

美国代写论文:海洋奇缘冒险电影。海洋奇缘是一部3D动画音乐冒险电影,由华特迪士尼动画工作室制作。第56部迪士尼动画电影由约翰·穆斯克和罗恩·克莱门茨执导,克里斯·威廉姆斯和唐·霍尔联合执导(Anjirbag, 2018)。电影围绕着主角莫阿娜展开,她是波利尼西亚村长意志坚强、自由奔放的女儿;她被海洋选中去寻找传说中的半神毛伊,并重新团结女神特菲提的心来拯救她的人民。接下来美国代写论文专家将对海洋奇缘冒险电影进行以下分析。



精神分析理论形成了人格组织的基础,并给出了人格发展的动力(Fine, 2011)。根据西格蒙德·弗洛伊德的说法,儿童时期的事件有重要作用,从而影响成年时期的心理功能(Barker, 2012)。虽然莫阿娜的村民都是流浪者,但她的父亲在航行到珊瑚礁外时失去了童年的朋友,从此便驱逐了船只。即使在没有鱼吃或者村子陷入困境的时候,他也对在开阔的海洋中航行感到偏执。这是他朋友死亡的结果,也影响了他的存在,因此,尽管他们有设备和技术航行到海洋和捕鱼,他限制了自己和他的村民(卡纳曼和特沃斯基,2000年)。毛伊在襁褓中也被父母遗弃,后来众神将他抚养长大,赋予了他力量。失去或压抑的欲望往往会影响人工制品的创造,并对由此激活的精神驱动有一个解释(Dhar & Chakravarti, 2014)。为了有一种归属感,被人类所接受,他偷走了心,给了人类创造的权利,结果女神的愤怒落在了他身上。这种渴望被接受的渴望是他在童年时遭到遗弃的结果,他想通过他的行为在人民中建立自己的存在感。

女性气质主要是一种身体属性,从早期的物化转变为主体化;重点延伸到个人主义、赋权和选择。从很小的时候起,莫阿娜就感受到了成为下一任村长的压力;她从小就受到教育,从小就把人民的幸福放在第一位,而不是自己的安全。从很小的时候起,她的祖母就知道她是特别的,因为大海选择和她一起玩。丽萨·艾略特解释说,婴儿时期的微小差异会导致成年时期的显著差异。莫阿娜的保护本能不仅限于她的族人,甚至包括其他生物;例如,她救了一只小乌龟的生命,在她几乎不知道如何走路的年龄。这种保护本性对她来说是自然的,然而,她作为酋长的女儿和未来的酋长被抚养长大,尽管她渴望探索海洋,自由地过她的生活(艾略特,2012)。这让她走出了珊瑚礁,虽然她的船倾覆了,她确实尝到了冒险的滋味,这鼓励她去寻找毛伊岛在她的祖母的鼓励(Santana, 2016)。虽然这也证明了精神分析理论的应用,但也有一个潜在的女性主义理论的暗示;女性被期望以某种方式表现,首领的话是最终的,虽然他的母亲有更多的知识,但不能期望女孩找到问题的解决方案(hook, 2000)。通常,女性气质与被动、情感、美丽、私人领域和女性作为性对象联系在一起。然而,女性主义理论研究了男性和女性的社会角色、他们的兴趣、经历、家务以及女权主义政治,重点分析了性别不平等(Basu & McGrory, 1995)。虽然莫阿娜的父亲并不怀疑她的能力,但起初,她被毛伊看不起。Baron-Cohen认为,女性的大脑天生就会获得同情,而男性的大脑天生就会理解和构建系统(Baron-Cohen, 2012)。在他们短暂的相遇中,拥有毛伊魔法鱼钩的贪婪螃蟹塔玛托也物化了毛伊,这证明了尽管毛伊的行为很伟大,但归根结底她“只是一个小女孩”。

The selected object is significant to the study because of the contrasting natures of the two main characters. While Moana is a kindred being, she cares about the people, she is a wanderer at heart yet the responsibilities towards her village and the people expect her to behave in a certain way. On the other hand, Maui, a demi – god, is a megalomaniac; his high opinion of his achievements, his self – boasting and his opinion that he is the hero of men and women is actually a farce to cover up his insecurities. Firstly he was abandoned as a child and the Gods raised him and secondly, the isolation he felt after he stole the heart of Te – Fiti gives him an almost childlike demeanour.

The movie highlights the fact that though a demi – god, a self – proclaimed saviour of the human race had stolen the heart of Te – Fiti and brought a curse on the land, it was a village girl who broke all norms and restored things back to normal against all adversities. Moana braves the seas, fights pirates, help Maui retrieve his magical fish hook while Maui had waited for years on a deserted island after being ousted; the idea of a mortal girl being the hero of a movie while a celestial plays safe breaks all norms that are generally viewed in movies.

Psychoanalytic Theory forms the base for personality organisation and gives the dynamics of development of the personality (Fine, 2011). According to Sigmund Freud, childhood events have a significant role to play thus influencing the mental function during adulthood (Barker, 2012). Though Moana’s villagers were wanderers, her father had banished boats and ships after he lost his childhood friend while sailing beyond the reef. He was paranoid about sailing in the open ocean even when there were no fish to eat or the village was in trouble. This was a result of the effect of his friend’s death and the same had influenced his existence so that though they had the equipment and the skill to sail to the ocean and catch fish, he restricted himself and his villagers (Kahneman & Tversky, 2000). Maui too had been abandoned by his parents as a baby when the Gods raised him thus giving him powers. Lost or repressed desires tend to influence the creation of artefacts and have an explanation for the mental drives thus activated (Dhar & Chakravarti, 2014). In order to have a sense of belonging and be accepted among humans, he stole the heart to give to the people the right to create, as a result of which the wrath of the goddess fell on him. This yearning to be accepted was a result of the abandonment he had faced during childhood and through his deeds he wanted to establish his presence among the people.

Femininity is mostly a bodily property where a shift occurs towards subjectification from what was earlier objectification; there is a focus extended on individualism, empowerment and choice. Moana since a very young age had felt the pressure of being the next village chief; she was tuned and brought up in such a way that from a very young age she always put the well – being of the people first rather than her own safety. Since a very young age her grandmother knew she is special when the ocean selected to play with her. It has been explained by Lisa Eliot that little differences during infancy result in notable difference during adulthood. Moana’s protective instinct was not only restricted towards her people but even other beings; for example she saved the life of a baby turtle at an age when she barely knew how to walk. This protective nature was natural to her, however, she had been brought up as the chief’s daughter and the future chief though she longed to explore the ocean and lead her life freely (Eliot, 2012). This made her go beyond the reef though her boat got capsized, she did get a taste of adventure which dared her to go look for Maui with encouragement from her grandmother (Santana, 2016). While this demonstrates the application of the psychoanalytic theory as well, there is an underlying hint of the Feminist Theory; women are expected to behave in a certain way, the word of the chief is final though his mother has more knowledge, it cannot be expected of a girl to find a solution for the problems (Hooks, 2000). Commonly, femininity is associated with passiveness, emotions, beauty, private sphere and women being sexual objects. However, the Feminist Theory examines the social roles of men and women, their interests, experiences, chores and also feminist politics with focus on the analysis of gender inequality (Basu & McGrory, 1995). While Moana’s father does not doubt her abilities, initially, she is looked down upon by Maui. It has been argued by Baron – Cohen that the female brain is hard wired to gain sympathy while the male brain is tuned to understand and build systems (Baron-Cohen, 2012). The greedy crab Tamatoa who had Maui’s magical fishhook too objectifies her during their brief encounter which proves that though her deeds were great, she was ‘just a little girl’ at the end of the day.
