

论文代写价格-印度尼西亚水资源的污染原因。印度尼西亚是分布在许多岛屿上的一个大经济体,大约有3 000万人缺乏清洁饮用水,更缺乏卫生设施。水正在成为印度尼西亚人的奢侈品,这是不好的,因为它可能导致失去其基本权利的标签,从而剥夺人民获得水的权利。长期以来,印尼的河流、水井和水源都因严重依赖而枯竭。此外,缺乏通往村庄的自来水使情况更加糟糕。结果,村民们别无选择,只能使用他们能得到的任何水源,其中最容易获得的是受污染的化粪池和河流。它进一步增加了疾病暴发的高风险,疟疾和腹泻几乎是一种常见症状。

Children are always under nourished, as they do not get much nutrition from their mothers who are forced to drink contaminated water. This has increased the risks of malnutrition and further downgrading of quality and longevity of life. Residents are not informed or aware of the basic self-governed treatments that could work in some situations to manage liquid and solid waste and reduce their water usage.
Rivers are dumped with industrial waste by corporations. This indicates weak governance as are weak in regulating and restricting business corporations to dump industrial waste in rivers and wells, which unfortunately are drinking sources for thousands of villagers (Rigg, 2013). Despite decentralization of its economy and local councils responsible for their own decisions and issue-related programs, there is constant lack of funding for welfare schemes that identify water as the prime ingredient. In addition, the government is in a dilemma to increase its economic output, productivity, invite foreign investments and also to build its ailing infrastructure that requires a massive overhaul. Although its economy has been growing at an attractive rate, there is a lack of social schemes that highlight the correct and responsible use and disposal of water.
The Red Cross Society could work in close association with local government bodies and communities that are deprived of water access, and private companies who are willing to invest in their corporate social responsibility programs and facilitate water availability. The primary job shall remain to identify the reasons of the lack of water access to deprived regions and work in association with like-minded groups to arrange water availability through innovative means. To cite an example, the Community-led Total Sanitation (CLTS), an entity that encourages communities to lead from the front and deliberately resolve issues affecting them, is ideal for collaboration. This community program is working on some important issues to be addressed, like (Indonesia, 2016)
1. Open defecation
2. Hand washing with soaps
3. Safe, regular storage of household water and food
4. Solid and liquid waste management.
The Red Cross Society could work with these communities to understand the pertinent problem and find solutions collectively to address the same.
Scarcity is to be dealt with reactionary actions that are rectifying and able to solve the issues upfront without further complicating the issue. Therefore, if Red Cross Society works in close cooperation directly with the affected, the results could be more rewarding. Further, the good results obtained can be easily duplicated in different villages having similar issues. This expedites the resolution possibilities. In addition, arranging of funds for building water pipelines is an important task that the Red Cross Society can contribute significantly, because without their support and communication with philanthropists from Indonesia and other countries, it may not be possible.
Although the problems are more grounded in the structural weaknesses of the government’s administration and lack of welfare motive and funds, addressing the challenge at the ground level remains a very complex task. In that, changing the paradigm of the residents to save water and food and not to exploit water resources could take more time than expected. In addition, arranging funds and at the same time, showcasing desirable results would be difficult in the initial stage (Patunru, 2015). There seems to be a developing issue of ethnic unrest and communal violence, which can further whitewash all efforts of solving the problem. However, with a resolute stance, the Red Cross Society could improve the living conditions and health of millions of Indonesians by working in collaborations with all stakeholders and building a consensus that would follow implementation of resolution strategies.

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