


在这首以《the End》为题的开场场景中,人们可能会问,为什么在电影的开头会出现一首描述结局的歌曲。这首歌被选为《威拉德上尉与战争有关的幻想的终结》和《美国的幻想的终结》。这部电影拍摄于1979年,也就是越南战争结束后的四年,这是越南第一次在战争中失败,对这个国家来说,这是一段痛苦的心灵探索的时期(Welsh and Lev, 2007)。如果弗朗西斯•福特•科波拉(Francis Ford Coppola)选择了一首不同的歌曲,那么它所传达的信息和效果可能会有所不同。这一场景的创新之处在于,这首歌被选在了场景中,因为这首歌有助于更好的传达电影的意思。
许多研究人员指出,声音的使用有助于表明人物性格的主观性。据说,更常见的是,刻板的音乐有助于揭示人物的性格特征,而所有这些都与开场场景和所选歌曲之间的联系绝对相关。它帮助观众了解威拉德躺在酒店房间里的精神状态。它有助于揭示威拉德在超现实主义轮廓范围内的思想。其他的声音可以通过威拉德在场景中的主观性来听到(Whaley, 2007)。其中最重要的声音之一是直升机叶片的声音失真听到在开幕场景和整个电影。在开场的场景中,这个声音原来是威拉德酒店房间吊扇的声音。这些声音的失真表现了威拉德的主观观点。


In this opening scene with the song “The End” by The Doors, one may question why a song that depicts the end has been placed in the starting of the film. This song has been selected for indicating the end of illusions for Captain Willard related to the war and the end of illusions for America also. The film had been made in the year 1979 that is four years after the end of Vietnam War and it had been a soul- searching, bitter time for the country as this was the first time the country lost a war (Welsh and Lev, 2007). If a different song had been selected by Francis Ford Coppola, the message and the effect might have turned out to be different. The innovation of this scene depicts that the song was selected in the scene as this song helped in the communication of better meaning about the film.
It has been stated by a number of researchers that the use of sound helps in indicating the subjectivity of the character. It has been stated that more often diegetic music helps in revealing the traits of the characters and all of this can be absolutely related with the link between the opening scene and the song selected. It has helped the audience in knowing the disturbed mental condition of Willard lying at the hotel room. It helps in revealing the thinking of Willard within the scope of surreal contours. Other sounds can be heard mediated by the subjectivity of Willard within the scene (Whaley, 2007). One of the most important sounds is the sound of helicopter blades heard distortedly in the opening scene and in the overall movie. In the opening scene, this sound turns out to be the sound of the ceiling fan in the hotel room of Willard. The distortion of these sounds depicts the subjective view point of Willard.