
ps代写:Sheikh Hameed的坟墓

ps代写:Sheikh Hameed的坟墓

Burckhardt还发现了Sheikh Hameed的坟墓,据说他是贝都因部落的一位圣人,这表明这个墓地可能是贝都因部落的,以及该部落的骸骨。索尔索尔还发现,在泰尔希斯班和科林斯发现的坟墓似乎属于贝都因社区,因为它们看起来与基督教坟墓有很大的不同,基督教坟墓更个性化,穆斯林坟墓不是单一的或个人的。因此,根据这些多方面的资料,证实并断定该墓地属于生活在旧奥斯曼帝国的贝都因社区的半游牧部落阿德万。这个部落在1450年基本消失,小镇几乎无人居住,但在第一次世界大战后,当部落的一些祖先作为农民来到这里定居时,小镇上再次挤满了人。阿德万部落过去常常在夏天的时候在墓地附近扎营,在这段时间里,任何成员死亡。

ps代写:Sheikh Hameed的坟墓

Burckhardt had also found the tomb of Sheikh Hameed who was said to be a saint of the Bedouin tribe indicating that the cemetery could be of the Bedouin tribes and the skeletons belonging to the tribe of that community. Insoll also found that the graves recovered in Tell Hisban and in Corinth seem to be of the Bedouin community as they look much different from Christian graves which are more individual and Muslims graves are not singular or individual. Thus, with these multiple sources it is confirmed and concluded that the cemetery was of the seminomadic tribe Adwan of the Bedouin community living in the old Ottoman Empire. The tribe largely declined in presence during 1450, the town almost remained uninhabited but again was full of people when some ancestors of the tribal people came and settled as farmers on the farmland after World War 1. The Adwan tribe used to camp nearby the cemetery during the summer times when anyone of the member dies during that time.
When one of the Adwan tribe members died, he would be carried to the closest cemetery and that was the old cemetery in the governor’s storeroom where they would bury the dead. Normally, in a nomadic tribe, the custom of burying the dead would be at the very place where one would die and not take the body to the closest cemetery. The tribe usually had their cemeteries closer to their camping grounds. The grave would be the form of a pile of stones and a tombstone would be placed at the head of the dead. The families of the dead would mourn at the camp for few days and there were no graveside ceremonies for the dead. After then there would be a small ritual of cutting the hair by family members. Kenyon had studied the nomadic tribes and their burial methods and found out that the nomads are generally used to bury the dead where they die, and not search for cemeteries close by even though the cemetery is of their own tribe. The Adwan tribe had a sedentary lifestyle and it mostly consisted of producing grounding stones, cultivation, fishing and guarding the place of worship and of religious importance along with the trade routes.