


小说“老无所依”是基于三个人的,Anton Chigurh, Ed Tom Bell 和 Llewellyn Moss。这个故事围绕着莫斯发现的一个装有200万美元的手提箱,并且在整个小说中与它一起运行。这个故事的事件发生在美国和墨西哥边境的地区,是以非法毒品交易的后果为基础的。小说的标题是从叶乙的“游历拜占庭”(1962)的诗歌中被采用的。另外,这部小说还有电影改编,Coen兄弟Joel和Ethan Coen于2007年发行。
我们遇到了卢埃林的妻子卡拉·让·莫斯和埃德·汤姆·贝尔的妻子洛蕾塔·贝尔。根据Ryan P. Doom的说法,除了向丈夫提供支持之外,两位女性在小说中扮演的角色并不重要,重要的是要注意,两个女人都不影响小说中的男人的故事情节或决定。在整个小说中,两个女人的角色被看作是对丈夫的恭维和照顾,并且很难理解这两个男人所面临的无情暴力。不知怎的,这些女人却无缘自言自语。
在小说中,两位妻子都被指出是对丈夫的关心和爱护。换句话说,角色是描绘对男人的原始吸引力和忠诚度。有趣的是,随着故事的进展,Carla Jean的性格不仅与她的丈夫不相容,而且也与Anton Chigurh的性格有关。


The novel “No Country for Old Men” is based on three characters; Anton Chigurh, Ed Tom Bell and Llewellyn Moss. The story revolves around Moss’s discovery of a suitcase containing 2 million dollars and his run with it throughout the novel. The events of the story occur in the districts of the United States-Mexico Border and are based on consequences of an illegal drug deal. The novel’s title was adopted from Yeat’s poem “Sailing to Byzantium” (1962). Additionally, the novel has a movie adaption that was released in 2007 by the Coen brothers, Joel and Ethan Coen.
Along with the three characters, we come across Llewellyn’s wife, Carla Jean Moss and Ed Tom Bell’s wife, Loretta Bell. According to Ryan P. Doom, the two women do not play any significant role in the novel other than providing support to their husbands; it is important to note that neither of the two women influences the storyline or the decisions made by the men in the novel. The characters of both the women were seen to be complimenting and caring for the husbands throughout the novel and miserably failing to comprehend the remorseless violence that the two men face. Somehow, the women came across as having no right to voice themselves.
In the novel, both the wives are noted to be caring and affectionate towards their husbands. In other words, there role was to portray primeval attraction and loyalty towards the men. Interestingly, as the story progresses, the character of Carla Jean evolves as woman who not only is at odds with her husband but also the character of Anton Chigurh.