



“Living in the west bank” signifies the youth of the poet. It is used denotes the ways in which the author was once a useful member of the community. However the move to the east refers to life after retirement. There is a general sentiment that the people living in retirement are not active members of the society. They are given their due peace to live in retirement homes. The people in these homes feel a sense of isolation from the main communities and they encounter sentiments of not being wanted. This is explored in the line “Living in retirement that pays any attention to me?” In this the sentiment felt by the people are explored.The poet ends with “what shall I do now?” This is a rhetoric question as to the fact that old age people do not have anything constructive to do and they are not wanted in the societies. It also makes the audience to gain a sense of loneliness that the protagonist is feeling. It is the lament of a retired person who is now sitting in a retirement home feeling isolated from the mainstream community.
There is also fear of death and the sadness of being alone that is resonated in the poem. In the line “only sadness follows me” shows that emotion of the poet while living in the retirement house. As the author questions the roots of sadness it is evident that the poet is experiencing old age and living in retirement home. In this process the people feel that they are not welcome and are used to symbolize the sentiment felt by these individuals while living in the old age house. Towards the end the audience who read this poem gains a sense of perspective of the impending old age for all the individuals. This is a stage that all the people will eventually reach and the sentiments of the poet are echoed as a wakeup call for the people to change the current system. It is a poem that is written to make the people understand that the people in the retirement communities have a profound sense of loneliness.



作者将年龄定义为一个社会范畴,每个人都将进入其中。尽管年龄歧视是一个非常重要的社会问题,但社会心理学对这一问题的研究却很少。作者发现,在两个主要课题的研究之间存在着差距。首先是人口老龄化对社会的适应速度,其次是社会如何适应老年人口。作者还指出,年龄歧视等同于种族主义和性别歧视。许多研究集中在基于年龄的偏见,使年龄歧视成为一个社会问题。尽管年龄歧视具有显著性,但它是一种人际判断。对于给定的主题缺乏研究,但是基于年龄的歧视降低了老年人口的生活质量,这并不是错误的。这种歧视和偏见可能对老年人的生活产生长期或短期的影响。歧视可以理解为缺乏社会和经济机会,损害个人自尊,增加身体健康问题,是年龄歧视的一些消极后果(Nelson 2009)。
因此,年龄歧视被认为是一个社会问题。然而,也有学者认为,除了年龄歧视和刻板印象的负面影响,还有“积极的年龄歧视”,这意味着幸福和智慧。积极的年龄歧视可以从住房项目、退税、折扣等方面体现出来。本文的主要目的是介绍年龄刻板印象对老年人健康的影响。作者指出,与年龄相关的刻板印象增加了人们身体和心理健康的负面结果。老年人的全面幸福和生活质量受到年龄歧视的威胁。这最终增加了与卫生有关的问题的负担,并成为社会的一个社会问题。与年龄歧视有关的刻板印象对老年人的态度、生活、行为和整体健康产生了制约作用。作者认为,在西方文化中,老化是一个非常复杂的过程(Horton, Baker, & Deakin 2007: 1021)。


The author defines age as a social category, where every person is going to enter. Though ageism is a very significant social issue, still this topic is under-researched in the social psychology. The author found that there is gap between the researches on two main subjects. The first is how rapidly ageing population accommodate in society and the second is how society accommodates the aged population. The author also signifies that ageism is equivalent to racism and sexism. Many research studies have focused on age based prejudices that made ageism a social issue. The author states that despite of being salience, ageism is an interpersonal judgment. There is a lack of research studies on the given topic, still it would not be wrong to say that age based discriminating reduces the quality of life of the aged population. Such discriminations and prejudices may have long term or short term consequences in the life of elderly people. The discrimination can be understood as the lack of social and economic opportunities, damaging the self-esteem of the individual, and increased physical health problems, are some of the negative consequences of ageism (Nelson 2009).
Thus, ageism is considered as a social issue. However, some of the scholars believe that apart from negative consequences of ageism and stereotyping, there is also ‘positive ageism, which signifies happiness and wisdom. The positive ageism can be seen through housing programs, tax rebates, discounts etc. The main purpose of the article is to present the impact of age stereotypes on the health of aged people. The author states that age related stereotypes increases the negative physical and mental health outcomes in people. The over-all well being and quality of life of aged people is risked through ageism. This eventually increases the burden of health related problems and poses as a social issue in the society. The stereotypes related to ageism gives constraining effects on the attitude, life, actions and holistic health of elderly population. Author considers that aging is a very complex process in the Western cultures (Horton, Baker, & Deakin 2007: 1021).



通过利润的国际流动,公司设法从美国税收中保护了大约2.3万亿美元(Lundy, 2016)。按照目前的利率,将公司利润转移回美国将需要40%的成本。一些公司一直在从最初的退税中寻求好处,以便将关键业务迁回国内。在许多其他原因中,蒂姆•霍顿斯(Tim Hortons)和汉堡王(Burger King)的合并等交易被认为得益于加拿大企业所得税较低。更具商业友好性的加拿大企业遣返规则为企业在国际上获取利润提供了空间(Lundy, 2016)。如果特朗普的计划得到实施,这些类型的财政利益将不会激励这种并购。如果加拿大的税率最终没有变化,它将吸引企业迁往美国或在南部边境创建新的企业。这导致加拿大的商业创造和投资范围缩小。虽然共和党控制的国会将为遏制特朗普的保护主义言论提供空间,但抵制削减企业税的可能性更小(Bedard, 2016)。
加拿大的下一届省级和联邦预算必须得到确定,并有可能效仿这些削减。此外,特朗普还计划取消《美国跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》(agreement of Trans- Pacific Partnership of America)。这是包括加拿大和美国在内的12个国家达成的一项雄心勃勃的贸易协定,占全球经济产出的40%。目前还没有最终批准该交易,但这将是美国制造商的一个主要问题(Golombek, 2016)。特朗普认为与北美的自由贸易协定是一场灾难,将考虑打破或重新谈判该协定。更高的税率将降低贸易壁垒,使加拿大能够以较低的价格进口商品。从广义上考虑,该协议将促进高收入、高GDP和高生产率,尽管并非所有行业都能从中受益。此外,加拿大非常依赖与南部邻国的健康贸易关系。


By the international movement of profits, companies managed to shield approximately 2.3 trillion dollars from the taxman of America (Lundy, 2016). Moving the profits of the company back to USA will cost 40 per cent at the present rates. Some of the companies have been seeking benefits out of this initial rebate for moving back the key operations. Among a number of other reasons, deals like merger between Tim Hortons and Burger King are considered for benefitting from the low taxes on corporate income of Canada. The rules of Canada on corporate repatriation with more business friendliness provides scope for earning profits internationally (Lundy, 2016). If there is application of the program of Trump, these types of fiscal benefits will not motivate this kind of a merger. If the tax rates of Canada do not end up budging, it will tempt businesses for moving across USA or for the creation of new businesses across the southern border. These result in dropping the scope of business creation and investment in Canada. While a Republican Congress will provide scope for checking the protectionist rhetoric of Trump, there are fewer chances for resisting the cuts on corporate tax (Bedard, 2016).
The next provincial and federal budgets of Canada has to be addressed for sure, with the possibility of mirroring these cuts. In addition, Trump has plans for axing the agreement of Trans- Pacific Partnership of America. It is an ambitious agreement of trade between 12 nations that include Canada and USA, accountable for 40 per cent of the international output in the economy. There is still no finalization for ratifying the deal, but this will be a major issue for the manufacturers of America (Golombek, 2016). Trump considers the free trade agreement with North America as a disaster, and will consider breaking or renegotiating its. The steeper taxation will lower the barriers of trade that allows Canada for importing the goods at low level of prices. When considering it broadly, the deal will result in the facilitation of high incomes, high GDP, and high productivity, though benefits will not be enjoyed by all industries. In addition, Canada has huge dependence upon a healthy relationship of trade with its neighbours in the south.


蒂姆·霍頓斯公司和漢堡王全球公司兩年前完成了大量的合併。合併後的業務預計將產生220億美元的銷售額,在全球100多個國家擁有1.8萬家餐廳。有人批評稱,該交易旨在通過將公司總部遷往加拿大,從稅收倒置中獲益。新的辦事處將設在加拿大,而在美國的業務將成為子公司。但在當前形勢下,將辦公室遷往加拿大將是不利的。漢堡王估計,這將節省美國的食品開支。美國2015年至2018年的稅收在4億至12億美元之間。所有這些對合併交易的系統性預測都隨著新的公司收益提案而消失。如果在加拿大實施碳稅計劃,將會多花2569美元。在目前的政治形勢下,由於新總統的稅收政策的改變,加拿大很難徵收碳稅。 (按理林根,2016)。


A great deal of merger between Tim Hortons Inc and Burger King Worldwide, Inc was completed two years ago. The combined business projected to generate $22 billion in sales with the 18,000 restaurants over the hundred countries. There was a criticism that the deal was intended to grab the benefits from tax inversion by way of shifting the head quarter of the company to Canada. The new office will be head office in Canada whereas the businesses in United States become subsidiaries. But in the current situation, there will be disadvantageous shifting office to Canada. Burger King estimated saving of U.S taxes between $400 million to $1.2 billion for the period of 2015 to 2018. All such systematic predictions over the merger deal disappear with new corporate income proposals. If the Carbon tax plan implemented in Canada, it will cost around $2,569 more in taxes. In the present political situation, it will be difficult to Canada to impose carbon tax due the New President’s tax policy changes. (Kurtis Doering, 2016).
The steps taken by earlier president to reduce U.S. emissions were in question and in dilemma as the elected newly president promised on the issues like dismantling environmental protection agency, cancelling the Clean Power Plan etc. (Kelly McParland 2016). Due to the pressure from the Canadian Government, the provinces are under the process of introducing the carbon taxes. With such steps, the businesses may relocate to the United States.The United States become more attractive with the major changes in corporate taxation those are proposed by the President. Mr. Donald Trump’s plan surely threatens to Canadian competitiveness. If the proposed tax plans applied, Canada needs to adjust with the atmosphere or become less competitive and the existing corporations in Canada supposed to move to the United States.



毫无疑问,总体上对不平等趋势存在分歧,但经济学家一致认为,从1950年到1970年,不平等在下降,1980年有所增加(Whiteford, 2014)。例如,经济学家约翰逊和威尔金斯发现,基尼系数从1981年到1982年呈上升趋势,达到0.27,而从1997年到1998年又进一步上升,达到0.30。从下图中可以明显看出。收入和财富分配差距扩大的一个关键原因是中产阶级的支出增加(Chalmers, 2014)。例如,育儿成本的增加给父母带来了压力。可以进行的一项基本结构性改革是削减失业福利。这将推动经济增长2% (Allard, 2014)。还需要研究更多有关就业福利的改革,这些改革有助于提出缩小就业差距的方法。在观察财富不平等及其背后的趋势时,也可以看到类似的趋势。
人们发现,富人和穷人的财富之比为3比1。研究发现,在澳大利亚,平等主义的支柱是更高的工资、更高的住房拥有率和更低的失业率。澳大利亚的福利制度似乎是不公平的,尤其是在税收政策上。与发达国家相比,中国的税收相对较低,而且是一个基本范围,这是因为中国的福利支出水平较低。支出在本质上是完全平等的,税收一点也不进步(Whiteford, 2011)。毫无疑问,澳大利亚的社会保障制度有着各种各样的优势,但也存在着现实的弊端,这个国家必须要解决。这包括失业救济不足和租金支持(Whiteford, 2014)。澳大利亚的穷人可能比其他来自美国或欧洲的穷人享有更多的福利,但这些福利实际上并没有帮助他们实现福利国家。


There is no doubt that overall there is a disagreement on the inequality trends but still economists have come to a consensus that inequality was declining between 1950 to 1970 with its increase in the year of 1980 (Whiteford, 2014). For example, it was found by the economist namely Johnson and Wilkins that the coefficient of Gini enhanced from the year 1981 to 1982 reaching at 0.27 and this further increased from 1997 to 1998 to reach 0.30. This is evident from the following graph. One of the key reasons behind the income and wealth distribution gap to widen lies in the fact that expenses for the middle income class have increased (Chalmers, 2014). For example, childcare cost has been increased causing a pressure on the parents. One of the essential structural reforms that can be made is to cut back the benefits over unemployment. This will boost the economic growth by 2 per cent (Allard, 2014). More reforms with employment welfare also needs to be looked at which can help in bringing forward ways by which the gap can be decreased. Similar trends can also be seen when viewing wealth inequality and the trends underlying it.
The ratio between the rich and poor wealth has been found at a ratio of 3 is to 1. It is found that egalitarian pillars within Australia were higher wages, higher ownership of homes and lower unemployment.It seems that the welfare state of Australia is not fair especially when focusing on the country’s tax policy. The country is a relatively low taxing nation in comparison to rich nations and to an essential range, this is due to the fact that country has low welfare spending levels. The spending is completely egalitarian in nature and the taxes are not at all progressive (Whiteford, 2011). There is no doubt that the system of social security of Australia has various strengths but there also are real drawbacks that the country has to deal with. This is inclusive of unemployment benefit inadequacies and rental support (Whiteford, 2014). Poor Australians might have more benefits than various other poor individuals from the US or Europe but still these benefits are such that they actually do not help them reach a welfare state.


新聞界紳士模式被認為是新聞界用來創造輿論的一種模式。該模型由P。巴納姆。新聞士紳宣傳模式試圖遵循單向溝通,即信息從發送方流向接收方(Coombs and Holladay, 2013)。它假定觀眾是被動的觀眾。信息的原始發送方不關心接收方的反饋。他們有相當大的影響力,由媒體創造性的公眾形象的問題(Coombs和Holladay, 2013)。信息從公共關係流向目標受眾。公共信息模型的目的是通過向目標受眾傳播相關和相關的信息來創建組織的角色。公共關係是通過新聞發布、視頻發布和錄音傳播來創建的。
時事通訊和雜誌是用來向目標受眾提供信息,以定位圖像(Coombs和Holladay, 2013)。在這個模型中,有一種單向的通信流,發送方假定聽眾或接收方是被動的支持者。從發送方到接收方有單向的信息流。這是公共信息模式的基本原則。顧名思義,非對稱模型圍繞著兩方之間的溝通展開。在這個模型中,目標受眾通過操縱參與其中,並試圖迫使公眾以他們期望的方式進行互動(Coombs and Holladay, 2013)。在這兩種不對稱模型中,存在著一種利用權力控制結果的實踐。組織不會花費很多資源來決定涉眾或人員的反應。


The Press Gentry model is considered to be a model that was used by the press to create a public opinion. This model was developed by P.T Barnum. The Press Gentry Publicity model tries to follow a one-way communication where there is flow of information from the sender to the receiver (Coombs and Holladay, 2013). It assumes that the audience will be passive audience. The original sender of the information is not concerned with the feedback of the receiver. They have considerable influence by the press to creative public persona about the issues (Coombs and Holladay, 2013). The flow of information takes place from the public relation to the target audiences.The public information model aims at creating a persona of the organization by circulation of relent and related information to the target audiences. Public relations are created by the press release, video release and recorded communication.
The newsletters and magazines are used to present information to the target audience for positioning of an image (Coombs and Holladay, 2013). In this model there is a one way flow of communication where the sender assumes the audience or the receiver to be passive proponents. There is a one-sided flow of information from the sender to the receiver. This is the basic tenets of the public information model.As the name implies two ways asymmetrical model revolves around the communication between the two parties. In this model, target audiences involved through manipulation and try to force the public to interact in the way that they expect (Coombs and Holladay, 2013). In the two ways asymmetrical model, there is a practice of using power to control the outcomes. Organizations do not spend a lot of resources to determine the reaction of the stakeholders or the people.


因此,可以看出,幾個不同的因素往往對個體的幸福指數有直接的影響。此外,每個因素的影響程度將與個人在變化的環境中感受到的幸福程度成正比。在相似情境下對不同的人進行研究時也會出現類似的分化(Li, 2015)。一個簡單的例子就是看到彩虹的影響。一個孩子看到這美麗的景象會感到興奮和激動。上了年紀的人也會快樂,但不會像孩子那樣快樂。詩人或畫家會從不同的角度看風景,而悲傷的人不一定能欣賞美景,欣賞彩虹。從上面的討論可以清楚地看到,不同的人對幸福有不同的定義。然而,中心仍然是這樣一個事實:所有的人都在尋找一種能帶來快樂心態的感覺。
只要我們能以一顆快樂的心看待事物,我們就能快樂(Happiness and the Good Life, 2012)。換句話說,幸福與我們擁有多少錢無關,而是一種心態(McKenzie, 2015),因此人們不應該為積累財富付出太多努力。相反,他們應該向內看,並努力實現內心的平靜和滿足,這將持續更長的時間。我一直認為幸福是一種發自內心的感覺。它創造了一種滿足感和成就感。當人們見面時,他們會感到幸福,但他們往往不那麼滿足。而人們不能通過金錢買到幸福;人類無限的慾望是侵蝕幸福的一個永恆因素。例如,一個擁有自行車的人想要升級到汽車,房子等等。


Thus, it is seen that several diverse factors tend to have a direct impact on the happiness quotient of individuals. Furthermore, the level of impact of each factor would differ in direct proportion to the extent of happiness felt of individuals under changed circumstances. A similar differentiation would be seen when studying different persons under similar circumstances (Li, 2015). A simple example would be the impact of seeing a rainbow. A child would get excited and thrilled to see this beautiful sight. An aged person would also be happy, but not to the extent of a child. A poet or a painter would look at the view from a different point of view while a person in grief would not necessarily be able to appreciate the beauty and enjoy looking at the rainbow.From the discussions above it, it can be clearly seen that different people have different definitions of happiness. However, at the center remains the fact that all individuals are in search of a feeling that would result in a mindset of happiness.
As long as we can look at things with a happy heart, we can be happy(Happiness and the Good Life, 2012).In other words, happiness has nothing to do with an amount of money we have, rather it is a state of mind (McKenzie, 2015) and hence people should not put too much effort for accumulation of wealth. Instead, they should look inwards and try to achieve an inner peace and contentment that would last for a longer period of time.I always think of happiness as a kind of a feeling that arises from the heart. It creates a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. When people meet, they will feel a sense of happiness, but they are often not so satisfied. While people cannot buy happiness through money; the unlimited human desires are a constant factor for erosion of happiness. For instance, a person who owns a bike would want to upgrade to a car, a house and so on.


因此,當技術改進降低生產成本時,每部手機的總成本就會降低。這意味著價格下降。對於一種正常的商品,當它在市場上是可取的,當它的價格下降時,消費者會傾向於購買它。顧客需要了解他們在市場經濟中購買的商品(Dongling, 1999)。市場經濟的競爭本質就是圍繞著這一點構建的。因此,當一種產品的價格下降時,由於顧客想要購買,對該產品的需求就會增加。因此,需求量將上升,導致需求曲線傾斜。從上圖中可以看出不同價格水平下的需求量。價格越低,需求越大,反之亦然。然而,這裡也有例外。一部手機有一定的使用壽命,如果消費者已經有了​​一部手機,他們可能就不會再買同一型號的手機了。其次,手機市場競爭非常激烈,消費者有不同的選擇。對所有手機製造商來說,移動產品的技術支持都在以一種相當平衡的方式增長,因此成本控制不僅依賴於技術,還依賴於地理等其他因素。


Expected effect on market price and quantity in the market for mobile phone handsets of each of the following circumstancesWhen consumer income rises and more of them want to buy mobile phone handsets, then the demand for the mobile phone handsets increases. The income effect comes into play here as when individual purchasing power increases because of their rising income. A good in question will hence be bought more if it is required quality. Inferior quality mobile phones are not considered for this analysis. The assumption made here is that the mobile phone is of good quality or normal quality. .Usually in economic analysis, a good will is considered as normal good, inferior good or complementary well which is interdependent on consumption. Here the mobile phone is a normal good.Assuming that the mobile phone handset in question is one that is desirable and one that people want to buy, it could be said that an increase in income will have a positive correlation on the demand curve. The demand curve is shifted to the right. The price of the phone increases because of the demand in the market and the quantity of phones in the market will increase as a response to demand. Alternatively, a shift to the left is observed in the case of increased income when the phone in question is not a desirable good. Product manufacturing costs, operational costs in manufacturing, product distribution and delivery costs are some of the costs that are tied up in the determination of the end costs for products. The technical support available for a product will be helpful in driving down the manufacturing costs, operational costs etc. This in turn will help the company to drive down their cost per handset to customer.
Thus when the technical improvements reduce production costs, then the overall cost per handset could be brought down. This means that the price declines. For a normal good, when the good is desirable in the market and when the price goes down for it, consumers will tend to buy it. The customers are expected to be knowledgeable about the good they buy in a market economy (Dongling, 1999). The very competitive nature of the market economy is structured around this. Therefore when the price for a product declines, then the demand for the product would increase as customers will want to buy it. The quantity demanded will hence raise leading to a sloping demand curve. Quantity demanded at different price levels can be seen in the above diagram. The lower the price is, the higher the demands and vice versa. However, there are any exceptions to the case here. A mobile phone handset has a certain life time and consumers would probably not want to buy another handset of the same model if they already have an existing handset. Secondly, the mobile phone market is a very competitive one, and consumers have a different variety of choices to choose from. Technology support for mobile goods increases in a rather balanced way for all mobile phone manufacturers, so cost control is not just dependent on technology but other factors such as geography etc.



MPD的某些系统侧重于对井涌的初始检测,而其他系统则侧重于PWD的相关性和压力。然而,所有的MPD系统都有一个关键的区别,那就是每个系统所取得的成就。MPD自动化现在已经成为一种不断发展的新技术。在MPD自动化操作过程中如何减少压力变化的研究是一个并行的研究(Breyholtz Nygaard和Siahaan 2010)。目前,MPD的控制系统主要是通过储层孔隙压力和裂缝起始压力,将压力维持在钻窗范围内。压力控制环空自动化系统的存在利用了具有伪实时的水力模型。这样做的目的是为了确定适当的背压,然后打开或关闭节流器,以限制油井的流量,同时确保保持背压。
Jon(2010)认为,MPD是一种基本的压力循环和封闭系统,有利于井筒压力的精确管理。Kohler(2009)提出,在开放系统中,钻井液管道向大气压力开放,而封闭系统中的钻井液在压力作用下流动(Couturier et al. 2015)。正如Kevin(2006)所暗示的,MPD利用的主要好处是通过控制背压而不是泥浆的赖特来动态地控制压力。该方法的定义是通过减少MPT,减轻钻井的危险,并允许在复杂的自然区域进行钻井,从而优化钻井过程。根据Mariam(2004)的研究,节流器内部的调整允许必和必拓内部快速方式的改变。


Certain systems of MPD have had a focus over initial detection of kicks while others have focused over PWD correlation and pressure. However, all the systems of MPD have both with the key distinction that lies within achievement made by each. MPD automation has now become a newer technology that evolves continuously. Research over the way in which pressure variation can be reduced during automated operations of MPD is a concurrent one (Breyholtz Nygaard and Siahaan 2010). Now, the control system of MPD is utilized for maintaining the BHP within a window of drilling bordered through the pore pressure of reservoir and its pressure for fracture initiation. Presence of annular automation systems with pressure control make use of a hydraulics model with pseudo real time. This is undertaken in order to determine the back pressure appropriately and then opening or closing a choke for restriction of flow from wells along with ensuring that the backpressure is maintained.
According to Jon (2010), MPD is at the basic level a pressurized circulation and closed system that facilitates wellbore profile of pressure’s precise management. As suggested by Kohler (2009), within the open system, the piping of drilling fluids are open to the pressure of atmosphere, while the drilling fluids within the closed system flow under the pressure (Couturier et al. 2015). The primary benefit of MPD utilization as implied by Kevin (2006), is the controlling ability of pressure in a dynamic manner through the manipulation of back pressure instead of the wright of mud. This approach is defined to optimize the process of drilling through the MPT reduction, mitigating of hazards of drilling and enabling the drilling across areas of complex nature. According to Mariam (2004), adjustment within the choke allow change of rapid manner within the BHP.





所有毕业论文分为7个大部分其中Introduction,Literature Review,Methodology,Datafindings and analysis,concluslon and Recommendatlon是必要的。



2、Literature Review占35%


4、Data findings and analysis占25%


1、Introduction:主要包括prace,Research question and why,Research objectives,outlinethe structure Of this dissertation


3、Literature Revlew:是指论题的相关资料文献描述,并加入自己观点和理解。这部分需要很大的阅读量和观点的支持。


5、Data findings and analysis:这分两个部分。a.findings:就是如市场问卷对于得到的结果的结,描述和汇总。b.analysis:主要是对得到数据结果添加自己的理解和分析。

6、conclusion and Recommendation:结尾是对文童的总的汇总,通常比较注重建议和改进,比如说有哪些是不对的有哪里需要改进和更新的。






