


第一种冲突是国家间的冲突,它发生在两个民族国家之间,是官方军事力量之间的战争,另一种冲突是国家内部的冲突。国内冲突发生在军队、武装分子或非正规武装组织之间。这些团体可包括为自卫而携带小型武器和轻武器的平民。在这里,必须解除武装,以避免冲突造成的暴力和破坏。复员是指使一支武装部队从准备就绪状态进入战斗状态的情况。更确切地说,这是战争结束时战斗人员放下武器和退出战斗。复员可适用于各种情况,包括从建筑物或中心遣散个别战斗人员,或遣散居住在营地或营房的战斗人员群体(科利尔,1994年;轩和拉斯穆森,2008)。战斗人员的复员过程是为了查明、登记、清点和使他们处于非战争状态。复员需要收集身份证或必要的文件,以便收集有关前战斗人员的资料,并设法通过和平进程使他们融入社会(Carballo, 2000)。
战斗人员的复员过程包括他们的医疗检查和治疗、他们的维持和安排将他们送回家园的交通工具。复员进程受到时间限制。它是在预先确定的场地内进行规划的。基本任务是平息社会中的武装分子和群体,以解决冲突,确保非暴力社会(Jensen, 2001)。复员进程的目标群体可以是武装军事部队、武装团体,甚至是为自卫或其他目的使用武器武装自己的平民。军事部队的复员可以是全面复员或选定群体的复员。群体的选择可以侧重于残疾人、病人或老战斗人员。军队复员可能基于该国的政治形势。根据一项政治立场,当局奉命遣散武装部队中的某些人员。复员过程类似于征聘过程,因为在这两个过程中,选定的成员并不知道所进行的挑选。复员的目标可以是武装团体,也可以是定期或不定期配备武器的个人男子、妇女或儿童。


First conflict is inter-state conflict, which occurs between two nation-states as a war between official military forces, while the other one is intra-state conflict. Intra-state conflict occurs between military, and militants or irregularly armed groups. These groups may include civilians containing small arms and light weapons for the cause of self-defence. Here disarmament becomes necessary to avoid violence and destruction as a result of conflict. Demobilisation refers to the condition of bringing off an armed force from ready to combat status. More precisely, it is the discharge of weapons and standing down of combatants when war is terminated. Demobilization can be applied to various situations including demobilization of individual combatant from a building or centre, or demobilization of combatant groups residing in camps or barracks (Colllier, 1994; Porch and Rusmussen, 2008). The process of demobilization of combatants is carried out to identify, register, count and bringing them to off-war state. Demobilization requires collection of identification cards or necessary documents in order to gather information about former combatants and devise ways to integrate them in society through a peaceful process (Carballo, 2000).
The process of demobilization of combatants includes their medical checkups and treatment, their maintenance and arrangement of transport to send them back to their home stations. Demobilization process is restricted within a time frame. It is carried out on defined premises with predefined planning. The basic task is to stand down armed elements and groups in the society in order to resolve a conflict and ensure non-violent society (Jensen, 2001).The target group for the process of demobilization may be carried out for armed military forces, militant groups or even civilians who have armed themselves with weapons either for self-defence or other purposes. Demobilization in military forces can be overall demobilization or demobilization of selected groups. Selection of group may focus on the handicapped elements, ill people or old combatants. Military demobilisation may be based on political scenario of the country. Following a political stance, authorities are ordered to demobilize certain elements among the armed forces. The process of demobilisation is similar to recruitment process in the way that in both processes selected members are unaware of the selection. The target for demobilization can be armed groups, or individual men, women or children who are regularly or irregularly equipped with arms weapons.