

通过一般的评估,可以确定胎儿的生长和健康以及胎盘的位置;患者将获得一个估计的分娩日期,并可能同时监测胎儿的运动。至于产科病史,它对确定潜在的并发症非常有帮助。询问问题的目的是了解患者以前的怀孕情况(Christopher, 2014)。然而,在这种情况下,Jane是一个基本参数。同样,需要填写家族史,以确定简是否携带疾病或她的DNA中有疾病;此外,她需要填写她的病史,以允许访问她以前的药物使用。此外,还将评估她的心理社会史,包括患者的工作状态、收入、生活安排、生活方式等(Lewis, 2016)。没有事先了解历史,就不可能准确地作出任何改进。


Need of care and support can be varied by many factors, such as younger age, language differences, unfit body build and so on. Personal information does not only provide identity, it also facilitates right decision making regarding Jane’s pregnancy. Then, if the patient was brought to the hospital by a presenting complaint, it should be assessed immediately. Specialized assessments may be carried out, questions may be asked to determine: Jane’s presenting problem, referred/self-referred, subjective description of pain, and its levels of severity. When human body is experiencing pain, it increases the stress level and may cause other symptoms like dizziness, nausea, and hypertension. Appropriate managements being carried out on time according to the assessment results can reduce Jane’s risk of developing complication. Next, Jane will also be asked that if she has history of the presenting complaint, and she is strongly encouraged to talk about her concerns. After that, the history of current pregnancy should be examined, this may include: time & method the pregnancy was confirmed, if this is her first pregnancy, and any medical illness during pregnancy.
With general assessments, the fetal growth and health can be determined as well as the placental location; the patient will be given an estimated date of delivery, and fetal movement may be monitored at the same time. As for the obstetric history, it is very helpful for determine potential complications. Questions will be asked for the purpose of learning about patient’s previous pregnancy/pregnancies (Christopher, 2014). However, in this case scenario Jane is a primipara. Similarly, a family history needs to be completed to determine the possibility of Jane carrying diseases or illnesses in her DNA; also, she needs to fill in her medical history to allow accessing of her previous drug uses. Moreover, her psychosocial history will be evaluated, which consists patient’s working status, income, living arrangement, and lifestyles and so on (Lewis, 2016). No improvements can be made accurately without the history taking beforehand.


男性的攻擊性比女性更強。這是一個普遍的觀察。男性往往具有更強的攻擊性荷爾蒙,他們處理問題的第一直覺是通過蠻力。另一方面,女性在解決衝突方面是天生的。他們喜歡把問題談清楚。然而,在當今時代,這些方面都被誤導了。一般來說,人可以分為A型人格和B型人格。 A型人格是一種更具侵略性、野心勃勃的人格。一般來說,人們暗示壓力是A型人格的主要因素。 B型人格是指那些試圖通過使用語言和令人信服的手勢來緩解壓力和與他人衝突的人。通常情況下,人們認為B型人格更溫和,壓力更小(Craighead, Miklowitz, & Craighead, 2013)。然而,B型人格的人有很多內部的個人衝突和壓力觸發器。
壓力對各種性格的有形和情感影響需要加以解釋。有很多關於壓力能對人產生影響的有形身體的文獻。也有很多關於壓力管理的文獻。然而,壓力仍然存在於社會中,大多數人仍然生活在長期的壓力之下。因此,有必要開展更多的研究,以解決壓力的根本原因,實際上減輕社區的壓力。研究發現,壓力存在於社區的不同模式中。大多數人都意識到由壓力引起的問題,但壓力仍在繼續。 B型人格的人傾向於把壓力藏在心裡,這讓他們感到更加焦慮和壓力。這意味著目前的研究是不可行的,需要更多的研究來解決社區的壓力問題。


In the case of men, there is more aggression than the women. This is a general observation that has been made. Men often tend to have more aggressive hormones and their first instinct to handle the issues is through brute force. The women on the other hand are natural at resolving conflicts. They prefer to talk through the issues. However, in the current times, these aspects have been deluded. In general, people can be classified into Type A personality and Type B personality.Type A personality is a more aggressive ambitious personalities. The people in general allude stress to be the main factor for these Type A personality. The Type B personality are the individuals who try to reduce a stressful situation and conflicts with the other person through the use of words and convincing gestures. More often than not, it is assumed that these Type B personality are softer and have less amount of stress (Craighead, Miklowitz, & Craighead, 2013). Nevertheless, the people having Type B personality have a lot of intra personal conflicts and stressful triggers.
The tangible and the emotional impact of stress on the kinds of personalities need to be deciphered. There is a lot of literature on the tangible body that impact stress can cause on the people. There are also a lot of literature that discusses about stress management. However, stress continues to exist in the societies and is a majority of the people still continue to live under chronic stress. Hence there is a need to develop more research to address the underlying causes of stress to actually alleviate stress in the communities.Stress is found to exist in different models in the communities. Majority of the people are aware of the issues that stem from stress nevertheless continue to exhibit stress. Type B personality people tend to keep their stresses inside causing them to feel more agitated and stressful. This signifies that the current research is not feasible and more research is needed to address the issues of stress in the communities.

論文 代寫:蘋果公司

論文 代寫:蘋果公司
關鍵的缺點在於它需要花費大量的時間和精力。該公司試圖與不同的企業找到正確的合作夥伴關係的方法需要花費大量的時間。然而,在公司的某些層面上,這可能具有挑戰性(Lai, 2012)。蘋果公司是一個來自美國的組織,在讚比亞的非洲地區建立公司將涉及文化差異。另一個區別在於經營業務的方式不同。因此,在這種情況下,合資企業會導致各方之間的衝突,導致不好的整合和不好的合作。主要的非公平進入模式有幾個缺點。這是明顯的,因為目標市場的看法。這種觀點認為,一個局外人,作為一個投資機構是參與其中的。企業的客戶和合作夥伴在與一個沒有投資意願的組織打交道時會更加猶豫;努力和時間建立基於市場的實體存在。
面臨的其他不利因素是,出口商可能面臨更高的運輸成本和採購出口關稅(尼爾森和薩比娜,2011)。此外,必須處理被許可方對生產的控制不足的問題,並在許可協議條款中存在限制。例如,可以解釋谷歌公司的情況。在考慮出口時,谷歌將涉及金融性質的風險。在同一期間的付款和收款將比在國內環境下的銷售花費更多的時間,而且這可能涉及更多的複雜性。因此,谷歌在進行國際交易時需要謹慎權衡金融性質的風險(O’cass, 2012)。除此之外,尋找海外市場的數據非常成問題,可能需要比尋找數據和分析國內市場更多的時間。例如,在較不發達的國家內,關於商業慣例、市場特點和文化障礙的可靠性質的資料將不會適當地提出。

論文 代寫:蘋果公司

The key disadvantage lies in the fact that it takes a lot of time and efforts. The method engaged by the company in trying to find the correct partnership and relationship with distinct businesses takes a lot of time. However, this can be challenging at some level of the company (Lai, 2012). Apple Inc. is an organization from United States and establishing the company within African region of Zambia would involve cultural differences. Another difference lies in the different ways by which business is conducted. Therefore joint venturing in this situation leads towards conflicts between the parties leading towards bad integration and bad cooperativeness. The key non-equity modes of entry have several disadvantages. This is noticeably because of the view of the target market. This view is that an outsider, as an investing organization is involved. Customers and partners of businesses would have more hesitation when dealing with an organization that does not have desire for investing capital; effort and time for establishing market based physical presence.
Other disadvantages faced are the facts that exporters can face higher costs of transportation and duties of export from the sourcing (Nielsen and Sabina, 2011). Additionally, licensees have to be dealt with inadequate control over production and there would exist limitations within the licensing agreement terms. For example, the case of Google Inc. can be explained. Google would have risks of financial nature involved when considering exporting. The payment period and collection during the same would consume more time than sales in the domestic environment and this further can involve more complications. Therefore, Google needs to weigh the risks of financial nature in a careful manner when doing transactions internationally (O’Cass, 2012). Apart from this, looking for data over foreign markets is very problematic and can involve more time than looking for data and analysing the markets at domestic level. For example, within countries that are less developed, information of reliable nature over practices of business, characteristics in the market and barriers of culture would not be present appropriately.



心理学家和认知治疗师表示,更容易评估了解学习结果对学生实现学习目标的影响。通过对相关内容的突出显示和反复阅读,使学生能够学习该主题。也有审问的要求,自我解释,这是需要从学生的一部分,以获得对主题的理解。关键词助记、视觉形象的运用、练习测试和交叉练习使学生对所学学科有一定的了解。Kulik & Fletcher(2015)对智能计算机辅导系统的50个受控评价进行了meta分析。结果发现,辅导的中位效应使学生的考试成绩比传统水平提高0.66 SD。研究发现,智能教学系统的使用促进了学生的学习,但最重要的方面是基于学生文化影响的内容教学。


Psychologists and cognitive therapists state that it can be easier evaluation to understand the impact of the learning outcome on the students to achieve their goals in learning. Highlighting of the relevant content and rereading enabled the students to learn the subject. There are also the requirements of interrogation, self-explanation that is required from the part of the students to gain understanding of the subject. The keyword mnemonic, use of visual imagery, practice testing and interleaved practice enables the students to gain some understanding of the subject. Kulik & Fletcher (2015) conducted a meta-analysis of 50 controlled evaluation of the intelligent computer tutoring system. The median effect of the tutoring was found to increase the test score of the student by 0.66 SD over the conventional levels. It was found that the student learning was improved by the use of the Intelligent Tutoring system, nevertheless, the most important aspect was the teaching of the content based on the cultural impact of the students.
The teaching design that was based on the local culture benefitted the student immensely when compared to other forms of teaching designs. Hence it is determined that the Intelligent Tutoring system tends to create a system that was homogenous approach and this is not particular beneficial to all the people. There should be a system in place that enables the teaching module specifically focus on child needs. It can be stated that each of the learning design should cater toward the individual needs of the child. This can be achieved by using a culture centric model that enables in holistic learning for the children. The issue that needs to be contended in this arena is the amount of economic resources that are available for the students to learn. In the subsequent section, a discussion of some of the intelligent tutoring system for the rural communities is presented. The cost effective intelligent tutoring system that is developed has been elucidated in the following.



网络中立性的主要原则是网络提供者应遵循非歧视原则。信息应具有中立性,信息应从一个地区流向另一个地区。网络中立性是指每个互联网用户都应该能够有效地访问信息提供者或内容提供者,而不会对信息的优先级产生任何干扰或阻塞互联网上的信息。互联网服务提供商创建了快速通道,这是所需带宽所必需的。这种带宽是访问某些特定网站所必需的。康卡斯特(Comcast)和威瑞森(Verizon)等公司提供快速通道时,会收取额外费用。Verizon对无线服务有具体的互联网计划,Comcast对有线服务也有具体的计划。这一互联网提供系统被认为是非常有利可图的互联网服务提供商。这是因为他们阻止的技术已经存在。然而,它们显示出了与当前网络中立体系的倒退。学者们发现了重要的例子,互联网服务提供商阻止了“点对点文件共享服务”(McChesney, 2013, p. 41)。
人们还发现,提供服务的无线和有线互联网并不是单独的垄断,但它们经常像卡特尔一样运作(Zittrain, 2008)。这两种服务都有一个秘密协议,即有线服务提供它们对无线服务的要求,前提是它们与有线服务保持一致。康卡斯特和Verizon之间的服务广告协议可以理解这一点。他们不互相竞争以保持他们在市场上的垄断地位。2012年,两家公司还将继续保持合作。Verizon还从不同的有线电视公司购买了无线频谱,以便扩大其覆盖范围。根据Crawford(2013)的研究,促进用户更快、更可靠、更廉价的互联网接入的最可靠和重要的方法是,政府应该努力补贴市政FTTH。因此,政府将互联网转变为公共事业是正确的。这将能够带回网络中立性的概念。没有政府的干扰,就不可能获得完全的网络中立性。


The main principle of Net Neutrality suggests that the rule of non-discrimination should be followed by the Internet providers. The information should be provided with neutrality and information should flow from one locale to another. Network neutrality states that every Internet user should be effectively able to access the information providers or the content providers without creating any kind of interference in prioritization of the information or blocking information on Internet. The Internet service providers have created the fast lanes, which are required for the required bandwidth. This bandwidth is required to access some specific websites. For providing fast lanes, the companies like Comcast and Verizon have additional fees. Verizon has their specific Internet plans for the wireless service and Comcast have specific plans for their cable service. This system of Internet providing is considered to be very lucrative for the Internet service providers. It is because the technology which they block already exists. Yet, they display the step backward from the current system of net neutrality. The scholars have found significant examples, where the Internet service providers block the“peer-to-peer file sharing services” (McChesney, 2013, p. 41).
It has also been found that wireless and wired Internet providing services are not separately monopolistic, but they often work like a cartel (Zittrain, 2008). Both kinds of services have a secret agreement where the wired services offer their claims for the wireless services, if they stand in completion with wired service. This could be understood by the service advertising agreement between Comcast and Verizon. They do not compete with each other in order to maintain their monopoly over the market. Both the companies also continue to stay in collaboration in the year 2012. Verizon also purchased the wireless spectrum from the various cable companies, so that it can increase its reach. According to the Crawford (2013), the most reliable and significant way to promote faster, reliable, cheaper Internet access for the users, would be that government should work towards subsidizing the municipal FTTH. Thus, it would be correct that Internet is turned into public utility by the government. This would be able to bring back the concept of Net Neutrality. Without the interference of the Government, it is impossible to gain complete Net Neutrality.



我在不同的国家上过两所高中,这帮助我获得了新的视角。最初,我在中国的一所经济背景较低的学校接受教育,在那里我的表现明显较差。当我搬到美国后,我发现那里的表现更好。我曾就读于加州阿拉米达市的Encinal高中,在2010年的年度报告中,我的参与率达到了98%。报告还显示,学生的数学参与率为97%,高于平均水平(“Encial High School”)。尽管我在中国学校是同一个人,但我在原来的高中表现很好。这直接是因为中国学校缺乏老师的支持和知识。这是数学成绩较差的主要原因。这种经历可以归因于Jean Ayon的研究,他在研究中声称工人阶级的学生被教导要有侵略性。他认为,这样的学生发展出了“抵抗”的技能,类似于导致努力的负增长。


I have attended two high schools in different countries, and this has helped me gain perspective. Initially, I received my education in China at a lower economic background school where my performance was significantly lower. When I moved to America, there was better performance that was observed. I had studied at the Encinal High School located in Alameda, CA. This shows 98% participation rate in the 2010 Adequate Yearly Report. The report also indicates student’s 97% math participation rate which is above average (“Encial High School”). I performed fine in the Encinal High School, despite being the same person in the Chinese School. This was directly because of the lack of support and knowledge of teachers at the Chinese school. This was the main reason for the lower performance in Mathematics. This experience can be attributed to the argument made by Jean Ayon’s study in which he claimed that students who belonged to working-class were taught to be aggressive. He argued that such students develop skills of “resistance” similar leading to negative spiraling of efforts.
From a personal standpoint, the actions of teachers at the Chinese school were found to be intrusive. They shared private details and the scholars’ details of other students with non related members. This in general reduced the morale of the students who did not perform well. In contrast to this in the Alameda School, there was a general improvement in all the results. This was due to the presence of skilled and educated teachers who belonged either to the middle or to the high elite-class. This academic improvement at the Ecninal High School was an achievement of owing to the supportive teachers. There is a difference observed when high-qualified and empathetic teachers teach a class. There was a general egalitarianism that was observed in Encinal High School and everyone was allowed to have a certain level of freedom to be there selves. Another issue was the high number of students enrolled per class in the Chinese schools. It was observed that sixty to seventy students were forced to sit in a single class. This makes it impossible for the teachers to provide individual attention to every student of the class.

pestel 分析:拉斐尔的圣母像

pestel 分析:拉斐尔的圣母像

相反,在拉斐尔所画的圣母像中,绘画细节的复杂性令人难以置信。圣彼得穿了一件黄色的披风,上面有一条缓慢的、感性的曲线。其他圣人和女性人物的羽毛笔有节奏。整个画面的表面都有一种肉感的色调,画面的调色板有着几乎无法忍受的纯净和深度。因此,这些特征的列举将使这幅画成为绘画特征中的一项新发明,但拉斐尔在他的作品中把我们带回了绘画的整体。它已经能够指出,在拉斐尔(Damiani et al. 363-371)的画作中,光线被投射到不同的方面。这将有利于学生学习如何一个简单的颜色变化或专注于一个特定的方向,可以对绘画的建议产生巨大的影响。

pestel 分析:拉斐尔的圣母像

On contrary, in the Madonna painted by Raphael, there is an incredible complexity in the details of the painting. Saint Peter has worn a yellow drapery that has a slow, sensuous curve in it. There is rhythm in the quills held by other saint and a female figure. There is a fleshy tone in the surface of the entire tableau and the painting has a palette of almost unbearable purity and depth. Thus, this enumeration of such features will make this painting a new invention among pictorial features but Raphael has led us back to the painting as a whole in his work. It has been able to point out that the light has been thrown on different aspects in the painting by Raphael (Damiani et al. 363-371). This would be advantageous for the students to learn how a simple change in colour or focus on a particular direction can have a tremendous effect on what the painting suggests.
Thus, the difference in the two artists and their perception can be identified and verified through the colours itself and also the direction portrayed in the paintings. Finally, it can be concluded that there are several differences in the paintings painted by different artists even if they are based on a common subject. It is found in the two paintings considered for this thesis that are based on Madonna and Child and painted by Duccio and Raphael that the colours used are of vivid nature. The human touch infused can create a variation leading to the formulation of an entirely different perspective leading to a better and a constructive viewpoint that points to different situations. The direction of light and the intensity of the expressions in both paintings highlight the different attitudes in the idea conceived. It further gives art students a significant idea to ponder about and a real artistic creation to study in detail.



该条约的关键意义是平等,因此,任何在新西兰的组织提供平等的就业机会,而不实行种族主义(Kelsey, 2015a)。这是毛利人与澳大利亚等其他国家比较该条约的一个重要机会。澳大利亚的土著居民似乎与英国王室和他们之间没有盟约。因此,他们甚至没有机会保护自己的权利和资源。目前,Waitangi审裁处正在对毛利人的土地和其他一些资源存在不公平或非法的考虑的案件进行研究并作出合法决定(Kelsey, 2015b)。更常见的情况是,这导致包括土地和凯斯在内的部落需要大笔投资。许多部落正在有效地利用这些定居点建设巨大的商业企业,往往是程序中的重要雇主。怀唐伊法庭的一些定居点不仅对毛利人有利。作为一个重要的例子,在毛利人提出马努考索赔后,为使奥克兰西部港口摆脱污水和废物的污染而作出了重大努力。条约中发起行动的另一个例子是渔业(新西兰Now, 2015)。毛利人以拥有和控制重要自然资源的重大权利而闻名。
特雷奥语是毛利人的官方语言,与新西兰手语和英语并列使用。越来越多的组织和地点的名称是用毛利语和英语两种语言写的。为了进一步保护和保存文化和语言,保留了毛利人和毛利人资助机构的无线电频率,即Te Mangai Pahi。设立了毛利人电视频道(议会法律办公室,2014)。这一历史性条约的要求所产生的结果可以被认为是该国非常需要的。达成任何解决方案都必须是持久、及时、负担得起和公平的。每一笔和解都应该是资金充足的。商业部门在参与和协助索赔人展望未来和着眼未来方面存在着明显的机会。whanau、hapu和iwi在设定目标、转移浪费支出、通过制定商业计划和使用行业的每一项技能来增加投资方面存在着重要的机会(Scerra, 2012)。商界可透过提供稳妥的商业意见、接受领导角色、协助制订策略计划,以及关注离职后的安置机会,参与其中。


The key significance of the treaty is equality and hence, any organization based in New Zealand provide equal opportunities of employment, without practicing racism (Kelsey, 2015a). This is a major opportunity for the Maori population to have the treaty in comparison with other nations like Australia. The aboriginal population of Australia do not appear to have a covenant among the British Crown and them. Hence, they are not even provided with any opportunities to protect their rights and resources. Currently, there is a Waitangi Tribunal researching and making lawful decisions over cases in which there is unfair or illegal consideration of Maori land along with a number of other resource (Kelsey, 2015b). More often, this leads towards need for large investments by the tribes that include land and case. Many tribes are effectively utilizing these settlements to build huge commercial enterprise, often being significant employers within the procedure. Some settlements of Waitangi Tribunal are not only beneficial for the Maori population. As a significant example, major efforts are put in for restoring the western harbour of Auckland from despoliation of sewage and waste after the population of Maori lodged the Manukau claim. Another example for actions initiated in the treaty is fisheries (New Zealand Now, 2015). Maori is known for having significant rights to and control of significant natural resources.
Te Reo is the official Maori language alongside with the New Zealand Sign Language and English. At an increased rate, more often the names of organizations and places are written in both languages, Maori and English. For further protecting and preserving the culture and language, there is reservation of radio frequencies for Maori and the funding agency of Maori, namely Te Mangai Pahi. There has been an establishment of a television channel of Maori (Parliamentary Counsel Office, 2014). The outcomes from the claims of this historical treaty can be considered as highly desirable for the country. Reaching any settlements have to be durable, timely, affordable and fair. Each and every settlement is supposed to be full and finance. There is existence of a clear opportunity for the sector of business in being involved and assisting claimants to look forward and focus upon the future. There is existence of significant opportunity for whanau, hapu and iwi for setting goals, diverting waste spending, and increasing the investment by establishing business plans and using each and every skill of the sector (Scerra, 2012). There can be involvement of business sector by providing sound business advice, accepting roles of leadership, assisting the establishment of strategic plans, and concerning opportunities of post settlement.





有的小伙伴总是说“我没时间参加课外活动”、“我不知道自己该参加什么课外活动”。还有些更“牛”的小伙伴不管自身实际情况是什么样, “抄袭”一些别人参加过的优质课外活动,自己文书里的活动背景更完善了,更丰富了,自我感觉更良好了。殊不知,这种走捷径的方式也仅仅是“泥菩萨”过不了江。据统计,文书中没有写真实参加过的课外活动的申请者,80%被美国名校拒绝录取了!






美国留学申请过程中,很多美国大学在筛选、录取申请人时,往往把简历放在第一位。因此,申请人,尤其是商科的申请人,在制作简历时一定要做到信息取舍得当。 此外,很多申请人在文书中加入了对所申请专业的介绍,这种做法在某种程度上是可取的。但有些申请人从网上抄袭对于某个专业的介绍,并占据很大的篇幅,而对问题里职业规划部分却轻描淡写,草草带过,这显然非常不可取。因为这会让招生官认为申请人完全没有深入思考过自己以后要从事什么职业,如何一步一步地实现规划的职业目标,觉得申请人和所申请的项目不匹配。










一些成年人认为这是一种侮辱,或者是一种识别缺陷,因为正是他们的信仰体系破坏了他们对自己擅长的活动的信心。这可以归结为在英语教学中不把这些学生视为具有包容性的学生,因为成人生活中的排斥感肯定是童年经历的排斥的结果(Bailey和Nunan, 1996)。成年后,由于不会写、不会说甚至不懂英语,他们的生活有时更容易受到情感耗竭和自尊心丧失的影响。有些成年人能够理解语言和有效沟通之间的细微差别,也就是说,有效沟通并不要求英语是唯一的语言,而是可以用母语进行。随着母语或母语的重要性越来越高,将英语作为第二语言的想法出现了。这种想法主要出现在亚洲,那里的大学用英语授课,但也有当地语言翻译的支持者,他们让课程易于理解。


(Myles and Cheng, 2003). They did not seem to bother about the failures they experienced, because their school life education was more empathetic and less taunting. They were made to feel proud of their own ethnicity and yet trying to learn English. To reassess this, on asking the difficulties of English as a school child and as adult to one fried, one sibling, and one parent, it was found that their views are synonymous with the above research. They were aligned in their view that school life is simpler and less emotionally draining as compared with adult life, and getting the rights perspective of the language is job enough to be in the right frame of mind. Adult life is more meaningful when the childhood is supportive, where emotional bonds are stronger, and when students’ self-esteem was developed by teachers and, more importantly, their parents. There are many adults who find it difficult to cope with their inability of learning English as perfectly as their US or UK counterparts, and this is largely blamed on their upbringing at school and at home.
Some adults find it an insult or an identify deficiency where it is their belief system which spoils their confidence in the activities which they are excellent at. This boils down to the issue of not regarding these students as inclusive ones while teaching English, because exclusion felt in adult life is assuredly the result of childhood experiences of exclusion (Bailey and Nunan, 1996). Adult life impacts of unable to write or speak or even understand English is sometimes more susceptible to emotional drain and loss of self-esteem. There are adults who are able to understand the subtle differences between language and effective communication, in the sense that effective communication does not require English to be the sole language, but can be conducted in one’s mother tongue as well. With the growing importance of home language or mother tongue is preceding the idea of imposing English as second language, largely seen in Asia, where universities teach in English, but has local language translation supporters who make the subjects easy to understand.