


水下密封排水UWSD与胸腔内排水一起使用(Parkin, 2002)。插入胸腔引流管是为了排除胸腔内积聚的空气和液体。放置UWSD的目的是确保胸腔内的引流和适当的胸膜内压力。通常,一个振荡或摆动运动与排水有关,在排水的水平将上升和下降的呼吸病人。在这种情况下,病人会咳嗽,然后会有一些形式的气泡在密封室,这表明是肺穿孔。使用UWSD的主要原因,是确保减少空气和液体的积聚,以减少压力性气胸发展的机会。此外,油管还必须放置在水平的床上,以尽量减少任何形式的脱落和扭结作用(Gompelmann et al ., 2014a;2014 b)。作为Leigh Mark Richards的护理管理工作的一部分,护士有责任在植入UWSD时注意症状和体征。有效地理解患者的症状和体征将有助于更快地解决问题(Avery, 2000)。
为像Leigh这样的病人工作的护理人员必须接受培训,使他们能够充分理解用于他们身上的胸腔引流,以及可以从中推断出的症状(Lehwaldt & Timmins 2007)。在患者的病例中,注意到的一些症状是上胸管摆动,并间歇性冒泡,但没有排水(护理与助产学院,2014年12月)。护士的职责是确保瓶中液体的含量、日期和时间被记录下来。排水可能不是很大,但在夹紧之间会发生最大1000mls (Avery, 2000)。护士还负责报告液体的颜色变化。现在在第五集成电路UWSD的情况下,由于缺乏排水系统,可能表明排水系统被堵塞或扭曲了。如果不尽快处理这种情况,那么病人就有可能患上张力性气胸。所以有必要对病人进行评估,看看是否有任何形式的引流障碍。管子需要矫正,必须检查,如果值班护士不能解决这个问题,那么就有必要打电话给高级护理人员。


An underwater seal drain UWSD is used along with an intrapleural chest drain (Parkin, 2002). The chest drain is inserted in order to remove air and fluid build up that would exist in the pleural cavity. The UWSD is placed so as to ensure drainage and also a proper intra-pleural pressure. Usually an oscillation or a swing motion is associated with the drain where the level in the drain would rise and fall with the respiration of the patient. In such situation where the patient would cough, then there would be some form of bubbling in the seal chamber that indicates that is a lung perforation. The major reason for the use of the UWSD is to ensure that air and fluid build up is reduced so to reduce the chances of development of the pressure pneumothorax. The tubing furthermore has to be placed such that it is horizontal across the bed, in order to minimize any form of lopping and kinking action (Gompelmann et al, 2014a; 2014b).As part of the nursing management for Leigh Mark Richards, it is the duty of the nurses to notice the signs and symptoms in the context of the UWSD insertions. An efficient understanding of the signs, and symptoms from the patient end will be useful to address issues faster (Avery, 2000).
Nursing staff that work with patients like Leigh must be trained such that they care cared for with competent understanding of the chest drains that are used on them, and the symptoms that can be inferred from them and more (Lehwaldt & Timmins 2007). In the case of the patient, some of the symptoms noticed are that the upper chest tube is swinging and is intermittently bubbling, but there is no draining as such (School of Nursing &Midwifery December, 2014). It is the duty of the nurse to ensure that the level of fluid in the bottle, the date and time are recorded. The drainage might not be considerable but a maximum of 1000mls would happen between clamping (Avery, 2000). The nurse is also responsible for reporting the change in colour of the fluid. Now in this case in the 5th IC UWSD since there is a lack of drainage, it could possible indicate that the drain is blocked or kinked in some way. If this situation is not attended to as soon as possible, then there is a chance that the patient would suffer a tension pneumothorax. So it is necessary to assess the patient to find out, if there are any forms of obstructions in drainage. The tube needs to be straightened and must be checked, and if the nurse on call is not able to resolve the issue then it is necessary to call senior help.
