标签存档: 美国论文代写推荐



中石化人力资源经理的坚定目标应该是确保人才的全面发展。要做到这一点,首先要坚持人才管理的原则。除此之外,组织还需要寻找新的人才的提升,而建设充满活力的团队是其他一些策略。为保证人才管理的有效开展,做好组织中人才的人才成长渠道建设十分重要。除此之外,组织应该寻找有才能的个人特征的改进(Schweyer, 2010)。建立合理、重要的岗位,做好薪酬体系建设,创造多种增长渠道,保障人才的发展。中石化集团也需要给予重大关注市场和未来可能结合当下需求的长期需求,整合理论与实践,进行统一的培训实践在不同层次、不同运动的练习才能有一个适当的债券针对性培训,并确保有一个培养模式在组织内(法利,2005)。



The very firm aim of the HR managers at Sinopec should be to ensure that there is a complete development of the talents. In order to implement the same, the first requirement is to adhere to the principle of talent management. In addition to this, the organization needs to look for the promotion of new talents, and construction of the vigorous team is some other strategies. In order to ensure that talent management continues effectively, it is important to do the talent growth channel construction for the talented people who are there in the organization. In addition to this, the organization should look for the improvement of the characteristics of the talented individuals (Schweyer, 2010). It is important to set up a reasonable and an important position and to do the remuneration of the system so as to create different kinds of growth channels to ensure the development of the talents.Sinopec group also needs to give significant attention to the markets and the future which may combine the present day requirements with the long term requirements, integrate the theory along with the practice, do the unification of the training practices at different levels, practicing of the different exercises which can be done to have a proper bond pertinence training and to ensure that there is a cultivation pattern within the organization (Farley, 2005).

The strategy to train the employees includes the proper implementation of the need oriented policy by improving the selection of the talents and the appointment of different mechanism so as to make the most effective use of the available talents in an organization. The employees in the organization are trained through the different post and project based practices so as to build the international management talent team, a high level business operated talent team, a science and technology based talent team and a top skill talent team and also a youth talent team (Meister et al, 2010).To ensure that there is the combination of all the talents within the organization and there is a proper configuration and market allocation of the talents to develop and nurture their talents and recruit them, the talent management team needs to implement various platforms for the employees.








PS的全称为Personal Statement,或者Statement of Purpose/Objectives。我更倾向于后一种,因为,留学文书的价值在于向学校展示留学生的研究水平,或者更全面地说,就是说服学校留学生申请者就是他们需要招收的人才。也可以这么说,PS其实就是个人简历的展开。

























不是所有的dissertation都必须包括的部分。比如很多法律学dissertation不需要研究方法论方面阐述。这个你需要确认下。方法论着重说明你你打算使用的研究方法,包括定量定性研究,原始资料和二手资料获得。对于这部分撰写,你需要参考一些重要书籍。同时,你还需要对你所使用的研究方法进行评述以及你为什么不用其他研究方法。伦理考量方面的内容需要根据实际情况确定。如果你研究的主题涉及到伦理方 面,你可以提及一下;如果没有,这部分可以不用写。伦理方面内容多出现于医学方面研究。








全面质量管理(TQM)支持这样的观点:为了保持企业的长期成功,客户满意度非常重要。TQM是为了加强公司的程序、文化、产品和服务,所有的利益相关者都必须协调工作。TQM最初是一个激进的想法,20世纪20年代的某个时候,公司开始依赖统计和统计理论。1924年,编制了第一个公认的控制图,并制定了统计过程控制理论。这些理论在商业中的应用可以追溯到20世纪50年代。日本人运用这些理论,不仅提高了产品的质量,也提高了产品在国际市场上的声誉。日本人用kaizen这个词来表示TQM是一个持续改进的概念(Pike和Barnes, 1993)。像丰田这样的公司是使用统计思维的先驱,将质量管理和质量控制的概念结合到生产程序和操作中。


Caterpillar has survived several crests and troughs to become the world leader producer of construction and mining equipment, industrial gas turbines, diesel and natural gas engines, and diesel-electric locomotives. Despite of global competition and dynamic market conditions, Caterpillar has managed to thrive and create a success story for itself. The prosperity of the company is attributed to its strict adherence to quality management in its operations to produce world class products. It started its Six Sigma program in 2001 in its quest to bring in strategic changes to achieve its goals. The success of this program was evident since beginning when the first-year profits of the Company surpassed the cost of implementation and its revenue goals were accomplished two years earlier than estimated. In this essay, we would attempt to understand the Quality Management approach with respect to the operations of Caterpillar. The Total Quality management concept of Six Sigma is explored in details with entrenchment its aspects in the Caterpillar’s strategic development procedures.

Total Quality Management (TQM) supports the notion that to maintain long-term success of a business, customer satisfaction is very important. TQM entails in order to enhance the procedures, culture of the company, its products and service, all its stakeholders have to work in coordination. TQM began as a radical idea when somewhere in 1920s companies started relying on the statistics and statistical theories. In 1924, the first-ever acknowledged control chart was prepared and the theory of statistical process control (SPC) was formulated. The implementation of these theories in businesses could be traced back to 1950s. With the use of these theories by Japanese, they not only enhanced the quality of their products, but also the reputation they had in the international market for cheap quality products. Japanese use the word kaizen to denote TQM as a concept of continuous improvement (Pike and Barnes, 1993). Companies like Toyota were the forerunners in using statistical thinking and combined the notion of quality management and quality control into their manufacturing procedures and operations.



消费者对产品的感知是消费者通过对市场营销(David, 2006)传播的品牌信息进行解读而得出的产品的感知价值。虽然使用产品或服务的实际体验会有所不同,但感知是主要动机。知觉被分为三种不同的形式。自我感知理论认为,消费者对产品自身价值的自我感知或产品对环境的影响,或社会消费的感知和同伴压力是他们购买产品的原因。在这里,他们可能会把购买产品的需要归因于他们自己。其次,消费者的感知也可以基于价格优势。消费者感知到的金钱的质量和价值可以驱使他们在大规模定制中做出选择。


现在的研究表明,大规模定制倾向于增加服装零售的满意度,所以假设大客户的满意度与大客户相似,那么可以说他们未来的购买将基于满足他们最初的认知的期望(Poddar et al, 2009)。第三,利益感知是重要的。它通常在食品工业中更常见的用途是宣称某些食品对消费者有好处,可以促使消费者购买。在加码行业中,媒体文章显示,加码行业存在着一种社会污名,这种污名甚至可能限制消费者在有选择的情况下寻找合适的服装。这可能会挑战大规模定制,从这个角度来看,更多当前的主要数据可能会有所帮助。


Consumer perception of a product is the perceived value of the product that the consumer derives by interpreting the brand information disseminated by marketing (David, 2006). While the actual experience of using the product or service would be different, the perception is what serves as a major motivation. Perception is divided into three different forms. Studies arguing the self-perception theory state that the consumer self-perception of value of the product to themselves or the impact of product on environment, or perception of social consumption and peer pressure are some reasons why they buy a product. Here they might attribute the need to buy the product to themselves. Secondly, consumer perception could also be based on price advantage. Quality and value for money as perceived by the consumer could drive them towards making a choice in mass customization.

Now research studies show mass customization tend to increase satisfaction in clothing retail, so assuming similar satisfaction for the plus size customer, it could be said that their purchase in future would be based on expectations to meet their initial perceptions (Poddar et al, 2009). Thirdly, benefit perception is significant. It usually finds more common use in the food industry as claims of how certain food is good for the consumer, can move the customer to buy it. In the case of the plus size industry, media article shows that a social stigma exists on plus size and this stigma could even restrict consumer from searching for appropriate clothing even when given the options. This could challenge mass customization, and more current primary data from this perspective could help.







The primary purpose of this analysis is to investigate the practical significant of the theoretical models, emphasise the importance of communication and dissect the elements of communication thorough the process of using a case study. When using participants for a study the issue of consent and personal bias has been addressed in this research. The most useful academic model that was found to be useful in this context was the notebook method of documenting data. The exact transcript of the conversation has been explained in detail in the appendix section. The signpost for this work has been elucidated in detail in the following. Initially there will be discussion of the academic theory and its models.

The actual variable considered and the scope of the theoretical models will be initially explained. These model involved in communication will be used as a formula to dissect into the documentary film and the audience reception. For the purpose of the case study analysis there will be analysis of a particular transcript of speech in a restaurant setting. Situational context for this case study is the causal restaurant. The participants of the research were primarily college students aged from 20 to 25. The students were engaged in active communication. There is discussion about Michael Moore documentary Capitalism a love story has been divulged in detail in the conversation. Conversational analysis and the speech act theory have been explored in detail in this case study.












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essay 代写:颠覆性创新范式

essay 代写:颠覆性创新范式

所有企业都意识到,它们应该有一个独特的销售主张,以确保消费者的惠顾。为此,应该不断创新。这种颠覆性的创新有很多种,对全球本土化有着独特的影响。g本地化还有许多方面有待探索。在这一分析中,将讨论有关本地化和破坏性创新的学术理论,以及企业如何利用这一理论来发展自己独特的销售主张。本研究发现,颠覆性创新范式中需要考虑的最重要变量是高层管理者的积极参与、逆向创新、用户需求和资源的可用性。Glocalization是全球化理论与本土商业文化发展的结合(Giulianotti, & Robertson, 2012)。在十种创新中,最有趣的是破坏性创新。

essay 代写:颠覆性创新范式

它们似乎导致了在每个国家都不同的范式转变。破坏性创新是一种创新,它创造了一个新的市场和价值体系或产品或服务,最终扰乱了现有的市场和价值。这导致现有市场被新领导人取代(Corsi, & Di Minin, 2014)。企业使用本地知识和更新的创新模型来创建新的商业模式,最终取代他们的商业模式或对其他业务产生影响。使用这些理论进行本地化的产品或服务将对当地企业的经营方式产生更深远的影响。这一分析的目的是开发一种新的工作模式,它将分析在全球本土化的商业模式中破坏性创新所造成的真正影响。

essay 代写:颠覆性创新范式

All businesses are aware that they should have a unique selling proposition to ensure consumer patronage. For this there should continually innovate. There are many kinds of innovation of this disruptive innovation has a unique impact on the glocalization. There are many facets of glocalization that are yet to be explored. In this analysis there will be discussions of the academic theories regarding localization and disruptive innovation and how the businesses can use this as a formula to develop their own Unique selling proposition. It has been found in this research that the most important variables that need to be considered in the disruptive innovation paradigm are active involvement by the senior managers, reverse innovation, user requirements and the availability of resources. Glocalization is the combination of the theories of globalization and developing a local business cultures (Giulianotti, & Robertson, 2012). Of the ten types of innovation, the most interesting is Disruptive innovation.

essay 代写:颠覆性创新范式
They seem to cause a paradigm shift that is uniquely different in each country. Disruptive innovation is a kind of innovation that creates a new market and value system or products or services that eventually disrupt the existing market and value. This causes the existing markets to be displaced by newer leaders (Corsi, & Di Minin, 2014). The businesses use this local knowledge and the newer innovative models to create a new business model, eventually replacing their owing business model or causing an impact on the other businesses. Products or services that are glocalized by using these theories will have a greater profound impact on the way the local businesses run. The purpose of this analysis is to develop a newer working model that would analyze the real impact caused by disruptive innovation in the business models of glocalization.