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Considering the first rationale, if some section of the society is not benefitted by the product, it does not serve the purpose of a deficit problem in the society. If a section of society is completely on the extreme side of the industry, the copyrighted product will never benefit that section, and thus the lack of demand of this section not willing to buy such copyrighted products is not taken in to consideration while pricing the product. So obligation to society is not fully agreeable when a part of society will never benefit from such copyrighted products. Promoting general wellbeing of society is also agreed when the copyrights create more encouragement for more such creations and the society in turn benefits from it. However, when incentives are the only means and the access to such copyrighted products reduces, there is no wellbeing that can be said as absolute.

The rationale for copyright is more towards encouragement and creating competitive forces within the market, but when the same rationale is not effective in its assumptions, it loses its importance and the development of trust deficit develops. This in turn impacts the creators and their loss of confidence in the assumption of their creation getting protected. In addition, the society also develops a belief that free use, or liberalisation of access to such copyrighted materials will be more advantageous. This can also encourage more talent to create new works since they would believe more in the system due to the liberalisation of new creations.

Capitalism, as a market structure, allows everyone to behave as if acting for their own self-interest, but when this self-interest converts into copying the copyrighted materials and redistributing at lower prices than the original, it hurts the entire economy and the society. Thus, the goal of creating more copyrighted materials is always desirable but is not possible to achieve fully in a capitalistic market structure when the forces of selfish motives are acting against the safeguarding of protected materials.

Copyright law is introduced with the basis of incentivising the creator who creates works that benefits the society and in turn helps the society to achieve more by the use of such products. The intention of copyright law being the general wellbeing of society and helping specialised and rare knowledge reaching the masses at affordable costs, the results are not equivalent to the assumptions. The benefits as claimed are not transferred to all sections of the society which make the claim itself questionable. Again, the author or an artist who creates the work of arts is given exclusive rights of the use of the product; it makes it less accessible to those who really need it but cannot afford it, leading to a conclusion that the accessibility reduces with the law getting more stringent and when enforced fully. This inaccessibility of the product is not one of the main purposes of the creators and violates the intention and deprives society. Thus, copyright law is outdated and a free knowledge source is required where there is no discrimination between copyrighted and non-copyrighted products, but letting the society decide its worth depending on the value proposition.

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assignment 代写-组织需要计划

assignment 代写-组织需要计划


assignment 代写-组织需要计划

Though planning is beneficial for an organization, a vague and inconsiderate plan can really be worthless to survive in economic globalization. There are some important elements which must be considered by strategic planners, decision makers, managers and executives of a company to avail better opportunities in future.As economic metric are changing very rapidly, the decision makers should stay abreast of updates in economic indicators and recent developments within the market.A recently revised business plan is really important for proper decision-making. Business plan is based on certain assumptions which are sensitive to economic indicators. Therefore, it is necessary to revise those elements of business plan to ensure that the strategic plan is aligned with the present conditions.The ongoing projects of the business must be reviewed on at most 6 month interval to check the progress of the project in accordance with present metrics.
It is important to communicate the issues and measures to the employees so that they may accept the changes in policies rather to resist the decisions of policy makers.If a company goes in economic deterioration, outsourcing of some non-core activities may be considered by decision makers and planners till unfavorable economic conditions.Relying on a same supplier or same industry over a long period of time can be risky for the company in the period of uncertainty and volatility, therefore, diversification strategy must be considered by planners and decision makers. Uncertain economic conditions offer the opportunity of introducing innovations in the market and create their brand awareness while other companies are facing deterioration. Therefore, planners should continually revive their planning to throw innovative products and ideas in the market.




Clarysse和Kiefer(2011)描述了适度性意味着一个公司能够盈利的程度,而这反过来又取决于可保护性和经营自由。可保护性定义了创作者保护板条箱作品不受竞争对手侵害的程度,经营自由是指创作者在不侵犯他人财产权的情况下经营企业的自由。罗杰斯创作了一件原创作品,他受到了美国法律所适用的版权法规的保护。版权属于类别的原始表达式由一个艺术家利用知识和信息,创造和制作的完整权利使用相同的他或她想要通过法律,同时保护它免受侵犯其他实体供个人使用(Poltorak勒纳,2011)。版权是一种正式的知识产权,罗杰斯对他的照片拥有同样的正式权利(Palfrey, 2012)。版权禁止他人发行供销售、出租或出租的复制品,禁止复制作品,禁止基于原作的衍生作品,禁止公开展示和表演作品(O’Hara, 1999)。


Clarysse and Kiefer (2011) describes that appropriability indicates the degree to which a firm can make profit and this in turn depends on the protectability and freedom to operate. Protectability defines the degree to which the creator can protect the crated work from competitors, and freedom to operate indicates the freedom of the creator to operate in business without infringing the property rights of others. Rogers had created an original piece and he had the protection by way of the Copyright statutes applicable in the US by law. Copyright falls in the category of original expression by an artist who has used knowledge and information for making the creation and has full rights to use the same the way he or she wants by way of law, and at the same time protect it from getting infringed by other entities for personal use (Poltorak and Lerner, 2011). Copyright is a formal intellectual property rights and Rogers held the same formal rights to his picture (Palfrey, 2012). Copyright prohibits others from distributing copies for sale, lease, or rental, from reproducing the work, from derivative works based on the original piece, and from displaying and performing the work publicly (O’Hara, 1999).
The time period for copyright of a picture is at least granted for 25 years. Thus, Rogers has the full right of defending his work which he originally produced and can prohibit it from being used by anyone without his notice or permission. Rogers makes his living by creating, publishing, marketing, exhibiting, and making use of his copyright over original piece to sell products in the market. Rogers had printed the picture of the puppies on the post card, and had been selling it in the market, and the picture also had a copyright sign which Koons supposedly forgot to see or simply did not acknowledge, its presence. Rogers had been selling the post cards with the copyright signs on it which had the puppies’ picture on it. When Rogers filed a lawsuit against Koons and his representing gallery, Sonnabend gallery, he accepted that the post card with the picture of puppies was purchased in a tourist location and after purchasing the card he tore off the copyright part, and found it to be familiar, typical, and commonplace which also matched with his other picture collection where people were holding their pets along. Koons viewed the picture as a part of mass culture which was typical and found to be happening on everyday basis.











Uber Technologies Inc.是美国一家跨国在线出租车调度风险企业,总部位于加州旧金山。该公司一直在开发、营销和运营其移动应用程序,允许客户用智能手机提交旅行请求(Sun and Edara 2015)。然后,这些请求被发送给使用自己车辆的优步司机。在美国市场,Uber公司一直以运输网络公司的名义运营。自2015年以来,其服务已在全球300个城市和58个国家提供。自优步成立以来,许多其他组织一直在复制其业务模式。这一趋势被称为“Uberification”。2009年,加勒特·坎普(Garrett Camp)和特拉维斯·卡兰尼克(Travis Kalanick)以UberCab的名字创建了优步,同年6月,优步发布了一款应用。到2012年,公司开始进行国际扩张(Geradin 2015)。2014年,人们发现它尝试拼车属性并进行了更新。根据Klout的排名,优步在2014年排名第48位。

截至2015年末,优步的估值为625亿美元。Uber的法律价值受到其他出租车公司和政府的挑战,他们声称Uber一直在使用没有驾照的司机,这是非法和不安全的(Bonnell 2015)。Uber的扩张策略简单而连贯,自2011年中期以来,每个月都在一个新的城市进行扩张,目标市场是华盛顿特区,芝加哥和纽约市。Uber App的覆盖范围进一步考虑扩大到欧洲,在2011年底进入巴黎。2012年,优步在费城考虑推出beta测试,并于2012年6月正式推出其应用。从2012年到2013年,Uber在国际市场迅速扩张。2014年12月12日,据Tech Crunch报道,中国搜索引擎百度对Uber的合资企业进行了重大投资。由于这笔交易,百度涉及Uber与百度地图应用的连接。此外,谷歌Ventures在2013年的投资为2.58亿美元。


Uber Technologies Inc. is a multinational online taxi dispatch venture business of America, having headquarter based in San Francisco, California. It has been developing, marketing and operating its mobile app, allowing the customers having smartphones for submitting a trip request (Sun and Edara 2015). These requests are then routed to the drivers of Uber who have been using their own cars. In the market of United States of America, the company of Uber has been operating under the label of Transportation Network Company. Since the year 2015, there has been an availability of its services in 300 cities and 58 nations across the globe. Since the launch of Uber, a number of other organizations have been copying the model of its business. It is a trend that has been termed as “Uberification”. The company was found in the name of UberCab by Garrett Camp and Travis Kalanick in the year 2009, and there had been a release of the app in June of the same year. By the year 2012, the company started to enable international expansion (Geradin 2015). In the year 2014, it was found experimenting with carpooling attributes and making the updates. According to the ranking by Klout, Uber was at 48th rank as the strong organization in the year 2014.

By the late period of 2015, Uber had an estimated worth of 62.5 billion dollars. The legal value of Uber is challenged by other taxi companies and governments, alleging that it has been using drivers who do not have a license for driving and this is illegal and unsafe (Bonnell 2015). The expansion strategy of Uber was simple and consistent, expanding in a new city every month since the mid- period of 2011 targeting the market of Washington D.C., Chicago and New York City. The coverage of Uber App further considered expanding to Europe by entering Paris by the end of 2011. In the year 2012 in Philadelphia, Uber considered launching a beta test, further ahead officially launching its app in June, 2012. Uber made a rapid expansion across the international markets between the year 2012 and the year 2013. On 12th December, 2014, it had been reported by Tech Crunch that Baidu, a search engine of China, made a significant investment in the venture of Uber. As a result of this deal, Baidu involved a connection of Uber with the mapping apps of Baidu. Also, Google Ventures made investment of 258 million dollars in the year 2013.


長期以來,有關南海爭議的報導層出不窮。它是在第二次世界大戰期間日本試圖佔領這個由海洋、岩石和暗礁組成的地區時出現的。正是在這些時期,這些特徵的所有權沒有得到解決;在戰爭結束時,該地區受到許多國家的巨大利益和要求。雖然該區域最初出現了許多政治事態發展和衝突,但與該區域正在發生的爭端問題相比,這些事態發展和衝突已經消失。內部爭端最初是由於與東南亞國家正在進行的其他問題而推動的,例如1966年至1976年中國的文化大革命和菲律賓反對宏觀經濟獨裁的起義。 1979年,馬來西亞首次提出主權要求。此前,馬來西亞因支持中國政府而備受懷疑。中國和越南在1974年也有過小規模的衝突;



The disputes for the region of South China Sea have been reported for a long time. It had instantiated from the time when Japan was trying to occupy this area consisting of sea, rock and reefs during the times of 2nd World War. It was during those times that the ownership of these features was not settled; this region was under the huge interest and claims by a large number of states at the time of the end of the war. Though, initially there were many political developments and conflicts which were there in this region, those had seized off in comparison to the ongoing issue of dispute over the region. The internal disputes had initially pushed because of the other ongoing issues with south East Asian Nations such as the Cultural Revolution in China during the times of 1966-1976 and the uprising against the dictatorship of Macros in Philippines. The claim was stacked by Malaysia for the first time in 1979. Prior to that, Malaysia was under huge suspicion because of its support to Chinese government. There were also small conflicts between China and Vietnam in the year 1974;

there was not much attention to this region by the international communities. Thus, the major disputes were between the socialists nations China and Vietnam. The interests in this region were registered by Vietnam after World War Two. The nation wanted to control over this region and were trying to pose a security threat for the porous archipelagic borders. Malaysia later began its claims over some places which were there on the continental shelf. During the times of 1980s and 1990s, there were a number of low-level tensions over this place. Most of the tensions were not because of any military confrontations but they were actually because of the vessel intrusions, poaching done by the fisheries and other oil resources. A number of attempts are made by one or the other state to limit the number of economic activities of the nations from other states.. In addition to this, the differences between China and Vietnam were another reason for the dispute over this place during those times. In addition to this, none of the nation had any interest over this piece until mid-1990.



旅游业是新西兰未来经济增长最重要的方面。目前,它为美国经济贡献了186亿美元,这也相当于美国国内生产总值(gdp)的9%。旅游业也是一个重要的就业来源,每十个新西兰人中就有一个在旅游业工作(Rochelle Turner, 2015)。旅游业也是新西兰最大的出口中心。国际游客每年为中国经济贡献83亿美元,占出口总收入的19.2%。新西兰被认为是一个迷人的高质量的旅游目的地。为游客提供的预订服务是非常方便和容易的。这个国家的旅游业高度致力于使游客感到满意和舒适。新西兰在澳大利亚与美国和印度尼西亚竞争。新西兰旅游业全年在澳大利亚开展许多不同的活动。因此,澳大利亚和中国是游客数量最多的国家(Gnoth, & Anwar, 2000)。



Tourism is the most important aspect of the future economic growth of New Zealand. Currently it contributes $18.6 billion to the economy, which also represent the 9% of the gross domestic product of the country. Tourism sector is also an important source of employment as one in every ten New Zealanders works in the tourism sector (Rochelle Turner, 2015). Tourism is also the largest export centre or New Zealand. The international visitors contribute $8.3 billion to the economy every year, which become 19.2% of the complete earnings from export.New Zealand is considered as an alluring and high quality tourist destination. The booking services that are offered to the visitors are highly convenient and easy. The tourism sector of the country is highly committed towards the satisfaction and comfort of the tourists. New Zealand competes with states of America and Indonesia in Australia. The New Zealand Tourism runs many different campaigns in Australia throughout the year. Thus Australia and China are the countries from where the maximum number of tourists comes (Gnoth, & Anwar, 2000).

China is the second largest visitor market in New Zealand.The tourism industry in New Zealand continuously identifies and puts forwards the strategies that will increase the returns on investments. They concentrate on generating business products and experiences that will go above the expectations of the visitors. The tourism has also concentrated on enhancing the environment of New Zealand, which could be enjoyed by the visitors and the future generations. Such products are being made, which could deliver good environmental positions (Zealand, 2012).According to the statics of New Zealand Tourism,“12.1% of the total number of people employed in New Zealand work directly or indirectly in tourism. That means 295,908 people are working in the visitor economy. The Tourism 2025 growth framework has a goal of growing total tourism revenue to $41 billion a year by 2025” (The Power of Tourism, 2015). The tourism industry also provided employment to 94,100 full-time equivalents (FTEs), which also makes 4.7% of the total employment in New Zealand. By the year 2015 the employment will increase to 36,000 more full time equivalent workers.





In these lines, the importance of women to the manufacturing industry and the importance of women workers has been elucidated. These women started to play an important role in the society as well as in their family. It was found that the colonial labor system had different forms of racial oppressions that combined with the productive rights of the racial ethnic women. The issues felt by the women differed based on their ethnic identities (Nakano Glenn 87). In this the Mexican women had a special role and significance. “Inside canneries and packing houses, Mexican women contributed to the development of “cannery culture”. This was an intermingling of gender roles and assembly line conditions, family and peer socialization, and at times collective resistance and change. The significance of gender cannot be overstated as women composed of 75 percent of the workforce” (Ruiz 12).

From this it is quite clear that the roots of formation of these unions was to protect the rights of the workers. Women workers in particular had to work in harsh conditions and the sheer volume of the Mexican women had contributed to the need for a system that would protect the rights of the women. I feel that this is the reason that the need for safety and security of the collective interest of these groups had laid the foundation of a system that would protect the rights of the workers. I feel that the women workers especially the Mexican American had paved the way for unionization. The workers in general were made to work in harsh conditions. Ethnic women workers faced the brunt of these issues. They wanted a support system that would fundamentally protect their interest and needs. This need for collective support had led to the formation of the unionized labor.



有很多研究表明,学生从父母的互动中受益。有许多研究表明了这一点。如果家长在学校的工作中做出积极的努力,学生将会受益,这是众所周知的。教师和家长的回应,认为父母的参与是被考虑的(Blackmore & Hutchison, 2010)。然而,在现实中,父母和教师的关系是复杂的,不能一概而论。父母和老师性格不同,性格不同,这影响了他们的关系。

性别的刻板印象对教学机构的行为起着重要的作用。这可能会增加教师家长关系中的冲突,并最终影响到学生(Desforges & Abouchaar, 2003)。父母的知识、文化信仰和各种问题的观点是多种多样的。在这个系统中,学生在冲突的环境中成长会更加困难。在说明家长参与对所有学生都有好处之前,在社会上解决这些冲突是很重要的。教师们面临着许多问题,在这个系统中,他们很难与难相处的家长打交道。


There is much research that indicates that the students are benefitted from parent interaction. There are many researches that indicate the same. It is considered as common knowledge that the students will be benefitted if the parents take an active effort in the working of the school. The responses of teacher and parent that advocate the parental involvement are considered (Blackmore & Hutchison, 2010). However, in reality, the parent and teacher relationships are complex and cannot be generalized. The parents and the teachers have different personality and temperament and this can impact the relationship.

There is a stereotype of gender that plays an important role for the teaching institutions to behave. This could increase the conflicts in the teacher parent relationship and ultimately impacting the students (Desforges & Abouchaar, 2003). The parent’s knowledge, cultural beliefs and viewpoint of the various issues are found to be varied. In this system, it would be more difficult for the students to thrive in an environment of conflict. It is important to address these conflicts in the society before stating that parent involvement can be good for all the students. The teachers are found to face a number of issues and in this system, it would be difficult for them to deal with difficult parents.




随机漫步理论有两种截然不同的模式,在这两种模型中,数据或信息的快速合并对分析师和投资者都是不利的。来自公众的信息不会帮助分析师或投资者选择被低估的股票,因为市场已经将信息纳入了安全价格(Xu and Zhang, 2014)。

根据研究学者们的观点,主张随机漫步理论的人认为,这种理论是由具有相似分布的安全价格变化构成的。它还表明,安全价格变动并不相互依赖,这意味着它们是独立的。因此,不能利用以前的安全价格或市场趋势来预测其未来的走势(Zhang和Yang, 2016)。按照这个概念,安全价格是随机的,也是不可预测的。


根据随机漫步理论的支持者们的说法,如果不承担额外的风险,就不可能超越或打破市场。有效市场假说认为,股票价格完全复制了完全可用的信息和预测;因此,实际价格是对公司内在价值的最好估计。这将阻止任何人以稳定的方式对错误定价的证券进行开发,因为价格的变动是随机的,并且会被意外事件所驱动(Dunham, 2013)。为此,研究这一课题的学者们主张投资于一个被动管理的多元基金。


There are two distinct models of the random walk theory, and in both models, the rapid incorporation of the data or information is not beneficial to the analysts and investors. The information gathered from the public will not assist an analyst or investor in selecting undervalued stocks because the market has already incorporated the information into the security price (Xu and Zhang, 2014).
According to the research scholars, who advocates random walk theory addresses that the theory consists of security price alterations with having similar distribution. It also indicates that the security price alterations are not dependent to each other that mean they are independent. Therefore, the previous movement or trend of a security price or market cannot be utilized to forecast its future movement (Zhang and Yang, 2016). As per the concept, the security prices take a random as well as unpredictable way.


According to the supporters of the random walk theory, it is not possible to outperform or break the market without assuming the extra risk. The efficient market hypothesis states that stock prices completely replicate the complete available information and prediction; thus, the actual prices are the best estimation of a firm’s intrinsic value. This would prevent anyone from the exploitation of the mispriced securities in a steady way, as the movements of prices are random and use to be driven by the unforeseen incidents (Dunham, 2013). For this reason, the research scholars who work on this topic advocate the investment in a passively managed well-diversified fund.