

Likewise, when Wonder Sports purchases the supplies of 90 rackets, 10 percent is charged on the rackets, but the company can be claiming it as GST credit. Thus, the GST credit claimed per racket is 10 percent of $110. The figure that comes out is $11 per racket. Therefore, for 90 rackets, the GST credit claimed is $990. The GST paid to the tax office by Wonder Sports is the difference between the collected GST and credits paid. Therefore, the figure is $(1,980 – 990) i.e. $990. All these while, 90 rackets are considered, since 10 rackets have been returned and refund obtained. There is also assumption that all the business activities in this case have taken place in the same tax period. The Wonder Sports has been provided with the choice to register as a reasonable amount of fund has been considered for GST, the company would like and being able to claim those credits back.
For Aussie Tennis Goods, it is assumed that their price of selling the ‘sweet spot’ rackets has the GST included in it. That means Aussie Tennis Goods has been paying $10 for each racket as GST. Therefore, for 90 rackets it has paid $900 to the tax office.
The registration for GST should be applied to the Australian Business Register. The arrangement is in place for central collection in relation to the basic information. Thus, to register, Wonder Sports and Aussie Tennis Goods can use PAYG (pay as you go), TFN (tax file number) or ABN (Australian business number).
In case, Wonder Sports and Aussie Tennis Goods can be claiming deduction of income tax for some purchases in relation to the business, the GST credit should be taken off that the companies have the entitlement of claiming. In this way, there cannot be any double-dip. If the purchase is free of GST credit, which means the item is ‘input taxed’, there is availability of the full amount for deduction (Dale 2014). Small businesses like Wonder Sports are liable for a number of tax concessions, the portions of which, is payable by GST installments.
There are exemptions of the GST requirement which does not need the addition of GST on the price of the commodities, although credits can be claimed on the prices where GST are included and bought by that business in making them GST free sales, named as ‘business inputs’. The list of goods and services that are free from the GST includes most foods. Otherwise, farmland, second-hand goods, international travel, medical and health supplies, cars meant for the disabled, precious metal etc. Moreover, the business sales as going concern, does not require the addition of GST. Finally, the ‘input taxed’ supplies, including, selling of residential premises, ATM transactions, loans, rent of residential properties are exempted (Ehrich and Billett 2006). In this case, neither of the companies falls within these categories mentioned (and assumed that they are not going concerns) and thus, they are within the purview of GST.

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企业社会责任是一个重要的展示承诺,同时为经济的可持续发展作出贡献,与社会、当地社区、员工和客户合作,提高生活质量。由于每个公司的CSR战略都是自愿的、独特的,所以在理解一个组织是在遵循真正的CSR实践,还是仅仅是在粉饰自己以表现出社会责任时,就会面临困难。基于这一观点,essay thesis statement的主要目的在于为支持企业社会责任在英国是真实存在的这一观点提供证据,但在大多数组织中,企业社会责任被用来通过粉饰门面来赚取更多的钱。美国酒店管理论文代写-CSR的正确应用的研究范围在于借鉴英国组织,从公司法和公司治理的角度分析CSR的应用。

Corporate social responsibility is supposed to be a win-win approach. The organizations can make profits and the community in turn benefits. If there is an advantage to the society which in most situations is doubtful, then does this advantage outweigh losses the society caused by an organization through its operations in other areas. The motives of CSR are ulterior in nature. According to a study by Corporate Institute for management, UK, more than 80 percent of the decision makers for corporate CSR are highly confident over their ability to deliver branding and benefits to employees through good CSR practices. Considering an example of a simple corporate philosophy, organizations make donations for charitable organizations through their shareholders money and this can only be done if potential profit is foreseen. This may be due to improving their image through relating with an environmental or social cause or for exploiting the cheap advertising technique. However there always is an underlying motive to make more finances. The case is evident across regions ranging from US to UK.
A number of organizations like the Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation, the World Bank and the United Nations can be seen promoting CSR in an active along with the European Union and several European governments. Several publication and organizations regularly rate, report and monitor aspects related to corporate social performance and several provide awards and recognitions to business being considered as most virtuous. There has been a major spread of CSR across the continent of Europe significantly.
As per the financial vocabulary, window dressing is referred to as the utilization of short- term finance- based transactions for the manipulation of accounting values across specific reporting data. While this definition determined the financial nature of window dressing, there are only limited aspects for considering window dressing from the perspective of CSR. However, a theoretical insight had been provided by Griffin and Weber (2006) and Weaver et al (1999) that window dressing is an activity determined in terms of strategies. It has been suggested that there is occurrence of decoupling in which CSR ends up taking less strategic value within the core process of decision making and there is a rise of concern by the later stages in the process of external communication. This is the point where there is best management and creation of reputation. As such, commitment towards CSR is avoided by some companies purposely that leads towards inconsistencies between actual Corporate Social Responsibility and the message communicated with the public. Therefore, window dressing can be considered as activities performed for altering the perceptions of public by the communication of socially responsible behaviour further showing rejection to internalize the policies of CSR.
This essay has been successful in proving the thesis statement that CSR is merely an act of window dressing for making people feel good. This essay has discussed the concept of window dressing from the perspective of CSR, while referring to several case studies from UK and related laws.
In terms of CSR development, United Kingdom seems to present an awkward scenario. United Kingdom is not known for sweatshops and problems of environmental pollution. The recent scandal series of sub-standard products of United Kingdom have once again led towards a shocking perspective that various organizations in United Kingdom are not scrupulous on making capital at the cost of lives of people. Products that are made-in-United Kingdom are renowned for being related with lower cost but also lower quality of the product depicting not so responsible processes of production. The widespread picture on irresponsibility in United Kingdom Corporate ironically may be a key driver for United Kingdom based CSR development. CSR, since 2004, has formed into an essential issue in policy forums and United Kingdom academics.
Those organizations that only want to appear as green washers, should understand that there is no more time left for them to rectify their functions and soon they will be caught. This is because business’s today dominate majority of people’s lives and it is therefore not possible to leave it as their individual responsibility. Drawing over techniques to greenwash, organizations from sectors such as mining and tobacco illustrate individualized and personalized events on how their capital has helped in bringing about a difference. Hence, it can be concluded that even though a number of organizations pretend to be socially responsible, CSR cannot be considered as an act of window dressing, but there is scope of window dressing in CSR for companies.

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Considering the first rationale, if some section of the society is not benefitted by the product, it does not serve the purpose of a deficit problem in the society. If a section of society is completely on the extreme side of the industry, the copyrighted product will never benefit that section, and thus the lack of demand of this section not willing to buy such copyrighted products is not taken in to consideration while pricing the product. So obligation to society is not fully agreeable when a part of society will never benefit from such copyrighted products. Promoting general wellbeing of society is also agreed when the copyrights create more encouragement for more such creations and the society in turn benefits from it. However, when incentives are the only means and the access to such copyrighted products reduces, there is no wellbeing that can be said as absolute.

The rationale for copyright is more towards encouragement and creating competitive forces within the market, but when the same rationale is not effective in its assumptions, it loses its importance and the development of trust deficit develops. This in turn impacts the creators and their loss of confidence in the assumption of their creation getting protected. In addition, the society also develops a belief that free use, or liberalisation of access to such copyrighted materials will be more advantageous. This can also encourage more talent to create new works since they would believe more in the system due to the liberalisation of new creations.

Capitalism, as a market structure, allows everyone to behave as if acting for their own self-interest, but when this self-interest converts into copying the copyrighted materials and redistributing at lower prices than the original, it hurts the entire economy and the society. Thus, the goal of creating more copyrighted materials is always desirable but is not possible to achieve fully in a capitalistic market structure when the forces of selfish motives are acting against the safeguarding of protected materials.

Copyright law is introduced with the basis of incentivising the creator who creates works that benefits the society and in turn helps the society to achieve more by the use of such products. The intention of copyright law being the general wellbeing of society and helping specialised and rare knowledge reaching the masses at affordable costs, the results are not equivalent to the assumptions. The benefits as claimed are not transferred to all sections of the society which make the claim itself questionable. Again, the author or an artist who creates the work of arts is given exclusive rights of the use of the product; it makes it less accessible to those who really need it but cannot afford it, leading to a conclusion that the accessibility reduces with the law getting more stringent and when enforced fully. This inaccessibility of the product is not one of the main purposes of the creators and violates the intention and deprives society. Thus, copyright law is outdated and a free knowledge source is required where there is no discrimination between copyrighted and non-copyrighted products, but letting the society decide its worth depending on the value proposition.

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流动比率有助于衡量组织履行短期义务的能力,包括流动比率、速动比率和现金比率。利润率有助于衡量组织从资产或资源中产生有利可图的销售的能力。这包括毛利率、营业利润率和净利润。毛利率不仅有助于估计本组织的定价战略,而且还为取得财务健康提供了适当的措施。如果没有合适的利润空间,组织就无法支付运营费用和其他相关费用,组织就无法建立一个更好的未来(Apple Annual Report, 2010)。一般来说,一个组织的毛利率应该保持稳定。如果一个组织成功地增加了销售额,降低了商品成本的价值,并提高了价格,那么毛利率就会增加。自过去6年以来,苹果的毛利率出现了一些波动,2012年最高,为43.87%,2013年最低,为37.62%。但与竞争对手相比,这一毛利率相当低。苹果公司的毛利率仅高于一个竞争对手惠普公司,如下图所示,苹果公司的营业利润率已经有了一定的稳定。


Liquidity ratios help in measuring the ability of organization for meeting the short term obligations of an organization, including current ratio, quick ratio, and cash ratio. The profitability ratios help in measuring the ability of the organization for the generation of profitable sales from the assets or resources. This includes Gross Profit Margin, Operating Profit Margin, and Net Profit Margin. The gross profit margin not only assists in estimating the pricing strategy of the organization, but it also provides appropriate measures for obtaining financial health. In the absence of appropriate profit margin, an organization fails in making payment of operating expenses and other related expenses, and hence, the organization fails in building a better future (Apple Annual Report, 2010). In the general sense, the gross profit margin of an organization should be maintaining stability. There can be an increase in gross profit margin if an organization succeeds in increasing sales, reducing the value of cost of goods sold, and increasing the price. There have been some fluctuations in the gross profit margin of Apple since the last 6 years, being highest in the year 2012 a 43.87 per cent and lowest in the year 2013 at 37.62 per cent. However, in comparison with the competitors, this profit margin is considerably low. The gross profit margin of Apple is only higher than one competitor, namely, HP Inc.There has been some stability in the operating profit margin of Apple Inc. as depicted in the chart below.
However, during the period of past 6 years, this operating profit margin was highest in the year 2012 reaching 36 percent. When compared with the operating profit margin of the key competitors, this ratio is considerably high. For the year 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011 and 2010, the value of operating profit margin is 30.48 percent, 28.72 percent, 28.67 percent, 35.30 percent, 31.22 percent and 28.19 percent respectively (Apple Annual Report, 2015).Net profit margin depicts the share of revenue that is kept aside by a company in terms of profit after the accountability for variable costs and fixed costs, and is used primarily for conducting internal comparisons. The acceptable margins of profit may involve variations across industries. If the profit margins are narrow, they will be revealing earnings with increased volatility. For organizations having significant value of fixed costs, wider margins of profit ends up reducing the risk regarding declining sales, further causing a loss of net profit. Between the duration of last 6 years, the highest net profit margin was 26.67 per cent in the year 2012 and was lowest in the year 2010 at 21.48 per cent. Even though there seems to be some fluctuations, the net profit margin is considerably high in comparison with the competitors.




Furthermore, movement of price lies in the trends. A trend in price is the stock’s price prevailing direction over certain time period. The trend concept perhaps is the quintessential thought when performing technical analysis as most technical tools or components are designed so that they can identify and follow the present trends. When performing technical analysis, what is looked at specifically is price data patterns that signal continuity or trend reversal try to maintain. It is a must for traders to understand circumstances signally continuous trends so that the trend can be ridden as farther as possible. It is also essential to look at situations signalling trend based reversal so that stocks can be sold prior to the turns of trend or purchase of stock at the reverses moment. An example can be quoted here that if one holds a specific stock in an upward trend; the trader is looking at continuing in the upward trend for confirming this position as well as reversals so that the position can be exited prior to the stock going into downward trend. Therefore, traders look at stocks that are in trend presently in order to try and analyse the key achievements for that particular trend and either purchase or sell based on the present position. For the technical analysis methods to be of value, it is essential to take it under assumption that prices will form trends.
When technical analysis based trading is done, it is essential to examine data from stock price for patterns of price which might in certain manners predict price direction in the long term future. Consequently, it is essential to assume that patterns of price form with a specific consistency and that patterns of price which have gained success in the past, will continue to be of success in long term future. As evident that financial markets are fuelled through acts of humans and expectations, Murphy (1999) attributed the regular formation and predictive pattern of price as well as calculation of price for a study within human psychology and team dynamics dependent upon behaviour finances.
Financial theory initially was based predominantly over the hypothesis for efficient markets. This hypothesis originally stated that traded assets price are efficient informationally implying that their price always completely reflects all known data and changes to new data instantly may take place. Every market agent furthermore is such that they maximize utility along with having rationalized expectations. Considering such an assumption, all attempts to analyse previous price and trading stocks is a waste as it would not be possible for consistently outperforming markets as all known data is integrated within price and every agent values the information in an equal manner. Successful theoretical and empirical work was supported by the theory and was considered widely as proved. From the dominance height, however, the theory has gained much challenge and its focus has transitioned towards behaviour based finances.

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