



In the health organizations, personal health record system is need to be fused more as there are various raising issues, which tends to loss of health record structure. One the big most and scaring issues is risk factor, risk may be of huge database management risk, risk of server crashing, data inconsistency. Risk factor may be of virtual kind or may be of manipulation problem. Data of individual patients should give emphasize not to lose them and in this field security concern is another big most issue in order to make confidential of each patient’s details. In order to retain and sustain the global aggressive market in the health organizations, one must compete with other organization by storing information of individual patients in a specific and effective manner. To accomplish this, fresher one health organization need to collect and follow all the strategies of fruitful organizations in this regard. Advantages are largely incorporated in this field due to personal health report is stored virtually not manually. However, investment tends to be large one for storing of data in a robust server. Fresher one organization dealing with health issues needs to know usage methods of already existing health organization in order to cope with increasing cost investment and ineffective information collection of patients. Another one big key factor in the health organization is building infrastructure. It should to be in such approach as it can restrict all the possible risk factors. The organization should be care about all the key factors such as capital structure, technological knowledgeable man force, robust hardware and fine software to build an ideal infrastructure. To improve the whole structure of personal health record system, future scopes need to be focused. To build up a personal health record, a cost analysis is required to know the investment in previous and be successful in building the project, a pilot project needs to be implemented. Based upon the cost investment personal health record may be classified in four types as offered tethered personal health record, payer tethered personal health record, third party personal health record and interoperable personal health record system. Cost to implement the personal health record system typically depends upon architectural, acquisition and annual costs. IT infrastructure cost in health organization is needful to know better the investment of applications applied in healthcare. The cost analysis is useful to define personal health record business model, explore the model, and guide the model investment decisions in advance.



世界系统理论是由伊曼纽尔·沃勒斯坦在20世纪70年代初发展起来的,他强调了这一理论对于衡量社会发展更加准确和富有成效的方法的重要性。根据这个理论,资本主义国家能够主导和传播工业化浪潮,并利用它自己的优势,在一定程度上利用周边国家和半周边国家。欧洲人一直在采用核心国家标签的前沿,使用其固有的军事力量优势,远距离贸易,将它们带到遥远的地方,交通运输帮助他们在欧洲积累了大量财富[Frank Lechner,Globalization Theories( 2001)http://sociology.emory.edu/faculty/globalization/theories01.html]。这有助于欧洲超越其他小国,以支配比其他小国更受青睐的条款。因此,它今天的核心国家已经设法利用最少的外围国家的优势,获得资本,技术和劳动力增强的资本主义国家标签。


World systems are a phenomenon which focuses and analyses the division of labour into three different types of countries. The core countries would have the dominant position in capital and labour making them the most preferred destination economically. Then comes the semi peripheral countries which are dependent on the core countries for requirement of capital to sustain their economy. Finally there is peripheral countries which are most exploited by the core countries for labour, natural resources, and offsetting environmental problems. The explanation of the world systems by differentiating three types of countries is capable of giving a glimpse into the evident disparities among the residents of these countries in terms of wealth and power. This paper is an attempt to emphasize on the persuasive capabilities of the world-systems and its analysis providing enough evidence to stake claim on the disparity that is existing in the global political economy. In addition, the paper will also look into the criticism of the world-systems and also provide materials that prove its validity.
World Systems Analysis
The theory of World-Systems was developed by Immanuel Wallerstein in the early 1970’s who emphasized the importance of this theory to be a more accurate and fruitful method to measure social development. According to this theory, capitalist countries has been able to dominate and spread the industrialization wave and used it to their own advantage to make use of peripheral countries to a large extent and semi peripheral ones to some extent. Europeans have been at the forefront in adopting the core country tag by using its inherent advantages of military power, long distance trade which took them to distant locations, and availability of transportation helped them to accumulate much wealth in Europe[ Frank Lechner, Globalisation Theories (2001) http://sociology.emory.edu/faculty/globalization/theories01.html]. This helped Europe to overpower other small countries by ways of dictating terms which favoured them more than the others. Thus the core country that it is today, has managed to exploit the best of few peripheral countries to its advantage and gain a capitalist country tag with enhance capital, technology, and labour.



功能劳动力灵活性:功能的灵活性可以被定义为一种情况发生时,用人单位或组织可以改变或结合员工不同的工作。它还包括活动,如劳动力流动,或 改变工作的地方。职能劳动弹性是由雇主使用的各种类型的工作要求。


However labour flexibility can be further segmented in two types:
Functional labour flexibility: Functional flexibility can be defined as a situation that occurs when an employer or organisation is able to change or combine various jobs of its employees. It also includes activities such as labour mobility, or change of place where work is done. Functional labour flexibility is used by an employer for various types of work requirements.
Numerical labour flexibility: Numerical labour flexibility can be defined as a situation where an organisation is capable of quickly changing the working hours of an employee. This in turn impacts the number of hours for which an organisation needs to pay, ultimately based on the fluctuating level of product or service demand.
Thus organisations these days are using various methods to utilize the labour flexibility. For example, methods such as ‘Wage Guarantee Fund’ and ‘Voluntary Retirement Scheme’ allow employers to offer its employees an option to take voluntary retirement before their designated time frame. This happens, when there is less demand for a product, but availability of the human resource is more than the required level in the organisation. Similarly, there are other methods such as job security agreements, contracting and sub-contracting which enables an organisation to exercise its labour flexibility.
However, with internationalization of the business organisation, there are several challenges which have come in front of organisations. Especially in terms of management of human resource, it has become challenging for organisations to implement labour flexibility considering the fact that organisations today operate in an international regulatory setup (Almond, 2011).
The Changing Labour Market
Today labour market has been changing rapidly. Countries such as China, India, Canada, Brazil, United States, UK etc., are involved in several challenges posed by the change in labour market. Following are the forces of change which are making the gradual change in the labour market




生物柴油是由植物或动物脂肪酯化而得的燃料.。它们在生物燃料中的结合可以引起化石燃料的燃烧活化。甲基和乙基酯被用来创造可行的替代燃料。替代燃料混合在一定比例与普通柴油或汽油。它工作原理相同,化石燃料在内燃机工作(薛、诈骗和汉森,2011,pp. 1098-1116)。发展生物燃料的一个重要好处是原料充足,开发生物燃料更容易.。在发动机中的生物柴油的支持者说,它可以被用于在发动机等。这是真实的情况下,生物柴油的比例低。这是一个不同的故事,当生物燃料的百分比是高。发动机与生物燃料的兼容性取决于汽车的制造和模型.。当前一代车型更适应他们的引擎的燃料(Jääskeläinen,2010)。生物柴油的生产能力取决于生物柴油中的组分。目前最常用的比例是百分之20生物柴油与80%石油。
研究的目的是评估的B20生物柴油与石油燃料的汽车性能。每种燃料都有一天的使用。有四种类型的车辆样本大小为12辆卡车有1级发动机的独奏后桥,与2级发动机单后桥、1级发动机和2级发动机的双人组合。从本研究中发现,氮氧化物残基,碳氧化物驻留,烃残基显着降低,在生物柴油发动机。发动机的功率却降低生物柴油混合(Frey &基姆,2005)。这项研究指出,在这个生物柴油发动机有局限性加以解决。然而,他们的可用性和其对大气的影响,使其成为一个很好的替代燃料的选择。


Biodiesel is the fuel that is obtained from esterification of vegetable or animal fats. They combination of the elements in biofuel can cause combustion activation like that of fossil fuels. The Methyl and the Ethyl esters are used to create viable alternative fuels. The alternative fuels are blended in certain ratios with the regular diesel or petrol. It works in the same principle in which fossil fuels work in internal combustion engine (Xue, Grift & Hansen, 2011, pp. 1098-1116). An important benefit of developing biofuel the abundant availability of raw materials makes it easier to develop biofuels. The proponents of the biodiesel in engines say that it can be used as such in the engines. This is true in cases where biodiesel percentages are low. It is a different story when the biofuel percentages are high. The compatibility of the engine with the biofuel depends on the make and model of the automotive vehicle. The current generation models are more adapting of the biofuels in their engines(Jääskeläinen, 2010). The productive capacity of the biodiesel depends on the components in the biodiesel. Currently the most common used ratio is 20 percent biodiesel with 80% petroleum.

A study was undertaken to evaluate the performance of B20 Biodiesel fuel vs. petroleum fuel in automotive vehicles. Each fuel kind was used for a day. There were four types of vehicles the sample size was 12 trucks they were the solo rear axle with Tier 1 engines, single rear axle with Tier 2 engines, tandems with Tier 1 engines and tandems with Tier 2 engines. It was found from this study that the Nitrogen oxide residues, Carbon oxide resides, Hydrocarbon residues were significantly reduced in biodiesel engines. The power of the engines was however reduced when biodiesel was mixed (Frey & Kim, 2005). The study did note there are limitations to be addressed in this biodiesel engines. However their availability and its impact on the atmosphere makes it an excellent alternative fuel choice.





根据Roger Marshall(2014),以知识为基础的公司往往是轻资产由于其业务流程是基于知识的资产,而不是实物资产。然而,这些公司总是具有巨大的市场价值,这表明可能有一些无形资产没有确认,这并不能反映企业的真实价值。因此,对这些公司而言,需要披露无形资产的质量信息.。布劳格和lekihi(2009)进一步支持财务报表不再是知识型企业提供全面的分析;因此,无形资产的价值悖论可能是合格的无形资产的附加值,更难以解决。在这种情况下,它可能没有足够的投资者和股东作出明智的决定。根据经合组织的研究(2011),不仅是知识型公司增加无形资产的披露也是年轻的企业,这也支持了桑切斯(2011)的项目,由专家从学术界,2010在西班牙政府和企业表明,可靠的和可比的无形资产信息披露是大有益处的公司。披露无形资产,不仅有利于这些类型的公司,但其股东。荷兰(2004)解释说,有时候股东更容易忽视企业无形资产;无形资产信息披露的公司应该告诉股东如何创造价值,价值多少是由无形资产所创造的。因此,披露无形资产以告知股东了解无形资产的重要性至关重要.。然而,paugam(2014)认为,这些公司披露无形资产无形资产产生长期的公司的财富,这是没有必要的,它最终会出现在公司的声明。


According to Roger Marshall (2014), the knowledge-based companies are often capital light due to their business processes are based on the knowledge assets rather than physical assets. However, those companies are always having huge market value which shows there might be some intangible assets have not recognized which will not reflect the firm’s true value. Therefore, a quality disclosure of intangible assets is required for those companies. Blaug and Lekihi (2009) further supported that financial statement and report are no longer providing comprehensive analysis for knowledge-based companies; therefore, the value paradox of intangible assets may not be solved as it is more difficult for qualifying the extra value of intangible assets. In that case, it is may not enough for investors and shareholders to make a well-informed decision. Based on the OECD’s research (2011), not only knowledge-based companies increase their intangible assets disclosures but also younger companies, which also supported by Sanchez (2011)’s project which carried out by expertise from academia, government and companies in Spain in 2010 showed that a reliable and comparable disclosure of intangible assets is highly beneficial from these companies. Disclosure intangible assets not only benefit those kinds of companies but their shareholders. Holland (2004) explained that sometimes shareholders are more ease to overlook corporate intangibles; companies should have disclosures of intangible assets to tell shareholders how they created value and how much value is created by the intangible assets. Therefore, it is crucial to disclose intangible assets to inform shareholders that will understand the importance of intangible assets. However, Paugam (2014) argues that it is not necessary for those companies to disclose their intangible assets as intangibles generate wealth for companies in the long-run, it will eventually showed up in firm’s statement.
Moreover, Amir and Lev (1996) complement that non-financial information appears more relevant in stock price for cellular companies instead of traditional accounting disclosures and Amir and Lev (1996),Tasker (1998) and Lev and Zarowin (1999), they indicate that the accounting disclosures alone would be inadequate for firm with substantial intangible assets, therefore, companies cannot simply reply on disclose intangible assets.












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很多同学会问我在申请商科的课程的时候,是不是就需要选择专业方向?其实是不用的。专业方向是到大学二年级才选择的,是经过大一基础课程的学习之后,学生会对自己的专业方向有更合理和正确的选择。因为在大一的基础课程中,会基本涉及商科的各个基本面,而在出国前学生更多的是片面、不成熟的想法,经过一年的基础学习会发现自己的兴趣所在和所擅长的专业方向。值得注意的是,大多数本科学生会选择两个专业方向作为自己的major。目前来说大多数学校的选课都是在网上进行,一般是在每学期开学前的3~6周。值得注意的是澳洲一些学校会在暑假开设Summer School, 允许学生学习1~2门的课程。如果之前有挂科,或者希望把之后的课程提前修完以减轻后面的学习压力,都可以选择Summer School。各个学校的Summer School开课时间不一致,而且课程有限。申请注册Summer School一般需要提前1~2个月,请注意学校的信息。






It is quite a usual occurrence that a director is also a member of another company. No law prohibits a director to engage in these activities. In such conditions that the director agrees and consents to a contract with another company as its member or a director, there is a possibility that the problems emerge.
In case that the directors find themselves in a situation of potential conflict, the breach of duty can be reduced in case:
• they make a full disclosure about the contract
• the constitution of the company permits the director for establishing contractual association with other company/companies
• declination by the director for voting on the matter, however, in case a condition does occur, where the company should be protected, the director should ensure that all essential measures are taken for guarding the company’s interest. (ASIC, 2012)
In case that a director is found breaching the duties, he/she might be faced with civil or criminal penalties. If a director conducts intentional dishonesty or acts recklessly, criminal punishment might occur, as it stated in section 184 of the Corporations Act 2001. Nevertheless, since there is high threshold with regards to the criminal standard of proof, there might be civil actions taken by the companies, where they might claim damages in common law. The possible civil actions that a company can pursue includes – contract’s rescission, equitable compensation, constructive trusts, as well as bans or sanctions (The FindLaw, 2014).
There are several policy reasons that the law discourages conflicts of interest. It includes the various legal as well as operational reasons. From the perspective of the operations of the organization, the instances of the occurrences of conflict of interest might damage the ability of the organization to perform efficient functioning and in effect lead to financial consequences, together with damaging the company’s reputation in the society. With the policy of conflict of interest, it is ensured that that the directors are aware of the significance to identify as well as avoid potential and actual conflicts of interest.
It is a legislative requirement in addition to the general governance principle that board members must make decisions in the interests of their organisations, not in their own interests – which stems from fiduciary obligations, which each board or committee member owes to the organisation. (PwC, 2011)




圣安东尼奥是德克萨斯州第二大城市,美国第七大城市。该市经济发展多元,金融服务、政府、医疗和旅游业是其四大经济支柱。圣安东尼奥是全美财富500强保险类企业USAA和得州第一大银行Frost National Bank的总部所在地,同时有多家金融、保险类企业在该市设有地区总部,包括:大通银行、富国银行、花旗集团等。旅游业在该市经济中占有重要地位,著名景点包括阿拉莫遗址、河滨步道、美国塔、婚姻岛、海洋世界、六旗游乐园等,亦拥有德州第一座现代艺术博物馆——马里恩·库格勒·麦克奈艺术博物馆,每年迎来约2000万游人。圣安东尼奥的教育事业也很发达。德州大学、德州大学健康科学中心、德州农工大学等公立大学在此设有分校。此外,该市还有圣玛丽学院等私立大学。该市有31所高等教育机构,吸引学生10万名。
