

Considering the first rationale, if some section of the society is not benefitted by the product, it does not serve the purpose of a deficit problem in the society. If a section of society is completely on the extreme side of the industry, the copyrighted product will never benefit that section, and thus the lack of demand of this section not willing to buy such copyrighted products is not taken in to consideration while pricing the product. So obligation to society is not fully agreeable when a part of society will never benefit from such copyrighted products. Promoting general wellbeing of society is also agreed when the copyrights create more encouragement for more such creations and the society in turn benefits from it. However, when incentives are the only means and the access to such copyrighted products reduces, there is no wellbeing that can be said as absolute.

The rationale for copyright is more towards encouragement and creating competitive forces within the market, but when the same rationale is not effective in its assumptions, it loses its importance and the development of trust deficit develops. This in turn impacts the creators and their loss of confidence in the assumption of their creation getting protected. In addition, the society also develops a belief that free use, or liberalisation of access to such copyrighted materials will be more advantageous. This can also encourage more talent to create new works since they would believe more in the system due to the liberalisation of new creations.

Capitalism, as a market structure, allows everyone to behave as if acting for their own self-interest, but when this self-interest converts into copying the copyrighted materials and redistributing at lower prices than the original, it hurts the entire economy and the society. Thus, the goal of creating more copyrighted materials is always desirable but is not possible to achieve fully in a capitalistic market structure when the forces of selfish motives are acting against the safeguarding of protected materials.

Copyright law is introduced with the basis of incentivising the creator who creates works that benefits the society and in turn helps the society to achieve more by the use of such products. The intention of copyright law being the general wellbeing of society and helping specialised and rare knowledge reaching the masses at affordable costs, the results are not equivalent to the assumptions. The benefits as claimed are not transferred to all sections of the society which make the claim itself questionable. Again, the author or an artist who creates the work of arts is given exclusive rights of the use of the product; it makes it less accessible to those who really need it but cannot afford it, leading to a conclusion that the accessibility reduces with the law getting more stringent and when enforced fully. This inaccessibility of the product is not one of the main purposes of the creators and violates the intention and deprives society. Thus, copyright law is outdated and a free knowledge source is required where there is no discrimination between copyrighted and non-copyrighted products, but letting the society decide its worth depending on the value proposition.

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构有认真负责的写手老师,可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供美国论文代写、report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用与美国各大高校同样权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!美国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台分享的所有论文范文,未经转载,不得私自转发或专用,如有发现,我们网站平台将会追责一切法律责任,望留学生们谅解!



流动比率有助于衡量组织履行短期义务的能力,包括流动比率、速动比率和现金比率。利润率有助于衡量组织从资产或资源中产生有利可图的销售的能力。这包括毛利率、营业利润率和净利润。毛利率不仅有助于估计本组织的定价战略,而且还为取得财务健康提供了适当的措施。如果没有合适的利润空间,组织就无法支付运营费用和其他相关费用,组织就无法建立一个更好的未来(Apple Annual Report, 2010)。一般来说,一个组织的毛利率应该保持稳定。如果一个组织成功地增加了销售额,降低了商品成本的价值,并提高了价格,那么毛利率就会增加。自过去6年以来,苹果的毛利率出现了一些波动,2012年最高,为43.87%,2013年最低,为37.62%。但与竞争对手相比,这一毛利率相当低。苹果公司的毛利率仅高于一个竞争对手惠普公司,如下图所示,苹果公司的营业利润率已经有了一定的稳定。


Liquidity ratios help in measuring the ability of organization for meeting the short term obligations of an organization, including current ratio, quick ratio, and cash ratio. The profitability ratios help in measuring the ability of the organization for the generation of profitable sales from the assets or resources. This includes Gross Profit Margin, Operating Profit Margin, and Net Profit Margin. The gross profit margin not only assists in estimating the pricing strategy of the organization, but it also provides appropriate measures for obtaining financial health. In the absence of appropriate profit margin, an organization fails in making payment of operating expenses and other related expenses, and hence, the organization fails in building a better future (Apple Annual Report, 2010). In the general sense, the gross profit margin of an organization should be maintaining stability. There can be an increase in gross profit margin if an organization succeeds in increasing sales, reducing the value of cost of goods sold, and increasing the price. There have been some fluctuations in the gross profit margin of Apple since the last 6 years, being highest in the year 2012 a 43.87 per cent and lowest in the year 2013 at 37.62 per cent. However, in comparison with the competitors, this profit margin is considerably low. The gross profit margin of Apple is only higher than one competitor, namely, HP Inc.There has been some stability in the operating profit margin of Apple Inc. as depicted in the chart below.
However, during the period of past 6 years, this operating profit margin was highest in the year 2012 reaching 36 percent. When compared with the operating profit margin of the key competitors, this ratio is considerably high. For the year 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011 and 2010, the value of operating profit margin is 30.48 percent, 28.72 percent, 28.67 percent, 35.30 percent, 31.22 percent and 28.19 percent respectively (Apple Annual Report, 2015).Net profit margin depicts the share of revenue that is kept aside by a company in terms of profit after the accountability for variable costs and fixed costs, and is used primarily for conducting internal comparisons. The acceptable margins of profit may involve variations across industries. If the profit margins are narrow, they will be revealing earnings with increased volatility. For organizations having significant value of fixed costs, wider margins of profit ends up reducing the risk regarding declining sales, further causing a loss of net profit. Between the duration of last 6 years, the highest net profit margin was 26.67 per cent in the year 2012 and was lowest in the year 2010 at 21.48 per cent. Even though there seems to be some fluctuations, the net profit margin is considerably high in comparison with the competitors.




Furthermore, movement of price lies in the trends. A trend in price is the stock’s price prevailing direction over certain time period. The trend concept perhaps is the quintessential thought when performing technical analysis as most technical tools or components are designed so that they can identify and follow the present trends. When performing technical analysis, what is looked at specifically is price data patterns that signal continuity or trend reversal try to maintain. It is a must for traders to understand circumstances signally continuous trends so that the trend can be ridden as farther as possible. It is also essential to look at situations signalling trend based reversal so that stocks can be sold prior to the turns of trend or purchase of stock at the reverses moment. An example can be quoted here that if one holds a specific stock in an upward trend; the trader is looking at continuing in the upward trend for confirming this position as well as reversals so that the position can be exited prior to the stock going into downward trend. Therefore, traders look at stocks that are in trend presently in order to try and analyse the key achievements for that particular trend and either purchase or sell based on the present position. For the technical analysis methods to be of value, it is essential to take it under assumption that prices will form trends.
When technical analysis based trading is done, it is essential to examine data from stock price for patterns of price which might in certain manners predict price direction in the long term future. Consequently, it is essential to assume that patterns of price form with a specific consistency and that patterns of price which have gained success in the past, will continue to be of success in long term future. As evident that financial markets are fuelled through acts of humans and expectations, Murphy (1999) attributed the regular formation and predictive pattern of price as well as calculation of price for a study within human psychology and team dynamics dependent upon behaviour finances.
Financial theory initially was based predominantly over the hypothesis for efficient markets. This hypothesis originally stated that traded assets price are efficient informationally implying that their price always completely reflects all known data and changes to new data instantly may take place. Every market agent furthermore is such that they maximize utility along with having rationalized expectations. Considering such an assumption, all attempts to analyse previous price and trading stocks is a waste as it would not be possible for consistently outperforming markets as all known data is integrated within price and every agent values the information in an equal manner. Successful theoretical and empirical work was supported by the theory and was considered widely as proved. From the dominance height, however, the theory has gained much challenge and its focus has transitioned towards behaviour based finances.

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自2015年以来,在线“拼车”应用公司优步(Uber)变得极端两极分化。优步的前景仍然受到风险投资公司的青睐,这从最近400亿美元的估值就可以看出。然而,该公司仍然决心疏远几乎所有其他公司(Sun和Edara 2015)。出租车司机一直被视为将优步(Uber)视为贪婪而不安全的竞争对手,迫使议员们将其挡在几个国际市场之外。围绕着几场公开辩论,人们更多地从Uber的冲突来讨论它,而不是它对重要价值观和公共产品的净影响。有关代写-Uber公司的发展分析和讨论如下:

The fundamental platform of sharing economy has resulted in the production of explosive start-up growth since the inception of technology market. Irrespective of opposition from unions, disrupted businesses, neighbourhoods and governments, Uber has been dealing with exponential growth (Schneider 2015). With the latest funding of 1.2 billion dollars by Uber, there has been a growth in the investment by 6,000 per cent since the last five years. The valuation of Uber has managed to reach 18 billion dollars, and has approximately 550 employees.
Uber has been facing a challenge to define itself across the future. Can it be considered as a service that offers competitive and democratic pricing, or luxury, service and convenience?
As the company introduced its app, the company put in efforts for balancing both convenience of rapid delivery of door- to- door service and mobile application, and competitive pricing. Uber has grown to be a tech giant having worth of more than 40 billion dollars. In terms of user acquisition, Uber has sky rocketed, while growing in more than 60 nations (Bonnell 2015). There is further an expected growth of workforce in bounds and leaps hitting yearly revenue of at least 10 billion dollars. Uber is a venture dealing with several controversies regarding regulation of driver and since recent times, there have been speculations regarding the operating cost of Uber. With some bumps involved in the path, there is a doubt regarding what can be done by Uber for retention of the users, competing with other international competitors and driving the success of economy. Uber plays a significant role in the integration of car hiring sector (Geradin 2015). As per a report of Washington Post, an excellent primer related to the industry was explained that the system of taxi service in a number of cities has major fragmentation along its dimensions. As a significant example, in Chicago, medallion owners were often found leasing their rights of operating in management based company. In turn, management companies have been leasing or purchasing cars while outfitting them as per the requirement of local regulations. Hence, there is a vast prospect of growth for Uber as it has been encouraging horizontal and vertical integration in the car hiring industry.
As Uber emerged, it had a significant impact on a number of services as these follow the business model of Uber (Kleiner 2015). There are a number of similar company offering services of ride sharing, and there are organizations willing to have a business as that of Uber such that there is delivery of products and services. Uber has initiated a signalling trend in the sector in which individuals are considered as the infrastructure instead of fleets of vehicles or office buildings. Uber is currently facing several challenges of marketing that include legal and regulatory issues both outside and inside the United States of America (Krueger 2015). Laws for the protection of consumers can be seen targeting the services of taxi, while Uber is known to be terming the services as “ride sharing”, and they consider themselves as the agent of individual contractors. Individual contractors are drivers. However, a number of court do not consider viewing the services similarly, while forcing the company to be in compliance with stopping business or licensing laws in specific areas (Mastracci 2015).
Irrespective of these challenges, Uber has been successful in becoming extremely popular among independent contractors and consumers. It has been claimed by a number of supporters that Uber revolutionized the sector of transportation services. Investors hold the clear belief that Uber will retain and enhance its growth in the longer run. Uber can be seen as having a bright future with several opportunities of expansion. Therefore, it is important for the company to ensure the compliance of laws and safety of the drivers and the rider (Schneider 2015). Uber also should be adopting certain controls for ensuring that driver who use their app show obedience towards related national laws. Uber needs to consider addressing all of the issues affecting the trust of governments and customers, for the achievement of market success in the longer run.

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Fragmentation of the wetlands may result in the huge change in the overall composition as there is a replacement of the wetland species by the upland species, huge of a large number of species, loss of genetic species where the isolated habitats are very small and they do not support the large structures (Allison et al 4113).
Also, it leads to an alteration in the patterns of the sedimentations and there is an effect on the normal slow flow of water through the wetlands. Also, there may be high sediment loads which can enter the wetlands through different channels and irrigation. This can affect the smoother aquatic vegetation and tidal flats. It will also lead to the increase in turbidity. Fragmentation is a result of channelization and the modification of channels. This also spoils the banks and lead to the increase in the stagnation of water (Penland et al 417).
It has been observed that as result of consistent, fragmentation of the landscapes has disturbed the flow of nature in Louisiana. The change in the configuration of the entire landscape in the wetlands of Louisiana has a great impact on ecosystem.
The process of fragmentation of land is a problem which has been started around 100 years back. There have been various control structures being built over the area. This may include the creation of dams of the leeves in the rivers, the degradation of canals and draining. It is observed that around 30 % of the water from the Mississippi river is being diverted into the Atchafalaya River System in order to ensure less flooding there. Because of this fragmentation, there has been a huge decrease in the sedimentary load, which has reached to the mouth of the river, and has led to the formation of a new and a different basis for the costal land .
Similarly, the construction of the leeves is also having a significant impact on the costal land. In general, a large part of sediments is gathered and accumulated by the seasonal flooding. However, in recent years, it has been observed that the overbank sedimentation process and the flood overtopping which are considered to be very important for the existence of marshes have been dramatically reduced. Due to this, the sediments which are gathered by the marshes are getting less and less. This is another impact of fragmentation of land. Also, once the marshes are degraded, they do not have the ability to regenerate themselves.
Due to a recent human activity MGRO (Mississippi River Gulf Outlet), there has been degrading of the land. It was created in the year 1960 with an aim to facilitate the passage of the ships in the Gulf of Mexico. However, because of the same, around 23000 acres of wetlands have been destroyed. Yet, this is another example of the impact of fragmentation of land. From the beginning, it has been observed that MRGO has grown to around 2.5 times of its original size. According to the researchers, it had occupied around 6.8 % of the total area. There have been a number of other problems which have led to the problem of land loss due to fragmentation. Low density development activities which are being taking place in Louisiana has also led to the increase in fragmentation leading to land loss in this area (Olea et al 1025).
Recent increase in the fragmentation of the land in Louisiana is a major threat to the efficiency of production and increase in land loss. Because of creation of more and more fragments around the coast, there will be an impact of fragments as more and more amount of land will be submerging into the sea. Because of the fragmentation of land in the coastal areas, there is also an increase of impervious surface which has a large number of indirect effects such as the decrease in the quality of water and water filtration. Poor decisions related to land use can lead to the reduction of biodiversity, hastening of species in the coastal areas, cut off the access from the shore and damage the ecosystems. Because of the far reaching impacts of the use of land, dispersed and large lot development, there is loss of wetlands. In the present times, there is a requirement for the proper management of land. It is important to ensure that the loss of land is minimum as it will lead to the serious problem in the coming future (Tweel et al 18).

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美国 essay 代 写-建立智能交通系统

美国 essay 代 写-建立智能交通系统


美国 essay 代 写-建立智能交通系统

Learning from the recent terrible experiences, one important thing that the government should keep in mind before launching any new transport project is to incorporate the views of all possible stakeholders so as not to bring the new projects to a similar fate like Uber and Grab.The government can also discourage private transportation by limiting the number of vehicles per family. This will lead to lesser vehicles on road, hence less probability of traffic jams.Just like developed nations like US, imposing road pricing and charging additional fuel levy from the private vehicle owners might also encourage the residents to opt for the public mode of transportation (University of South Asia, 2014).Urban planning might also help in this regard. Construction of underpasses and overpasses, underground roads, waterways etc. might also divert the flow of traffic from one source to multiple sources, resulting in clearer roads. Besides, building new infrastructure, the government can aid making the optimum use of the current road network by incorporating technology.
Intelligent Transportation system provides motorists with firsthand information about traffic conditions, alternate routes, weather conditions etc. and redirects the traffic to freeways.It is foreseen that traffic issues, if left unattended, will convert the city into a complete traffic gridlock by 2020. Traffic jams are not only a serious matter of concern for the motorists, but if we dive into the details, it has high environmental and economic cost to the state as well. Higher number of stops and starts on the roads leads to fuel wastage, resulting in high fuel cost per kilometer of trip. High transportation cost has a spillover effect on the prices of all the goods in the economy. Besides, more stops and starts result in high carbon emission and hazardous fumes, which pollute the environment. The government of Jakarta should catalyze the execution of dynamic plans to rein in the traffic woes. Spending money wisely on productive transportation plans can save the country from incurring massive losses in the future.




根据五大个性特征,影响消费者对某一特定产品认知的人类心理和个性因素有五大。这些包括对经验的开放性、自觉性、外向性、亲和性和神经质(McAdams & Pals, 2006)。几项调查数据显示,Apple Watch的广大消费者满意度较高(Cavus & Munyavi, 2016)。消费者的总体满意度超过了iPhone和iPad同期的记录水平。在Apple Watch的近800名用户中,31%的用户表示满意,66%的用户表示非常高兴和满意(Gent, 2014)。普通用户对各自的产品表现出最大程度的轻松,其中73%的受访者对该技术了解不多,因此非常满意(Saltzman, 2015)。大多数人还认为,手表具有良好的价值,73%的人认为产品的价值是准确的。另一方面,14%的用户认为价格应该更高,而12%的用户认为价格很低(Maier & Worndl, 2015)。
除了考虑到这项调查,手表可以被视为一个身份的象征,为一个庞大的消费群体,往往可以被视为祖传下来的。信天翁(Albatross)在全球范围内进行的一项调查显示,只有27%的奢侈品消费者表示更喜欢Apple Watch而不是奢侈手表(wealth et al., 2015)。此外,只有15%的受访者表示,Apple Watch可能被用来替代豪华手表。这似乎是一个合理的竞争与有限的接近手腕。在采访安帝古伦在线拍卖商总经理Geoffroy Ader时,他说(Malaka, 2015, 10):“我的感觉是很难预测它是否会保留它的价值。一旦一款产品被生产出来并分发出去,工程师们将致力于Apple Watch 2和Apple Watch 3的研发。人们收集iphone吗?没有。”


According to the Big Five personality traits, there are five factors of human psyche and personality that affect the perceptions of customers towards a specific product. These include openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism (McAdams & Pals, 2006). A large population of consumers of Apple Watch show higher level of satisfaction as indicated by data of several surveys (Cavus & Munyavi, 2016). The overall satisfaction of consumer exceeded the recorded levels for the iPhone and iPad at the same point of time. Out of almost 800 owners of Apple Watch, 31 per cent of the users showed some satisfaction while 66 per cent showed extremely delight and satisfaction (Gent, 2014). Casual users showed maximum ease with the respective product that included 73 per cent of the respondents who did not know much about the technology and hence were highly satisfied (Saltzman, 2015). Majority also hold the belief that the Watch provides good value, with 73 per cent identifying the worth of the product as accurate. On the other hand, 14 per cent of the users stated that the price should have been more, while 12 per cent stated it to be of poor value (Maier & Wörndl, 2015).
Apart from the consideration of this survey, the watch can be seen as a status symbol for a large population of consumer and often can be considered as an heirloom handed down by the generations. As per a survey conducted by Albatross, all across the globe, only 27 per cent of the luxury consumers were known to be showing preference to Apple Watch instead of a luxury watch (Riches et al., 2015). Also, only 15 per cent identified that Apple Watch can be used potentially for substituting a luxury watch. This seems to be a legitimate competition with a limited proximity of a wrist. On interviewing the Managing Director of auctioneers Antiquorum Online, Geoffroy Ader, he stated that (Malaka, 2015, 10):“My feeling is that it is difficult to predict if it will retain its value. As soon as one is produced and distributed, engineers will work on the Apple Watch 2, Apple Watch 3. Do people collect iPhones? No.”






The consensus and the society have the choice of most far reaching and obvious remedy: there is a chance that it might be repealing all special interest regulation or legislation and at the same time the application of strong laws related to antitrust to all types of collusion or cartel that had been using its power in obtaining wages or prices above the levels of competition. In this way, the society could prevent distributional coalition from being responsible of any considerable damage. Therefore, radical changes with respect to the policies and ideas are highly unlikely. However, the scenario has enough evidence that this paper’s argument or other similar arguments should have great extent of influence on the predictions of this as false. It is quite obvious that antitrust policies’ imposition and legislation of special interest will be opposed by the distributional coalitions. This has been denying them the gains of monopoly that could have been obtained by their collective actions. Over the past, there has been economic education’s limited impact, which corroborated the achievement of professional consensus. This suggests the fact that often there will be success for the coalitions.
Keynes’ doctrine is that the world is governed by nothing much else, but the ideas, which can be considered to be an exaggeration. However, his critics and their impacts, and his works on the public policy which bears great impact are indicative of the fact that a lot of differences are made by the ideas. Therefore, it can be concluded that the special interests does it harms way to social mobility, equal opportunity, coherent government, full employment, and economic growth. The students of this field should be aware of this more and more as the time progresses. It can be hoped that this awareness will be spreading to the increasing percentage of the population. Moreover, an awareness of a wider range will be limiting greatly the losses that emanated from the special interests. This can only lead to a happy ending.




2009年2月23日星期一,法国巴黎格兰德法庭(Tribunal de Grande Instance of France)听取了一组中国律师的紧急申请,要求禁止佳士得拍卖两件有争议的中国古代文物。争议的,两个青铜雕塑,一只老鼠的一个头和一只兔子的另一头被英法军队洗劫圆明园在北京在1860年第二次鸦片战争期间,直到最近收集的一部分伊夫·圣·洛朗。然而,法庭拒绝了这项申请。随后,在2009年2月25日星期三,这些雕塑被以1400万欧元的价格拍卖给匿名电话竞标者。争议仍在继续。“这一事件有助于表明,中国在从非法出口的国际环境中找回类似被盗、被抢或其他文化物品方面普遍面临的法律困难。在考虑通过绝对合法的渠道遣返这些物品时,存在着一些障碍。


“On Monday 23 February 2009, the Tribunal de Grande Instance of Paris in France heard an urgent application by a team of Chinese lawyers for an injunction to prevent the auction by Christie’s of two controversial ancient Chinese relics. It was not in dispute that the two bronze sculptures, one of a rat’s head and another of a rabbit’s head had been looted by Anglo-French troops from the Old Summer Palace in Beijing during the Second Opium War in 1860 and had until recently been part of the collection of the late Yves Saint Laurent. The Tribunal nevertheless rejected the application. Subsequently, on Wednesday 25 February 2009, the sculptures were auctioned off for 14 million euros each to the anonymous telephone bidders. The controversy is ongoing.”This incident helps in demonstrating the lawful difficulties that China faces in general in retrieving the similarly stolen, looted or other cultural objects from international setting with illicit export. A number of obstacles are in existence when considering repatriating these items by absolutely lawful channels.
These are as follows:The absence of retroactive impact of significant international conventions: There seems to be no appropriate framework of treaty on which China may rely with its efforts for retrieving objects while being removed from the jurisdiction prior to the specific durations of history.The restricted binding force of significant international conventions: Nations against which China can place a legitimate claim for repatriating cultural objects are considerably less in number. Also, the conventions are known to be having no or less binding force on specific nations in whose jurisdiction there are several stolen culture based properties like the United Kingdom. Difficulties of obtaining evidence or proof: The circumstances with respect to stolen cultural objects and the relevant evidences are mostly obscure, such as the exact duration at which there had been stealing of properties, and who performed the loot. The collection of this information is difficult. Provisions in concern with the holders of good faith.Statutes of limitation: In this particular case, provisions of time limitation across the Civil Procedural Law of China and the Civil Code seem to be preventing additional claim for the actual ownership related to the relics of reference.



自從第一批3D打印機進入市場以來,一直存在著一個主要的爭論,那就是這種新興技術將如何改變現有的業務,並很快給他們留下深刻的印象(LIPSON, 2013)。這是對企業所有者的一個重大威脅,需要討論,為了生存,他們必須採取一些措施。有人說,當虛擬化和移動性影響到獨立系統時,3D打印可能會以某種方式影響供應鍊和物理產品。 3D打印可以完全重新定義企業的運作方式,以及一些能夠影響行業的事情對其他人來說可能是一個更大的改變(BAK, 2003)。 3D打印目前是一個正在成長的領域,它並沒有真正佔領某一個行業或領域。總之,它影響到所有形式的技術,全球政策的製定也將受到嚴格對待。
任何企業所面臨的法律挑戰,以及維持生存的需要,都是重要的。隨著3D打印技術進入市場,勞動力成本將受到重大影響。外包將在全球範圍內進行,及時性將是激發潛在買家和賣家完成交易的唯一剩餘因素。這並不意味著隨著時代的變化,企業應該與這項新發明抗爭,而是應該接受它,並做出相應的讓步,這將是一個更好的選擇,可以在這個方向上鋪平道路。這些公司可以將3D打印技術整合到他們現有的框架中(LIPSON, 2013)。通過成為聯盟中第一個做某事的人,你可以把它變成一個重要的步驟。一個公司可以通過投資這種技術賺更多的錢。產品需要更多的以客戶為導向和有形的,以便客戶接受他們。這使得參與這一過程的每個人都更容易成長。


A major debate that had been going on since the first few 3D printers entered the market, was that how this emerging technology would bring a change to the existing businesses and impresses them soon (LIPSON, 2013). This is a major threat to business holders that needs to be discussed and some steps have to be taken by them in order to survive. Some say that 3D printing could affect supply chains and physical goods in a way when virtualization and mobility did to standalone systems. 3D printing can totally redefine how businesses work and how some things that can affect the industry might be a bigger change to somebody else (BAK, 2003). 3D printing is a growing field right now and it does not actually take over a certain industry or field. In all, it affects all the forms of technology and the global policy making would undergo an intense treatment too.
The legal challenges involved in any business, along with its need to stay afloat are important and with 3D printing in the market, the labour cost would be affected in a significant way. Outsourcing will be done on a much global scale and timeliness would be the only remaining factor that would ignite completion among potential buyers and sellers. This does not mean that with the changing times, the companies should fight this new invention, rather they should accept it and make way accordingly, it would be a much better option that can ease the path in this direction. The companies can incorporate 3D printing techniques into their exiting frameworks (LIPSON, 2013). By being the first one to do something in this league, one can turn it into a major step. A company can make more money by investing some in this kind of technology. The products need to be more customers oriented and tangible in order for the clients to accept them. This makes it much easier for everybody involved in the process to grow.
