
論文 摘要 翻譯 推薦:案例研究分析

論文 摘要 翻譯 推薦:案例研究分析
根據案例研究分析,許多人認為,目前提出的改革將摧毀本組織。然而,從案例研究事實中可以明顯看出,這些變化並不會給工業製造商帶來滅亡(Petrou et al., 2016)。相反,通過這些變化創建了一個靈活而卓越的組織。雖然可以看出這些變化太劇烈了,但是這些變化仍然可以由公司以最好的方式來促進,因為他們有能力改變公司,使其變得更好。此外,很明顯,Semler並沒有在一夜之間帶來這些變化,而是考慮了一步一步地實現這些變化。這增加了變更下的增長,也增加了適當的變更管理。例如,他最初提出的改變是關於改變專制的領導風格。在這裡,他決定決策權必須有一個均勻的分配。
這樣的變化幫助公司經理了解他們在公司前景中的角色。此外,Semler採用了傳統的方法來激勵員工,並製定了一個利潤分享計劃,其中員工分別獲得了其部門四分之一的淨利潤(Petrou et al., 2016)。在變革管理計劃下採取的激進措施為公司帶來了可觀的利潤和增長。從案例分析的角度來看,塞姆勒對企業民主的重視程度是顯而易見的。民主是Semco三項價值觀中的第一項,包括讓員工參與其中。根據Atler等人(2010)等人的研究,民主在公司內部是必不可少的,因為它賦予員工權力。員工覺得他們工作的公司是一個平等的基礎,他們有平等的發言權。

論文 摘要 翻譯 推薦:案例研究分析

On the basis of the case study analysis, it was viewed by many that the immediate changes being brought forward would have destroyed the organization. However, it is evident from the case study facts that the changes were not such that they would bring demise to the industrial manufacturer (Petrou et al., 2016). Instead, a flexible and remarkable organization was created through the changes. Even though it can be seen that the changes were too drastic, such changes could still be fostered by the company in the best possible manner as they have the ability to change the firm for its betterment. Also, it is evident that Semler did not bring the changes overnight but considered taking a step by step approach towards the changes. This added to the growth under change and also added towards appropriate change management. For example, the initial change that he brought forward was with regard to changing autocratic style of leadership. Here he decided that authority of making decisions had to have an even distribution.
Such a change helped the company managers to understand their role within the prospects of the firm. Also, Semler resorted to the traditional methods to motivate employees and this instituted a plan for profit sharing wherein employees have received net profits by one-quarter of their divisions respectively (Petrou et al., 2016). The drastic steps taken under change management plan brought forward considerable profit and growth to the firm. From the perspective of the case study, it is evident that Semler took corporate democracy to a greater extent. Democracy was the first of the three values at Semco and this was inclusive of involving employees. Democracy according to various researchers such as Atler et al. (2010), is essential within firms because it allows empowerment to employees. The employees feel that the company they work for is an equality based foundation wherein they have an equal say.