

这些照片被高度的聚焦在个人的脸上,以至于很多的背景和背景都被忽略了。有些照片我很难确定它们的位置。它们并没有唤起我和儿时朋友一起看旧照片时那种怀旧的感觉。这要么是照片的时代,要么是现代照片的处理方式,这似乎让这种怀旧的表现难以理解。弗兰普顿能够与他的照片联系起来。他对自己的人际关系漠不关心,声音似乎一直在嗡嗡作响,照片燃烧时,他既不兴奋也不担心。尽管他将过去与过去联系起来并以怀旧的方式呈现出来,但与怀旧相关的感觉或情感却缺失了(Niemeyer, 2014)。我相信弗兰普顿这样做一定是有目的的,以显示什么是怀旧。当一个人看到他们的旧照片被破坏或烧毁,然后会觉得它在这样的水平,即使有一些额外的打印可用的地方(假设弗兰普顿肯定有额外的打印照片,他正在燃烧)。



These photographs have been highly touched with focus on the face of the individual(s) that so much of the context and background was missing. Some photographs I had a hard time situating them. They did not evoke that feeling of nostalgia that I gain when looking at an old photograph with childhood friends. It is either the age of the photograph or the way that modern photographs are treated, which seems to make this rendition of nostalgia incomprehensible. Frampton is able to connect with his photographs. He is nonchalant about his connections and his voice seems to drone on, and he is neither excited nor worried as the photograph burns. Although, the way he connects to his past and presents them as nostalgia, the feeling or the emotions related to nostalgia are missing (Niemeyer, 2014). I believe the Frampton must have done this purposefully in order to show what nostalgia is. When one sees their old photograph being destroyed or burnt then would feel for it at such a level, even if there were some extra prints available somewhere (Assuming Frampton would definitely have had extra prints of the photographs he was burning).

I would feel those extra emotions, and I know I would probably feel sad and depressed if I was to lose some of the photographs of my family, friends and life from the past. However, when one considers the more recent photography, it might not be of much consequence if that photograph was there or not. Losing such a photograph by accidentally deleting it or losing the photograph by accidentally modifying it, so as to lose the old copy might not have as much of the grief that one would associate with an older photograph.Photographers would attempt to reel in the viewer from a non-committal stance to a committal stance and in doing so might create a sense of pseudo-participation, but this would not be true in association with nostalgia. The photographer by using different frames of representation might be able to reel in the audience to view the photograph from a more committed sentiment. This applies only when the photographer is presenting some issue that might be connected to a more collective conscience such as world poverty, the death of some great individual etc (Williamson, 2014; Armitage et al, 1982).



企业所有方面的成功都可以追溯到积极的员工(Osabiya, 2015)。招聘、培训和保留的过程,以及在组织内强调职业发展;Pret-a manager不仅能够识别对其组织有价值的员工;但也要确保这些员工不断受到激励。通过建立和保持员工的士气,管理层能够确保组织中的忠诚员工符合组织的目标、使命和愿景。这对于确保员工能够发挥他们最大的能力起着重要的作用。当工资完全以绩效为基础,不受上级的任何偏见或个人偏见的影响时,员工的工作效率会更高(Muogbo, 2013)。不仅强调个人表现,而且强调团队精神;表现最好的团队会因为他们的成就而得到奖励。有上进心的个人帮助形成有上进心的团队,这反过来又导致了公司的成功。这是Pret-a-Manger成功遵循的理念,他成功地挖掘了员工激励与组织绩效之间的关系。

像克雷特纳这样的研究人员声称,激励是实现最佳工作表现的必要条件。但是,他进一步指出,它不能孤立地工作。他认为激励与知识、技能、情感和感觉一起作用于实现员工的最佳绩效(Osabiya, 2015)。然而,没有两种观点认为,除非员工得到赞赏,否则他们往往会感到沮丧,这对员工的绩效有负面影响。Pret-a经理认识到这一点,并制定了确保员工士气保持的政策。动机可以是内在的,也可以是外在的。外在激励包括薪酬、晋升、福利、工作环境等有形奖励,而内在激励包括积极肯定、欣赏等心理病房。因此,虽然外部激励有直接和强大的影响,他们不需要持续很长一段时间。另一方面,内在因素与工作生活质量有关,因此具有长期影响(Osabiya, 2015)。Pret-a-Manger利用内在和外在的激励来确保员工被激励到最佳状态。


The success of all facets of a business can to traced back to motivated employees (Osabiya, 2015). The process of recruitment, training and retention along with the emphasis on career growth within the organization; Pret-a Manger is able to not only identify the employees who are an asset to their organization; but also ensure that these employees are constantly motivated. By building and retaining employee morale, the management is able to ensure that the organization is staffed by loyal employees in line with organisational goals, mission and vision. This plays a significant role in ensuring that the employees are able to perform to the best of their abilities.Workers perform more efficiently when wages are purely performance based and not subject to any kind of prejudice or personal bias on the part of the superiors (Muogbo, 2013). The emphasis is not only on individual performance, but also on team spirit; with the best performing teams being rewarded for their achievements. Motivated individuals help form motivated team, which in turn results in the creation of a successful company. This is the ideology that has been followed successfully at Pret-a-Manger who has successfully tapped the relationship between employee motivation and organizational performance.

Researchers like Kreitner claim that motivation is a necessity for optimal job performance. However, he further states that it cannot work in isolation. He is of the opinion that motivation, along with knowledge, skill, emotions and feelings work towards achieving optimal performance from employees (Osabiya, 2015). Yet there are no two opinions to the fact that unless employees are appreciated, they tend to feel demoralized and this has an adverse effect on employee performance. Pret-a manger recognized this and its policies are formulated to ensure that employee morale is maintained.Motivation can be either intrinsic or extrinsic. Extrinsic motivation includes tangible rewards like salary, promotion, fringe benefits, work environment, and so on, while intrinsic motivation includes psychological wards like positive recognition, appreciation and so on. Thus, while extrinsic motivators have an immediate and strong impact they need not last for a long time period. Intrinsic factors on the other hand, deal with the quality of work life and therefore have a long-term effect (Osabiya, 2015). Pret-a-Manger uses both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to ensure that employees are motivated to perform to their optimal.