




SWOT Analysis
There is extremely strong and obvious presence of the organization over the online sources for the initiation of sales. The organization is also supported by a number of other related industries such the health industry and many more.
Huge subsidy is provided to the growers of crop by the government of UK, but it is not the same case for the growers of organic and natural items of food (Fabricant, 2006). The population of farmers dealing with the growth of organic items of food is increasing at a significant rate. The pricing of products is mostly done with large amount.
The pricing of products being high does not tend to affect the preferences of the customers as they still purchase the products at the available prices (Van, 2013). The organization of Whole Foods Market has the capability to exist even in tough times due to its strong strategies for expanding across the globe.

The degree of competition is extremely strong that provide a number of other options to the base of customers. In addition to this, the organization does not seem to be consider the strategies for the effectiveness of cost in a significant manner.
Alternate Options
The Whole foods market should show consideration for the differentiation of its products in order to increase the scope of competitive advantage within the industry. The organization can conduct this differentiation by being selective while there is provision of products. The placement of such offers must be done by the maintenance of good and better quality in the products being provided to the base of customers (Fabricant, 2006). As a significant opportunity that can be exploited by the organization is that a number of other competitive organization have been initiating the sale of cloned species or offspring.



Mellin de Saint-Gelais是法国弗朗西斯一世的宫廷诗人,因文艺复兴时期的复兴光环而闻名,这在他的文学创作和个性中都很明显。他也是昂古莱姆大主教的侄子,屋大维圣日格莱斯,因为维吉尔的埃涅伊德的法语翻译而闻名。他也被视为一位占星家,音乐家和医生,成为诗人。圣格莱斯倡导marotique风格,并一直是法国文学中最重要的角色之一。他也是滑稽文学风格的培养者。

Corneille de Lyon的Mellin de Saint-Gelais创建于16世纪中叶,但其创作的确切年份仍值得商榷。这幅肖像现在珍藏在法国的卢浮宫。这幅肖像镶嵌在柔和的乌木木质的皮特拉硬脑膜框架中,并配有母亲O’-pearl镶嵌和大理石柱。由于科内勒里昂围绕在这样的框架中的科技肖像,pietra硬脑膜框架被认为是高奈里昂帧。在法国文艺复兴时期繁荣兴起的雕塑和绘画发展有助于创作更精致的绘画作品。
主题的面部表情生动活泼在肖像中显而易见,但与大多数文艺复兴时期的肖像不同,这些肖像与观众呈现出直接炫目的主题,科内耶的肖像是有角度地塑造的,但文艺复兴艺术的魅力促成了艺术作品与观众目不转睛地看着肖像。 “法国文艺复兴时期的艺术不仅仅是新探索和逻辑精神的出现,而是对古典和古典艺术风格的改造性敬意”(默多克617)。在Mellin de Saint-Galais的Corneille画像中可观察到古典艺术的稳固性,但在文艺复兴时期艺术的栩栩如生和三维新颖性方面则大幅增强。


Mellin de Saint-Gelais was the Poet Loaureate at the court of Francis I of France and was highly noted for Renaissance revival aura, which was evident in both his literary ventures and personality. He was also the nephew of the bishop of Angoulême, Octavian de Saint-Gelais, who was noted for the French translation of Virgil’s Aeneid. He was also noted as an astrologer, musician and doctor alongside as a poet. Saint-Gelais championed marotique style and has been one of the foremost sonneteers in French literature. He was also a nurturer of the burlesque style of literature.

The portrait and its Renaissance attribute
Corneille de Lyon’s Mellin de Saint-Gelais was created during the early-mid 16th century but the exact year of its creation is debatable. The portrait is now treasured at Musée de Louvre in France. The portrait is framed in pietra dura frame of smooth ebonized wood and featuring mother-o’-pearl inlay and marble columns. Owing to the techy portraits of Corneille de Lyon enclosed in such frames, the pietra dura frames have come to be regarded as the Corneille de Lyon frames. The sculptural and pictorial developments that flourished during the French Renaissance revival era contributed to the creation of more minutely detailed paintings.
The liveliness in facial expression of the subject is evident in the portrait but unlike most Renaissance portraits, which presented the subject in direct glare with the audience, Corneille’s portrait is angularly modeled but the charm of Renaissance art that instigated communication between the piece of art and the audience eyeing it is largely present in the portrait as well. “French Renaissance art was not just the advent of a newfound spirit of enquiry and logic but a reformative homage to the classical and antique styles of art” (Murdoch 617). The solidly of classical art is observable in Corneille portrait of Mellin de Saint-Galais but is considerably enhanced in the lifelike and three dimensional newness of the Renaissance art.



因此,无论这种关系是否属于例外关系之一,这种不适当的影响也可能同样适用。但是,一方以确定性的动机由另一方较弱的另一方支配,有能力获得这种影响的不公平的优势。以1975年劳埃德银行(Lloyds Bank Limited v Bundy)为例,一位老年农场主向世行提供了一笔保险金,用于支付其子女的透支,并将该大厦抵押给世行作为安全措施。显然,农业专家把自己完全交到了合作银行董事手中,没有机会寻找免费的律师。尽管通常情况下,不正当影响的假设不会对银行和客户产生任何重大影响,但Plea法庭却拘留了它,因此,在这种情况下,交易被搁置了。


This classification covers situations where there is no exceptional relationship as clarified above; however, the relationship is mainly based on “trust and certainty” where one of the parties is in a situation to push undue influence over the other. Taking after Etridge there is no more any assumption of undue influence that occurs in such cases. The petitioner must demonstrate they put confidence and trust in the respondent; once that is created, then, whenever there takes place a transaction “requiring a clarification” an evidential assumption that undue influence has taken place will emerge. It will be for the respondent to demonstrate that no such sort of influence was worked out.

Therefore, an induction of undue influence might likewise apply regardless of the fact that the relationship is not among one of the exceptional relationships. However, one party, by motive of the certainty rested in him or her by the other party who will be weaker, has the capacity to gain an unfair advantage of this influence. Case in point, in 1975 in Lloyds Bank Limited v Bundy, an elderly rancher offered the Bank an insurance in appreciation of his child’s overdraft and also mortgaged the mansion to the Bank as a safety measure. It was apparent that the agriculturist had put himself totally in the hands of the collaborator bank director and had been given no chance to look for free counsel. In spite of the fact that, ordinarily, the assumption of undue influence would not have any significant impact between the bank and the client, the Court of Plea detained that it did, so, here in this case the transactions were put aside.



但是,规划过程不应该是模棱两可的。在这种情况下,SMART模型的轮廓特别相关。 SMART模型确立的目标和五个有关目标的有效目标是:(a)具体; (b)合理; (c)正在采取行动; (d)可衡量的;和(e)时间表。例如,增加收入的目标不能称为SMART。这是因为;这个目标是不可衡量和时间表的。它也应该是可行的和合理的(Yemm,2013)。 SMART的目标是将日历年收入比2015日历年的收入增加8%,逐步实现既定目标并按季度回应管理层。



The consumers’ level of education must be identified by the market research that will indicate the kind of education needed to be imparted and what way to the mainstream consumers (Higgins, 1999).
Critical Discussion
The management issue of expanding the Chatime customer base to the mainstream Australian population from the currently niche segment of Asian population requires immaculate planning. The planning process is explained in this section with research evidences.
However, planning process should not be ambiguous. In this context, the outlines of a SMART model are particularly relevant. SMART model establishes objective and five characteristics related to the effective objectives are: (a) to be specific; (b) being reasonable; (c) is being actionable; (d) being measurable; and (e) being timetabled. For instance, the objective of increasing revenue cannot be termed as SMART. This is because; this objective is not measurable and timetabled. It should be actionable and reasonable too (Yemm, 2013). The SMART objective would be increasing the revenue of the calendar year revenue by 8 percent over the revenue of the calendar year 2015, progressing towards a measured goal and responding to the management quarterly.

The shift of the positioning of Chatime from the niche market player to a mainstream player is not easy, but can be achieved through immaculate planning. Market research is required to understand the requirements related to the mainstream consumer preferences. On the basis of the results of the research, immaculate planning is required be framed and implemented to achieve the objective. SMART planning should be adopted to provide more accountability in the planning process.






It is an immense challenge to drive a value-driven business. A characteristic bottom-of-pyramid consumer would live in a remote village, in a small hut with no running water and electricity. The family would be generally illiterate and would be vulnerable to diseases and natural disaster. For a business to fight poverty, the common strategies that are being used are (Prahalad, 2005):
a)Hiring of local entrepreneurs who wants to drive a change on the ground level. Local entrepreneurs can adapt fast to the nuances of the native markets and can strive for success earnestly.
b)Businesses have to work towards building a movement instead of market share. They have to be dedicated to the cause of serving poor and forego profits. People should be the motivator and not money.
c)Competitions are actively welcomed. It indicates that more people are trying to deal with the problem. Price, at times, can also become a weapon to measure the impact. Since the BOP market is huge, selling at very low price points can also be profitable due to the economies of scale involved.
d)The business has to be motivated with a mission and not money. If a business has to succeed in a BOP market, it would need a mission instead of a sales plan and profit motive. Businesses that are there just for money would not be able to last long.
e)The aim of an organization should be to maximize distribution and not profits. The companies can succeed to serve many consumers covering their costs instead of maximizing profits for their sake.

These value driven companies show that mission driven business can help to improve the lives of the globe’s poorest segment. It would be of great value to the society if these companies endeavour to improve the lives of the BOP consumers.







The employment system of China is on the basis of models related to Northern Europe and Asia socialist. The employment law system of China is known to be having some differences from that of United Kingdom. The key difference is that the UK is known to be having employment at the system of will. This means that there can be termination of employees at any point of time, and for any specific reason.
The system of China is known to be the opposite. The system of China is a system of contract employment (Hewlett 2009). This refers to the fact that each and every employee must be engaged in a pursuant manner, to a written contract of employment, and in the duration of the contract, it becomes extremely difficult for terminating the employee. The plan of recruitment will involve the creation of a strategic alliance with the University of Liverpool for the hiring of new employees within the organization. However, in order to do so, the organization should be considering the below stated issues:

Terms related to employment: Each and every employee must be hiring pursuant in accordance with the written contract. After expiry of the initial term of contract, the organization must consider re- hiring the pursuant of employee to a second contract with fixed term (Reilly 1999). However, by the end of this particular term of employment, automatically the employee will be converted into an employee having the terms of open contract. This refers to the fact that there will be chance for hiring the employee on the basis of fixed terms.




在李永才受聘之前,会计和运营部门负责控制所有簿记功能,并为每个部分的表现生成数据。这样做是为了帮助每个经理做出决定。李勇是会计业务部经理,有20名成员,其中3名直接向她汇报。然而,公司的运作是在永利任命之前制定的(Robbins et al,2015)。永利在组织招聘之后,为了取得更好的成绩,她改变了内部的几个方面。然而,这些成员或她的下属对此也感到不舒服。例如,他们没有一贯的监测。另一个同样的例子可以从总经理Virat的案例中引用,他在这个领域有相当丰富的经验。他负责监控日常操作和监控,重点是监控分类帐,但是他总是感觉到李勇思考他,并且每当她感觉到时都在看他的工作(Robbins et al,2015)。这让维拉特感到不舒服,因为他是该公司经验丰富的员工,从来没有面对他所做的工作提出质疑。 Virat所缺乏的信任是公司大多数管理者所面临的,这是一个相当新的变化,尤其是没有Yong Lee的感谢。


Existing Working Environment
The employees already working in the department were happy with the current process and system at the company. The existing system in the accounting and operations department was traditional system and all employees were satisfied with it because they do not love to see any kind of changes. This is the problem in the company as well because if any new changes happen in an organization then resistance to change from the employees also follows.

New Changes in the Department
Before Yong Lee was employed, the accounting and operations department was responsible for controlling all the functions of book keeping and for generating data on each section’s performance. This was done in order help every manager in making decisions. Yong Lee was manager to the accounting operations department with responsibility of 20 members with 3 of them reported directly to her. However, the operations of the company were formulated before Yong Lee was appointed (Robbins et al, 2015). After Yong Lee’s recruitment in the organization, she changed several internal aspects in order to gain better results in the end. However, the members or her subordinates did not feel comfortable on the same. They were not monitored consistently before for example. Another example in the same regard can be quoted from the case of General Accounting manager, Virat who had considerable experience in his field. He was responsible to control the operations and monitoring on day to day basis with a focus on monitoring the accounts of Ledger but he always felt Yong Lee pondering over him and looking into his work whenever she felt like (Robbins et al, 2015). This made Virat uncomfortable as he was an experienced employee of the firm and had never had to face questioning on the work that he had done. Lack of trust experienced by Virat was what most of the managers in the company also faced and this was a considerably new change especially without a sense of appreciation from Yong Lee.





The research report basically analyses two existing buildings which are in their deterioration stage. The purpose of the report is to identify why the deterioration occurred and also why this would lead to further issues in the future for both the building and the society in which it is present.
Background to the Problem: The background to the problem arises in the fact that these forms of buildings were not constructed in the more recent years. They were constructed in the past and hence required some forms of maintenance work to help them. Secondly the buildings are placed in high corrosive environment and the effects of weathering are seen to influence them also.
Purpose of the Report: The report analyses what form of materials and faults of design might lead the building to a deteriorative state in future. The current deteriorative conditions are also captured. In addition it the research proposes unique conditions for each of the buildings. Faulty building one needs recommendations based on the wind and weather conditions and faulty building 2 needs recommendations abed on the saline environment
Goal: The work report aims to analyse existing faulty buildings and suggest improvements to their construction and maintenance.
Summary of Approach: The approach used in this report is a primary investigation approach. The primary investigation approach is useful because it helped the research to look for problems directly, rather than infer them by means of secondary research. Also the primary investigation is useful for analysing information first hand.
Conclusion: Based on the findings for the two buildings it can be said that the buildings suffer from forces of stress, environmental conditions and also from specific conditions such as salinity.
Recommendations: The basic recommendation that can be given for the building is that it should be reinforced based on the structural forces that it will have to bear. The context of the building should be taken into account.





This report would talk about the Australian Company Bulla Dairy Foods. This company manufactures and exports Ice creams, table creams, yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese etc. the company also produces cheese for other companies which sell the same under their brand name.
Part A- Marketing Environment
Technological Factors: technology pays a very important role when the company is dealing with perishable goods which have very low shelf life. Australia, a technologically developed country, has always helped the food companies to make optimum usage of the available technologies to the fullest (Halinen & Jaakkola, 2012). The internet technology, ERP implementations etc. have helped the company to grow with the growing demands of the customers.
Legal Factors: Australia is one of the most transparent destinations when it comes to legal issues and legal factors (Karjaluoto, Jayawardhena, Pihlström&Leppäniemi, 2014). However, the companies operating in Australia should be well versed with the prevailing laws and orders so as to minimize the risk of violating the same. Thus, Bulla Dairy Foods should abide by the laws and regulations pertaining to the food industry and also the terms and conditions of quality control.
Environmental Factors: the environmental factors are also favorable for the food industry. However, the most important issue which affects several industries is the availability of water. Water is a scarce resource in Australia (Bejou & Gopalkrishnan, 2014). There is a problem pertaining to availability of water and the quality of water. Therefore, it sometimes adds to the operating cost, but all other favorable environmental factors act as a balance against this environmental factor. Also, the companies in the Foods industry should also be concerned about the treatment of the waste products so that there is no negative effect of the same on the environment (Cavusgil & Zou, 1994).





Topic: Online Shopping in the Future
Purpose: I intend to argue that online shopping can be made more secure than any other shopping medium.
Audience: The audience will consist of my classmates as well as my professor. The audience would also include those people who do or do not do online shopping but believe that it is not very secure.
Working Thesis Statement: Online shopping has been evolving over the years with rising concerns about its security; it can be made more secure by keeping a track of the sellers, using authentic online sites for shopping and with the introduction of online money to make fraud minimal or impossible.
Objective: Many people are concerned about fraud in online shopping due to which they do not do it. Since, online shopping is becoming more famous each day; I believe that people should be taught about how to keep themselves secure and how to perform online shopping in the safest manner possible. This would not only make shopping much easier but people would be more aware of its advantages.
Limitation: The limitation is that many people would still not check if the websites are authentic or not. Furthermore, online shopping is giving birth to more and more fraud each day due to which there is a rising concern about the authenticity of even the authentic sites. Also, many frauds have taken place on the authentic sites such as home depot which concerns a lot of people. Additionally, it was not possible for me to conduct a primary research on this topic, since, a lot of people still prefer to shop traditionally rather than through online mediums.