寫作科目廣泛,有碩士畢業論文代寫、essay代寫、assignment代寫等論文服務,良好的口碑和信譽、豐富的論文代寫經驗值得留學生選擇和信賴!

美国代写被抓-Elsie Elliot政治思维的潜伏期

美国代写被抓-Elsie Elliot政治思维的潜伏期。香港的历史应该被详细地阐明,以解释埃利奥特的各种意识形态的概念。当她还是传教士的时候,她在中国南昌遇到了几个中国难民。然而,香港不仅仅是她下一个目的地的过渡地;这是因为难民的困境在她的内心引起了一种启示。她想帮助难民。这些难民是被偷运到香港的,他们希望得到埃利奥特家人的帮助,以便作出某种安排,满足他们在新地方居住的一些体面要求。然而,这是不可能的。难民和寻求庇护的人数非常多。如前所述,Elsie Elliot帮助人民的另一个原因是帮助被压迫阶级的妇女。这是英国女传教士的一个主要政治观点,影响了埃尔西的观点。论文范文美国代写被抓-Elsie Elliot政治思维的潜伏期分享给留学生阅读。

Hong Kong history should be elucidated in detail in order to explain about the various notions of the ideologies of Elliot. When she was a missionary, she had met several Chinese refugees in Nan Chang, China. However, Hong Kong was not just a transition place of her next destination; it was because the refugees’ plight had caused a revelation inside of her. She wanted to help the refugees. The refugees were smuggled into Hong Kong and they wanted the aid of Elliot’s family for some kind of arrangement to have some decent requirements to live in the new place. This was however not possible. The sheer volume of the number of people brought in as refugees and seeking asylum was very high. As mentioned earlier another reason for Elsie Elliot to help the people was to help the women in the oppressed class. This was a major political though of the British missionary women that swayed the opinions of Elsie.
In 1952, more than ten thousand refugees came to Hong Kong, which made the living environment very difficult. All the people wanted access to basic facilities and due to the dire need of the situation, there was extensive damage to the society. Elliott’s used their shabby apartment as a clinic. They used it to dispense some supplies and treated some illness that they were equipped. This clinic that functioned did not serve as an emergency clinic rather it was a clinic that had helped the people gains some supplies for marginally smaller illness. They continued missionary work and tried to persuade more people to believe in Jesus and go to church. However, they had an extremely hard time living in Hong Kong, each person had to earn six dollars per day, but people were able to earn only one to two dollars only, even the children had to work at home to survive. When a person was suffering from dire poverty, they were not able to understand the messages of religion or the church. The people wanted a decent form of live hood in order to live life. During this time the reasons provided by the religion did not seem to be adequate to the people.

论文范文美国代写被抓-Elsie Elliot政治思维的潜伏期就为留学生分享到这里。如果中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构解决论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供美国代写、report代写、essay代写等论文服务,并使用与美国各大高校同样权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!




Age, gender, socio economic status, culture are the factors that influence language development in children. In the case of Mandarin, there are far more complexities in the strokes of the alphabets in these languages when compared to English. In multilingual communities, there is a conflict in teaching methodologies. In the houses, the children are made to follow their conventional practices of language learning and it is found to be different in the case of schools. There is a significant westernization process that is found to have an impact in the teaching methodologies of the student. Successful language acquisition can be done only with longer exposure to a language and applying the language in various modal to gain proficiency of the language. In the case of language acquisition, the preschoolers are given only basic introduction and this needs to be changed.

Traditional Chinese schools follow a learning pattern where the children are made to listen and follow the commands of the teacher (Cohen, 2014). There is implicit obedience of the students and there is a structure in the learning process of the students. However, in the case of bilingual and trilingual communities, the teaching methodology is found to vary. In this case, the children are made to understand both the languages of English in schools and traditional Mandarin at home. These children are found to gain proficiency of both the languages over a period of time (Tse & Li, 2011).
Successful learning acquisition is done in the school by the following techniques. In the schools, the students are preliminarily given exposure to the language (Smith, 2014). They are made to understand the language and provide more exposure in the classroom. They are initially given exposure to the different vocabulary of the students (Tse & Li, 2011). They are made to read simple sentences out aloud. They are given opportunities to converse in the second language. The children are given group based learning experiences to practice the language (Huang et al., 2013). The children are given flashcards to learn the different words and made to converse in English. Successful learning methods have been identified as give more exposure to the language. These are some of the general methods of gaining proficiency over a language (Tse & Li, 2011). However, there should be best practices approach adopted by the individual schools and parents to help the child gain mastery over the language and use the language efficiently.

论文范文代写论文-影响儿童语言发展的因素就为留学生分享到这里。美国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、美国代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!