

代写:数据收集和抽样方法。用于研究的数据收集通常通过primary和secondary数据收集方法进行。该方法下的数据收集技术也各不相同。主要数据收集方法用于直接从被调查现象的参与者或参与者收集数据(Walsham, 1995)。这些都是研究人员进行的直接调查(Saunders, 2011)。主要采用访谈法、问卷调查法、观察法等方法收集资料。接下来代写专家将为同学们分析下数据收集和抽样方法。

主要数据收集方法的优点是它有助于收集始终处于当前状态的数据。数据的可靠性和饱和度可以由研究者根据研究需要确定。与原始数据收集相比,二手数据收集方法更快,但可能不太可靠(Stewart & Kamins, 1993)。二手资料收集采用现有的研究研究资料。数据可能是当前的,也可能不是,研究人员将无法引入数据饱和所需的点。所给的研究工作似乎更像是一种探索性研究,其意义是从现象中的实际行动者那里寻求的。因此,对于这项研究工作,主要数据收集是必要的,研究人员确实已经找到了主要数据收集方法。研究者使用了人种学的方法。民族志收集数据的方法旨在研究人们在自己的环境。这里采用了参与式观察、面对面访谈等更便于数据收集的方法。民族志研究的优点在于,它可以收集有关正在调查的问题的各种和大量的数据样本。这项研究的缺点是研究人员必须非常投入研究工作。研究人员将沉浸在工作中,这增加了工作可靠性问题和研究人员偏见等的机会(Tsoukas, 2005)。


The primary data collection method has the advantage that it helps collect data that is always current. The data’s reliability and saturation can be determined by the researcher based on the research needs. Compared to primary data collection, the secondary data collection method is the one that is quicker but could be less reliable (Stewart & Kamins, 1993). Secondary data collection is done with exiting research study data. The data may or may not be current and the researcher will not be able to introduce the needed points for data saturation. The given research work appears to be more of an explorative study where meaning is sought from the actual actors in the phenomenon. Hence, a primary data collection is necessary for this research work and it is identified that the researchers have indeed sought a primary data collection method. The researcher has made use of the ethnographic method. The ethnography method of data collection aims to study the people in their own environment. Methods like participant observation, face to face interviews and more facilitate data collection here. The pros of ethnography research are that it is possible to collect diverse and large data samples on the issue being investigated. The cons of this research are that the researcher would have to be very involved in the research work. The researcher would be immersed in the work and this increases the chances of reliability issues for the work and researcher bias etc. (Tsoukas, 2005).

The sampling method is not specified in the work. Although the sampling method is not specified, it appears to be convenience sampling. The researchers have monitored some of the main websites that were presenting cop watching details and then tracked them through their social networking posts. The researchers have then made use of a responsive-interviewing method for collecting their opinions for the research. The need for selecting the right candidate for data collection has made the researcher employ a form of convenience sampling. Sampling method however has not been explicitly stated in the work.
