


Then, it would be derived as to what is the extent to which the increase in the precarious work forms of employment impacts the work in the creative industries. Despite the fact that the term precarious work is used more often at the international level, there are several diverse definitions that are presented for this term and none that has gained universal acceptance. This is chiefly because the precarious work is of multidimensional nature and different people understand it with a different perspective that mainly depends on the country, region, the overall structure of the economy, and the social structure of the labour markets and political systems. Therefore, the best way is to find out the differences as to how precarious work is different from the standard work. There are mainly four attributes of precarious work. The first one is temporal which refers to low certainty over the employment continuity. The second one is organisational which refers to less control on working conditions, time of work, shift timing, intensity of work, safety, pay, as well as health. The third one is economic and hence there is poor pay pattern and has no certainty on salary progression. In addition, the last one is social aspect where it can be elucidated that there is less of legal or customary protection (Quak, 2014).
Therefore, it can be said that precarious work refers to the range of employment types, such as temporary employment, on-call work, underemployment, quasi self-employment. This work style is set on a lower floor that the normative standards that are socially accepted, like, rights, protection legislation of employment, as well as collective protection in any of the above specified four aspects. These facets emerge from a demented distribution amid employees pertaining to the risks and insecurity generally linked to general economic life (Ellmeier, 2003).
Before understanding the extent to which the precarious work has impacted the creative industries, it is important to understand what industries come under creative industries. The creative industries are called as the creative and cultural industries. It encompasses the span of economic activities, which are associated with generating and commercialising the creativity, knowledge, ideas, and information. Creative industries refer to the businesses that run on the basis of creative minds, such as design, publishing, music, crafts, architecture, visual arts, film and video, TV and radio, fashion, computer games, advertising, literature, as well as the performing arts (Parrish, 2017).

Half of the jobs all over the world are considered to be precarious. In various emerging as well as developing nations, precarious work might be existing since long, while in other sectors, and this type of work is still in the nascent stage. This is because of the confidentiality and nature of work in these sectors. One of the industries where the precarious work is quite prevalent is the creative industry. Since precarious work is quite ambiguous, and poses difficulty in being measured, there is no such accurate data on the precarious jobs number in various places worldwide. Precarious work trends will nevertheless be estimated through examination of the precarious work elements, which could be more reliably measured, like temporary and part-time work (Potts, 2014).

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