


通过对Electra产品的分析,我们发现了组织内部普遍存在的两个主要沟通问题:缺乏反馈:可以看出,Electra产品实施授权的主要动机是克服组织中普遍存在的无反馈政策所带来的问题。员工既没有得到授权,也不欢迎他们的反馈和审查被纳入组织的决策过程。这是负面因素之一,因为员工的担忧和问题没有被管理层提出和听取,从而造成了市场份额的损失和过时的产品线(Pirraglia, 2016)。现在,管理层已经意识到他们的错误,并即将在员工中实施授权,使他们的业务模型更灵活,更能反映员工的想法和反馈。其次,组织未能适应员工的反馈,使得组织结构和实践更加官僚化。随着时间的推移,这个沟通问题已经导致公司面临可怕的后果,需要加以解决,因为它已经挑战了公司的存在。然而,新CEO的策略是首先克服沟通问题,抛弃陈旧过时的组织结构,这样公司才能长期生存(Nelson & Cooper, 2007)。
层级和权威问题:实施授权的主要原因之一是克服组织中普遍存在的官僚层级结构。多年来,这种结构一直阻碍着公司的成功,因为它未能吸收和容纳员工的反馈、反应和士气。管理层无法考虑员工对某个特定决定或组织中正在进行的过程的感受和想法。此外,公司多年来实行的集中决策模式,现在已经开始对公司整体的存在提出一些严重的挑战(Lee & Allen, 2002)。所有主要决策都集中在最高管理层,因为他们是根据个人评估和对场景的评估做出决策的。由于这些人与客户没有直接接触,他们无法将自己的偏好和选择反映到决策模型中。结果,他们没有引入和实施最能反映公司利益相关者的战略,导致了一些不利的情况。类似的情况也发生在Electra产品上,因为公司的官僚结构促使他们将注意力集中在分散的决策和员工授权上(Luthans & Church, 2002)。


After analyzing Electra Products, we come across two major communication issues prevalent among the organization as follows:Lack of Feedback: As we can see that Electra Products’ primary motive of implementing empowerment is to overcome the problems created by no feedback policy that is prevalent in the organization. Employees were neither empowered nor were their feedbacks and reviews welcomed to be incorporated in the decision-making process of the organization. This served as one of the negative factors since employees concerns and issues were not raised and heard by the management that created further nuisance in terms of lost market share and an obsolete product line (Pirraglia, 2016). Now, management has realized their mistake and is now on the verge of implementing empowerment among its employees to make their business models more flexible and reflective of employees’ ideas and feedbacks. Secondly, organization’s failure to accommodate employees’ feedbacks have made more bureaucratic in terms of structure and practices. This communication issue has led the company towards dire consequences over time that needs to be addressed as it has challenged the existence of the company over time. However, the new CEO is up with the strategy to drop old and obsolete organizational structure by overcoming the communication issues at first place so that company can survive in the long run (Nelson & Cooper, 2007).
Hierarchy and authority problems: One of the primary reasons for implementing empowerment is to overcome the bureaucratic hierarchal structure that is prevalent in the organization. This structure has hampered company’s success over the years as it fails to incorporate and accommodate employees’ feedbacks, reactions and morale. Management is unable to take into consideration what employees feel and think of a particular decision or an ongoing process in the organization. Further, the centralized decision-making model that has practiced in the company for over the years now has now started to pose some serious challenges for the existence of the company as a whole (Lee & Allen, 2002). All major decision-making was concentrated to the top management only, as they made decisions based on their personal assessment and evaluation of the scenario. Since, these people are not in direct contact with their customers, they are unable to reflect their preferences and choices into the decision making model. As a result, they fail to introduce and implement strategies that are best reflective of company’s stakeholders resulting in some unfavourable circumstances over time. Similar is the situation with Electra Products, as the company’s bureaucratic structure has triggered them to focus over decentralized decision making and employee empowerment (Luthans & Church, 2002).