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论文代写 互联网泡沫


论文代写 互联网泡沫

金融理论: 根据有效市场假说,市场是理性的,股票价格反映了可用的信息。安全的价格随后根据新的信息而变化。然而,行为金融学指出,这个有效的市场并不能解释市场上出现的各种异常现象。行为金融学认为,市场异常是在平稳的股票市场格局中出现的异常现象和异常现象。


论文代写 互联网泡沫

This bubble was based on the speculation of the new technological development due to the emergence of aviation, automobiles ratio and electrical power grids and the emergence of e-commerce and internet. The nature of the dot-com bubble is based on the greater fool theory as the majority of the people invested in the hopes that the overvalued prices will continue to rise without investigating the shares and relying only on the prices. Another recent example of such stock market bubble is the Stock market crash of 2008.

论文代写 互联网泡沫

Financial theory: As per the efficient market hypothesis, the markets are rational in nature and the stock prices reflect the information that is available. The prices of the security subsequently changes as per the new information present. However, the behavioural finance suggests that this efficient market does not explain the various anomalies observed in the market. It is suggested by behavioural finance that the anomalies of market are abnormality and unusual occurrence within the smooth stock market pattern.
The paradigm of efficient market hypothesis suggested that market with large numbers of rational individual for profit maximization often competes actively with one another and attempts to predict the future market values of the various securities, and this theory suggest that the essential information is freely available to the investors.



竞争与合作的差异 – 很明显,不同的人对工作场所有不同的看法和个性。有些员工喜欢竞争,有些则试图与其他员工一起合作。发现员工发现很难与侵略性,姿态,小气和居高临下的员工合作(Joseph,2009)。因此,在这种情况下,新员工可能具有竞争性,从而导致故意的破坏,最终使其他员工处于防御状态。


这些策略中的每一种都采用不同的方法来解决人格冲突,因此个人或当事人使用最有效或相容的策略来解决人格冲突至关重要。当没有任何战略工作时,最好的方法是到达管理层,因为管理层可以有效地将参与方或个人分配到不同的团队或项目(Lewicki 2006)。管理层也可以将这些当事人或者个人转移到不同的部门或者部门,从而免除了相关的合同。


Competitive versus cooperative differences – It is evident that different people have different perceptions and personalities regarding the work place. Some of the employees prefer competing whereas some other attempt to work together and cooperate with other employees. It is found that the employees find it difficult to work with the employees who are aggressive, posturing, petty, and condescending (Joseph 2009). Thus, in the concerned situation, the new employee might have a competitive nature and thus leading to intentional sabotage that eventually puts other employees in a defensive state.
Each of the factors highly adds to the occurrence of personality conflicts, thus leading to certain consequences and negatives impacts on the employees and on the company’s business.


Conclusion and Recommendations
Personality conflicts have been one of the biggest challenges for the company, usually experienced by the new employees. These conflicts are found to diffuse by professionalism, appropriate action, mutual understanding and acceptance. It is evident that no employee or individual can control the he / she reacts to certain condition, thus such conflicts must be addressed and attempted to resolve at earliest stages. The effective resolution of conflicts eventually leads to a more productive and happier work place. However, it is important to note that the engagement in the destructive work relationships and personality conflicts can severely affect the professional career of each of the employees. Thus it becomes much more important that not just the human resources department and managers, but each and every employee work towards mitigating the occurrence of work place conflicts. There are certain steps that could have been followed by the concerned new employee, his / her colleagues, or higher authorities to resolve the identified personality conflict in between the new employee and already existing employees.
Each of these strategies utilize different approach to resolve the personality conflict, thus it is essential that the individuals or parties use the most effective or compatible one to resolve the same. The best approach when none of the strategies work is reaching the management as the management can efficiently assign the engaged parties or individuals to different teams or projects (Lewicki 2006). The management can also transfer these parties or individuals to different departments or divisions, thereby eliminating the associated contract.



1.主管经理 – 主管经理了解组织的目标,并能增加价值的世俗工作。他能够判断一个员工的有效性并提供建设性的反馈,从而帮助员工做出更好的判断。没有一个能干的管理者,同时保持一切都会导致一个表现不佳的员工。
2.Contextual目标 – 与员工需求相一致的目标,并牢记考虑质量和数量的适当时间框架。没有上下文目标导致困惑的员工。员工有虚假的开始和错过最后期限。
3.目标矩阵 – 员工应该能够衡量自己的表现并客观地回归。如果员工不了解客观矩阵,就会让他生气或害怕。因此,客观矩阵应该由经理和员工自己共同为员工创造。
4.资源做好这项工作 – 如果员工没有资源做这项工作,那么不管什么好意,他的工作都会受到影响。如果没有这些资源,这将使员工感到无法实现的目标。
5.自主性 – 这是推动员工参与到全面实施的最重要的因素。如果没有一定程度的自主权,员工只会按照他们的要求去做。由于被微观管理,员工会感到不满。


Because of these positive effects of employee engagement, it becomes imperative that investigate as how to operationalize Employee Engagement in HR practices. Presence of all of the following five factors is a must for employee engagement (Villa, 1996)
1.Competent Manager – A competent manager understands the goals of the organization and can add value mundane work. He is able to judge an employee’s effectiveness and provide constructive feedback thereby helping an employee to make better judgments. Absence of a competent manager while keeping everything same would result in an underperforming employee.
2.Contextual goals – Goals that are aligned to employees needs and set keeping in mind proper time frame for quality and quantity in mind. Absence of contextual goals results in confused employees. Employees have false starts and missed deadlines.
3.Objective matrices – Employees should be able to measure their own performance and regress on them objectively. If the objective matrices is not understood by the employee, it would leave him angry or scared. Therefore Objective matrices should be co-created for the employee by the manager and the employee himself.
4.Resources to do the job – if the employee does not have the resources to do the job then irrespective of all the best intentions, his work would suffer. This would leave the employee frustrated with the goals that he cannot achieve without these resources.
5.Autonomy – This is the most important factor to drive the employee engagement to full implementation. In absence of a certain degree of autonomy employee would only do what they are told to do. Employees would be disgruntled because of being micromanaged.

Even though a lot of academic work has been done on employee engagement, much more is required to put these researches in practice. It is a must to have all the five levers namely: competent manager, contextual goals, objective matrices, resources and autonomy in place together to get an employee actively engaged with the organization. The most important thing for the employer to remember is not to tell the employee what to do but to explain to them what you do. Raising employees’ expectations without matching rewards is the easiest way to disengage an employee. This should be coupled with role clarity at the employee level and focused strategy which everyone in the organization understands.