

收入的增长和可支配收入的增长为同样的支出带来了多个新的发展机会。可以看出,外出就餐已经成为一种文化,被认为是不同社会经济群体阶层之间的一种社会分化(Warde and Martens, 2000)。富人、中产阶级、穷人、上层中产阶级,以及所有这些设计好的社会阶层,都在外出就餐,并将其视为一种特权和权利(Long and Vargas, 2005)。该理论认为,当一个人外出就餐时,会为其社会身份创造额外价值,并提高其在社会中的地位。因此,外出就餐是一种强大的文化,它几乎像一种从众心理一样被所有的后代所接受,原因是一样的,但是没有一个人质疑背后的原因(Katz and Weaver, 2003)。

另一个需要考虑的重要文化背景是食品恐慌的道德恐慌,以及它如何影响大量的人,当一个特定的事件发生后,如Chipotle one的恐慌。道德恐慌是在恐惧之后发展起来的,这让人们不敢出去吃饭,如果他们出去吃饭了,那就必须从肇事者那里进行调查。人们认为在这样的事件之后外出就餐是危险的,在他们的头脑中形成了一种观念,不允许他们的良心同意在外出就餐时是自由和解放的,接受纯粹的外出就餐的乐趣。道德恐慌的文化压倒了出去吃饭的欲望,至少在一段时间内,这种欲望被抑制了,人们在无意识地进行被认为不重要的行为时更加谨慎。


The growth of rising incomes and disposable incomes has been giving rise to multiple new development opportunities for spending the same. It is seen that eating out has become such a culture that it has been considered as a social differentiation between classes of different socio-economic communities (Warde and Martens, 2000). Affluent, middle class, poor class, upper middle class, and all such designed classes of communities have been eating out and consider it as a privilege and a right (Long and Vargas, 2005). The theory says that when one eats out it creates an added value to their social identity and enhances their standing in the class in which they see themselves. Thus, eating out is a strong culture which is being flowed by all future generations almost like a herd mentality where the reasons remain the same, but there is not a single individual questioning the reasons behind it (Katz and Weaver, 2003).

The other important cultural context to be considered is that of moral panic of food scare and how it impacts large number of people when there is a scare after a particular incident such as that of the Chipotle one. The moral panic develops after the scare and this scares people from eating out and if they ever do, it is a must to be investigated from the one who made it. People considers eating out as dangerous after such an event and develop a conception in their mind which disallows their conscience to agree to be free and liberating while eating out and adopt the sheer enjoyment of eating out. The culture of moral panic then overtakes that desire of eating out and at least for a period the desire is suppressed and more caution is taken in acts which were performed unconsciously and were considered as unimportant.



中国政府债券最初由财政部于1950年发行。发行于1958年被取消,但在1981年重启,主要是为了解决国家建设项目资金短缺的困境。这个市场在过去的几年里一直无足轻重,但近年来迅速成长为世界领先的政府债券市场之一,如下图所示。一开始,中国只有一个初级市场。发行使用行政划拨完成,发行后政府债券不能交易或转移。1988年,二级市场交易在特定的城市地区进行,1990年,上海和深圳的证券交易所相继上市,二级市场交易得以在全国范围内开展。(Rhee,2000) 1991年,中国首次尝试了政府债券发行的承销方案,并于1993年形成了一级交易商制度。然而,自1996年以来,所有的政府债券都采用拍卖的方式发行。

1998年至2001年中,政府在批准保险公司、基金管理公司、证券公司和租赁公司参与银行间市场方面进行了大量改革。自2005年以来,所有记入账簿的政府债券都在任意两个市场(证券交易所和银行间市场)或三个市场同时发行(Jhingu, 2008)。截至1997年12月31日,就在银行间交易,29.6%的政府债券被银行间存款占,占了51.0%的交易所市场和场外交易市场和其他19.4%(麦考利,2003)的快速发展,中国的政府债券市场本质上是由体积放大发行。发行数量的增加主要是由于发行频率的增加。但是,如果我们关注这些年来的发行价格,它们有一些变化,但没有显示出上升的趋势。


Chinese government bonds were initially issued in 1950 by the Ministry of Finance. Issuance was dismissed in 1958, but restarted in 1981, mainly to resolve the dilemma of a shortfall in funding for national construction projects. The market remained quite insignificant for several years, but swiftly grew into one of the world’s leading government bond markets in recent years as shown in the figure below.Towards the beginning, China merely had a primary market. Issuance was completed using administrative allocation and government bonds could not be traded or shifted after issuance. Secondary market trading was exhibited in specific urban areas in 1988, and then permitted countrywide in 1990 when stock exchanges were introduced in both Shanghai and Shenzhen. (Rhee,2000)In 1991, China first tried an underwriting scheme for the issuance of government bond, and then fashioned a primary dealer system in 1993. However since 1996, an auction method is used to supply all government bonds.

In the middle of 1998 and 2001, plenty of changes were introduced by the government in the approval of inter-bank market involvement for insurance companies, fund management corporations, securities businesses and leasing firms. Ever since 2005, all book-entry government bonds have been distributed concurrently in any two markets (stock exchanges and the interbank market) or all three (Jhingu, 2008). As of December 31, 1997, just when interbank trading was introduced, 29.6% of outstanding government bonds was accounted by the interbank depository, 51.0% was accounted by the exchange market and the OTC market and other 19.4% (McCauley,2003)The speedy development of China’s government bond market has essentially been directed by amplified issuance volume. The amplified issuance volume, in turn, is chiefly attributable to a growth in issuance frequency. However, if we pay attention at the issuance prices over the years, they have somewhat varied but have not shown an upward trend.



澳大利亚的必和必拓和麦当劳已经被选中。这些公司制作社会报告,并通过这些组织的网站确定其价值。本文的重点是几个视角,包括识别和描述公司、公司之间在覆盖深度范围内处理的问题的明显差异以及关于特定问题的社会报告。另一个重点是过度评估通过工业或国家差异来描述这些差异的程度(Anderson, 2006)。第四种关注视角是根据Zadek等人(1997)的标准评估每家公司使用的社会会计方法的质量。本文的最后一个重点将是讨论通过这些公司提供的社会报告所反映的价值观的范围。此外,重点是过度反映这类公司的讨论,以及这些想法确认个人结论的方式。必和必拓澳大利亚公司:这是一家跨国公司,业务涉及采矿、金属和石油,总部设在澳大利亚墨尔本。

该公司是2013年收入最大的矿业公司之一,也是澳大利亚收入最高的公司(Anderson, 2006)。该公司最初于2001年由澳大利亚布罗克希尔控股有限公司和必和必拓公司英荷合资成立。其结果是一家公司出现了双重上市。麦当劳澳大利亚:麦当劳是最大的汉堡包快餐连锁店,每天服务于120个国家的7000万顾客,拥有4万多家门店(必和必拓澳大利亚,2015)。在澳大利亚,公司提出了一个新的概念,Mc-Cafe,即使公司已经开始在美国失败。S,由于公司展示给客户的创新能力,它在澳大利亚非常成功。Mc-Cafe是伴随麦当劳餐厅的咖啡风格,是由澳大利亚麦当劳于1993年在墨尔本首创的概念。在澳大利亚,大多数麦当劳都在麦当劳现在的餐厅里设置了麦咖啡。


The Australia’s BHP and McDonald’s organization in Australia has been selected. The companies produce social reports and values are identified over these organization’s websites. The focus of this paper is on several perspectives inclusive of identifying and describing the companies, differences evident between companies with regard to issues range dealt within the coverage depth and social reports over particular problems. Another focus is over assessing the extent to which such differences can be depicted through the industrial or country differences (Anderson, 2006). Fourth perspective of focus is assessing social accounting approach quality used by every company as per the criteria of Zadek et al. (1997). The last focus in the paper will be over discussing the range till which social reports given through such companies reflect the values as stated. Further, the focus is over reflecting the discussion of the group of such companies and the ways in which these ideas confirm the individual conclusion. BHP Australia: This is a multinational company with operations in mining, metal and petroleum with companies headquarter in Melbourne, Australia.

The company is one of the largest company of mining measured through revenues of 2013 and largest company in Australia in terms of revenues (Anderson, 2006). The company was initially created in the year 2001 by the Australian Broken Hill Proprietary company limited and the Billiton plc Anglo-Dutch. The consequence is a company listed dually. McDonald’s Australia: McDonald’s is the largest hamburger fast food restaurant chain serving across 70 million customer’s everyday across 120 nations with more than 40000 outlets (BHP Australia, 2015). In Australia, the company brought forward a new concept of Mc-Café and even though the company has started failing in U.S, it is quite successful in Australia due to the innovative capabilities that the company has shown to its customers. Mc-Café is an accompaniment to the restaurant of McDonald with café style and is a conception created through Australian McDonalds initiating with 1993 Melbourne. Most McDonalds within Australia have located Mc-Cafes in the present restaurant of McDonalds.



美利坚合众国已被确定为全球流动学生教育的主要目的地之一。作为一项论文陈述,与这些经历相关的可采取行动的事实负责缓解国际学生面临的主要挑战,这些挑战被认为是罕见的(周和科尔,13)。这篇论文的目的是讨论美国的国际学生所面临的种族主义问题,通过参考广泛的二手数据,通过互联网研究,从期刊文章,报纸文章,书籍和任何其他重要来源。将以适当的方式收集和展示这些辅助数据,以便在研究结束时起草结论的关键点。本文将结合在美国的国际学生的经历,着重探讨与种族主义相关的现象。本研究具有广泛的定性性质,旨在回答关于国际学生如何以及在哪里看待种族主义,以及这种形式的歧视如何最终影响作为一名在美国学习的国际学生的整体体验的问题(Zhou and Cole, 13)。

这将有助于起草可用于保护国际学生不受种族主义影响的主要建议。学生来自全球各地,而大多数来自韩国、印度和中国等亚洲国家。随着国际学生人数的增加,这对美国经济的增长有很大的影响。其中大约70%的学生支付全额学费。总的来说,截至2012年,留学生对美国经济的贡献约为850亿美元(Zhou and Cole, 13)。国际学生除了在经济上作出贡献外,还为无法用钱购买的教育设施提供了关键的利益。可以看到,国际学生在全球问题和多样性问题上增进了理解和跨文化学习。对全球问题的兴趣导致未来贸易联系、外交政策制定者、政治盟友和国际商业的建立(Christina, 108)。


The United States of America has been identified as one of the leading destinations of education for students that are globally mobile. As a thesis statement, actionable facts regarding the experiences are responsible for the mitigation of major challenges being faced by the international students as identified to be rare (Zhou and Cole, 13).The aim of this paper is to discuss the issue of racism in USA as faced by international students, by referring to a wide range of secondary data, as researched across the internet, from journal articles, newspaper articles, books and any other significant source. This secondary data will be collected and presented in an appropriate manner such that key points of conclusion can be drafted in the end of the research. This paper will focus on exploring the phenomenon related to racism as pertained with the experiences faced by international students in United States of America. Being extensively qualitative in nature, the research seeks on answering the questions regarding how and where international students tend to be perceiving racism, and how this form of discrimination ends up affecting the overall experience as an international student studying in the United States of America (Zhou and Cole, 13).

This will help in drafting key recommendations that can be used for protecting international students from racism. Students have been coming from all across the globe, while majority come from Asian nations such as South Korea, India and China. As there is a rise in the population of international students, there is a major impact on the growth of US economy. Approximately 70 per cent of these students make payment for full tuition. Overall, the contribution by international students had been approximately 85 billion dollars in the economy of US as of 2012 (Zhou and Cole, 13). In addition to their contributions in the economy, international students have been providing key benefits to the education facilities that cannot be purchased by money. International students can be seen inspiring increased understanding and intercultural learning across global issues and diversity issue. Interest across global issues results in the creation of future trade connections, foreign policy makers, political allies and international business (Christina, 108).



苹果公司的培训计划是一个严格的计划,大约14天。在这些日子里,员工将不得不通过“使用诊断服务”、“组件隔离”和“同理心的力量”等项目。除了技术培训,心理培训也在苹果公司进行(Biddle, 2015)。显然,在训练地点,受训人员必须严格地工作14天。在心理训练中,他们被训练成为一个天才的要求,一个人如何能够拥有所有权并以一种移情的方式工作。他们被承诺保持苹果的文化,并确保有良好的个人发展。苹果教员工。员工被教导他们必须在顾客面前说的话。他们被教导以一种不会感到不安的方式说话。除此之外,我们还对员工的许多姿势进行了讨论。他们被教导如何保持这样的姿势,这反映了他们内在积极的一面。

苹果公司的培训计划是完全保密的。这些培训项目都没有在公众平台上得到反映。因此,苹果公司的培训计划是经过缜密的策划,精心的演示,付出了巨大的努力。苹果的培训功能非常有效。他们确保员工在工作时得到有效的培训。苹果公司采用的天才训练是非常严格的(Chen, 2014)。然而,它是非常有效的。这是一种比任何其他公司都有效的方法。每一家苹果商店收到的销售数据都直接证明了这一点。但是,人们也可以看到,在苹果商店的销售人员的行为是不好的。正如大多数顾客所说,苹果的商店环境很糟糕。整个训练计划都是和移情,安慰,以及纠正不同类型的对抗有关。培训计划假设一个快乐的人会购买产品。


The training program at Apple is a rigorous program which is scheduled for around 14 days. Throughout these days, employees will have to pass through the programs such as “Using the Diagnostic Services”, “Component Isolation” and “The Power of Empathy”. In addition to the technological training, Psychological training is also implemented at Apple (Biddle, 2015). It is evident that at the training location, the trainees are made to work in a rigorous manner for 14 days. In the psychological training they are trained about the requirements for being a genius, how can a person take ownership and work in an empathetic manner. They are promised to maintain the culture of Apple and ensures have a good personal development. Apple teaches the employees. The employees are taught the kind of words they have to speak before the customers. They are taught to speak in such a manner that they do not feel discomforted. In addition to this, a large number of postures are discussed for the employees. They are taught of how to maintain such a posture which reflects the positive side within them.

It is ensured that the training program at Apple is completely secret. None of the training programs have been reflected on the public platform. Thus, the training program at apple is planned in a meticulous manner, with the polished presentation which ensures great effort. The training function at apple is very effective. They make sure that the employees are trained in such a manner that when they work, they are very effective. The Genius training which is employed at Apple is something which is rigorous (Chen, 2014). Yet, it is something very effective. It is a method which works better than any other company. The sales figures which are received at each and every store of Apple are the direct proof of the same. But, one can also see that the behaviour of the sales persons at the Apple stores is not good. The store environment at Apple, as said by most of the customers is terrible. The entire training program is related to the feelings related to empathizing, consoling and also to correct different kind of confrontations. The training program assumes that a happy person will buy the product.







比如You’d be expected to write an essay each month……and also you needto hand in a short report every four weeks. 而题目问的是What two types ofcoursework are required each month on the part-time course­这里如果考生掌握了every four weeks就是each month 的复现词也是它的同义转换词那么这道题就很容易选出an essay和a short report这两个选项。










比如剑5中Test4中的Section4的37题和39题之间的关系。37题:training in specializedcomputer programs______。这里匹配的是选项中的B选项也就是library staff. 而39题checkingthe draft of the dissertation_____。这里匹配的选项还是B选项。39题中的听力录音原文是When you’vegot something together the trainer here will look through the draftversion for you to see if it’s ok.. 这里的the trainer指代的就是37题选出来的librarystaff所以这两题选的是同一个答案。这个就是可以根据人称的指代做出答案。



比如听力录音原文是Most people tend to book twenty-four hours inadvance……however, the earliest you book a computer is forty-eight hoursbefore you need it. 题目是Computer can be booked up to ___hours inadvance。如果考生注意到however这个转折信号词,那应该可以知道第一个数字24小时是个陷阱,而答案应该是48小时。


代寫論文 價格:作業管理理論

代寫論文 價格:作業管理理論
作業管理的理論將被用來分析問題的各個方面,同時作為思考的基礎。由於本文對於Ellos來說是非常具體和實踐性的,所以在考慮關鍵問題的時候並不會遵循準確的理論,因為運營管理理論將作為一個檢查表和一個指導方針,用來遺忘任何重要的事情。使用這種方法的主要目的是減少移動和時間,消除不必要的操作(Betts 2015)。下面的模型將作為進行分析的方法框架。如前所述,這個模型將結合問題、選擇的方法、不同的理論和關鍵目的。關於關鍵的輸入,將著重於包裝的操作和包裝領域的工作人員。包裝領域的操作性能比較多,相互之間的交互作用比較大(Betts 2015)。

代寫論文 價格:作業管理理論
在本分析中,重點將放在完成例程和包裝供應例程上。大家都知道,Ellos有一個很好的工作輪換制度,並致力於工作人員積極性的關鍵數字,因此,可以認為有關業務管理的理論是適當和適當的(Banks 1998)。進一步的,模擬的方法也可以認為是適當的。仿真是對現實世界中某一系統或過程的模擬,是解決現實生活中若干問題不可缺少的方法。這種特別的方法正用於描述和分析與實際系統有關的行為,為“如果”問題尋求答案(Banks 1998)。當考慮描述期望系統和現有系統的建模的真實係統的設計時,這可以被認為是非常有用的指導工具,並且不能用於優化,而只能用於測試想法。

代寫論文 價格:作業管理理論

Theories of operations management will be used for analysing all areas of problem, while serving as a base of thinking. As this paper can be considered extremely specific and practice for Ellos, the exact theory will not be followed when considering the key issue as the theory of operation management will be serving as a checklist and a guideline for forgetting anything significant. The key purpose behind the use of methodology is reduction of movements and time, and elimination of unnecessary operations (Betts 2015). The below model will be used a methodological framework for conducting the analysis. This model, as mentioned, will be combining the issue, the selected methods, different theories and the key purpose. With respect to key inputs, focus will be created on the operation of packaging and the employees working in the area of packing. The performance of operation in the area of packing are many, and there is a heavy interaction with one another (Betts 2015).

代寫論文 價格:作業管理理論
For the purpose of this analysis, focus will be created on routines of completion and routines of packaging supply. Ellos is known to be having a well- established system for the rotation of job, and works towards key figures for the motivation of staff, and hence, the theory related to operations management can be considered appropriate and suitable (Banks 1998). Further ahead, the method of simulation can also be considered appropriate. Simulation is referred to as an imitation of a system or a process in the real world setting, being an indispensable methodology to solve several real- life issues. This particular method is being used for the description and analysis of behaviour related to a real system, seeking answers for what- if questions (Banks 1998). This can be considered as extremely useful as a guiding tool when considering the designing of real system that depicts the modelling of both, desired and existing systems, and cannot be used for optimization, but to test ideas.






Organizations might make the choice of financing their investment for a number of different sources of funds. With the increased imperfection across market, organizations tend to be showing preference in a single source of funds. One significant category of market imperfection is the prominent existence of information asymmetry between the market and the organization. The hypothesis of financing hierarchy had been tested by Cleary (1999) stating that investment policies of organization indeed involve sensitivity towards the fluctuations of cash flow and that majority of the financially constrained organizations are known to be having a greater sensitivity of cash flow in comparison with the least constrained organizations. As the level of financial constraint cannot be observed, a number of paper use several proxies for the constraints of finance, and obtaining different sensitivity results of cash flow. As a significant example, an internal cash flow of an organization may impact the spending of investment due to a hierarchy of finance within which internal funds are known to be having an advantage of cost over equity finance or new debt.

In these types of circumstances, the financing decision and investment of an organization are independent.A business organization might end up experiencing financial distress when there is inadequate inflow for meeting the obligations of contract. The dynamic nature of such organizations holds the assumption that when moving in and out of troubles in finance, the company ends up passing by a number of different stage. Each of these have been identified as specific attributes, and in a consequent sense, different contributions are made towards corporate failure. Financial distress involves variation of time incorporating the fact that the organization does not maintain a similar state until there is complete liquidity or recovery. Changes in conditions of finance end up impacting the progress of one state in the process of financial distress to the other. If the conditions of finance end up becoming aggravated, bankruptcy might be faced by the company. On the contrary, if there is an improvement in performance of the organization, there is a significant scope of overcoming the difficulties of finance and recovering these in the absence of any defaulting.



魅力型领导者:魅力型领导者倾向于成为非常好的倾听者和信息收集者。他们愿意在许多个人面前展示自己以获得新的想法(Jogulu, 2010)。变革型领导者:这种类型的领导者愿意与员工一起工作,以识别所需的变革,通过灵感创造指导变革的愿景,并为每个追随者的承诺在团队中执行变革。它的目的是提高工作绩效,士气和激励追随者的一些机制(Chemers, 2000)。交易型领导:这种风格也被称为管理型领导,它关注的是群体绩效、组织和监督所扮演的角色,通过惩罚和奖励来促进追随者之间的服从。这种类型的领导以模型的形式使用,关注追随者发现偏差和错误的工作,这在紧急和危机的情况下是最有效的(Yukl, 1999)。Yukl(1999)在他的理论中指出,通过考察其他关于有效领导的研究和理论,可以识别缺失行为。

在个人一级,这些必须包括激励、发展和授权。灵感是给作品注入意义和意义的建立。发展是提高追随者的自信心和技能。最后,授权是为追随者提供重要的判断力和发言权。在群体层面,变革理论的行为必须包括对组织的战略和愿景的清晰表述,对变革的指导和促进,以及促进组织中的学习(Oostenveld, 2010)。交易型领导是指下属和领导者之间的交流过程。然而,该理论受到Yukl(1999)的批评,因为它在创建跨流程和事务行为的强链接方面面临失败。相反,该理论倾向于包含领导者的不同行为,这些行为缺乏共同的明确的分母(May, 2000)。这些行为有偶然奖励、被动管理和主动管理(Perez, 2002)。在交易型领导中,包含这些行为的理论基础不能被认为是显而易见的。可能涉及交换过程的或有惩罚可能不涉及显式测量(Starcy, 2004)。


Charismatic Leaders: Charismatic leaders hold the tendency of being extremely good listeners and good gatherers of information. They show willingness in exposing themselves in front of a number of individuals for obtaining new ideas (Jogulu, 2010). Transformational Leaders: This type of leader is the one who show willingness in working with the employees for identification of required change, creation of vision for guidance of change by inspiration, and execution of change within tandem for commitment of each and every follower. It serves the purpose of enhancing job performance, morale and motivation to the followers by a number of mechanisms (Chemers, 2000). Transactional Leaders: This style is also referred to as managerial leadership for focusing on the role played by group performance, organization and supervision in which there is a promotion of compliance among the followers by both punishments and rewards. This type of leadership is used in the form of a model and pays attention to the work of followers for finding out deviations and faults, which is most effective in situations of emergency and crisis (Yukl, 1999).In his theory, it had been stated by Yukl (1999) that there can be identification of missing behaviours by examining other researches and theories on effective leadership.

At individual level, these must be inclusive of inspiration, development and empowerment. Inspiration is to infuse work with the establishment of sense and meaning. Development is to enhance self-confidence and skills of the followers. Finally, empowerment is to provide significant discretion and voice to the followers. At group level, the behaviours of transformational theory must be inclusive of articulation of strategy and vision for the organization, guidance and facilitation of change, and promotion of learning in organization (Oostenveld, 2010). Transactional leadership is referred to as a process of exchange between subordinate and leader. However, the theory has been criticized by Yukl (1999) as it faces failure in creating a strong link across the process and transactional behaviour. Instead, the theory tends to include diversely collected behaviours of leader where there is a lack of common clear denominator (May, 2000). These behaviours are of contingent reward, passive management and active management (Pérez, 2002). The rationale of theory including these behaviours cannot be considered evident in the transactional leadership. Contingent punishment where may be an involvement of exchange processes may not involve explicit measurement (Starcy, 2004).


第一講介紹了當前和過去的辯論,以及解決與社會責任相關的政治和倫理道德的視覺實踐,以及與設計師相關的平面設計。該講座從20世紀早期現代主義的角度探討了烏托邦主義的觀點。這場爭論是由20世紀60年代末的《第一事物宣言》(Manifesto of First Things)引發的,而最近的文化干擾運動,最終攻擊了為這些品牌樹立形象的強大而圓滑的設計師。在工業化的時代,文明的命運掌握在設計的手中。認真運用,有利於社會現實的轉變。它可能有助於實現烏托邦主義的未來,或者如果存在濫用,野蠻將被粉飾。



The first lecture introduces the current and past debates, along with the visual practices for addressing the politics and ethics related to social responsibility and graphic design related to the designer. The lecture approaches the vision of utopianism from early modernism of 20th century. The debate have been triggered by the Manifesto of First Things in the late years of 1960s and the more recent movement of culture jamming ended up attacking powerful and slick designers of image established for the brands.For a number of other entering within the debates regarding which style can be considered appropriate, with accuracy in the age of industrialization, and the fate of civilization was in the hands of design. When applied conscientiously, it helps in the transformation of social reality. It could help in bringing about a future of utopianism, or if there is a misuse, barbarism will be varnished.

Having an intrinsic link to this particular notion, there was conviction of the designers for having an involvement in continuously evaluating the work. This had a major implication on the society. In the current era, this type of thinking is rare. However, this might result in certain issues. Firstly, no one will conduct a management of portfolio as it is extremely hard and time consuming. Also, this issue will arise as there is no simple infrastructure in place for supporting it. Secondly, collaboration can be considered extremely difficult as there is no universal way for sharing information across the units of business. The current structure of the organization is centralized that is supportive for the project of new product development and introduction. In terms of theory, this structure is extremely effective in the management and development of product by the provision of certain advantages. Hence, this lecture helped in understanding a better view of culture and designs.