



国家有权在其国内迫害罪犯,国际刑事法院不能剥夺这一基本权利。只有当国家因为不愿起诉或在某些情况下无法起诉而不起诉时,国际刑事法院才能干预其管辖能力。截至2010年,国际刑事法院已经审议了一些法规修正案。其中一些是第8条所规定的收养。国际刑事法庭规约》中定义的一些关键条款(aut dedere aut judicare)规定,“肯定,国际社会关注的最严重犯罪作为一个整体,不能逃脱惩罚,他们必须确保有效起诉国家层面采取措施,通过加强国际合作”(帕拉。4);(普遍管辖权)回顾每一个国家都有责任对应对国际罪行负责的人行使刑事管辖权”(第2段)。6);(互补性原则)强调根据本规约设立的国际刑事法院应与国家刑事管辖权相辅相成(第2段)。10)”


The Rome statute of the International Criminal Court ICC was one of the more permanently accepted holdings when it comes to the international criminal proceedings. The ICC was created after years of negotiation and was finalized in a diplomatic conference in 1998. Humanitarian laws in an international context were strengthened by the creation of the ICC. However, the statute requires ratification and only when more countries make the step to ratify the legislation, it would be truly effective. The ICC has been established in Hague. Its scope of jurisdiction has been defined. The scope will include crimes such as genocide, crimes related to the treatment of war prisoners, humanity related issues, aggression issues and more. The Court can exercise its scope of jurisdiction on a country. However, the country must accept such an intervention in the context where the country itself has not been able to carry out the necessary legislations. A clear scope limitation that has been defined for the ICC is that the ICC will not take over jurisdiction if the National court of a state is willing to prosecute.

It is the right of the state to persecute the criminals in their country and this primary right cannot be taken by the ICC. The ICC can only intervene with its jurisdictional abilities only if the state does not prosecute because it is unwilling to prosecute or is not able to do so under some circumstance. As of 2010, there were ICC statute amendments that have been considered.Some of them are that of the adoptions in article 8. The ICC statute preamble defines some of the key provisions (aut dedere aut judicare) which makes provision that “Affirming that the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole must not go unpunished and that their effective prosecution must be ensured by taking measures at the national level and by enhancing international cooperation’ (para. 4); (universal jurisdiction) Recalling that it is the duty of every State to exercise its criminal jurisdiction over those responsible for international crimes’ (para. 6); (principle of complementarity) Emphasizing that the International Criminal Court established under this Statute shall be complementary to national criminal jurisdictions (para. 10)”