
一個組織為了更好地了解自己的職責,承擔了企業社會責任報告的過程。這個過程包括各種成員,包括受組織運營影響的利益相關者(Crane, 2012, p.69)。 “利害關係”意味著個人在組織及其執行操作中擁有股份和利益。利益相關者包括員工、客戶和董事會、所有者、股東、政府機構、工會組織、媒體和其他。這些利益相關者通過他們的具體權利,幫助一個組織通過遵守社會法律獲得利潤,並通過有效的解決方案緩解其問題。在廣泛的範圍內,這些涉眾可以分為主要和次要兩類。主要的利益相關者是那些對組織的績效和業務有興趣的人。他們是參與組織成敗的員工、董事會、所有者和股東(Smith, 2003, p.55)。另一方面,二級利益相關者在組織的運作中起著積極和消極的作用。它們通過不斷的努力幫助實現組織所設定的目標。次要利益相關者的例子包括政府機構、工會團體、媒體、社會和政治團體等。利益相關者有一定的責任。 :可自由支配的責任,這個項目的目標組織提高個人和社會的福利。
在這裡,利益相關者的最終願望是成為一個企業公民。道德責任,這包括利益相關者的責任,以確保組織是否公平平等的成就目標。這需要遵守道德和社會規範(施瓦茨&卡羅爾,2003年第510頁)。法律責任,這下,利益相關者將有效地執行其業務通過遵守政府制定的法律規範。經濟責任,利益相關者可以執行他們的任務,協助組織通過可行的、經濟的方法。這樣,組織才能有效地滿足顧客和整個社會的需要。另一個受組織行為影響的群體是股東。它們在使本組織財政的現值最大化方面發揮著關鍵作用。滿足股東的需求可以創造財富,從而改善社會。它們在為可持續報告提供決議方面發揮關鍵作用,可持續報告是對本組織所面臨挑戰的一種解決辦法(Smith, 2003, p.63)。這些股東通過評估組織的績效(包括風險和挑戰)來處理組織的業務模型和治理策略。它們還在加強它們與各組織之間的聯繫方面發揮重要作用,從而協助實現各項目標。


An organization, in order to have a greater understanding of their responsibilities, undertakes the process of CSR reporting. This process includes various members including the stakeholders who are affected by the operations of the organization (Crane, 2012, p.69). A “stake” implies that an individual has a share and interest in an organization and its execution of the operations. The stakeholders include the employees, customers, and the board of directors, owners, shareholders, government agencies, union groups, media, and others. These stakeholders through their specific rights and assist an organization to gain a profit through the adherence of the social law and alleviates its problem through an effective solution. Within a broad spectrum, these stakeholders can be classified into primary and secondary groups. The primary stakeholders are the one who have an interest in the performance and the business of an organization. They are the employees, board of directors, owners, shareholders who are involved in the success and failure of the organization (Smith, 2003, p.55). On the other hand, the secondary stakeholders are the one who play an important part in the operations of the organizations both positively and negatively. They assist in the achievement of the goals set by an organization through continuous efforts. The examples of secondary stakeholders include the government agencies, union groups, and media, social and political groups etc. The stakeholders have certain responsibilities. They are:Discretionary responsibility,This projects the goal of the organizations to improve the welfare of the individuals and the society as a whole.
Here the ultimate desire of the stakeholders is to be a corporate citizen. Ethical Responsibility,This consists of the responsibility of the stakeholders to ensure whether the organizations are fairly equal in its achievements of the goals and objectives. This requires the adherence to the ethical and social norms (Schwartz & Carroll, 2003 p.510). Legal Responsibility,Under this, the stakeholders are expected to efficiently execute their operations through the adherence to the legal norms set by the government. Economic Responsibility,The stakeholders can carry out their task to assist the organizations by being feasible and economical in their approach. In this way, the organizations can cater to the needs of its customers and society as a whole in an efficient way. Another group who are affected by the actions of an organization is the shareholder. They play a key role in maximizing the present value of finance of the organization. Abiding by the needs of the shareholders generates wealth that acts as a betterment of the society. They play a key role in providing resolutions to sustainable reporting, which acts as an address to the challenges faced by the organization (Smith, 2003, p.63). These shareholders address an organization’s business model and the governance policies through an assessment of the performance of the organization including risk and challenges. They also play a vital role in strengthening the bonds between them and the organizations and as a result, assist in the achievement of the goals.











在这种利他主义行为中,一直有许多分析人士认为,个别国家的捐赠行为对援助和援助效果有很大的影响。在较大的人口统计中,对于接受援助的国家应该具备什么样的条件,存在着固有的困惑(Nowak, Sigmund. 562)。因此,向人民提供援助的行为带有互惠原则。这些条件符号是根据捐赠者和他们向人民提供的援助来解释的。互惠利他主义更清楚地定义了这些概念。这个概念最初是由Trivers提出的。在这些利他主义的概念中,预期接受方将由于他们所得到的好处而向另一方提供某种形式的互惠。它本质上是在这样一种情况下产生的,即接收方根据利他主义的规则被期望回报恩惠。这是一个复杂的动态过程,取决于每种情况。有必要从主观表征的角度分析这些模式(Collinson, & Elhawary 4),可以认为这是一种以牙还牙的行为,也可以看作是一种超前的观念。在各国内部,在提供援助和援助的过程中,已经吸收了一些基本的概念和战略。
在商业交易中,有固定的资产买卖。退货由买卖双方商定。这是一种形式,所以双方相互同意了解资源和资源的用途。在这些原则中,议程是清楚的。在互惠关系中并非如此。这是在情境中最初给予者实际给予他们的化身。这一理念与现代慈善理念产生了共鸣。国家、公司和个人实体在帮助他人的同时,也期待着某些互惠的因素。在这个过程中,感激、鼓励和模糊的信息交换概念也得到了促进。在人道主义援助的情况下,互惠是模糊的。这种模糊的观念是人们在这一过程中产生困惑的原因。在分析在紧急情况下帮助这些国家的国家,例如在海啸期间向斯里兰卡和印度提供援助时,有一种基本的概念是向人民提供某种形式的有条件的援助(Hyndman 26)。然而,并非所有形式的援助或援助都带有互惠性。即使它带有互惠性,所有参与运营的利益相关者都能从中获益。


In this acts of altruism, there has been many analysts who argue that donor practices of the individual countries strongly influence aid and the effectiveness of the aid. There is inherent confusion in the larger demographies as to what conditions to postulate with the countries receiving assistance (Nowak, Sigmund. 562). Hence, the acts of assistance that is provided to the people are laced with principles of reciprocity. Those conditional notations have been explained based on the donors and the assistance that they provide to the people. Reciprocal altruism defines these notions more lucidly. This concept was originally introduced by Trivers. In these notions of altruism, it is expected that the receiving party would provide some forms of reciprocity to the other owing to the benefits they receive. It is inherently created in situation where the receiving party is expected to return the favors based on the rules of altruism. This is a complex dynamics that is dependent on each situation. There is a need to analyses these patterns from subjective representation (Collinson, & Elhawary 4). It could be considered to be a tit for tat act or pay it forward notion. Within nations, there are an underlying notions and strategies that have been imbibed during this process of providing aid and assistance.
In commercial transactions, there is a fixed selling or buying of assets. The returns are agreed by the parties in the sale. This is a form so mutual agreement between the parties to understand about the resources and the utility of the resources. In these principles the agendas are known clearly. This is not the case in reciprocity. There is the embodiment that the original giver in the situation is actually giving them. This concept resonates with the modern day philanthropy ideologies. Countries, companies and individual entities help another person while expecting certain reciprocal elements. Gratitude, encouragement and the obscure notions of information exchange is also facilitated in this process. In the case of humanitarian assistance, the reciprocity is kind of nebulous. This hazy notion is the reason for the people to be perplexed in the process. On analysis of the nations who helped the countries during exigent circumstances such as providing aid to Srilanka and India during the times of tsunami there was an underlying notion of some form of conditional help that has been provided to the people (Hyndman 26). However, not all forms of assistance or aid are laced with reciprocity. Even if it is laced with reciprocity there is gain for all the stakeholders involved in the operation.

mla 格式:关于赔款的不同争论

mla 格式:关于赔款的不同争论

在此期间,关于赔款有不同的争论。有些是要求金钱形式的赔偿。例如,1969年,这位经验丰富的民权运动组织者要求获得5亿美元,用于资助各种反贫困项目,比如成立一个名为南方土地银行(southern land bank)的国际黑人呼吁组织,监督美国和非洲的合作社发展。另一方面,其他组织认为,以个人甚至集体货币支付形式的赔款支持领土主权是不好的(Martin和Yaquinto 2007)。然而,现代赔款要求与以往有所不同;这是一种道德主张,主要由全国黑人政治精英和反种族主义自由派人士提出。因此,这些赔偿要求并没有受到对土地和领土的实际政治需求的干扰,但它们的利益在于对权力的领土认同和对多元文化资本主义的承认。相反的,科茨不同意这样一种观点,即严重的不平等是由于文化病态造成的,是黑人贫穷的原因。

mla 格式:关于赔款的不同争论

During this period, there were different arguments about reparations. Some were for compensation in form of money. For example, in 1969 the veteran civil rights organizer demanded for $500 million for funding various anti-poverty programs like the establishment of an International Black Appeal to oversee cooperatives development in the United States and Africa, southern land bank. On the other hand, other organizations argue that reparations in the form of individual or even collective monetary payment were not good by supporting territorial sovereignty (Martin and Yaquinto 2007).However, modern reparations demands are different from the earlier; it is a moral claim that is mainly advanced by national black political elites and antiracists liberals. Consequently, these reparations claims are not troubled by the actual political demand for land and territory, but their interest is in the territorial identity for power and recognition in the multicultural capitalism. Contrary Coates does not agree with the argument that the deep inequality is because of cultural pathology as the reason why the blacks are poor.
Moreover, Satter says that the inequality, racism and intergenerational wealth have come about due to the highly personal times of the empirically rich who supported discriminations activities like “buying on contract” restricting agreements, and redlining. These activities gave a lot of harm to black people by frustrating their efforts to buy homes because of many restrictions. These are some of the factors that form the legal actions and political organization undertakings such as civil rights activists that play a significant role in fighting racism practices. It is important to note that civil right activists are there to shape individuals, families and communities. Coates concur with Satter’s account of discrimination in Lawndale together with its past consequences and also basing in his own report with long time interviews with black residents from this place. According to Coates’s look of things, it clearly depicts that the discrete legacies about discrimination are as a result of persistent black inequality.

cibc woodstock:BI/BS系统

cibc woodstock:BI/BS系统

因此,它需要对竞争对手有一个正确的认识,他们的市场份额,大概的销售量等等。规划:规划是BI/BS系统定义和实现的下一个子阶段。在规划中,BI/BS功能的定义更加清晰。乐购及其竞争对手的一些现有数据被用来构建因果关系,为正在创建的设计创建培训和测试(Carlo, 2009)。在对模型进行数据分析和设计的同时,根据数据的形式选择数学模型(Moss & Attre, 2003)。以Tesco BI/BS系统为例,创建了系统原型。系统原型对于输入和测试从现有数据中收集的信息以及通过员工共享的信息非常有用。该原型对于为单个开发人员呈现BI/BS系统的更抽象的视图非常有用。该原型系统用于为Tesco的BI/BS模块创建系统的测试版本。

cibc woodstock:BI/BS系统

Similarly, customer complaints and returns could be used as an input feed and improved customer satisfaction could be simulated, and profits projection for Tesco could be tracked. The implementation benefits range anywhere from improved customer benefit, to improved transparency in decision making in the company. The Design: This is the next step in BI/BS planning, and in this stage there are usually two phases identified. Primarily a provisional plan is created. This provisional plan is that of the overall architecture of the BI/BS. In here the overall business processes of the BI/BS system can hence be understood. The second sub phase is to identify the individual process systems and each individual process system of the overall BI/BS system will cater to the requirements directly. The project manager must be skilled in order to identify the priorities of process models. Some of the process models are basic core to the business objectives, and others enhance the working of the core processes, so basic core process models must be given more priority in development over the sub processes. For instance, consider the below market share comparison module.This would be considered a core process in the system that is being developed as one of the basic requirements for the company to enhance its competitive advantage.
And hence it needs to have a proper understanding of the competitor, their market shares, approximate units sold and more. The planning: Planning is the next sub phase in the definition and implementation of the BI/BS systems. In planning BI/BS functionalities are defined more clearly. Some of the existing data on Tesco and its competitors are used in order to construct causal relationships, in order to create training and tests for the designs being created (Carlo, 2009).While data is analysed for patters and designs are done, mathematic models are also selected according to the form of data (Moss & Attre, 2003). In the case of the Tesco BI/BS system, a system prototype was created. The system prototype was useful to input and test information that was collected from existing data, and information shared via employees. The prototype was useful for presenting a more abstracted vision of the BI/BS system for individual developers. The prototype system was useful for creating test version of system for the BI/BS modules for Tesco.

cibc okotoks:恐怖电影的主题思想

cibc okotoks:恐怖电影的主题思想

这部电影的观众是那些真正喜欢看电影的新体验和感受的人。这是给恐怖电影的赞助人的。它主要是为了制造混乱。目标观众是所有恐怖电影的赞助者。故事的主题是主人公詹妮弗·劳伦斯最近卷入了一场事故,她在事故中幸存了下来。在布莱德利·库珀(Bradley Cooper)饰演的丈夫的陪伴下,她恢复了正常生活。据她回忆,事故发生在一条荒凉的高速公路上。她不知道自己最近穿过了一个使用黑魔法的地区。在这部电影中,她的手机闹鬼,被用作邪恶实体的媒介。每当人们使用手机时,他们就会被困在噩梦中。这种实体迫使大脑去体验人们隐藏的恐惧和恐惧。故事情节将会引出劳伦斯如何处理这个陷阱,以及她能否从睡梦中醒来。争论的主要问题是,应该通过强大的屏幕播放来有效地解决这个问题。

cibc okotoks:恐怖电影的主题思想

The audience for this movie are the people who genuinely like new experiences and feeling while watching movies. This is for the horror movie patrons. It is primarily to create discomfiture. The target audience are for the horror movie patrons across the spectrum. Main theme of the story is that the protagonist Jennifer Lawrence is recently involved in an accident where she survives. She is nursed back to normalcy with her husband played by Bradley Cooper. The accident as she recalls happens in a desolate highway. She is not aware that she had recently crossed through an area where black magic is practiced. In this, her phone gets haunted and is used as a medium for an evil entity. Whenever people use the phone, they get transported and trapped in their nightmare. This entity forces the mind to experience the hidden phobias and fears of the people. The story line would lead to how Lawrence handles this trap and if she is able to wake up from her slumber. The main issue in contention is that this should be tackled efficiently with a strong screen play.
The lighting would be adjusted from low key lighting to bright lights based on each nightmare that develops in the story. The genre style for this movie is horror and the subgenre for the movie is thriller. There will be gloomy mood that is maintained throughout the movie. The light effect would be a bright light. The purpose of this is that the audience would not be able to tell the difference between what is real and what is imaginary. This is inspired from the movie Oculus. But the treatment of the storyline would be different. Even though this movie is for the horror movie patrons, it will still be an Avant Garde movie. It will be experimental movies that makes people question in the illusion of dreams. The narrative theme of the movie is inspired from a number of sources. There will be the discussion of psychology, illusion, fragments of reality. Like Inception, this movie is based on the narrative theme of dreams. Buddhist doctrines of illusion will also be discussed in this movie.











研究方法:本研究为定量研究。定量研究是一种将重点放在研究数据收集的客观测量风格。数据收集是通过问卷调查、民意调查等方式完成的。还可以利用现有的统计数据。使用定量数据的优点是,可以从较大的总体中收集数据,并且这些数据可以在总体中推广。因变量和自变量之间的关系可以得到验证,本研究还研究了相关性。因果关系可以研究(Walle, 1997)。使用定量研究,研究人员将能够收集一个更收敛的推理风格,而不是一个分歧的。这里的研究是为了了解一些变量之间是否存在相关性,以及研究中假设的假设是否成立,因此定量研究风格更适合。数据收集工具:研究人员使用调查问卷。这是一种有用的方法,可以从许多参与者收集数据,并可以包括开放结束和封闭结束的问题。包括的问题都是封闭式的。收集问卷数据,SD,使用excel工具了解显著性水平。数据表示也使用Excel。


Research Methodology: The research being employed is a quantitative research. A quantitative research is one that would focus on an objective measurement style for research data collection. The data collection is done by questionnaire survey, polls, and more. Pre-existing statistical data might also be made use of. The advantages of using quantitative data are that data can be collected from a larger section of the population, and this data can be generalized across the section of population. Relationship between dependent and independent variable relationships can be verified, and the research also studies correlations. Causality relationships can be studied (Walle, 1997). Using quantitative research, the researcher would be able to gather a more convergent reasoning style than a divergent one. Here the research is for understanding if there are correlations in some variables, and if the hypothesis assumed in research is true, so the quantitative research style is better suited. Data Collection Instrument: The survey questionnaire has been used by the researcher. This is a method which is useful to collect data from many participants, and can include both open ended and closed ended question. The questions included are closed ended. The questionnaire data are collected and SD, and significance levels are understood by using the excel tool. Data representations are also made using Excel.
Participants: The participants for this research are the tourists who attend the food and wine festival. The participants are presented with a survey questionnaire and a consent form. It is critical to get the consent of the participant before data is gathered from the participant as the consent is important, it is ethical to get their consent first. 150 participants were selected for the research by means of a random sampling method. The researchers wanted to find out the participant’s motivation to go to the show next year and as such framed questions in this angle. Some of the motivation questions asked were whether the participant attended the event as a form of escapism from daily life, or with friends, with likeminded people, as something of a new experience, cultural experience and more. The demographic data of the participants are also collected along with information on whether the participant is satisfied with the day’s event. This question is included with the assumption that if a participant is satisfied with a current, event then they would be more likely to attend future events. A direct question to understand, if they would attend the future events is also considered.



根据我个人的经历,写作业的过程为我创造新的身份提供了更好的机会,这与我导师的期望和要求是一致的。这种身份有助于为提出相关论点提供声音(Hyland 2011)。我明白这些写作的目的并不是为了强调语言发展的范围,而是有一个关注的方向,那就是以一定的学科形式来表现写作,既注重使用合适的语言,也注重表达准确的内容。这有助于提供一个广泛的写作范围,我将在大学面前呈现。考虑到自己的学术写作身份,我接受了作为一个作家的角色,接受了通过段落、句子、短语和单词的安排来构建意义的事实。如果我不考虑这个更深的层次,那么作者和文本就什么都没有了。因此,在我自己的学术写作身份中,我不仅关注臭名昭著的照亮这类元话语,而且我也相信用关键的表达来欣赏路标。从实际意义上讲,我注重把自己定位为一个作家,让写作的行为更具目的性。我在写作上总是有明确的理由去寻求明确的支持,并考虑投入更多的时间去提高自己的写作能力。Hyland(2011)的一项研究表明。


The process of writing an assignment, as per my own personal experience, provides a better opportunity for creation of new identity, one which is in alignment with the expectations and requirements of my tutor. This identity helps in providing a voice for presenting a related argument (Hyland 2011). I understand that the purpose of these writing does not lay stress on the scope of linguistic development, but there is direction of attention for featuring the writing in the form of certain disciplines, focusing on both, the use of appropriate language and the presentation of accurate content as well. This helps in providing a broad range of the writing I am going to present in front of the university. Considering my own academic writing identity, I accept my role as a writer with an acceptance of fact that there is construction of meaning by the arrangement of paragraphs, sentences, phrases and words. If I do not consider this deeper level, there is nothing left with the writer and text. Hence, in my own academic writing identity, I not only focus on notoriously lighting this type of meta- discourse, but I also believe in appreciation of signposts with the key presentation. In the practical sense, I focus on identifying myself as a writer making the act to write with a more intentional. I always have a specific reason for seeking out explicit support in writing, and consider devoting more time for the improvement of my ability in writing assignments assigned by the university, as identified in a research conducted by Hyland (2011).
For the provision of helpful insight in the process of writing, I always consider the sense of urgency over the task of writing, while ensuring that I do not harp the overall theme. When writing for one of the assignments, I realized that decisions in concern if there is adoption of impersonal style or for representing this in an explicit manner, there is a major impact on how there is delivery of message. And hence, I focused on maintaining soft disciplines, commenting on the lack of any real presence or voice in presenting the writing. In order to build a rhetorical consciousness in my major, I always focus on being aware of what I am doing, while critically evaluating the practice. For this purpose, according to Hyland (2011), focus is created on four main elements that are explanation of what has been done in the writing, structure of discourse, display of result and development of claim. These elements are most significant in writing for my major. According to Hyland (2011), as a student writing for the University, I focus on critiquing the guidelines offered commonly by the tutors, while comparing them with my own understanding about the same (Hyland2011).



与合适的组织和人员接触,并为当今的问题和需求带来最佳的解决方案(Kubey, 1997)。电视和报纸在某些地方仍然很重要,但通过手机、掌上电脑和其他电子设备与世界联系的最新趋势就在你的口袋里。你所需要的只是一个在线连接,你通过各种来源的网络连接,坐在一个地方可以访问整个广阔的世界(Agosto & Abbas, 2011)。Twitter、Facebook、Flicker、谷歌、Squidoo只是少数几个网站或引擎,它们可以让你与整个单词或你所选择的人保持联系。然而,社交网络领域的迅猛发展让生活变得如此忙碌和有趣,有时你的朋友就坐在你身边,你宁愿给他发短信或推特,而不是转向他聊天,这很简单,但却颇具讽刺意味。


A network is a group of connections shared by the people holding same interests, when we talk about networking in the media the field now has become extremely vast and vibrant. There are many options to keep you connected. Since new and diverse media has a strong impact on the lives of people all around the world, I can’t think to live one darn day without my cell phone or notebook. Since id feel so out-dated and out of this world every minute or second id pass without my lifeline.One has to keep connected and alert at all levels and the role of media literacy holds a crucial place since its shaping the views, thoughts and opinion of youth in particular and others in general. The media analysts are working day and night to decode the messages being shared to the world and the best way to keep connected is through various Networks (Potter, 2013). There are many NGO’s who are working in order to build a more productive and effective culture of literacy where they invite people, project initiators, other institutes to come and share their views, opinions, ideas, researches, publications and events etc.
And meet the right organizations and people to interact with and bring the best solutions to issues and needs of the day (Kubey, 1997).TV and Newspapers still have their importance somewhere but the latest trends in getting connected to the world is right here in your pocket, through cell phones, palm tops, and other gadgets. All you need is a connection online and you are connected through various sources of networks and by just sitting in one place may access the whole wide world (Agosto & Abbas, 2011).Twitter, Facebook, Flicker, Google, Squidoo are just a few networking sites or engines that keep you connected to the whole word or to the people of your choice. None the less the intense growth in the field of networking is making life so busy and fun that sometimes your buddy is sitting right next to you and instead of turning to him and talk you’d prefer texting him a message or tweet him instead, well easy but ironic.