

《美国奴隶》一书的作者弗雷德里克·道格拉斯(Frederick Douglass)写了这本书。他是非洲裔美国文学传统的著名作家,这本书是他1845年出版的第一本自传,那是在道格拉斯脱离奴隶制度之后的7年。




The book ‘Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave’ was written by Frederick Douglass. He was a well known writer of the African American literary tradition and this book was his first autobiography published in 1845 that was seven years after Douglass escaped himself from slavery.

Two pillars of the master slave relationship
Douglass analyzed that no slaves knew their true ages. With his experience, Douglass came to know that owners of the slaves keep their slaves ignorant of their true ages deliberately. This is used by whites as a tactics for retaining their power and control over slaves and Douglass used this in his narrative as a recurrent structure (Douglass, 2000). Through his personal experiences as a slave, Douglass had tried to analytically present the experiences of the slaves with which he tried to explain the phenomenon on which slavery at that time worked and the reasons were also presented for it being a wrong practice. Douglass through his antislavery argument tactically tried to analyze the institution of slavery and tried to present the ways in which slavery worked. The analysis presented by Douglass clearly makes other understand the evils of slavery with the depth of its wrongness and brutality that ruined the lives of numerous slaves. For majority of people that were not abolitionists’ slavery was just a natural practice. According to their economic and religious arguments blacks were regarded as inferior to whites and they were believed to be part of enslaved labor force (Frederick, 2009). Douglass through his intense study makes it clear that slavery was sustaining in the society not because of any sort of superiority of whites over blacks due to some natural conditions instead it was due to concrete and contrived strategies of whites of sustaining their power and holding their control over blacks. This can be easily analyzed with the example that whites deliberately take black children away from their slave mothers and they were also forced to grow up as slaves as their mothers.













In the film industry of US, the big six in major film studios of Hollywood are known to be Warner Bros., Buena Vista by Walt Disney, and 20th Century Fox by News Corp., Paramount by Viacom, Columbia or Sony, and Universal by NBC universal Inc. In the year 2012, Warner Bros. had been successful in possessing 15.4 per cent of the shares in this highly competitive market (Interbrand, 2012). With the initiation of growth and increase in the competition within the industry, the organization has been facing difficulties in sustaining its position within the market.

Success Factors

The industry of films is extremely competitive in nature; the organization can consider improving its position by the consideration of particular actions like making an improvement in the global appeal (Interbrand, 2012). With an increase in the investment for technological advancement, the organization will be able to sustain its competitive advantage within the industry.

Hence, it can be stated that the main factors of success in the organization of Warner Bros is the level of competition, its investment, and innovative and creative practices.

Sources of comparative and competitive data

Amount of investment being made in programming and content is known to be playing the most significant role. The organization holds the belief that as an increase in the scope of distribution systems that will result in the proliferation of the end users (Standard & Poor’s, 2004). This contributes in providing them with the extra competitive advantage as it seems to compel the content attracting the audience to a number of distribution platforms.

Strategic Issues

There are a number of business challenges involved that converge for ushering the organization towards a completely digital environment. Within the business, it has been found that there is lack of interconnection and integration amongst the groups within the organization. In addition to this there mounting pressures of cost and shrunken windows on release (Interbrand, 2012).

As a significant operational issue, Warner Bros considers no concrete process for the selection of which films should be made. Because of this particular issue, there is a clash in the ideas of team members working on projects that give a significant rise to the issues in management of human resource.





The projects which are evaluated above are for the increase of the company profits, growth and prosperity, which consequence in the increase of the shareholders wealth through capital gains and the dividend. The shareholders were demanding for the increase of their share price or the capital gain in other word.
Project E:
So for this it is clear that the Project E is the project with least priority as it will give loss to the company. It is good that company has the ability of the vertical integration but its only work when there is a benefit. In the proposed backward integration, there were losses in the first five years and it also further seems that the company sales will decrease for the new product. Therefor, it is not recommended to adopt such project which will lead to the loss and put no benefits to the company.
Project C and D:
The projects C and D will least effect the company’s share price and dividend or the future sales growth or the expansion. Although these projects will pay the positive effect in the company spatial and décor but will not directly affect the share price. So we will also keep these projects aside and will not consider. Also if company feels that it is necessary to renovate it or install carpet or have new floor, it has to see its vault. It they have resources they must go for the vinyl flooring or if it has limited resources then it must go for carpeting.
Projects A and B:
As for Projects A and Projects B are concern we will prefer project B over Project A due to the greater NPV value and the Higher Internal rate of return. These projects have very less and marginal differences as for as capital budgeting techniques are concerns but its depend on the company that either it has the invest huge amount for the greater income or not. If it may so it is recommended that it must adopt the project B. Otherwise Project A also has the ability to generate positive cash flows but in little amounts.



对第十八世纪早期的阶段结构的一个典型的例子是Andrea Pozzo。这些形式的戏剧实际上代表一个剧场。这里有一个半圆形的座位。然而,这种住处不像礼堂里的罗马式座位安排。罗马时尚有更多的曲率安排与倾斜的座位。然而,这里的画廊是分开的,只是在舞台前。这描绘了舞台为焦点(第八章)。

在第十八世纪的剧院结构承诺精心设置的艺术家。一方面,工匠们致力于发展舞台空间、舞台空间的特征和氛围,另一方面,人们致力于舞台空间的机械。在另一个完全不同的结尾,人们把注意力集中在观众的便利上。大多数这些剧院来精心的座位安排和艺术家如何才能使前台显示弓为人们更好的。有,但是,在这些结构中的几个权衡。例如,一个艺术家可能会设计一个剧院的比例,可以带出舞台剧在非常奢侈的比例。然而,在这样做的时候,他们将不得不权衡的座位上,可以设置在剧院或方式的座位安排可以看台口的数量。卵形的礼堂在当时很普遍,而且是马蹄式礼堂。这些形式的画廊是Patte和变型设计中使用的d’imolo剧院的时间。一个直边的形状是由一些与平行的画廊和墙壁。这些形式的直形画廊方便两个目的。他们帮助艺术家们在画廊周围工作的方式更加逼真,其次是那些对画廊感兴趣的人可以在他们周围走动。在以后的岁月里,Giuseppe Bibiena的舞台风格,介绍了平台的伊丽莎白形式。这些更让人想起英国剧场。建筑风格,艺术和建筑创造的空间突出了英语风格比意大利和法国。


A typical example of the stage architecture of the early eighteenth century is Andrea Pozzo. These forms of theatre actually represent more of a playhouse. Here there were seating accommodations in the form of a semi circle. However, this accommodation was not like the Roman seating arrangement in an auditorium. The Roman fashion had a much more curvature arrangement with the seats in sloping style. Here, however, galleries were divided and were just before the stage front. This depicted the stage as the focal point (Chapter VIII).

The theatre structure in the eighteenth century promised elaborate settings for its artists. At one end, artisans were working on developing the stage space, the characteristics and atmosphere of the stage space and at another, people were devoted to the machinery that can be used in the stage space. On another completely different end, people were focused on the conveniences of the audience. Most of these theatres came with elaborate seating arrangement and artists were working on how they could make the display of the proscenium arch better for the people. There were, however, several tradeoffs in these constructions. For instance, one artist would probably design a theatre proportion that could bring out the stage play in a very extravagant proportion. However, in doing so they would have had to trade-off on the number of seats that can be set in the theatre or the way the seating arrangements might look at the proscenium. Ovoid auditoriums were common at this time, and also were horseshoe style auditoriums. These forms of galleries were the design of the Patte and variants were used in the time of the Teatro d’Imolo. A straight sided shape was used by some with galleries that were parallel to one another and the walls. These forms of straight shaped galleries were convenient for two purposes. They helped the play to be more realistic in the ways that the artists would work around the galleries, and secondly the people who were interested in looking at the galleries could walk around them. In later years, the theatrical style of Giuseppe Bibiena introduced a Elizabethan form of platform. These were more reminiscent of the playhouses of England. The style of construction, the art and architecture used to create the spaces highlighted the English style more than the Italian and the French.



尽管美国媒体说川普只针对非法移民,但是事实上对合法移民也进行了政策调整,以下是高阶 美国论文代写网的小编汇总的具体内容。


上述政府救济不再限于现金救济。比如以前父母移民在加州纽约麻省一些州可以享受medicaid免费医疗,因为不是现金,但现在马上不允许了。类似的还有老年公寓也不准绿卡去住了。用了也属于deportable。如果是亲属移民的sponsor, 政府将让绿卡本人赔偿。 文件规定OMB必须出台一个报告,写明移民(不是非法移民)如何占有了美国100 billion美元的资源。这其实是对合法移民的一个先遣令,随后法令会让OMB去论证。同时,联邦政府将出台一个定期报告,对比非美国出生的移民家庭(注意不是非法移民)和美国本土出生家庭(特别写的native born)对美国资源的占有如何不同,目的是让美国人(本土人)认定移民家庭如何浪费了美国资源。

第二个是针对合法的劳工移民。 改革H1B分配方式,不准移民抢美国本土人的工作。只允许移民中最聪明的人留下。重新修改工作移民eb, 不准抢美国人工作,可以预见以后排期会越来越长,多半还有很多security check。


严打tourism citizenship ,要求联邦政府发表发表定期报告,展示合法和非法移民对美国就业的抢占,让多少美国人没有工作,特别用了legal and illegal immigrant workers。此结果导致本土美国白人更加憎恨外国来的移民了。

美国新闻媒体资深评论员Thomas Friedman说道,美国对移民政策的重大调整,将会对欧洲及其它移民国家的政策产生深远影响。

以上内容由高阶 美国论文代写网整理提供。





According to Keynes the principle objective in the context of formulating a fiscal policy for the state is to ensure that everybody is employed (Keynes, 1980). Governments might choose either a discretionary fiscal policy where the federal budgeting will be adjusted so as to rev up the deficit spending. Alternatively there is another approach called the automatic stabilizers, where the policy will be built in the tax structure. Discretionary fiscal policy has only been used in two periods in the United States. Primarily it was used in the recession of 1981-1982 and later in the time period of 2008-2009. For economic stimulation in 2008-2009, the Government attempted to create a fiscal stimulus which resulted in a large deficit. Automatic stabilizers were also used in this time, and the automatic stabilizer stimulus was seen to be more effective than the discretionary fiscal policy style stimulus. This was observed in the way the deficit created in non-discretionary was higher.
One of the prime fiscal policies that were introduced during the time of the recession was that of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. During the time of the recession where an influx of money was desired to stimulate the economy, the then president Barack Obama authorized a 787 Billion US dollars stimulus package. The primary prerogative of this stimulus was to ensure that businesses were able to severity of the economy (Scully, 2009). People were given unemployment aids at the time and Medicaid was sourced into in order to provide this assistance. Also educational institutions were kept running by using the fiscal policy budget. The spending and the authorization of the individual allocations were regulated by means of the Office of Management and Budget. There were some concerns that existed from earlier times, such as adequate data documentation on the spending. During the period of implementation of this fiscal policy the documentations and accounting were made clearer. After much debates in 2009 between the Democrats and the Republicans, a 410 billion dollar spending bill was passed, it was signed in the same year (CFG, 2009).









这些特定的标准有助于指定的测试设备生成和测量的数字系统的同步层次的基础上的数字系统中的漂移和抖动。作为一个推荐的标准,ITU-T g.8264,ITU-T g.8262很重要,和ITU-T g.8261。测量的性能可以在以太网同步系统层的物理形式上完成。在误码率测试中的一个位集可能是类似设备的一个重要部分,或者可以进行物理分离。按照这一特定标准的建议,有建筑的描述中使用的定义在这个特殊标准的建议,考虑与通用架构的功能相关的运输网络[ 29 ]。这个特定的标准的应用,可以在一些映射。对SDH传输网络的相关功能的体系结构进行描述和解释的一般规则被利用在G.805推荐定义。


As stated by the parameters of this standard, skew (time) is referred to as the magnitude of the duration amongst two events that have ideal occurrence in a simultaneous manner. In addition to this, as per these standards, jitter is referred to as the deviation of time of a controlled edge generated by the devices of PPL from the basic nominal position. This particular standards utilize architecture of Token Ring with an optical fibre as the key primary medium of transmission. As specified by this particular standard, the lower level of sub- layer at the physical form of the layer for the Interface of Fibre Distributed Data.
A concept that is more generalized for the testing in compliance of jitter is established where the properties of phase related to the signal at the levels of signal, apart from the nominal switching point of the receiver being considered along with the properties of phase at the nominal threshold for the detection of receiver. In this particular standard, the technical report of MJSQ is utilized as a base for a number of methodologies related to the specification of signals within these particular documents. A test of input tolerance phase for testing equipment, specific jitter measurement definitions and uses payloads with concatenated PRBS for emulating the worst scenario while testing are only some of the important elements of this standard.
These particular standards help in specifying the equipment of test for generating and measuring the wander and jitter in the digital systems on the basis of synchronous hierarchy of the digital world. As a point of recommendation, it is important that the standards ITU-T G.8264, ITU-T G.8262, and ITU-T G.8261. The performance of measurements can be done at the physical form of layer of the synchronous systems of Ethernet. A bit set in the test of error rate may be a significant part of the similar equipment or can be having a physical separation. As per the recommendation of this particular standard, there is utilization of the description in architecture being defined within the recommendations of this particular standard in consideration with the generic architecture of functions related to the networks of transportation [29]. The application of this particular standard can be done on a number of mappings. The architecture of functions related to the transport networks of SDH is described and explained utilizing the generic rules being defined within the recommendation of G.805.





TR Ltd is a manufacturing organization of medium size that is planning to make a change within the organization. The Board of Directors seem to be showing concern towards the levels of efficiency and output, and since recent time a decision has been reached upon for radically reorganizing the division of assembly in persuading the increased level of efficiency. The case reflects the attitude of managing director, human resource director, finance director and the director of production towards the implementation of change. This change is being implemented without even informing the members of the staff and they are not concerned about informing them even when it will result in influencing the assembly line workers.
Resistance to Change
Resistance towards change has been identified as one of the most significant factors that can impact the success related to changes in the organization that include new innovations in the technology, new structure of the organization and new policies. It has been indicated by Maurer 1996 that majority of the efforts for implementation of organizational change fail due to the lack of resistance towards change. Hence, resistance towards change is known to be one of the most significant factors of success or failure. Since recent times, resistance towards change has been focusing on the reaction of behaviour. As per Abolafia and Brower (1995), resistance is referred to as a specific type of inaction or action (Daft, 2010). However, Mael and Ashforth (1998) have defined resistance to change as intentional actions of defiance or commission or omission (Burke, 2011).
Managers having the responsibility to roll out an initiative of change often end up blaming the others due to the failure taking place in the initiative, instead of an acceptance of their own role in the failure. There are chances that the employees will be doing the same thing while the blame is assigned for the attempts in failed change towards the managers, instead of themselves (Carnall, 2007). To successfully deal with the resistance, the major factor is the ability of representing the change in an accurate manner, for describing the sources related to resistance within the individual, and for choosing and implementing the strategies as per what is appropriate in order to address and overcome this particular source.





Current Position of the brand in the market is strong but it can be improved even further as it is far from competing stores like Amazon. ASOS however, have earned revenue of 753.8 million Pounds in 2013 with the net income of 29 million pounds. The company is increasing its market share every year. The company is also concentrating towards increasing its international sales and that is the reason for their 142% increased sale for year 2010 than 2009. (Telegraph.co.uk, 2011) Not only that, the company opened their international office in Australia in 2012. In 2013, there was another office in United States of America. The company currently has more than 4000 employees.
Company’s current position against their competitors is strong because of various reasons. The most important of these reasons includes the variety of products offered by the company to its customers. ASOS have left no stone unturned to make its customer happy and this is the reason they have a strong customer base. Not only is the company provides a variety in its products, it’s also provides the variety in prices. The company has a product starting from as low as 5 pound to as high as 600 pounds. This makes the company real strong against their retailers. (ASOS, 2015)
Along with that, the target market of the company is very large starting from teenagers to old men and women. It covers a great deal of demographics as well by shipping to over 237 countries across the globe. The company also own different websites for every country and the monthly visit to these sites is approximately 13.6 million. (asosplc.com, 2014) The Company has offered around 50,000 brands to its customers and it happily diverts them to its rival’s website in case some item is not in company’s warehouse. This makes the company to standout amongst the rest. (Euromonitor.com, 2015)