


2009年和2010年,美国的失业率处于历史最高水平,2013年为历史最低水平,(附录2)表明美国在处理劳动力问题上做得很好(贸易经济学,2016)。在通货膨胀率方面,中国经历了7.85%的平均通货膨胀率和11.16的历史高点(2013年)和3.69%的历史低点(2015年)的波动(贸易经济学,2016年)。请参考附录3。劳动力参与率将由在职人员和积极找工作人员的比例决定,并除以该国总人口。印度劳动力参与率稳步上升。截至2012年,这一比例为50.90,2013年升至52.50左右(见附件4)。劳动力参与率虽然存在波动,但平均保持在50%左右(Trading Economics, 2016)。从人的发展来看,青年失业率可以用来理解发展。
青年失业率从2012年的18.1%左右下降到2013年的12.9%左右,说明青年失业率正在得到解决(附录5)。总体失业率也在下降,如3.2 (Trading Economics, 2016)所示。由于进口记录的高影响增长,该国出现了持续的贸易逆差。黄金和石油的进口创历史新高。贸易逆差记录涉及中国、伊拉克、科威特和瑞士。基于盈余的贸易与新加坡、美国、德国和英国进行(Trading Economics, 2016)。参见附录6。对印度的人类发展指数值为0.609,预期寿命在68.0,预期年限11.7,平均受教育年限为5.4 e, GNI人均国民总收入在5497年人均GNI排名-人类发展指数排名是4(联合国开发计划署联合国开发计划署,2016)。


The country’s unemployment rate was at an all-time high in 2009 and 2010 and as of 2013 was a record low, (Appendix 2) indicating the country is handing labor issues well in the country (Trading Economics, 2016).In terms of inflation rate, the country experiences fluctuations in inflation averaging at 7.85 percent and record high at 11.16 (2013) and record low of 3.69 percent (2015) (Trading Economics, 2016). Refer Appendix 3.The labor force participation rate will be determined by the rates of people who are currently in a job and the ones who are actively seeking a job and dividing those rates by the total amount of people in the country’s population. Indian labor force participation shows a steady increase. As of 2012 the percent was 50.90 and in 2013 the percentage increased to around 52.50 (Appendix 4). The labor force participation rate although fluctuating is seen to be maintained at an average of 50 percent (Trading Economics, 2016).In terms of human development, the youth unemployment rate can be used to understand development.
The youth unemployment rate has decreased from around 18.1 percent in 2012 to around 12.9 in 2013 showing youth unemployment is being addressed (Appendix 5). The overall unemployment rate is also down as presented in 3.2 (Trading Economics, 2016).A sustained trade deficit is seen in the country because of the high impact growths recorded in import. The import of gold and oil is an all-time high. The trade deficits recorded are with respect to China, Iraq, Kuwait and Switzerland. Trade based on surpluses are conducted with Singapore, the United States, Germany and the United Kingdom (Trading Economics, 2016). Refer to Appendix 6.For India the Human Development Index value is at 0.609, the life expectancy is at 68.0, the expected years of schooling 11.7, the mean years of schooling is at 5.4e, the Gross National income GNI per capita is at 5,497 and the GNI per capita rank minus HDI rank is at -4 (United Nations Development Programme UNDP, 2016).