




There are two basic dimensions of handling the conflicts within a group, concern for self and concern for others. The first dimension shows the extent up to which the person wants to satisfy his concerns. This dimension is basically a measure on the basis of high or low. When any of the person or both have this dimension high, then best solution of the conflict resolution is dismissing one of the employees. This dismissal should be performed depending on the person who is only concerned about himself. If both have the same extent of self-concern, the team should dismiss the less important person.
The second dimension is, Concern for others. When a person has this dimension, then that type of conflict may become very much beneficial for the group.
The dimension is scored on the basis of five points: first is integrating, this means that the person has high self-concern; the second point is obliging which means the person has a lot of concern for others. The third point is compromising; this also means that the person is highly concerned about others. The fourth point is dominating, which means that the person is highly concerned about only himself and the last one is avoiding, which means that the person is highly concerned about others (Poole & Roothe, 1989).
Thus, by rating the above points we can find the nature of a person that helps in resolving the conflicts within a group or team.
Team Binding
Discussing team binding individually is most important here as the main risk of having conflicts in a group is that the result of conflict may be breaking of team or group (Putnam, 1986). Thus, for team binding there are two solutions; one is to manage the conflicts in such a way that it may result positively and the second is that the conflict should be resolved anyway.
The positive outcome of the conflict depends on the mutual understanding of the team members and the situation of the conflict. Thus, team should be provided the training of team work and should try to increase the mutual understandings with the other team members.