


汽车经销商在当前市场上需要面对许多问题。汽车经销商需要关注的最重要的问题之一是环境问题。其中一个主要的环境问题是环境责任。对经销商来说,重要的是确保汽车不泄漏和释放一些溶剂,二手油,汽油和其他污染物,可能污染土壤表面或地下水。经销商也需要遵守环境标准。对经销商来说,重要的是确保车辆不产生任何有害物质。除此之外,还有许多其他的汽车经销商,他们有许多服务中心。除非服务中心以适当的方式进行管理,否则它们会产生大量的环境问题(Geels et al, 2004)。管理不当也可能导致许多问题。由于同样的原因,可能存在与环境有关的问题,这可能导致不同的管理机构对环境的违反。除此之外,汽车维修设施也可能从事一些可能影响法规设施的活动。其中一些活动可能包括产生废水、废气排放和废水排放。这可能会导致一些与环境有关的违规行为,可能会对环境造成危害。

汽车客户必须面对各种各样的环境问题。顾客总是需要注意他所驾驶的汽车是符合政府法律的。这是因为车辆总是排放一些对环境有害、污染环境的最有害的废气。有许多汽车使用汽油或柴油。许多城市居民暴露在有害的环境条件下(Sexton et al, 2014)。他们需要注意的另一个问题是,他们的车辆不会排放很高的废气,这可能对环境有害。此外,汽车还排放各种有害气体,可能对环境造成危害。如果污染程度超过一定限度,他们可能会被罚款。除此之外,消费者还需要确保汽车电池不应该被过度使用,因为它们可能对环境有害。当刹车时,顾客还会面临另一个问题。在此期间,刹车碎片和轮胎颗粒被释放到大气中,这可能是有害的。客户也可能面临空气质量问题(Dietz, 2015)。因此,客户需要了解从其车辆排放的污染物的水平。温室气体和污染物造成的影响程度在很大程度上由汽车用户控制(Achtnicht, 2012)。


Car dealership needs to face a number of issues in the present market. One of the most important issues which the Car dealers needs to look upon is the environmental issues. One of the major environmental issues to be faced is the environmental liability. It is important for the dealers to ensure that the car does not spills and releases a number of solvents, used oil, gasoline and a number of other pollutants which may contaminate the soil surface or the ground water. The dealers also need to make compliance with the environmental standards. It is important for the dealer to ensure that nothing harmful comes from the vehicle. In addition to this, there are many other automotive dealers who have a number service centres. Unless the service centres are managed in a proper manner, they can create a large number of environmental problems (Geels et al, 2004). The improper management may also lead to a number of problems. Because of the same, there may be a problem related to environment which may lead to the environmental violations by different regulatory agencies. In addition to this, automotive repair facilities may also engage in a number of activities which may impact the facility of regulation. Some of these activities may include the generation of waste water, emission of air and the discharge from the waste water. This may lead to a number of violations related to the environment which may cause harm to the environme


Car customers have to face various environmental issues. A customer always needs to take care that the car which he is driving is in accordance to the government laws. This is because the vehicles always emit some of the most harmful effluents which may be harmful for the environment and contaminate the environment. There are many vehicles which run on gasoline or diesel. Many of the city dwellers are exposed to harmful environmental conditions (Sexton et al, 2014). Another issue which they need to take care of is that their vehicle does not emits very high levels of which may be harmful for the environment. In addition to this, the car emits various harmful gases which may cause harm to the environment. In case, the pollution level is above a certain limit they may be fined. In addition to that, the customers’ needs to ensure that the batteries of the car shouldn’t be overused as they may be harmful for the environment. Another issue can be faced by the customers when the brake the car. During this time, brake debris and tire particles are released in the atmosphere which may be harmful. The customer may also face the issue of air quality (Dietz, 2015). Thus, the customer needs to be aware of the levels of pollutants which are being discharged from their vehicle. The level of the impact due to the greenhouse gases and the pollutants are much under the control of the customer of the car (Achtnicht, 2012).