


制造业的贸易、消费和投资相关支出有力地推动了经济增长。至于股票,它们对大多数国家有着不成比例的重大影响,与GDP总量在1%左右徘徊的因素相比,它们有责任对GDP的很大一部分进行调整。政府开支对整个国内生产总值(GDP)变化的影响往往微乎其微。平滑消费明显发生的范围因国而异,新西兰也是如此。制造业内部的出口和进口有急剧收缩的趋势,与衰退期间GDP的变化有更强的相关性(Amrahamsen et al, 2011)。政府的开支似乎遵循了一种意识形态上的分裂,新西兰在制造业方面具有积极的相互关系基础。



Trade, consumption and investment related expenditure within the manufacturing sector strongly result in driving growth economically. With regard to stocks, they have a disproportionate major influence for most nations, there is a responsibility for a large GDP change portion in comparison to factors hovering around total GDP at 1 percent. The expenditure of government has a tendency of having negligible influence over changes present across GDP. The range till which smoothing consumption apparently occurs is different from one nation to the other and this is also the case for New Zealand. Exporting and importing within the manufacturing sector has a tendency of contracting sharply with a stronger correlation to the change of GDP within recessions (Amrahamsen et al, 2011). The spending of government seems to follow a split ideologically with a positive base of correlation in New Zealand with regard to manufacturing sector.

The Eurozone, notably has a spending of correlation with spending at -0.55. This in turn would suggest a strong Government spending preference enhancement as an economic downturn response over the studied period. This can be as a consequence of sovereign crisis of debt that has occurred at the recessionary period of New Zealand for more than 10 years. The real GDP in New Zealand has a stronger correlation with investment as well as consumption. The similar is also the case for the manufacturing sector of the country with these ranging from 0.52 to 0.68. There also is a moderate strong correlation with exporting. The country in general manner to the major countries has a correlation of insignificant nature between the spending of the government and the GDP real rate when viewing both the data of yearly and quarterly levels.