


购买意图描述并决定消费者对产品的购买反应。意愿越高,购买意愿就越高。消费者的反应、反馈和参与程度可以决定消费者的购买意愿。高度参与的消费者购买率较高(Napoli et al., 2014)。中国的信息产业发展很快。根据中国互联网络信息中心2007年1月发布的《第19次中国互联网发展统计调查报告》(Lien et al., 2015),中国互联网用户已达1.37亿。在这些用户中,79.1%表示他们肯定或可能会在上半年网购。


23.6%的用户回应他们上网时经常使用网上购物服务。2006年,有过网上购物体验的网民超过3000万。虽然现在网上购物中心通过给这些顾客打折来赢得越来越多的顾客,但是仅仅有优惠的价格是不够的。信任仍然被视为消费者购买决策的订单限定符。消费者不太可能光顾不能创造信任感的网络商店(Lien et al., 2015)。


只有当消费者相信卖方有能力提供和交付消费者所期望的质量的商品时,信任才会存在。此时,还有另一个重要的问题:消费者如何才能获得对网上购物中心的信任?在传统情况下,消费者的信任被发现受到卖方对实体建筑、设施和人员的投资的影响(Wang et al., 2016)。因此,可以说,由于在网络购物中心中,消费者和卖家之间没有身体接触,所以消费者的信任是由消费者的特征而不是卖方的某些行为所影响的,这是合理的。


根据哈比比et al。(2014)信托当事人的意愿是容易受到另一方的行动基于期望对方会执行一个特定的动作重要的弱势一方,无论脆弱党的敏捷监视或控制另一方。Kim等人(2004)将信任定义为相信另一方将在交换关系中以可靠的方式行事。Chang等人(2014)给出了一个最受追捧的信任概念化表。


Purchase intentions describe and determine the consumer response to purchase the offering. The higher the intention leads to elevated purchase of that offering. Consumers purchase intention can be determining through their responses, feedback and their involvement. Highly involved consumers shows high rate of purchase (Napoli et al., 2014).China’s information industry has been developing very rapidly. According to the 19th Statistical Survey Report on Internet Development in China released in January 2007 by the China Internet Network Information Center (Lien et al., 2015), the number of Internet users has reached 137 million. Of these users, 79.1% said that they would surely or possibly go Internet shopping in the first half of the year.

23.6% of the users replied that they were frequently using an Internet shopping service when they went on the Internet. In 2006, there were over 30 million Internet users who had an Internet shopping experience. Despite the fact that Internet shopping malls are now winning more and more customers by providing these customers with a discounted price for products, favorable price alone will not be sufficient. Trust is still regarded as an order qualifier for consumers’ purchase decisions. Consumers are unlikely to patronize Internet stores that fail to create a sense of trust (Lien et al., 2015).

Trust can only exist if the consumer believes that the seller has the ability to provide and deliver goods of the quality expected by the consumer. At this point in time, there is another important question: How can consumers gain trust in an Internet shopping mall? In traditional contexts, a consumer’s trust has been found to be affected by the seller’s investment in physical buildings, facilities, and personnel (Wang et al., 2016). Therefore, it could be said that since there is no physical contact between consumers and sellers in an Internet shopping mall, it is reasonable to suggest that a consumer’s trust is affected by the consumer’s characteristics, instead of some actions of the seller’s.

According to Habibi et al. (2014) trust is a willingness of a party to be vulnerable to the actions of another party based on the expectation that the other party will perform a particular action important to the vulnerable party, irrespective of the vulnerable party’s agility to monitor or control that other party. Kim et al. (2004) defined trust as the belief that the other party will behave in a dependable manner in an exchange relationship. Chang et al. (2014) present a table of the most sought after conceptualization in trust.






职业和环境项目丰富和发展员工的价值主张,帮助员工管理他们的职业生涯,并在工作环境中高效工作(Sachs, Warner, Aslund and Fischer, 1995)。总奖励系统有五个组成部分。薪酬:薪酬是激励员工更好地表现的奖励。财务薪酬包括工资、奖金和其他激励措施,而非财务薪酬包括奖励、考核、奖励、嘉奖、表扬、认可。它激励员工把他们最好的工作和组织(Kim, Park and Prescott, 2003)。认可:员工为实现工作目标和任务付出了大量的努力和努力。现在的员工需要认可和赞赏。他们希望自己的努力得到组织的认可。越来越多的人要求创造一种“认可文化”的环境。


好处:它们在本质上不是金钱。福利包括带薪假期,带薪假期,健康保险,产假。它还包括法律规定的最低要求,如医疗保险、失业和社会保障(Chen and Hsieh, 2006)。工作与生活的平衡:员工希望在他们的职业和个人爱好之间保持平衡。人们越来越需要工作和生活的平衡。组织也采用策略为员工提供工作和生活的平衡。例如:弹性工作周,在家工作等等(Allen, 2001)。发展:员工寻求职业成长和发展。组织应该为员工提供机会,让他们可以探索不同的领域,提升自己的事业。所有这些组成部分都很重要。他们提高员工的表现,帮助组织成长。


Workforce programs should be regarded as a group of integrated investments which have distinct but interrelated purposes and desirable outcomes. By making this change, foundation is set and three steps are necessarily taken to satisfy cost and talent objectives: the first step is to accurately define and estimate the size of total investment in workforce programs. The second step is to emphasize on improving value-to-cost relationship by assigning the desired total investment. The last step involves creating a framework which helps adapting swiftly and efficiently to changes business strategy and activities as well as workforce composition across countries, over time and employee segments.Workforce programs are divided into three categories which emphasize on how employees view their rewards. Foundational programs are given to employees because they are part of the organisation. Performance-based programs are given for high and excellent performance. It motivates the employees to improve their performance.

Career and environmental programs enrich and develop the employee value propositions and assist employees in managing their careers as well as work efficiently in work environment (Sachs, Warner, Åslund and Fischer, 1995). There are five components of total rewards system. Compensation: Compensation is rewards that motivate employees to perform better. Financial compensation incorporates salary and pay, bonus, and other incentives, whereas non-financial compensation includes rewards, appraisal, awards, citation, praise, recognition. It motivates employee to give their best to the job and organization (Kim, Park and Prescott, 2003).Recognition: Employees put in a lot of efforts and hard work to achieve the goals and tasks of their job. Employees, nowadays, have need for recognition and appreciation. They want their effort to be recognized by the organization. There is an increased demand for creating an environment of “recognition culture.”

Benefits: They are not monetary in nature. Benefits include paid leaves, paid vacation, health insurance, maternal leave. It also includes the legally-mandated minimum requirements such as medicare, unemployment, and social security (Chen and Hsieh, 2006). Work life balance: Employees want to maintain a balance between their professional and personal loves. There is an increasing demand for work life balance. Organizations are also employing strategies to provide work life balance to employees. Example: flexible work week, work from home, etc. (Allen, 2001).Development: Employees seek career growth and development. Organisations should provide opportunities to employees where they can explore different domains and enhance their career. All these components are important. They enhance employee’s performance and help organization grow.












How was your overall experience in China Public Hospital?Response: “ It was really unsatisfactory. They never had time to check my simple gastroscopy issue in a proper way. All were in a hurry, I don’t what for! Patients like me had to wait for a long time just to meet the doctor ”How much expenses you incurred or about to incur there?Response: I didn’t treat there in fact. When they told me about the expenses and tests, I made up my mind to shift this treatment to my relative’s place, LA. For a gastro copy, you won’t believe, there were asking for high cost medicines.”

How was the approach of the doctors or medical staffs in China Public Hospital?Response: I was asked to come repeatedly for this simple thing, that could be diagnosed in one sit. Then why they had to ask me to come another time? Probably for more consulting fees I would say. Moreover, what I felt is that from the doctor’s approach, he was not sure why this ailment and what is its right treatment. Loss of focus on patient care: It is seen that hospitals in China, especially in the public sector, they are dealing with financial constraints and strict government rules.

This is also one of the contribution factors resulting in the lack of patient care. The expenditure of the hospitals are increasing and as a result of this, the doctors are over prescribing the drugs , which are beyond the actual requirement for the patients. This is mainly done to deal with the over hospital expenses, money is looted from the poor patients. When the functioning of the hospital has started focusing on money, it will become more business oriented rather than patient quality care and support .

Over prescription of drugs: Another noted situation from the experience of the informant is that, most of the times, the doctors are over prescribing the drugs. This will not only increases the medical treatment expenses, but also worsens the illness of the patients. Even though there are recommended prices for each drug by the government, there are no strict guidelines to adhere the same in public hospitals in China in terms of the number of drugs prescribed. Hence, through over prescription of drugs, the doctors are in a way cheating the unknown Chinese patients. This will also contribute to the overall medical expenses also.


















What do you think are the standardization and unique experience sought by baby boomers and millennials with respect to the hotel and hospitality industry of Australia?
“There is standardization of the services that are found in this industry. This leads to increase in the less unique locations and leads to the formation of the globalized marketplace. This issue creates the persona that all the services rendered in a hotel are the same, but all people are looking for newer experiences, baby boomer’s millennials alike, I see no different. The standardization of the services makes the people look for cheaper bargains. Moreover, they expect value for their money and Australia cannot compete with the prices that are offered in this emerging nation”.

What is the technology impact on millennials and the baby boomers?
“I don’t believe there is much difference in how the millennials and the baby boomers use technology or at least as perceived from my end. But come to think of it, most of the bookings are usually done by the person itself through some website when the person is quite younger, much of the older folk like to have a travel agent do it on behalf of them, but only when the representative reveals their name we come to know of this. Personally, I am a baby boomer segment and I use technology at last the basic ones just as well as my son”
What are your views with respect to sustainability and the hotel and hospitality industry?
I believe hotels see this as a major problem, all their sustainability concerns also tie up to the cost. They are indeed trying to address the problem. The Marriott has research initiatives for addressing supply chain concerns, and emissions concerns already. I think customers being aware of sustainability also plays a major role here. It drives us to be more proactive.

How does cost affect the baby boomer and the millennials when it comes to booking a trip
I think customers know instinctively what hotel offers them value for their money. They do want to get their money’s worth and our marketing team has a full-time job convincing them that they are getting their dollar worth. But we have to also remember that tourist location plays a pivotal role too. Here in Brisbane we don’t have a problem. I think both segments are concerned about the costs thing, but maybe baby boomers show more concern, especially if they want to save money, a tight retirement plan etc. Millennials I think are more worried about the brand, like how sustainable we are, I’ve had customers even ask me some questions on this before booking.

How much preference is given to the hotel versus the actual tourist experience.
Well I think the hotel itself is a tourist experience, what with our spa experiences, the pools, the leisure activities we set up for clients. […] Oh ok if you mean like a separate tourist experience, well then, I think millennials are more dynamic, obviously the age factor is there. They like to go hiking, we have some trail routes in our other branches specifically et out for these customers. I think the aged customers like to settle in, you know come in for a nap, take a tour come back, something like that. But I think, both are seeking the Australian experience when it comes to touring.










A map to navigating things when viewing the Lake Taupo and Tongariro National Park or simply a list of things that can be done around the Park would be useful for visitors.Where a location clearly calls for a different interpretive technique if a tourist guide was to use something else, it could become a disaster. The most favourite personal interpretive technique of talking could be helpful here. While the wonders of the Lake Taupo and Tongariro National Park can be seen visually, the information must be given by an expert on its history. The same people who present information by mouth to the visitors can walk around with the visitors to ensure they are getting their doubts clarified when they could.

The final interpretive technique is the use of drama enactments. Real life portrayal of what happened in history around the Lake Taupo and Tongariro National Park would create a dramatic effect for the audience. Visual learners and right brain learners would be motivated to assemble much information because of looking at their period time dressings. The first audience that would be selected for this assessment is teenagers in the age group of 13-18.The situation is teenagers visiting the rock music gathering. New Zealand has many rock music gatherings and the one that is considered here is the Rhythm & Alps gathering that usually happens around December of every year. In 2016, it was hosted in the Cardrona Valley, near Wanaka and Queenstown.

The cost is nominal at 155 dollars for booking and this is a place where people interested in rock music and related paraphernalia tends to hand out. The interpretive technique to be used here will be compiled mixed music of the rock bands, playing in the background in a tour for the gathering, along with the non-person interpretation technique of exhibits. The live music is the actual product offered to the audience so it is not considered as part of the interpretive technique. As audience moves from one rock band exhibit to another, the rock band music of that specific exhibit will automatically increase in volume. The use of the exhibits will enable the teenagers to better connect with the rock bands that will be playing at the location. Usually teenagers tend to listen to music and look up popular information on music bands and the like, and this would help them.







组织的愿景是成为世界高度以消费者为导向的组织,不仅生产消费者最需要的产品,而且提供其他地方无法找到的选择范围(Kiel, 2014)。这一愿景表明,该组织的主要目标是成为全球最具创新性和个性化的电子商务品牌。这一愿景的主要组成部分是全球范围、最广泛的产品选择和客户导向。




The research thesis has been aimed at setting up online e-commerce platform in New Zealand with an aim on selling fashion clothes. There are various organizations in the region offering same products and there are other potential customers which follow these organizations. However, a comprehensive analysis of the market has allowed understanding that there are several gaps in the market which needs to be filled. This new business has been aimed at filling this gap by following a comprehensive financial plan and test for feasibility.
The mission statement of the organization will be striving towards providing best possible selection for the customers with best price in the market and offering industry wide leadership in the purchase deliveries (Khansgha et al., 2014). This mission indicates a strong motivation and drive towards offering the select designs of the clothing at the competitive prices across the entire national market. The mission further suggests that the ongoing gap in the industry of e-commerce platform will be minimized with the emergence of Whenever Retail.

The vision of the organization is to become the world highly consumer oriented organization that not only produces the offerings most needed by the consumers but also to offer the range of selection that cannot be found elsewhere (Kiel, 2014). This vision statement implies that the primary objective of the organization is to be become the most innovative and personalized e-commerce brand across the world. The primary components of this vision are the global reach, widest product selection and customer orientation.
The organizational structure of Whenever Retail will be kept relatively simple in order to enable the cross-functionality of the employed teams and to develop the competitive advantage through the utilization of the human capital of the organization (Martins et al., 2015). The hierarchal structure of organization will be developed but at the same time the organizational culture and workspaces will be kept flexible to promote the collaboration and autonomous decision making among the employees and managers.
The organizational structure will comprise of the entry level teams with one reporting manager for each department initially in order to facilitate the relationship building and to ensure that the psychological organizational behavior is effectively used to maximize the performance.




从本研究的角度来看,提出的电子商务商务平台不仅是可行的,而且是可信的。该组织的业务基础设施的设计方式能够满足新西兰市场和客户不断增长和多样化的需求。该组织将被命名为无论何时零售。该组织将作为独资公司注册成立。该组织将致力于为新西兰消费者提供一个专注于服装的电子商务平台(Bocken et al., 2014)。




人们已经发现,有许多缺口出现在新西兰的市场上,客户被迫探索和使用外国来源的网站为了效果更好的质量产品降低价格水平(Casadesus Masanell应承担&朱,2013)。因此,无论何时时尚的电子商务平台也随之被概念化和提出。平台将采用“准时”供应链策略,不仅保证库存及时补货,还能在客户到达时满足客户的需求,并提供每天低价的优质产品。




此外,新制定的《2007年非应邀电子讯息法》禁止该组织发送具有被请求性质的非应邀电子讯息(DaSilva & Trkman, 2014)。该组织将能够在这些规定中有效运作,因为该公司将从事大规模广告,而不会使用未经要求的商业电子邮件或短信给潜在客户。


From the perspective of this research, it is evident that the business platform for e-commerce being proposed is not only feasible but it is also credible. The business infrastructure of this organization is devised in a manner that the growing and diverse needs of the New Zealand’s market and the customer’s requirements can be met. The organization will be named as Whenever Retail. The organization will be registered and established as a sole proprietorship firm. The organization will engage in offering an e-commerce platform to the consumers of New Zealand with the dedicated focus on the clothing (Bocken et al., 2014).

The platform will provide with the augmented reality option where the clothes can virtually tried through overlapping the clothing image from the back camera of the smartphones on the customer. The distinct departments will be developed which will be individually responsible for the inventory, information technology, designing, production, marketing, accounting, customer service and human resources.

It has been found that there are multitudes of gaps present in the market of New Zealand due to which the customers are forced to explore and use the websites of foreign origin in order to avail better quality products at reduced level of prices (Casadesus‐Masanell & Zhu, 2013). Therefore, the e-commerce platform of Whenever Fashion has been conceptualized and proposed with this business plan. The platform will employ the just in time supply chain strategy in order to ensure that not only the inventory is replenished in a timely fashion but also the needs of the customer are meet upon their arrival and high quality products with everyday low pricing strategy is provided.

There is defined legislation for the E-commerce regulation within the New Zealand. It is identified that the business of Whenever Retail is required to take the defined legislations and Acts under consideration in order to ensure that the cost of business and barriers are minimized (Chui et al., 2014). The organization will encounter the Electronic Transactions Act 2002 being the primary legislation of governing nature. This legislation ensures that the electronic technology is utilized with the reduction of uncertainties in respect to the legal impact of information.

Furthermore, it has been found that the newly established law of the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007 forbids the organization to send across unsolicited electronic messages of solicited nature (DaSilva & Trkman, 2014). The organization will be able to function effectively among these regulations as the firm will engage in mass advertising and will not entail the use of unrequested commercial email or SMS texts to the potential customers.




尤其需要加强分析、建模和网络防火墙性能模拟,以预测网络中防火墙的效率,预测网络防火墙在DDoS攻击下的有效性和效率(Rao 1-11)。这进而帮助防火墙设计者和系统管理员了解影响性能的基本参数和瓶颈,以及执行获得最佳性能所需的调优。此外,性能分析还有助于快速回答与设计和操作相关的各种问题。这进一步帮助防火墙的设计者进行单独的设计削减,以减少设计备选集(Rhodes-Ousley 14-25)。然后,他们利用模拟过程或实验来评估一些好的设计的资产的性能,在系统被建立和部署到网络的个别环境之前。


即使防火墙代表了DDoS攻击发生时的一个重要故障点,但仍然没有任何标准化的程序来评估防火墙在攻击期间的性能(Pal et al. 159-163)。根据所收集的知识,这类软件仍然需要在市场上占主导地位。其关键原因在于,防火墙的实现差异很大,这使得在直接性能和间接性能之间进行比较时存在问题。随着公司中防火墙部署的增加,可以看到在网络上出现了一个问题。这个问题是关于这些公司所购买的产品是否经得起考验,是否能够承受较重的负荷。


在这样的设置中使用的三个防火墙系统都由有状态网络组成(Patel 9-12)。这些网络有能力跟踪在整个网络中运行的与连接相关的状态网络。通过保存连接状态的记录,有状态类型的防火墙在检查数据包方面提供了额外的效率。这是因为对于当前的连接,防火墙只需要检查表状态,而不是检查与防火墙规则集相反的包(Shin et al. 26-29)。这可以是一种广泛的形式。从表状态中删除这种陈旧的关系。为了防止表状态被填满,会话在特定时间段内没有任何流量通过时超时。


There is an enhancement in demand particularly to indulge in analysis, modelling and network firewalls performance simulation for predicting how efficient the firewall in the network is, for predicting the network firewall effectiveness and efficiency under the attacks of DDoS (Rao 1-11). This, in turn, helps the designers of firewalls as well as administrators of the system to understand essential parameters and bottlenecks which influence this performance along with performing the requires tuning for gaining performance of optimal nature. Analysis of performance furthermore can help in providing answers quickly for various design and operation related questions. This further helps the designers of firewalls in carrying out an individual design cut for reducing the design alternative sets (Rhodes-Ousley 14-25). Then they make use of simulation processes or experimentation for assessing the performance of assets of some good designs prior to systems being built and deployed into individual environments of networks.

Even after the fact that firewalls represent one of the essential failure points at the time when an attack of DDoS is taking place, but still it does not exist any standardized procedure to evaluate the performance of firewall during the attack (Pal et al. 159-163). Such software is still required to prevail in the market as per the knowledge collected. The key reason for this lies in the fact that implementation of firewalls widely vary and this makes it problematic for carrying out comparisons between direct performance and indirect one. With the rise in deployment of firewalls in firms, it will be seen that over the network there is a question which arises. This question is with regard to whether the products being purchased by these firms stands up and is able to sustain the heavy loads relatively or not.

All of the three systems of firewalls utilized within such a set up comprise of stateful networks (Patel 9-12). These networks have the ability to keep track of the connection related state network that is travelling throughout it. Through keeping a record of the state of connection, the firewalls of stateful type result in providing the addition of efficiency with regard to the inspection of the packet. This is due to the fact that for current connections, the firewall only requires checking the table state rather than checking the packet in opposition to the rule set of the firewall (Shin et al. 26-29). This can be of an extensive form. Such stale relationships get removed from the table state. For preventing the table state from being filled, sessions are timed out when no traffic is being passed for a specific time period.








在一个月的时间里,诺曼堆了一大堆面粉,间歇地将其塑造成不同的形状,同时,这些形状也揭示了伴随着身体特征和运动的空间。因此,M.D.Michelis说,弗里德里希·尼采对空间的描述,即所谓的“身体运动的动力性”可以用来产生这些造型作品。简单地说,原始喜悦的“溢出”使艺术家在空间中通过身体成为一件艺术品(Basualdo and Taylor,2009)。与诺曼的作品相似,我的两个造型作品中的建筑材料形状都能反映出连续运动的过程。




Similar to Fontana, the material outside of the edge of the hole in my work , is also formed by a violent crash. In addition, the empty space is located in a form of silky surface, which means that the combination affects a tension between the mechanical movement and the uncontrollable impact. However, the shadow of both the hole and the material outside of it, would emphasize the trace of the angles of single gesture and the direction of ejection in aunified successive movement. Even though the space of redesigned work shows the successive bodily movement through the invisible line between different gestures, the moulding processis still too complicated.

The characters of each hole can be used to indicate certain gesture. However, for some viewers, the whole effect will still not fully demonstrate the procedure of shooting. Therefore, I decide to mould the successive bodily movement in more simple and direct way.When we consider the application of successive bodily movement in moulding process, it reminds me about Nauman’s 1966 work Flour Arrangement. Accordingto Benjamin H. D. Buchloh, it seems to be the first ‘process sculpture’ after World War II.

During one month, Nauman build a large pile of flour and intermittently moulded it into different shapes; meanwhile, the shapes also reveals the space which accompanies the characteristic of body and its movement. Hence, M. D. Michelis states that Friedrich Nietzsche’s description of space, in terms of the force called ‘dynamism of bodily movement’ could be used to generate these moulding works. Put simply, the ‘overflow’ of primordial delight’ leads the artist to become a piece of artwork through his body in space(Basualdo and Taylor, 2009). Similar to Nauman’s work, the shape of build material in both my moulding works can reflect the process of successive movement.

However, in comparison, the shape in my work is impacted by a single gesture, which can be used to trace the process of acting more easily.In addition,the tool I select can be used to eject material in torrent and make impact at a distance. Mywork is established in three dimension, which help viewers to imagine the degree of arm’s angle as well as the direction of ejected material through the different levels of depth. With the interaction between thick foundation and the torrent of ejected material, the long shape corresponds to a successive movement, which is composed of different angles in the same gesture.Instead of representing the physical characteristic of body, the ejection lets the reflection of abstracted bodily movement become possible.








正如Green(2012)所描述的,“每天看着这种情况发生,你有责任尽力为学生提供最好的服务,这是令人沮丧的。从皮尔逊教育的访谈中,克林顿代尔教育者报告说,他们改变课程的目的包括帮助学生提高全州考试的成绩率(Herreid&Schiller,2013)。主要目的是支持学生在课堂上完成工作,任务较少的作业被分配为家庭作业。它老师们还报告说,他们愿意为学生提供在课堂上一起奋斗的机会,而不是独自在家里工作。12年级学生Luwayne Harris在采访中评论说,每当他在家庭作业中遇到任何问题时,他在家里都不能做任何事情(Jenkins,2012)。


Also, in general, these were known for having low socio-economic backgrounds, and had been living far away from school in the absence of any reliable transportation. These students also did not have support from the family for the completion of homework (Clintondale Community Schools, 2012). In addition to this, more than 60 per cent of the students at high school had been identified to be at the risk of dropping out from school, or in any other case, may fail in the completion of their secondary education. Clintondale had a number of challenges requiring consideration. In the year 2020, the high school failed in receiving the required funding in order to purchase new books or other resources of the classroom (Clintondale Community Schools, 2012). Due to this, the educators of Clintondale took the decision of creating their individual curriculum while flipping the classes.

It had been stated that the educators, in confrontation of low attendance, achievement Clintondale Community School is known for serving the students from 8th grade to 12th grade and is among a low socio-economic area across rural Michigan in which the community is facing a depression across the economy (Clintondale Community Schools, 2012). The school had been ranked as among the fifth worst schools of United States for the year 2010, and this ranking had been done by measuring the rates of the passed students, the levels of achievement across the state assessments, and the students who had been rated continuously over the post-secondary level of education (Headden, 2013). According to the district statistics of Michigan School, Clintondate had been identified as a school for the troubled youth population, with an average rate of graduation being 54 per cent from the year 2007 to the year 2009.

As described by Green (2012), “To watch this happen every day, where it is your responsibility to try to provide the very best you can for the students, is beyond frustrating. It is heart breaking.” From the interviews by Pearson Education, it had been reported by Clintondale educators that their purposes to flip their classes included assisting the student to improve the rates of achievement across the state tests (Herreid & Schiller, 2013).

The key purpose was to support the students in the performance of work at class, and assignments with fewer tasks were given as homework.It had also been reported by the teachers that they show willingness in providing the opportunity to student for struggling in class together, rather than feeling alone with the performance of work at home. Luwayne Harris, a student of 12th grade commented in the interview that whenever he faced any issue in context with the homework, he could not do anything at home about it (Jenkins, 2012).