文书代写之Why Essay的写作注意事项

文书代写之Why Essay的写作注意事项

Why Essay也就是Why School Essay,在我们网申系统Common Application上又叫做Supplement Essay(附属文书)。附属文书指的是在CA系统上,除了申请者都需要提交的650字的主文书之外,各个学校要求的小文书,字数限制通常是150-200字左右,但是因为学校的要求不同,也有超过400字的字数要求。

有一点需要注意的是,大家在Common Application上看Supplement Essay时,一定要填好自己的信息(选完项目/专业后)以后再写,因为有的是固定专业才有Why Essay,或者是针对国际生才有的附属文章。


文书代写之Why Essay的写作注意事项

1. 写文书的时候请尽可能地使用active voice而不是passive voice, 这样语言更直接、简洁、清晰。

2. 写正式文书的时候记得少用缩写。

3. 不要啰嗦,去除对读者来说无关的信息。

4. 避免使用不恰当的SAT词汇或罕见词汇,会造成读者阅读不流畅。

5. 避免运用过多对话或引用很多书或影视中的句子,这会让读者感觉作者的想法和声音被埋没了。

文书代写之Why Essay的写作注意事项

6. 不要假设读者明白你在说什么,从读者的角度出发去考虑你的表达方式。

对于Why Essay来说,相信对于挖掘亮点,均有了一番体会,不过很多细节上的错误还是屡见不鲜,照犯不误,要学会避免一些不足,例如对于词汇的使用,在这类文书的写作中,词汇构成了论文,那么对于Why Essay就应当用合适的词汇来进行写作。希望各位能掌握以上的写作技巧,在写作过程中运用写出满意的Why Essay!




雇主有责任就提供给雇员或雇员的同事的某些福利缴付FBT(附带福利税)。FBT甚至可以适用于董事或通过信托或公司开展业务的人,因为他/她可以是信托或公司的雇员。在这种情况下,可根据该人一直在为自己提供的附带福利来支付FBT。FBT也适用于员工的同事或家人。附加福利可以是工资和薪金待遇的一部分或一部分。附加福利不应与收入混淆,因为附加福利与所得税是分开的。附带利益的计算是按所提供的附带利益的应课税价值进行的。FBT的计算年份为4月1日至3月31日。但是,一般而言,给予志愿人员和承包商的福利不属于FBT的范围。所得税与FBT不同。FBT是基于提供的附加福利的应纳税价值(Baughman et al. 2003)。这些福利可以由雇主提供,也可以由雇主的合伙人提供,还可以与第三方就与雇主有关的福利作出安排。

在这些好处下,包括服务、权利和特权。提供的附加福利包括:允许员工将其工作场所的汽车用于私人目的。向员工提供低息贷款。支付员工与私人健康保险相关的费用。为员工提供私人住宅或清洁服务。支付雇员因非商业目的而产生的费用,如私人健康保险或学费。以娱乐、饮料或食物的形式提供娱乐(Jensen and Morrisey 2001)。在这种情况下,John是印刷公司的高级主管。该公司为他的孩子支付学费,并在悉尼提供住宿。公司提供的第一项附带利益,因下列原因,应课税。首先,员工的同事和家庭成员都属于FBT的范围。第二,非经营性支出,如学费,属于FBT的应纳税利益。最后,约翰是公司的一名员工,他是福利的接受者。


The employers are liable in paying FBT (fringe benefit tax) on some benefits provided to the employees or the associates of the employees. The FBT can be applicable even to the director or the person conducting business via a trust or a company as he/she can be the trust or the company’s employee. In such a situation, the person can be accounted for paying FBT on the provision of the fringe benefits the person has been providing for himself. The FBT is also applicable to the associate or the family of the employees. The fringe benefits can be a part of or in addition to wages and salary package. The fringe benefits should not be confused with income as fringe benefit is separate to income tax. The calculation of the fringe benefit is carried out on the taxable value of the provided fringe benefits. The year on which FBT is calculated extends from 1 April to 31 March.However, in general, the benefits extended to the volunteers and the contractors do not fall under the purview of FBT. The income tax is different to the FBT. The FBT is on the basis of the provided fringe benefits’ taxable value (Baughman et al. 2003). The benefits can be provided by the employer as also by the employer’s associate and also there can be an arrangement with a third party providing the benefits in connection with the employer.

Under the benefits, the services, rights and the privileges are included. The fringe benefits are provided that includes:Allowing an employee to be using car belonging to his/her workplace for the purposes that are private.Cheap loan is provided to an employee.Paying an employee the costs related to the private health insurances.Providing private residences to an employee or cleaning service.Paying expenses that is incurred by an employee for a non-business purpose, such as private health insurance or school fees.Providing entertainment in the form of recreation, drink or food (Jensen and Morrisey 2001).In this case, John is a senior executive with the printing company. The company is paying for his child’s school fees and also an accommodation in Sydney. In case of the first fringe benefit provided by the company, the fringe benefit is taxable because of the following reasons. First, employees’ associates and family members are included within the purview of FBT. Second, non-business expenses, such as, school fees are within the taxable benefits under FBT. Lastly, John is an employee of the company who is the recipient of the fringe benefits.






Learning and memorization are closely related. Memorization is a fundamental tool in the learning process. Rote learning is a process which uses memorization techniques and repetition to help remember. Many children and adults do face problems with learning and memorization techniques as they lack the required skills needed for memorization. There are several tools and techniques that can assist memorization and also help build better levels of learning among children and adults. Classical music is one such technique which helps harmonize learning and also build better concentration which can help improve learning (Schunk, Dale H., 2008).Active learning involves memorization as well. It helps build better learning and critical thinking. It is extremely important that children are taught memorization techniques from a very young age, as this can help them learn better. Using assistance from other techniques is important, in case of there being problems with memorization. This can help them focus on building better memorization skills which are required for resolving the problems of leaning and memorization.

The problem of learning and memorization is quite common as it arises from a simple error of lack of concentration. Concentration can be gained by several methods. It involves the usage of effective teaching methods as well as relaxation methods which can help children and adults be able to learn and memorize. This can help individuals focus better and this helps them memorize faster. Classical music is known to help relax and improve concentration (Schunk, Dale H., 2008). It is extremely useful in the process of improving better learning and critical thinking. Classical music has its roots in traditional western music. It has been known to have a positive impact on nerves, brain and concentration. Research indicates that classical music does have a positive impact on learning and memorization. It helps build better understanding of the concepts being studied. It also helps create a stronger level of ability to relax and focus. All of these elements are an essential part of classical music training and so it does help build better learning and memorization.




员工无法处理即将到来的项目。组织内部的沟通差距。发票处理问题。组织应该了解那些能够熟练处理建议的个人或任何设备。这样做的原因是为了达到最高的效率。因此,将任务分配给最适合完成任务的专业知识或学位的人是至关重要的。组织应该有关于雇员的教育、数量和健康服务的完整信息。了解为员工提供咨询的必要性是至关重要的。在组织中培养积极的心态是非常重要的。最近,宝洁公司(P&G)的前首席执行官雷富礼(Lafley)几乎证明了,通过一些辅导课程,你可以从员工身上获得最佳表现。(Lafley, 2008)他和他的员工进行了几次会议,激励他们根据客户的需要和需求改变他们的思维方式。因此,对我们来说,与员工开这样的会议来激励他们变得很重要。这肯定会提高他们的工作质量。


The most important part of the assessing is to know what total organization capacity is and the total infrastructure for research and development. Capacity of any organization is directly related to its productivity and growth. Capacity also involves the data related to any kind of survey, literature, research and interviews, etc. For any organization, their employee’s capacity plays a vital role for their success. And to get best performance out of the limited capacity, the employees should have good healthy environment and hi-tech infrastructure. Therefore, the first thing in the list is to improve the quality of life of the workforce. Another important thing to ponder is the existing infrastructure for proposal writing work of any kind of contracting, whether the existing infrastructure is good enough to fulfill the organization work load. In recent past, the few problems that our organization has seen in regard to the infrastructure are needed to be discussed in the upcoming meeting, as follows:Limited offices available to manage the organization grants and contracts.Staff not available to identify the suitable bid for the project.

Staff unavailability of handling upcoming projects.Communication gap within the organization.Problems of handling invoices.The organization should be aware of those personal or any equipment that can handle the proposal skillfully. The reason for this is to achieve the maximum efficiency. Therefore, it is vital to assign the task to the one with the best suitable expertise or degree for completing the task. The organization should have complete information about the employee’s education, quantity and health services. It is vital to understand the need of counselling for the employees. It is pretty important for developing a motivated mindset within the organization. In recent times, Lafley, the former CEO of renowned firm P&G has practically proof that how you can extract the best performance out from your employees through some counselling sessions. (Lafley, 2008) He conducted several meeting with his workers and motivated them to change their mindset according to the customer need and demand. Thence, it has become important for us to start such kind of meetings with our employees to motivate them. This will certainly result in enhancing the quality of their work.