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There are always ups and downs in any business. The most important thing is that the leaders and the entrepreneurs should never stop expecting for success. Even in their low time period, they should expect for the success. This will definitely help them to get ideas to come out of the situation and move towards the success (Teece, 2010).
Live the Mission statement
For the success of an enterprise, it is very important that the mission statement of the company should be communicated toevery employee and even to the clients. The mission statement is said to portray the image of a company, and hence it should be reflected in all the strategies and projects of the company too.It is believed that successful enterprises live and breathe their mission statement. For example, Apple, their iOS device is successful in enterprise because all its employees and management have bought the apple products and uses it.
Always ask questions
There should always be one question which needs to be repeated again and again. The question is where and what is the opportunity? Any businesses do have both challenges as well as opporturnities, a successful business always looks at the opportunities instead of challenges. Even in the challenging situation, one must always look out for the opportunity to grab and become successful(Ries, 2011).