

尽管政府颁布了禁令,农民们还是不断地焚烧秸秆。由于秸秆焚烧,中国温室气体排放量增加的问题。这导致了大约17%的温室气体排放,甚至高于工业排放。据统计,农民焚烧秸秆产生的废弃物约为0.2 Pg,江苏省秸秆焚烧量从1990年的21.5%增加到2000年中期的48% (Qu等人,2012年)。据观察,农民烧稻草也是因为他们错误地认为土壤会得到改善。

秸秆废弃物的合理处置不仅要控制大气污染,而且要改善环境质量,减少温室气体排放。因此,非常重要的是要有有效的措施来帮助消除化石燃料的燃烧。另一个可能由于秸秆焚烧而引起的问题是在中国已经观察到的严重雾霾。中国政府已经在九个不同的州确定了400个不同的燃烧地点。从2014年开始,秸秆焚烧量增加了16% (Wei et al., 2014)。


In spite of the ban by the government, there has been a consistent burning of straw by the farmers. As a result of burning of the crop straw, there is a problem of increase in the emission of greenhouse gas in China. This contributes to around 17 % of the greenhouse has emission, which is even higher than the emission from the industries. According to the statistics, it can be stated that the straw wastes which had been burned by the farmers was estimated to be around 0.2 Pg. In Jiangsu Province, the straw burning has increased from 21.5 % in 1990 to 48 % in mid 2000 (Qu et al, 2012). It has been observed that the farmers also burn the straw because of the false belief which there will be improvement in the soil.

It is important to have the proper disposal of straw waste not only to have a control on air pollution, but also to have an improvement in the quality of environment and reduction in the emission of greenhouse gas. It is thereby very vital to have efficient measures which can be helpful in eradicating the burning of fossil fuels. A yet another problem which may be observed as a result of straw burning is the heavy smog that had been observed in China. The state government has identified 400 different burning sites in nine different states in China. From 2014, the straw burning has increased by 16 % (Wei et al., 2014).





In these lines, the importance of women to the manufacturing industry and the importance of women workers has been elucidated. These women started to play an important role in the society as well as in their family. It was found that the colonial labor system had different forms of racial oppressions that combined with the productive rights of the racial ethnic women. The issues felt by the women differed based on their ethnic identities (Nakano Glenn 87). In this the Mexican women had a special role and significance. “Inside canneries and packing houses, Mexican women contributed to the development of “cannery culture”. This was an intermingling of gender roles and assembly line conditions, family and peer socialization, and at times collective resistance and change. The significance of gender cannot be overstated as women composed of 75 percent of the workforce” (Ruiz 12).

From this it is quite clear that the roots of formation of these unions was to protect the rights of the workers. Women workers in particular had to work in harsh conditions and the sheer volume of the Mexican women had contributed to the need for a system that would protect the rights of the women. I feel that this is the reason that the need for safety and security of the collective interest of these groups had laid the foundation of a system that would protect the rights of the workers. I feel that the women workers especially the Mexican American had paved the way for unionization. The workers in general were made to work in harsh conditions. Ethnic women workers faced the brunt of these issues. They wanted a support system that would fundamentally protect their interest and needs. This need for collective support had led to the formation of the unionized labor.


我在斯馬特山(Mt. Smart)體育場觀看了橄欖球聯賽(Rugby League),參加比賽的有新西蘭勇士隊(New Zealand Warriors)和喬治·伊拉瓦拉·龍(Georgy Illawarra Dragons)。人們看到勇士隊在比賽的早期就在點球和失誤中掙扎,這場比賽似乎比預期的要長。然而,比賽很快就結束了,球隊在比賽的最後一小時變得冷靜起來。伊薩克·盧克(Isaac Luke)在比賽中出場後,勇士們在球場上的移動和進攻都發生了逆轉。他有能力在向前滾動的同時做幾個假半場。肖恩·約翰遜也通過踢球的方式很好地控制了局面,大衛·福西圖的努力也很重要(Stefan, 2014)。

雅各布·利爾曼(Jacob Lillyman)在起跑時不幸將球扔出幾次後,終於挽回了自己的錯誤。年輕的勇士隊以四十二比零的全面表現足以站立。另一方面,在下半場之前,龍隊一直沒有得到任何得分,他們繼續著他們的進攻困境。他們在下半場的比賽中遇到了很多困難,沒有得到真正的流暢度和節奏,儘管在上半場的三次嘗試中他們都失敗了。本吉·馬歇爾和加雷思在比賽中似乎沒有足夠的創造力,喬什·杜根也被認為是反擊戰(Nesbit & King, 2010)。龍隊在點球大戰中有一個開場進球,但是當看到肖恩·約翰遜跨過勇士隊,佔據領先位置(Shank & Lyberger, 2014)時,他們就考慮為這個決定買單。


The Rugby League I watched at the Mt. Smart Stadium involved the teams, New Zealand Warriors and Georgy Illawarra Dragons. The Warriors had been seen struggling in the early stage of the match with penalties and errors, and the match appeared to be lengthy than anticipated. However, the game turned over soon and the team ended up becoming clinical during the last hour of the match. The movement and attack of Warriors across the field ended up turning around after the entry of Isaac Luke in the match. He had the ability of doing several dummy halves while rolling forwards. Shaun Johnson also managed to control things well enough by his game of kicking and the efforts of David Fusitu were also significant (Stefan, 2014).

After starting off woefully and dropping the ball a number of times, Jacob Lillyman managed to recover his mistakes. The youngsters of Warriors were known to be standing up sufficiently with a rounded performance score of 42-0. On the other hand, the Dragons had not been scoring any points until the second half of the game as they continued with their woes of attacking. They faced a lot of struggle in getting any real flow or rhythm in the second half of the game, even though there had been disallowance of three tries in the first half session of the game. Benji Marshall and Gareth did not appear to be having sufficient creativity within the game, and josh Dugan had been seen backfiring (Nesbit & King, 2010). There was an opening score through penalty goal for the team of Dragon, but they considered making payment over that decision as soon as Shaun Johnson had been seen stepping his way across the Warriors for taking up the lead (Shank & Lyberger, 2014).



在这些因素的推动下,必须对风险进行积极的管理。在实施和计划阶段的每个团队都应该调查在关键活动中面临的一些风险(Jago et al. 2010)。这些风险包括与财务、运营、责任、基于声誉的风险和业务中断有关的风险,以及风险的主动管理和缓解。风险管理的活动范围从采用更严格的安全程序,以便通过保险从第三方转移风险。公私合营企业存在着东道国政府财政风险抵销的倾向。最先进的健康设施对游客在大型活动中的整体体验起着至关重要的作用。

大多数游客可能不认为它们重要,但在他们中大多数人确认它的存在时,放心。在大多数赛事中,特别是与体育赛事相关的赛事中,医疗设施的需求都是巨大的。一个重要的例子是,2004年雅典夏季奥运会结束时,发生了超过1万起健康事故,其中大多数发生在离比赛场地更近的地方(Jago et al. 2010)。对医疗保健需求的增加与一个大型项目有关——甚至众所周知,在未来几年,东道国地区和城市在建设诊所和医院、为其所在地区提供足够好的服务方面提供了重大机遇。


Moving ahead with the factors, there must be a proactive management of risks. Each and every team in the phase of implementation and planning should investigate a number of risks that are faced in the key activities (Jago et al. 2010). These include the ones related to finance, operations, liability, reputation based risks and interruption of business, and the active management and mitigation of risks. The activities of risk management will range from the introduction of tighter procedures of safety in order to transfer risk via insurance from third party. Public private based partnership hold the tendency of offsetting risks of finance faced by host governments. State-of-the-art facilities of health play an essential role in the overall experience of visitors at a mega- event.

Majority of the visitor may not consider them important but the reassurance among most of them when acknowledging its presence. In majority of the events, especially related to sporting events, facilities of healthcare are known to have huge demand. As a significant example, the Summer Olympics of 2004 in Athens ended up experiencing more than 10,000 incidents of health, majority of them being within the closer proximity of the event sites (Jago et al. 2010). The increased level of demand for healthcare in relation with a mega- even is known to present significant opportunity for host regions and cities in building clinics and hospitals serving their areas sufficiently well in the years to come.

论文 代写:餐厅工作安排

论文 代写:餐厅工作安排


论文 代写:餐厅工作安排

论文 代写:餐厅工作安排

Mise En place: After the dinner, staffs have to clean all the tables and utensils clearly and prepare breakfast table for next day. They decorate the tables with flowers. After breakfast, lunch or afternoon tea, staffs have to clear the tables and other things again. The staffs are changed by their shifting duty. The amount of time: Staffs ready the breakfast table after the dinner for the next day and breakfasts are served at 7.30am. Staffs start the lunch and after tea table setting after the breakfast of guests. The tasks performed: Staffs have to do buffet duties at sharp 7am on every morning. All the staffs are appointed particular tasks. They have to do their own duties timely before and after breakfast and dinner. After the afternoon tea, the tables are set for diner.

论文 代写:餐厅工作安排
All the staffs have to perform all the tasks and duties on time. The organization of the crockery and cutlery: The caretaker of kitchen of castle makes sure that cutlery is cleaned in daily basis. All the cutleries are stored into blue boxes. Caretaker stores crockery and cutlery in wash up region. Crockery is stored into big steel shelves. The table setting: The tables of castle are fixed setting for three courses only. Castle provides only breakfast, afternoon and dinner course. Sometimes, they arrange tables for lunch on advance booking. Other – please list and comment on the learning: Staffs prepare the table in such way that all the guests can see the menu in a comfortable way. All the tables are well decorated with flowers, napkins and cutlery, sugar and salt or pepper shakers.


任何年齡的人都很難對當代藝術做出準確的定義。當代藝術是存在於我們這個時代的東西,但隨著時間的推移,當代藝術每一代都在變化。每一個時代的藝術都有多樣性。不同時代的藝術家在當代藝術的各個時期都有不同的感知、創新和風格。在10世紀初期,與當代藝術相關的藝術家在繪畫和雕塑上有著不同的風格。他們對藝術有一定的態度。 “這些態度涉及許多有意識的理論和無意識的假定,其性質可以從一般意義上說,而不僅僅是從歷史意義上說,是浪漫主義的。”當代藝術也與藝術家所產生的審美品質聯繫在一起。



It is very difficult for any age to develop the exact definition of the contemporary art. The contemporary art is something, which exists in our time, but with time the contemporary changes with every generation. There has been multiplicity in art with every age. The artists in every age have different perception, innovation and style in every period of contemporary art. In the period of early 10th century, the artists associated with contemporary art have a different style in their paintings and sculptures. They had certain attitudes towards art. “These attitudes involved a number of conscious theories and unconscious presuppositions, the nature of which may be designated as romantic in a generic sense, not merely in the historical sense”. The contemporary art is also associated with the aesthetic qualities induced by the artists.

The contemporary art in the 20th century is considered to the highest point of the aesthetic sense in the visual artwork. The concept behind art has changed in every period. In the historical sense, contemporary art is specifically considered as the projection of the political and economical values, which were global and general in sense. The flexibility of this kind of art is no longer capable of including all current art dynamics; this is because all the artists have radically differentiated their work from the other art forms. The other meaning for the contemporary art could be called as the ‘current art’. This term is correct as it depicts the near future and the recent past as well. Although, this is the new definition but still it could not suffice the explanation, which includes all the art work, which is being made with the purpose of resisting the flexibility of the contemporary, art. For the academic work, the topic of contemporary art has become historical.






There are many factors which have driven the Uber’s success in the world. The very first one is that it is very easy to use the Uber for all the customers worldwide. In order to use the services of Uber, the customers had to download the Uber App, create the account and enter their credit card or payment details. While a person is ready to book a car, they opened the App and pressed the button. After this, the list of the available drivers is displayed and a driver generally responds within seconds.

In addition to this, the customers can also get the drivers rating and they can accept or reject a customer. At the end of the ride, the fare is automatically deducted from the account of the customer. Another factor determining the success of Uber is the driver’s model of Uber. The company takes a cut which may range from 20 % to 30 % from the drivers which leads to a huge profit for the company. Another factor for success is that Uber does not have any cars of its own and it only serves as the system for the referral for the drivers who drive their own car.






Forbidden planet is an American film that was originally released in 1956. It is an Action adventure movie that also has many elements of science fiction. This story is set in the future 23rd century. After many decades of release, the story is still discussed and considered relevant for the efficient narrative theme and the underlying story in the movie.It primarily exposes the themes of human weakness, space, exploration and technology. This movie upon release had used a number of highly technological elements. Man feels the brunt of the external pressure and the internal stress. Based on this human survival instinct or Darwinian Theory of evolution is found to develop. This has been showcased efficiently in the storyline (Caroti, 2004).

In many ways, it explores the human emotions of jealousy, greed, egoism and power. In this story, there is a definitive good an evil that can be easily felt by the people. The other human emotions have been beautifully elucidated in the movie and these aspects finds relevance even in the modern times. The technology has not been alluded as something that is bad but the usage of these technology the flawed individual in the societies are the brunt of the problem that has been showcased in the movie.



香港航空公司的主要目标,是透过发展分销渠道,提高附属产品的销售。因此,分销渠道已成为航空公司的主要关注点,因为它有助于提高利润水平。全球大气Q3 2012年调查结果表明,低成本航空公司比网络航空公司产生了双倍的利润。如Baggio、Scott和Cooper(2010)所言,第三方分销常常给航空公司高管带来压力。最值得注意的是,航空公司无权在gds和在线旅行社进行商品销售。



The major focus of Hong Kong Airlines is to enhance the sales of the ancillary product by developing the distribution channel. Thus, distribution channel has turned out to be major concern for the airlines companies as it helps to enhance the level of profit. The result of global Atmosphere Q3 2012 survey exhibited that the low cost carriers incurred double profit as compared to the network airlines. As opined by Baggio, Scott, & Cooper (2010) third party distribution often create stress for the executives of airlines. The most noteworthy thing is that an airline company has not power on merchandising in GDSs and OTAs.

Distribution is generally about the transparency of the company. Mosedale (2010) stated that distribution is not lengthy proper way for thinking about the sales of products of airlines. Although GDS and different online and offline third-party channels empower airlines to disseminate their products, ‘Distribution’ signifies method when airlines managerial instead are raising targeted on results. By 2017, ‘distribution’ will be changed with a target on channel-based, value-creating economics.






Therefore, it is important for Global Adventures to adapt proper change management for achieving desired business outcome. Proper change management would help the company to enhance their rate of productivity and profitability. This particular report will cover the change management plan which the manager of Global Adventure should implement in order to run their business successfully. The internal structure of the organization has been discussed in order to evaluate the importance of change management. The fundamental objective and mission of the company has also been discussed. Previous and future financial performance of the company has also been evaluated in order to measure the financial resources of the company.

The activity of human resource management of the company has also been discussed in order to understand the internal activity of the company. Moreover, SWOT analysis of the company has also been discussed for analysing the internal strengths and weaknesses of the company. The current of trend of customer preferences has also been discussed which would help them to retain their customers. Successful development of change plan has been discussed, proper implementation of which would help them to sustain in the intense competitive market. Finally, the importance of feedback system has been discussed which would help them to integrate the perception and idea of both employees and customers within their business strategy.