
英国 代写:品牌设计的影响

英国 代写:品牌设计的影响

品牌是一个特定地理位置的文化、社会学和意识形态内涵的象征。品牌的理念是重申公司产品的价值,并与目标消费者产生积极的共鸣(Dubois & Duquesne, 1993)。Schroeder, Salzer-Morling &Askegaard(2006)指出,该地区的品牌文化是对该品牌的文化准则和该地区的历史的借鉴。品牌试图影响当地的文化,创造一种消费文化,另一方面消费者的需求也被影响到品牌的创造。有一种循环关系被发现对彼此有影响。在当今时代,人们发现技术的出现对通讯方式产生了深远的影响。群体文化决定了品牌在社会中的形象(Holt, 2012)。

英国 代写:品牌设计的影响

这些有趣的设计将理论框架与战略独特的概念相结合,为消费者解读意象和隐藏的意识形态创造了空间。然而,在图像的呈现和消费者对图像的感知之间存在差距(Schroeder, Salzer-Morling & Askegaard, 2006)。该系统的品牌和品牌内容发现改变的基础上,消费者和产品的功能。每个公司都有自己的与人沟通的方法。通过案例分析来了解文化对不同目标群体的影响是很重要的。为了更详细地理解这些概念,本文对香奈儿品牌进行了案例分析。本分析的目的是研究香奈儿品牌及其数字品牌技术的影响。

英国 代写:品牌设计的影响

Brand is a symbolization of the cultural, sociological and ideological connotations of a particular geographical location. The notions of the brand are to reiterate the values of the company’s product and resonated a positive image with the target consumer (Dubois & Duquesne, 1993). Schroeder, Salzer-Mörling &Askegaard (2006) stated that the brand culture of the place is a reference to the cultural code of the brand and the history of the place. The brand tries to influence the culture of the place and create a consumer culture and on the other hand the consumer’s requirements are influenced for the creation of the brand. There is a cyclic relationship that is found to have an impact on each other. In the current times, the advent of technology has been found to have a profound impact on the ways of communication. Crowd culture dictates how the brands are perceived in the society (Holt, 2012).

英国 代写:品牌设计的影响
These interestingly combine the theoretical framework with strategic unique concepts and create spaces for the consumers to interpret the imagery and hidden ideology. However, a gap is found to be developed between the presentation of the image and the consumer perception of the imager (Schroeder, Salzer-Mörling & Askegaard, 2006). This system of branding and the branded content is found to change based on the consumer and the product functionalities. Each company is found to develop its own methods of communicating with the people. It is important to undertake a case by case analysis to understand the impact on culture on different target groups. To understand the concepts in detail, case study analysis of Chanel brand has been done in this analysis. The purpose of this analysis is to study the impacts of Chanel brand and their digital branding techniques.