美国 essay 代 写:不可再生资源

美国 essay 代 写:不可再生资源

自1970年以来,世界上的不可再生资源经历了各种各样的变化。这些变化是自然资源消耗增加和供应减少的一部分。讨论工业化国家,由于不可再生资源的供应逐渐下降,这些国家的公司在需求曲线上经历了缓慢的增长。1990年东亚国家对不可再生资源的需求显著增加,而且这种需求仍然强劲。另一方面,欧洲经济体预测未来供应不足,并利用技术发明来替代对不可再生资源的需求(Lawell and Zhang, 2015)。经济学是与稀缺资源的配置相联系的,这就是为什么不可再生资源具有固定的存量,而相对于需求,它们的供给是有限的。树龄在1000年以上的古树属于不可再生资源,因为它们成熟生长缓慢,剩余林分有限。

美国 essay 代 写:不可再生资源
另一方面,煤炭被一些经济学家认为是不可再生资源,一些经济学家会认为它是可再生的,因为它有剩余的库存。从使用角度看,世界各地现有的煤的利用率,这些煤可以满足3000多年的需求。从经济角度看,由于煤炭储量固定,短期内不会出现煤炭短缺。如果资源是可再生的,那么开采过程中就不会出现稀缺性(Chang and Li, 2014)。本讨论中使用的第一篇论文是凯恩斯(1990)的,研究主题是“不可再生资源勘探的经济学”。理论框架:本文采用霍特林模型,这些模型解释了每一种不可再生资源的有限可用性和使用情况。本文采用了分组模型。

美国 essay 代 写:不可再生资源

Non renewable resources in the world have undergone various changes since 1970. These changes were part of the increasing consumption of and decreasing supply of the natural resources. Discussing about the industrialized countries where the companies have experienced a slow growth rate on the demand curve because of gradual decline in the supply of non renewable resources. Demand for non-renewable resources in East Asian countries increased significantly during 1990 and this demand is still strong. European economies on the other hand predicted the short fall of supply in future and used technological inventions for substituting the need of non renewable resources (Lawell and Zhang, 2015). Economics is connected with the allocation of scare resources and this is the reason why non renewable resources have a fixed stock and they also have limited supply in regard with the demand. Trees of old growth with life span of over 1000 years come under the classification of non renewable resources because they have a slow growth due to maturity and limited remaining stands.

美国 essay 代 写:不可再生资源
On the other hand coal is considered to be non renewable resource by some economists and some economists would consider it as renewable because it has remaining stock available. From usage perspective current rate of coal available all over the world and this coal would fulfill the needs for more than 3000 years. From an economic perspective coal scarcity would not occur in near future because of its fixed stock. If the resource is renewable there will be no scarcity associated with the extraction (Chang and Li, 2014). First paper used in this discussion is by Cairns (1990), topic of the research is “The economics of exploration for non-renewable resources”. Theoretical framework: the hotelling model has been used in this paper and these models explain: finite availability and usage of each non renewable resource. Parcimonious model has been used in the paper.






A market’s demand side is characterized by consumers buying products from the firms. However, it should be pondered that the quantity of a particular product that the consumers are willing to buy during a specific period. The product that is willed to be bought by the consumer comes with willingness in sacrificing enough money to buy it. The consumer is not just desiring to purchase the good, but has willed and capable of sacrificing something in getting it. The definition of demand is for a specific period, for instance, a year, a month, or a day. The determinant of the demand include: price of the product, wealth and income, compliments and substitutes of the prices, population, consumers’ preferences, and price expectations of the future. All relevant things are determinant of a product’s demand except price. In determining the demand, there should be consideration of a relationship between quantity demanded and any of the determinants described above. However, in considering the demand curve, the focus should be on the relationship between the price and the quantity demanded, where all other factors are considered as a constant.

Kirman (1989) suggests that when the price of a product increases, other factors remaining constant, the quantity demanded falls and an upward movement is registered along the demand curve. Similarly, when price of a product decreases, other factors remaining constant, the quantity demanded rise and a downward movement are registered along the demand curve. According to Humphrey (1992) the demand of a product also increases, when its substitute’s price of that product increases or its compliment’s price of that product decreases. With the increase of income, there is rightward shift of the demand curve as there is greater propensity of the consumers in buying more of the products. In case of normal goods, with the increase in income, the demand rises. In case of inferior goods, with the increase in income, there is fall in demand. There can be increase of demand now in case of easy availability of credit or increase in expected future income. Further, there is always higher demand of all products when the population is larger. Even with the same income, the preferences of people can differ if there is variability in the demand pattern.



女王的收藏以这样一种风格展示,他们倾向于告知社会古代和现代艺术的比较。收藏家克里斯蒂娜皇后(Queen Christina)的动机似乎是通过这些画作向她所在的社会和人们传达有关文化的信息。在当代,收藏被认为是一种普遍存在的现象,是由于当代消费文化的影响而产生的。收集行为的重点是获取某种用途的物品,然后在使用之后,产品被处理掉。有些收集是为了维护,而另一些则主要将收集过程视为一种消费形式。这不适用于克里斯蒂娜女王的时代。绘画形式的艺术收藏不像当代产品那样是供消费的,而是供文化消费的目的。克里斯蒂安女王(Queen Christian)以收集藏品而闻名,她在花钱方面没有太多限制。这被认为是一个真正的收藏家的标志。真正的收藏家不担心他们花了多少钱,他们会收集来满足一个目的。文化收藏者致力于持续不断的购买之旅,以追求藏品。

正如乔安娜•皮特曼(Joanna Pitman)所描述的那样:“瑞典的克里斯蒂娜(Christina)是个文化饕餮。她的胃口和查尔斯一样贪得无厌,没有明显的克制,伦敦、海牙和罗马的代理人都在不断地寻找收购对象。她批发购买图书馆,然后把它们运回瑞典。她买了画、手稿和珠宝,这些战利品一箱又一箱地运到她在斯德哥尔摩的宫殿。”她的代理人在欧洲的各个角落等着她,当她想要的画作出现在市场上时,他们就开始为她购买。皮特曼所描绘的克莉丝汀娜在文化收藏品方面是一个贪吃的人,当人们考虑到克莉丝汀娜女王不仅专注于收集绘画,而且被认为非常专注于收集雕塑和其他艺术作品时,这确实是一个事实。本文主要研究她的绘画收藏。正如赫尔曼所说的那样,她毫无顾忌地挥金如土,成为一名真正的收藏家。


The queen’s collection was displayed in such a style that they tended to inform the society of the comparison of ancient and modern art. The motivations of the collector Queen Christina appeared to inform her society and people about culture through the paintings. In more contemporary times collecting is considered as a pervasive phenomenon that was brought about because of the consumer culture of current times. The collecting action is focused on acquiring things for some kind of a use and then after the use, the products get disposed of. Some collect to maintain and others are seen to view the collection process as mainly as a form of consumption. This cannot be applicable to Queen Christina’s time. The art collection in the form of paintings was not for consumption as in the case of a contemporary product but they were for the purposes of cultural consumption. Queen Christian was noted to acquire collections with not much inhibition in spending. This is considered as the mark of a genuine collector. The genuine collector does not worry about how much they spend, and they would collect to satisfy a purpose. Cultural collectors commit to a constant and continual purchasing trip in pursuit of objects for the collection.

As Joanna Pitman portrays it “Christina of Sweden was a glutton for culture. With an appetite as insatiable as Charles’s, and no apparent restraint, she had agents in London, The Hague and Rome constantly on the lookout for acquisitions. She bought libraries wholesale and had them shipped back to Sweden. She bought pictures, manuscripts and jewels, and the loot came, in crate-load after crate-load, winding its way northwards towards her palace in Stockholm”. She had representatives waiting at different corners of Europe and when paintings that she had desired for appeared in the market they set out to buy it for her. Pitman’s portrayal of Christina being a glutton when it comes to cultural collections does indeed appear to be a fact when one considers that Queen Christina did not only focus on collecting paintings but also was seen to be very focused on collecting sculpture and other art pieces. This essay mainly focuses on her paintings collections. She had no inhibitions against spending as Herrmann states to be the ambition of a true collector.

美国 代写:制药工业的道德困境

美国 代写:制药工业的道德困境

制药工业是世界上最大的工业之一,通过他们在各大洲的不断研究和发展,为全世界数百万人提供了大量的药物。他们正在生产治疗危及生命的疾病的药物,并且能够拯救世界各地数百万人的生命。随着他们出色的工作,制药行业面临着许多道德困境。药品价格是许多国家最受欢迎的道德问题之一,而且许多死亡事件的发生仅仅是因为药品价格昂贵,而且患者负担不起。以密歇根州为例,每年有200人死于慢性肝病,这进一步导致每年约1300人死亡(Mack, 2016)。单一肝病导致如此多死亡的主要原因是药物成本。12周的治疗包括Solvadi花费大约84,000美元,而完整的一轮Harvoni花费大约94,500美元。这是一个伦理困境,高价格的药物被认为是如此多的死亡的原因,即使药物制造商知道同样的情况,价格也没有降低。

美国 代写:制药工业的道德困境
上述两种治疗肝病的药物均由吉利德科学公司生产。这就造成了一个道德困境,制药商不得不考虑降低药品价格,以保护那些买不起药的人的爱,同时满足所有者、投资者、股东、利益相关者和员工的期望。该公司正处于一个道德两难的境地,是降低药品价格并承受成本负担(如果有的话),还是保持现有价格以满足股东和所有者的要求。吉利德科学公司(Gilead Sciences Inc.)正在生产治疗肝病的药物,该公司也清楚肝病的影响,以及由肝病直接和间接导致的死亡人数。他们还意识到,他们的药物价格是病人及其家人感知到的主要因素。

美国 代写:制药工业的道德困境

The pharmaceutical industry is one of the largest industry in the world and providing substantial medications to millions of people around the world with their continuous research and development across continents. They are manufacturing drugs for life threatening diseases and are also able to save millions of lives around the world. Along with the good work they do, there comes a lot of ethical dilemmas facing the pharma industry. The prices of drugs is one of the most sought after ethical issues with many countries and it has also seen a lot of deaths occurring only because of the primary reason of it being expensive and unaffordable to the sufferers of the disease. Citing a case about Michigan, it has been seen that there has been 200 deaths every year due to chronic liver ailments and this further contributes to the death of 1300 people or so on a yearly basis (Mack, 2016). The primary reason identified for so many deaths due to a single disease of liver is the cost of medication. A 12 week treatment involving Solvadi costs around $84,000, whereas the complete round cost of Harvoni costs around $94,500 to the patient. This is an ethical dilemma that high prices of drugs is considered as the reason for such amount of deaths and the prices are not reduced even after the drug manufacturers having the knowledge about the same.

美国 代写:制药工业的道德困境
The two drugs mentioned above for liver ailments are manufactured by the same company, Gilead Sciences Inc. This makes an ethical dilemma that the drug manufacturer is forced to look into the reduction of drug prices to safeguard the loves of the people who are not able to afford the cost of medication, and also to satisfy the owners, investors, shareholders, stakeholders, and employees about their expectations. The company is in an ethical dilemma whether they reduce the drug prices and suffer cost burden, if any, or keep the prices as they are to satisfy their shareholders and owners. The company, Gilead Sciences Inc. is manufacturing the drugs for liver ailments and is also aware of the impacts of the disease and the number of deaths, both direct and indirect, caused by the disease. They are also aware of the prices of their drugs being the primary factor being perceived by the patients and their families.

essay 代写:英语论文写作的建议

essay 代写:英语论文写作的建议





essay 代写:英语论文写作的建议





只有读过大量东西,并且有意识地将其中精彩部分储存于记忆之中(commit the highlights to memory),才能保证下笔流畅、文通字顺。

essay 代写:英语论文写作的建议





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公共艺术是一种主观的艺术形式。它不仅限于艺术家的感知;它反映了社会和他们的价值观。有许多人参与了这种艺术形式的创作。哈利法克斯在新斯科舍省的公共艺术和设计项目包括各种现代艺术作品。Chris Hanson和Hendrika Sossenberg的著名画作《事物的方式》和Ilan Sandler的《花边》也被纳入了这个分析中。对两者的异同进行了批判性的分析。本文基于这两种不同的艺术作品如何通过它们的视觉元素传达大量的信息。雕塑《物是人非》以三个人形街灯为主要图形元素。其中一个掉到地上了。另一根路灯柱被巧妙地放置在路灯柱旁边,意思是“喝醉了,跌倒了”。第三个是相对距离。这就是所谓的“喷泉”。整个结构模型展示了一个抽象的概念,它出现在新斯科舍省哈利法克斯的港口人行道上。《醉倒》是关于躺着的灯柱,站在旁边的灯柱应该是判断躺着的灯柱。

第三根立柱位于码头边缘,具有有机功能的姿态,暗示着第三根灯柱即将执行一种自然的召唤。这种设计所用的材料是钢和玻璃。这些结构代表了一种幽默的观点。然而,这是一个有趣的雕刻,反映了与情况有关的奇怪。聚苯乙烯绝缘工作与真人大小的数字描绘的人访问的地方。另一方面,上面的图形被称为“花边”。南非著名艺术家Ilan Sandler创作了这幅作品。这座雕塑传达了与自由有关的信息。这种结构体现了许多市民在使用Oval时所感受到的自由和自主感。当人们在椭圆上移动时,有沿着椭圆轨迹移动的趋势。人们通常滑旱冰或步行经过这座雕塑。这是战略性的创造。人们在空中滑行时能感觉到失重的感觉。拱门向观众致意。这吸引了他们站在艺术品下几分钟,欣赏精致的工艺。而站着的观众也在探索这幅杰作的另一种艺术形式。这可以在坐着的时候看到,被称为“花边长椅”。


Public art is a subjective art form. It is not limited to the artist perception; it is a reflection of the society and their values. There are numerous people involved in the creation of this art form. Halifax’s public art and design programme in Nova Scotia consists of various modern artworks. Chris Hanson and Hendrika Sossenberg’s famous piece of painting “The Way Things are” and “Lace Up” by Ilan Sandler have been taken into account in this analysis. Similarities and differences between the two have been critically analysed. This paper is based on how these two different artworks convey numerous messages through their visual elements. The sculpture “The Way Things are” consists of three humanlike streetlamps as main graphic elements. One of these has fallen down to the ground. Other lamppost is strategically placed next to it giving the meaning “Got Drunk and Fell Down”. The third one is at a relative distance. This is called “Fountain”. The entire structural model illustrates an abstract idea, which is present on the Harbour walk at Halifax in Nova Scotia. “Got Drunk, Fell Down” is about the lying lamppost and the lamppost standing nearby is supposed to be judging the lying lamppost.

The third piece stands over at the wharf edge with posture of organic function, which suggests that the third lamppost is about to execute a nature’s call. Materials used for this design are steel and glass. The structures represent a humorous viewpoint. Nevertheless, it is an interesting carving that reflects the oddness associated with the situation. The polystyrene work of insulation with the life-sized figures portrays the people who visit the place. On the other hand, the above figure is known as “Lace Up”. The famous artist of South Africa Ilan Sandler created this artwork. The sculpture conveys the messages related to liberty. The structure illustrates the sense of liberty and autonomy which many of the citizens feel while they use Oval. People have a tendency of tracing the elliptical trails when they move across the Oval. People usually pass this sculpture by roller-skating or by walking. This is strategically created. People can feel a sense of weightlessness while skating the aerial path. The arch forms greet viewers. This attracts them to stand under the artwork for several minutes to view the delicate craftsmanship. While standing viewers also explore the other form of artwork of this masterpiece. This can be seen while seated and is called “The lace-like benches”.




误区1 – 认为单词背的越多,写作水平越高


误区2 – 有的同学写作的时候喜欢各种花式秀“词汇”,生怕老师不知道自己的“本事”



误区3 – 缺乏整体逻辑,天马行空的写作风格

不可否认很多native speaker在写作时都有很强烈的个人风格,但前提是他们的文章能够自圆其说,make


误区4 – 想不出观点,没有写作思路



误区5 – 口语与学术用语混淆使用



误区6 –人称和语气的使用

通常是学生们在写论文时搞砸的一个点。例如教授布置了一篇辩论“参加课外活动”优缺点的论文,一些学生会用满篇的“I think”或者“In my opinion”等从自我观点出发的语气来议论观点。





research paper 代写:故事讲述

research paper 代写:故事讲述


research paper 代写:故事讲述

research paper 代写:故事讲述

Plot of the story is based on the theme of path to self-discovery. Main protagonist of this story line is about a barista in Cozy coffee shop. For the script, the main protagonist is named Melissa, working as a barista. Melissa has a passion for cooking, but she chooses to remain as a barista, mainly owing to her shyness and her lack of focus. Past events become hurdles for the character to move forward in life. Circumstances in her path to self-discovery and the tides along the way form the crux of the story. Emotions of love, hope and being true to the self would be essayed in the story line. Eventually, she moves to Sydney ad after subsequent to initial hurdles, she becomes a chef in one of the popular restaurants in Sydney. A seemingly shy waitress who worked in a diner was interviewed for this process. The waitress was in early 20s and had fixed views about the world. There was a defeated sense that could be viewed in her demeanor.

research paper 代写:故事讲述
This was seen in the way the waitress dressed and spoke. During the course of the interviews and interactions, the waitress became a close friend with me. It was surprising to note that it was certain familial issues that had pushed the waitress to develop a dismal view of the world. During the course of interview, from a personal standpoint, there was a feeling to change the way the waitress viewed world. It was evident that fear of failing was preventing her from trying something new. Interestingly, the waitress had profound talent in cooking but chose not to express her talents. This frustration of not being able to change her situation is the root of inspiration for this script. Even though there are many stories that handle the journey of self-discovery, there is a fresh taken in the story line. Owing to the personal events, this character is chosen as the main protagonist for the story.

essay 評判:公司發展方向

essay 評判:公司發展方向
該公司的主要內部實力和聲譽來自於它在業界提供計算機外設的悠久歷史。該公司成立於1980年中期左右,以鼠標為代表,充分利用了新興的技術機遇。從鼠標作為一種產品,它繼續多元化的許多產品提供。這對公司來說是一個競爭優勢,因為公司的歷史將提高其在計算機和周邊行業的聲譽。第二個內部優勢是公司的戰略,生產一種產品,基於市場需求左右。 20世紀80年代中期左右的市場被認為大量投資於鼠標(Hoffman, 2011)。鼠標實際上是一些電腦製造商的標准設備,比如麥金塔電腦。該公司認識到這一需求,並開始生產這一單一產品更多。專注於一種市場需求巨大的單一產品,使羅技品牌傳播得更快。人們會有更多的品牌意識和品牌聲譽會增加。

essay 評判:公司發展方向

essay 評判:公司發展方向

The company’s primary internal strength and reputation derives from the fact that it has a long history in providing computer peripherals in the industry. Established around the mid-1980 the company was represented to have taken advantage of the emerging technological opportunities in the form of the computer mouse. From the computer mouse as a product, it went on to diversify in terms of many product offerings. This is a competitive advantage for the company as the company’s history will increase its reputation in the computer and peripheral industry. The second internal strength was the company strategy towards manufacturing one product based on market need around the time. The market around the time the mid 1980’s was seen to be heavily invested on the mouse (Hoffman, 2011). The mouse was in fact made standard equipment for some of the computer manufacturers such as the Macintosh Computers. The company recognized this need and started manufacturing this single product more. Focusing on one single product for which there was heavy need in the market made the Logitech brand spread faster. People would have had more awareness of the brand and brand reputation would have increased.

essay 評判:公司發展方向
The internal environment of the company would have become a more learned environment with respect to the one product they manufactured initially. As can be identified from this situation, that the Logitech Company was able to identify a significant opportunity for itself shows the competency of the company. The company was competent in understanding industry demands. It is this competence of ability to identify how to make use of opportunities in the market, which enabled Logitech to understand that it cannot rely on one product alone. Logitech moved on to invest in computer peripherals in general ranging from computer keyboards, digital still camera, headphones and microphones, joystick and gaming peripherals. Towards meeting the production of diversified computer peripherals the company also continued to innovate in the mouse and keyboard product capabilities. So innovation is also a core competency of the company. In improving on innovation, the company applied strategic direction. It was able to innovate in ways where the strength and quality of its existing technological products were maintained. Strategic direction for a company is also its prime internal strength.

美国代写教你MBA essay的写作思路

美国代写教你MBA essay的写作思路


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美国代写教你MBA essay的写作思路




美国代写教你MBA essay的写作思路


