标签存档: 美国论文代写推荐



在社会上,人们非常适应技术,是一个世界性的社会。他们非常重视品牌,并确保这些品牌应该是环保的。人们非常尊重那些环保的品牌,而人口老龄化使得产品的品牌形象非常重要。国家的劳动力是高技能的,在环境中有很高的识字率(Hall & Baird, 2014)。在技术上,人们对最新的技术有很多的工作知识。有技术熟练的劳动力。美国有促进增长的基础设施。缺少生产单位是国家面临的问题。公司的建议是通过产品的制造来增加产品的多样化。应该增加本地生产,减少对供应商的依赖。

这将有助于确保公司能够更好地控制其可持续发展计划,并为产品开发更多的品牌赞助。关注新兴市场和新市场是该公司的另一个建议。在目前的情况下,新西兰市场已经饱和,因此他们应该把重点放在亚太地区,以便立即增加销售。另一个方面是专注于服务营销部门,给人们更多的理由去使用他们的品牌。公司的第一个战略是把重点放在增加生产上。这种策略的优势将是在垂直整合过程中有更多的控制力(Fitzen, 2013)。产品的质量和公司的环保性是可以保持的。这些建议的缺点是,这可能会导致成本的增加,而目前的市场饱和可能成为公司的一个问题。


Socially, the people are much attuned to technology and are cosmopolitan society. They give a lot of importance to the brand and ensure that these brands should be environmentally friendly. There is a lot of respect given to the brands that are eco-friendly and the population is an aging population that gives a lot of importance to the brand image of a product. The labor in the nation is highly skilled and there are high literacy rates in the environment (Hall & Baird, 2014). Technologically, the people have a lot of working knowledge of the latest technology. There is availability of labor force that is technologically adept. There is infrastructure in the nation to promote growth. Lack of manufacturing units is a problem for the nation.The recommendation for the company is to increase the products diversification by manufacturing of the products. There should be more local production and the dependence on the suppliers should reduce for the company.

This would help ensure that that the company can maintain more control over their sustainability initiatives and also develop more brand patronage for the products. Focusing on the emerging markets and newer markets is another recommendation for the company. In the current landscape, the New Zealand markets are saturated hence they should focus on the Asia-pacific regions in order to immediately to increase their sales. Another aspect is to focus on the service marketing sector and give the people more reasons to use their brands. The first strategy of the company is to focus on the increase in production. The strength of this strategy will be more control in the vertical integration process (Fitzen, 2013). The quality of the products and the environmentally friendly nature of the company can be maintained. The weakness of these recommendations is that this could possibly lead to increase in the costs and the current market saturation can become a problem for the company.



根据相关的市场环境,每个国家或地区都有自己定义的服装设计师创业精神。本研究将讨论这种企业家精神关于企业和个人从事服装的标准,并将他们的主要精力集中在设计上,这与那些从事服装制造的人是不同的。其中包括(1)老牌时尚品牌(2)生活时尚服装(3)新兴市场品牌(4)新兴设计师(Wu, 2006)。关于企业家精神和企业家精神的各种定义有广泛的文献。德鲁克(2000)提出了创业的五个参数:形成新市场、为客户提供价值、提供新东西、改变客户价值和过程创新。同样,企业家是负责创造新价值、新想法、创新或新组织的个人。

竞争非常激烈,公司也必须面对同样的情况。在丰田的案例中,外部环境中的以下因素在影响行业竞争中起着重要的作用:企业间的高侵略性,这是一个很强的影响。企业的差异化和多样性的提高是一个强有力的影响。汽车公司在市场营销、创新等各个方面都表现出了很强的攻击性。此外,该公司一直在与许多不同的组织竞争,同时通过品牌形象、风格、燃油效率、电子产品、成本和其他附加变量进行差异化(bially和Daly, 2007)。然而,也有一些小型汽车公司,而且该公司一直在与一些大型组织竞争。这说明公司必须用全面的战略来解决这个问题。


According to the pertinent and market contexts, every country or region has their defined fashion designer entrepreneurship. This study will talk about this entrepreneurship about the criteria that firms and individuals involved in clothing, and have their primary focus on the designs, which are distinct from those who are involved in cloth manufacturing. It included (1) Established fashion labels (2) Clothing in lifestyle (3) New market brands (4) Emerging new designers (Wu, 2006). Extensive literature is available on various definitions of entrepreneurship and entrepreneur. Drucker (2000) claimed the five parameters of entrepreneurship: forming new markets, offering value to customer, giving something new, changing customer value, and process innovation. Similarly, an entrepreneur is an individual who is responsible for the process of creating new values, ideas, an innovation or a new organisation.

The intensity of competition is extremely strong and the company must be dealing with the same. In the case of Toyota, the following factors in the external environment play a significant role in affecting the competitive rivalry of the industry:High level of aggressiveness among companies that is a strong effect.Higher differentiation and variety of firms that is a strong effect.Lower number of large companies that is a moderate effect .Automotive companies show aggressiveness against one another with respect to each and every factor such as marketing and innovation. Also, the company has been competing with a number of different organizations, while differentiating through brand image, style, efficiency of fuel, electronics, and cost, and other additional variables (Bierly and Daly, 2007). However, there are a number of small automobile companies, and the company has been competing with a number of large organizations. This depicts that the company must be addressing the issue with comprehensive strategies.



欧洲成功的主要原因是不同类型的重大事件对其影响最大。欧洲的革命开始于16世纪初,始于1453年君士坦丁堡的沦陷,美国人的发现和旋转木马的衰落。与此同时,1517年马丁路德派的改革也影响了他们(Hughes, 2013, p.55)。在英国,teyh modern是由都铎王朝时期亨利七世的胜利开创的。现代欧洲早期的历史通常是从15世纪初开始的背后的原因是启蒙运动时期以及17和18世纪的理性时代。这些在欧洲的胜利为他们提供了更多的权力,这样他们就可以统治其他欠发达国家。



The main reason behind the success of the Europe is different types of major events that impacted them in highest extent. The revolution in the Europe was started in the beginning of the 16th century and it was started with the fall of the Constantinople in the year of the 1453, the discovery of the Americans and the fall of the spin. Along with that, reformation of the Martin Luthers in the year of the 1517 also affected them (Hughes, 2013, p.55). In the England, teyh modern in the England was started by the victory of the Henry VII in the time of the Tudor period. Early day’s history of the modern Europe was usually seen from the beginning of the 15th century and the reason behind that were the age of the enlightenment and the age of the reason during the 17th and the 18th century. Those victories in the Europe provide them more power so they can rule on other less developed country.

It is seen that in the later time Europe has rules over different less developed Asian country.Therefore, from the above discussion it can be stated that powers has changed its route in different region. At modern age, the American has the power to rule the whole world but after different wars in the world the Europeans has get the power and after that they rules on different less developed country. The country that has the power wants to rule on the other weak country to gain the victory easily. However, in the recent times, different individuals want that type of power by which they can rule on other individual and develop their current status.






Social interaction is based on the beliefs, values, norms, and religious beliefs of people and this forms the broad culture of society within which human beings interact with each other. The model showed by Taylor in Clockwork is no doubt tending towards the enhancement of the untapped and unutilised productivity of workers, but it also has made the process into a more mechanical process without emotional involvement. Considering an example of ordering a cheese burger from a fast food drive thru restaurant, the relevance and active participation of scientific management is clearly visible, and this also speaks about the poor impact on the restaurant workers where they lack meaningful time with colleagues and instead work with machines and processes.

The impact has been very significant and is long lasting, especially in high productivity and low time frame working environments, thus weakening the quality of social interaction and the possibilities of improving the same. Considering long term, such a social interaction will devastate in finding a suitable reason of sustaining itself, and rather a revalued social interaction will have to be nurtured. The fast paced social interaction is ideally not even considered an interaction. The only interaction they have is when workers come together to achieve a common goal often thrown as a target by a machine. There is no meaningful interaction among workers, which leads to excessive internalisation of rigid views about changing the status quo of the current social interaction.



西哥特人是日耳曼人的游牧部落,屬於西哥特人部落的西部分支。他們也被統稱為哥特人。這些部落在羅馬帝國時期繁榮昌盛。這些部落可能是從376年入侵羅馬帝國的哥特部落演化而來的。西哥特人和羅馬人之間的關係是多變的。 Fritigern是哥特人的領袖;他請求羅馬皇帝允許他的人民在多瑙河沿岸定居。他們得到了皇帝的允許,作為皇帝,他們將為軍隊提供最好的新兵。但因飢荒,這些人不能得所應許的糧食和田地。這導致了叛亂,導致了巨大的破壞。因此,他們成為羅馬帝國的威脅。


Where did the Huns and the Visigoths come from and why were they such a problem for the Roman Empire? Why didn’t the Huns try to move into the Eastern Roman Empire?Huns were the people, who lived in the Eastern Europe the Caucasus, and Central Asia between the 1st century AD and the 7th century. According to the evident found, they first lived in the east of the Volga River. However, their real origin is still unknown. This tribe was first known and mentioned in the Roman scriptures by the historian named as Tacitus. This tribe was the biggest threat for the Rome than any other barbarian tribe. They were the biggest threat and contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire, because their invasion in the region was very brutal and encouraged “Wondering of the Nations”.

Visigoths were the nomadic tribe of the Germanic people, who belonged to the western branches of the tribe. They were also collectively called as the Goths. These tribes flourished during the Roman Empire. These tribes might have evolved from the Gothic groups that invaded Roman Empire in 376. The relation between the Visigoths and the Romans is variable. Fritigern was the leader of Goths; he appealed The Roman Emperor to allow his people to settle down on the banks of Danube. They were allowed by the emperor, as the emperor though that they will provide the best recruits for the army. However, due to famine, these people could not receive food and land, which they were promised for. This led to the revolt, which resulted in great destruction. Thus, they became a threat for the Roman Empire.



CV是留学材料中的一部分,全称Curriculum vitae是最直接向导师说明自己学习和工作情况的证明。那么如何在无数的CV中凸显出自己呢?第一就是版面的设计要简洁流畅,然后就是要将自己的个人经历与所申请的学校学位相关的“闪光点”突出表现出来。















在这篇研究论文中,讨论将集中在对外国武装分子涌入伊拉克和叙利亚伊斯兰国的反应。在同样的情况下,将有对各国和外国机构的分析。将对联合国等国际机构、为防止这种情况而制定的法律以及这些法律的效力进行分析。这是一个重大威胁,并已使世界上许多国家感到担忧(Kraehenmann, 2014)。美国和欧洲情报机构也对ISIS武装分子可能造成的威胁表示担忧。荷兰恐怖主义评估机构发现,这些武装分子回国后,不仅带回了一些激进的想法,而且完全准备对自己的国家使用暴力手段。最糟糕的是,这些外国战士可能会成为下一代圣战的基础。

未来ISIS被摧毁后,这些外国武装分子还可能组建其他恐怖组织。除此之外,ISIS和许多其他极端组织已经发出信号,他们打算通过反击土耳其和利比亚地区进入欧洲,渗透到这两条不同的难民路线(Flasch, 2015)。2014年11月巴黎遇袭后,对ISIS及其对外国人渗透的担忧变得灾难性得多。ISIS的大部分外国武装分子来自突尼斯、沙特阿拉伯、土耳其、约旦、俄罗斯、摩洛哥、法国、印度尼西亚、埃及、英国、德国和拉班农等国。因此,重要的是,不同的政治机构和安全机构应该更加关注限制ISIS中外国武装分子的数量。


In this research paper, the discussion will be focussed on the responses to the influx of the foreign fighters in Islamic States of Iraq and Syria. There will be the analysis of the nations on the same and that of the foreign bodies. There would be analysis on the international bodies such as the United Nations, the laws made to prevent the same and the effectiveness of these laws. This is a major threat and has worried a number of nations in the world (Kraehenmann, 2014). The American and the European intelligence have also been worried with the threat which may be caused by the people who are fighting for ISIS. It has been found by the terrorist assessment Agency in Netherlands that when these fighters return to their nation, they not only come back with a number of radical ideas but also they are completely prepared to use violent means against their own nation. The worst thing is that these foreign fighters may serve as the foundation for the coming generations of jihad.

These foreign fighters may also build other terrorist groups after ISIS has been destroyed in the future. In addition to this, ISIS and many other extremist groups have given the signal that they intend to infiltrate the two different refugee routes through countering the areas of Turkey and Libya into Europe (Flasch, 2015). The concerns with respect to ISIS and its infiltration of the foreigners have become much more disastrous after the attacks on Paris in November 2014. Most of the foreign fighters in ISIS are from the nations such as Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Jordan, Russia, Morocco, France, Indonesia, Egypt, the United Kingdom, Germany and Labanon. Thereby, it is important that there should be a greater concern by different political bodies and security agencies to limit the number of foreign fighters in ISIS.



動物喜歡被撓痒癢和愛撫,進一步的研究也得出結論,肉體的愉悅與靈長類動物的性活動有關(愛因斯坦,2007)。繼續討論為什麼性對智人很重要,我們可以得出以下結論:性對於人類的繁殖很重要,但這是他們與動物的共同之處。性活動關係到人類男女的健康,因為有規律的性生活被認為是健康的標誌。心理健康也與人類的性活動有關。由於性活動和性與人類彼此之間的關係有關,可以說性對於他們為伴侶所保持的親密關係也很重要。人類也將性與靈性聯繫在一起(Geary, 2010)。


Usually the primates engage in sexual activities when the time is right, it is when the mating season comes and when the woman is ready to receive the male. In many animals, this might take place at a conscious level, and many are engaged without such consciousness. Mating mainly takes place for reproduction, but like said animals are not aware of the same. And like any other practice, sex is also carried out in animals for pleasure, the reproducing functions and ways being different than the former. On carrying on researches related to sex of animals, it was seen that animals or primate stand to have more sex even after the mating season is over, and even when reproduction is not the outcome.

The animals like being tickled and caressed, and further research also concluded that carnal pleasure was involved with the sexual activities of the primates (Einstein, 2007).Continuing the discussion where one has to stress on why sex is important for Homo sapiens, one can conclude the following:Sex is important for humans for reproduction, but that is something they have in common with the animals.Sexual activities are related to the health of the males and females in humans, as having sex at regular interval is considered to be a healthy sign.Mental health is also related with sexual activities in human beings.Since sexual activities and sex are related to the relationship humans hold with one another, it can be said sex is also important for the intimacy that they hold for their partners.Humans also connect sex to spirituality (Geary, 2010).




全文结构基本合理科学,逻辑思路清晰,观点表达准确,语言流畅,论证方法较 合理,参考的文献资料符合主题要求,从主题到内容符合专业要求,部分与本分 之间衔接的比较紧密,但个别引文没有标注出来,真正属于自己创新的内容还不 是很多,个别概念比较模糊,总体上达到毕业论文要求。

研究内容具有现实性和可操作性。选题社会热点问题,逻辑结构严谨。观点 表达清楚,论述全面。语言平实简洁,通俗易懂。在论证过程中也能较好地将专 业知识原理与现实问题结合起来。但论据还不够。总体上符合毕业论文要求。


选题较具时代性和现实性。全文结构安排合理。观点表达基本准确。全文内 容紧扣工商管理专业要求来写,充分体现出工商管理专业特色。查阅的相关资料 较多。 但不足之处主要是属于自己创新的东西还不多。 总体上符合毕业论文要求。

研究为题,充分的体现时代特色性。全文结构合理,思路清晰,观点明显。在论证过程中能教好的将论证 与案例论证结合起来。不足之处是部分论点的论据还缺乏说服力。

以为题进行研究。能为解决的问题提供参考和借鉴作用。在全文 结构中,首先要调整基本概念提出问题,然后在对问题进行深入的分析,最后为提出有效的建议。 全文体现专业特色要求, 部分与本分之间衔接的比较紧密, 真正属于自己创新的内容还不是很多。总体上达到毕业论文要求。


本文选题符合工商管理专业要求,又充分反映出社会现实的需要性。全文结构安排合理,思路清晰,观点正确,能很好的将工商管理专业知识与要分析 论证的问题有机地结合起来。该文在写作的过程中查阅的资料不仅充分而且与主题结合紧密。





创建学习型组织所需要的基本步骤之一是有效的领导。它不是基于传统的启发式思维过程的一致性。相反,它是来自公司不同专业水平的人员的组合,他们的加入创造了一个共同的愿景和目标。然后,每个团队或一组团队中的所有人都尝试开发一个学习环境来实现这个主要目标。愿景应该由领导者或个人经理创建,以找到解决每个工作场合独特挑战的方案(Mason, 2010)。在这种情况下,创建积极的组织文化是维系组织增长的粘合剂。将有基本的透明度和问责制。这些公司的员工将希望他们的声音被听到,他们将因学习和创新而得到奖励。然而,这在中国并没有得到有效的发展(Wang, and Ruona, 2004)。



One of the basic integral step that is required for the creation of the learning organization is effective leadership. It is not based on the traditional heuristics of conformities of the thought process. Rather it is a mix of people from different levels of expertise of the company joining and creating a shared vision and objective. All the people in the individual teams or a group of teams then try and develop a learning environment to move this primary objective. The vision should be created by the leader or the individual manager to find solutions for the unique challenges of each workplace situation (Mason, 2010). In this case, creation of a positive organizational culture is the glue that holds together the growth of the organization. There will be basic transparency and accountability. The employees of such companies will hope that their voices are heard and they would be rewarded for learning and innovation. However, this has not been able to effectively develop in China (Wang, and Ruona, 2004).

There is only partial development of these learning organizations and these factors have been probed in detail in the following. The factors that contribute to workplace learning in Chinese HR Departments-Post positivist approach. Chinese organizations exposed to the western management practices choose to operate based on their management style of thinking. They have specifically been able to develop on the responsiveness, flexibility and been able to keep up with the speed of the economics. The Chinese HR departments are continually trying to incorporate the local politics and find ways to enhance their relationship with the state. Modern Chinese enterprises are not fully based on the conventional notions of management that they had practiced in the previous era nor are they fully westernized. There is a loose managerial style of creating business. Chinese HR departments are specifically influenced by a number of variables other than the usual meeting of the requirements of the company. This can be understood from applying of the Hofestede culture model.