



Independent variable was control group was given only books and no other medium to learn new concepts. Their results were examined and conclusions were drawn about this particular research. It was mentioned in the research data that efforts were undertaken to obtain results in the most neutral manner. The control group was made to learn from traditional book sources that were published in the current year. Their learning ability was documented in this scenario. While taking the exam it was ensured that the participants were made to take the test along in an uninterrupted quiet environment.Dependent variable in the case of the experimental group they were made to play a lot of video games when compared to the control group. There was even place to play games owing to improvement in cognition and reflexes. This is the dependent variable in this scenario. The experimental group was given opportunity to learn from similar academic textbook. No other tools like visual imagery tools, videos and online tutorials were provided. There were also video games at the end of the screen to improve reflexes of the brain. This was to check the impact of new learning method on brain. The students were made to learn from unconventional methods. The dependent variable was learning through digital media tools provided to the students.
Primarily the participants did not have any organic conditions. Other than these criteria the participants were chosen at random.In this experiment students were given video games and made to study. Students were made to study a completely new language. This suggests that students who playing computer game for long time did not out perform academic performance as well as students who played computer game for short time. The primary reason for undertaking this research is to understand the impact video games a it was proven that student who did not play video games improved in their results than the people who played video games. When the students played video games played video games for longer duration it was found that their potential to perform academically was reduced. They scored lower than their other counterparts owing to this reason. From this it was shown that learning process is disrupted owing to the impact of playing video games for longer duration. There is a general sentiment amongst the people that video games are distracting and causes bad grades. This is the reason for this analysis. From these results it was seen that there is no statistical backing for this analysis.

grant thornton怎么样:统计数据

grant thornton怎么样:统计数据

这种统计解释是用来解释一般数据特征的。通过对统计中两项基本措施的说明,进一步导致对资料的总结。这类统计数据的一个例子是集中趋势测量和分散测量(英国健康调查2012)。集中趋势测度进一步构成均值、媒介和模式。Mean表示数据集的平均大池(Health survey for England 2012)。Media演示了大数据集的平均值,mode提供了大数据集的重复值。色散测量还有助于解释距离、偏差和任何变化的存在。肥胖在英国的人口群体中日益受到关注。BMI或身体质量指数被认为是创造和批评肥胖发生率的最佳方式(2012年英国健康调查)。所选择的数据库利用BMI来估计肥胖,以及大多数超重个体描述的与身体活动和饮食(如不做任何运动或吃大量垃圾食品)的关系。为了计算BMI,将体重除以身高的两倍。根据比例估计,数据集描述了英国人仅在1年内体重增加的相对规模(Health ata glance 2013)。

grant thornton怎么样:统计数据

Such statistical interpretations are used for explaining the general data features. It further leads towards summarizing the information through explanation on 2 essential measures in statistics. An example of such statistics are central tendency measures and dispersion measures (Health survey for England 2012). The central tendency measure further constitutes mean, media and modes. Mean implies average large pool of dataset (Health survey for England 2012). Media illustrates large data sets average value and mode provides large dataset repeated values. Dispersion measures furthermore help in explaining about range, deviation and presence of any variation. Obesity is a growing concern among the population groups in UK. BMI or Body Mass Index is regarded as the best way by which obesity incidences can be created and critiqued (Health survey for England 2012). The selected database utilizes BMI to estimate obesity and the relationship that most overweight individuals depict with physical activity and diet (such as not doing any exercise or eating a lot of junk food). In order to calculate BMI, weight along with double times the height is divided. Depending upon the ratio estimate, the data set described the comparative scale of weight enhancement in people in UK over a period of 1 year only (Health at a glance 2013).
The measurements of weight from BMI helped to offer recommendations along with revealing the mistake that most individuals commit regarding diet and inadequate physical activity (Health survey for England 2013). The data sets were divided over 6 chapters wherein Chapter 2 to 6 covered overweight, physical activity performed along with the diet by maintaining important links to every statistics section. The last chapter described data sets related to health outcomes presenting wide range of data on obesity health outcomes which is inclusive of health risks, admission in health institutes and drugs prescription applied for treating obesity condition (Health survey for England 2012). The data sets were distributed only over a period of 1 year along with a comparison with the data sets in 2006 to 2007. For example, data sets revealed that in 2013, few men compared to women were consuming the recommended fruit portions and vegetables. Same proportion of girls and boys also engaged in consuming more than 5 portions every day. Furthermore of importance were the data sets regarding finished admission episodes in National health care institutes with obesity as primary diagnosis for approximately 9325 hospitals.






1) Report实践性更重一点,少写理论,多结合实际情况分析。对于某些Case Analysis的Report来说,一定要针对导师提供的Case来做分析,而不是自由发挥和滥用无关联的理论。所有分析都必须针对Case里的内容来进行。

2) 数据和图表的使用很重要。如果用到某公司几年内的某一项数据的变化,可以先列数据表格,再用柱状图、馅饼图或曲线图进行直观反映。字体格式:论文有明确要求字体格式、大小等时,根据要求来操作;论文没有明确要求字体大小等时,一般用用times new roman字体;12(小四);1.5倍行距;Word默认页边距;标题字体可加粗;每段落之间空一行;每段直接写,无需空格;在每页的右下角插入页数。

3) Table of Contents,一定要用Word自动生成格式。

4)Executive Summary,一般要出现“The main purpose of this report is to……”这样的标志性语句。一般来说,这部分主要介绍这篇Report的研究内容、研究对象、研究目的、研究意义等等一些概括性的东西。


6) Body,总原则“少写理论,多结合实际情况分析”,不要空谈。根据要求具体分析,用证据支撑、用事实说话。列出标题、次级标题、有必要时列出下一级标题。每段内容用简洁的语言提炼出要点关键词,然后进行解释和阐述。

7) Conclusion/Recommendation, 根据论文要求具体把握。

8) Reference: Reference是导师最看重的,所以请一定特别注意!绝对不能出现编造的情况,一定要真实。国外对这个问题查得很严。一旦查出有作假或抄袭情况,会直接挂科,甚至开除学籍。一般来说,Reference包含两个部分,一种是in-text reference 也就是在文章里的reference,一种是在文章最后出现的reference, 也就是reference list。一篇论文须要包含文中的in-text reference和文末的reference list。论文有明确要求几个Reference的,根据要求来把握;没有明确说明个数的,一般按照每千字3-4个来操作。


论文 代写:公私伙伴关系

论文 代写:公私伙伴关系

为了认识到这些优先事项,公私伙伴关系已被确定为执行新政策方向的一个重要工具。自最近以来,一些供资机构采取了政策,以便有时在现有制度下有利地审议公私伙伴关系,而在其他情况下,则通过诸如ARC联系赠款等新的倡议。一般而言,公私伙伴关系是指非政府组织或私营部门组织之间为改善基础设施网络和加强提供的服务而作出的一系列合作安排(Coghill, 2007)。这包括使用捐赠、外包、外包或公共物品私有化等资源。一般来说,透明度可以被确定为有效治理的一个关键属性,它是在政治、公民和国家之间建立问责制的先决条件。在最基本的层面上,治理的透明度是指通过清晰的程序和流程,整个政府系统的开放性水平,以及通过信息共享,公共服务的简单可达性(Dooren, 2011)。这进一步支持确保在提供个人业绩和处理资源方面保持问责制。
因此,可以说,透明度是个人、组织、公司和政府在明确披露信息的行动、过程、计划和规则时所具有的开放性。另一方面,问责制可以被认为更加复杂,Tisne (2010, p. 2)给出的定义如下:“广义上讲,问责制是指要求行动者对其行为负责的过程。更具体地说,它是一个概念,个人,机构和组织(公共,私人和公民社会)被认为有责任执行他们的权力,根据一定的标准(无论相互设置或不)”(Tisne, 2010,第2页)。在理想的意义上,问责制包括可转向性和可执行性。可答性可以被确定为责任承担者在提供与其行为有关的理由和信息方面的责任。可执行性是指由于未能回答责任要求而产生的后果或处罚的可能性。问责制在可回答性方面反映了弱势类别。虽然公众或公民主导的行动往往涉及声誉或软的同行压力,很少涉及强有力的执行力。

论文 代写:公私伙伴关系

In order to perceive these priorities, PPPs have been identified as a significant tool in the implementation of orientations regarding the new policy. Since recent times, there has been an adoption of policy by a number of funding bodies for the favourable consideration of PPPs, at times under the existence of system, while in other cases, by new initiatives such as the ARC Linkage Grants. In general sense, PPPs are referred to as a number of cooperative arrangements between the non-governmental or private sector organization for the improvement of infrastructure networks and the enhancement of delivered service (Coghill, 2007). This involves the use of sources like donating, outsourcing, out-contracting or privatizing public goods.In general, transparency can be identified as a key attribute of effective governance and it is a prerequisite for the establishment of accountability in politics, among the citizens and the states. At the most basic level, transparency in governance is referred to as the level of openness across the system of government by clear procedures and processes, and simple accessibility of public service by information sharing (Dooren, 2011). This further supports ensuring the maintenance of accountability in delivering individual performance and handling resources.
Hence, it can be stated that transparency is an attribute of individuals, organizations, companies and governments to be open in disclosing clearly the actions, processes, plans and rules of information. On the other hand, accountability can be considered to be more complex, and the definition provided by Tisne (2010, p. 2) is as follows:“Broadly speaking, accountability refers to the process of holding actors responsible for their actions. More specifically, it is the concept that individuals, agencies and organisations (public, private and civil society) are held responsible for executing their powers according to a certain standard (whether set mutually or not)” (Tisne, 2010, p. 2).In the ideal sense, accountability is said to involve bothanswerability and enforceability. Answerability can be identified as the responsibility of duty bearers in providing justification and information related to their actions. Enforceability is referred to as the possibility of consequences or penalties due to failure in answering the claims of accountability. Accountability provides a reflection of weak category in terms of answerability. While public or citizen-led initiatives often tend to involve reputational or soft peer pressure, with rare involvement of strong enforceability.



首先,经过讨论,我们小组决定使用primary research来收集研究课题的原始数据。这可以通过使用各种技术或方法来实现,例如电话访问、问卷调查和从现实生活中直接观察。因此,我们从初级研究中得到的反馈将基于人们的选择或观点,而我们也会进行二次研究,以增加反馈。第二项研究可以以已经进行的个案研究、已发表的统计数字和文本的形式进行,也可以利用个人接触和媒体宣传。区分二级研究和一级研究对市场研究专业人员具有重要意义。对于研究人员和分析人员来说,重要的是利用分析的表格和结构,并讨论已经提交的一些数据。主数据是由访谈的参与者以调查的形式收集的。在这里的研究中,使用了组合方法。研究中使用的辅助数据以表格的形式呈现,表格中有作者的观点,辅助数据来自书籍和网络。然后根据小组讨论,我们决定了哪个观点是有用的。


Firstly, after having discussions, our group decided to use primary research to collect original data for the topic under study. This could be met through using various techniques or methodologies such as telephonic interviews, questionnaires, and through direct observation from real life. Therefore, the feedback that we will get from the primary research will be based on the choice or the views of the people, while we will also carry out secondary research for the purpose of adding to the feedback. The secondary research could be in the form of already conducted case studies, published statistics and texts, and also the personal contacts and the media promotions have been used. To make a distinction between the secondary and the primary research is of high importance to the market research professionals. For the researchers and analysts, it is important to utilize tables and structures of the analysis, and discuss some of the data that has been submitted. Master data is collected by the participants of the interviews that are conducted in the form of a survey. For the research here, combine methodologies have been used. The secondary data used in the research has been presented in the form of tables where the view points of the author and the secondary data comes from books and internet. Then according to group discussing we made decisions which viewpoint is useful.
On other hand primary research only uses questionnaires but also is presented as a table for better discussions or observations. In our group, we prepared 10 questions for this questionnaire and 2 of 10 are open ended question. The research uses both qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data under the research has been collected via survey involving open ended questions and literature evidence regarding the subject, whereas the quantitative data has been gathered through survey questionnaires. Using mix methodology for the research here has enabled in collection of an appropriate range of data. Using primary data for the research is the best approach to analyze the feelings of the language learner about the use of mobile learning applications. Do the users of mobile technologies believe that it enables them to become better at learning, or do they only use it as a mean to strengthen their learning? Are the traditional methods to learning language better, or are they preferred over the mobile technologies? The primary research methods under the study here would address these questions. According to the feedback, obviously more and more young people tend to use mobile technology for learning English, rather than using traditional method.



从这个角度来看,很明显,世界上甚至没有一个单独的社会主义国家。每个国家只有不同程度的社会主义。从广义上看,最社会主义的国家是中国。这是因为国有企业占中国劳动力和经济总量的60%以上。大多数社会主义国家的下一行主要来自欧洲国家,丹麦位居榜首(Askanius et al . 2015)。据CNN报道,丹麦是全球最幸福的国家,挪威、荷兰、瑞典、加拿大、芬兰和奥地利紧随其后。道德心理学家乔纳森·海特(Jonathan Haidt)在2013年出版的《正义的心:为什么好人会被政治和宗教分裂》(The justice mind: Why good people are divided by politics and religion)一书中指出,自由主义者有必要感到自己与他人平等,而保守派往往有一种凌驾于某些人之上的冲动。这就要求丹麦成为最适合美国自由社会主义者的国家。然而,丹麦民主社会主义最好的部分是工作和工人的价值(Gardner 2015)。
他们似乎明白,在一个不重视劳动的社会里,什么也不能发展,因此,等级和工人甚至比经理更受尊重。在丹麦社会,人们常常通过性格的强弱来判断一个人,而不是通过他们的职业地位或薪水来判断。会议计划在周末休假,不仅包括高层或中层人员,还包括工作场所的所有成员。每个人都有权发表意见。此外,大多数办公室都有一个用餐区或厨房,休息时间是社交聚会。尽管在丹麦工会成员不是强制性的,但仍有约80%有工作的男性和女性是工会成员。此外,丹麦的经济平等主义以集体谈判为核心。这意味着在没有政府的干预下,员工以及雇主都有能力在亲子关系期间就工资、工作、休假等问题进行谈判(Morris et al . 2015)。丹麦人重视工作与生活平衡的方式,仅仅是社会主义理论应用于丹麦多样化经济的结果,在丹麦,人们工作越多,就不考虑不健康和反社会。此外,高度以政治权力为基础的分散制度增加了丹麦的价值。


From this perspective, it becomes clear to state that there is not even an individual socialist state across the world. There only exist varying socialism degrees in each country. The most socialist if viewed from a general perspective is considered to be China. This is because of the enterprises being owned by state that account for more than 60 percent of the workforce and economy of China. The next line of most socialist nations is mostly from European nations with Denmark leading the list (Askanius et al 2015). According to CNN, it happens to be that Denmark is the happiest nation across the globe with Norway, Netherlands, Sweden, Canada, Finland and Austria followed by it. According to moral psychologist, Jonathan Haidt, in his book, “The righteous mind: Why good people are divided through politics and religion”, (2013), it is essential for liberals to feel they are equal with everyone else while conservatives often have an urge to feel above to some. This calls for Denmark being the best fit for American liberal socialists. However the best part about democratic socialism in Denmark is the value of work and workers (Gardner 2015).
It seems that they understand nothing can be developed in a society where labour is disregarded and therefore ranks and workers are honoured more than even the managers. In the society of Denmark, people are often judged through character’s strength, not through their status professionally or the pay-check size. Conferences are planned for weekend getaway which include all members at the workplace not only higher level or mid-level people. Each person is given entitlement of expressing opinions. Most of the offices moreover are such that they have an eating area or kitchen place so that the breaks are social gatherings. Even though union membership is not obligatory in Denmark but still approximately 80 percent men and women with jobs are labour union members. Denmark’s economic egalitarianism furthermore has collective bargaining at its heart and ore. This implies that without the interference of the government, the employees as well as the employers have the ability of negotiating pay checks, jobs, leaves and leaves during paternity or maternity (Morris et al 2015). The way in which Danish value work and life balance is the mere result of socialism theory applied to the diverse economic of Denmark wherein people working more are not regarding not healthy and anti-social. Furthermore, the highly political power based decentralized system adds to the value with regard to Denmark.



考虑到这个案例研究,企业家艾迪决定创办善变的Rooster Productions公司。公司成立于2003年,是一家专门为广播电视节目录制音乐的媒体制作公司。艾迪和他的同事们以一种成功的方式共同创立了这家公司(Frith 2007)。在这段时间里,Eddie注意到在财务方面有困难,所以采取了一切努力将财务和资金带入企业。作为一个贸易中的个体也意味着Eddie承担着以前由合伙人承担的每一项责任。然而,创新作为一个推动者,帮助建立了专门为广播和电视制作音乐的业务(Henry and Johnston 2005)。生存的基本要求包括在若干不同的活动中实现多样化。
最初6个月的贸易活动可以被确定为一般小型但稳定地提供工作录音和电台广告写作的关键推动者(Poettschacher 2005)。尽管这不能被认为是在财务方面保证业务的足够数量,但它成功地为企业家创造了足够的现金,因为企业家对所从事的工作非常挑剔。在这方面,一个关键的推动因素是当地社区中心的社会工作,该中心教授年轻人如何播放音乐,以及他们如何考虑使用计算机软件来作曲。随着与生俱来的创业能力的培养,会产生不同寻常的结果。这有助于提高发展项目的投资回报水平,同时提高企业孵化器的成功范围(Frith 2007)。


Considering the case study, Eddie, the entrepreneur, took the decision of launching the business of Fickle Rooster Productions. Established in the year 2003, the business had been set up as a company of media production that specializes in recording and writing music for radio and television. The business had been co- found by Eddie with his colleagues he had been working with in a successful manner (Frith 2007). In this period, it had been noted by Eddie that there was a difficulty in terms of finance, and hence, every single effort was adopted for bringing finance and money within the business. Being an individual in trade also refers that Eddie held the assumption of each and every responsibility that was undertaken in the former setting by the partners. Yet, innovation as an enabler, helped in the establishment of the business that specializes in production of music for radio and television (Henry and Johnston 2005). The basic requirements for survival were inclusive of diversification within a number of different activities.
The activities of trade in the initial six months can be identified as key enablers for the general of small yet steadily supplying the work recording and writing the advertisements on radio (Poettschacher 2005). Even though this cannot be considered as a sufficient volume for securing the business in terms of finance, it was successful in generating sufficient cash for the entrepreneur for being extremely selective with respect to the undertaken work. One key enabler in this context was social work at the centre of local community teaching young adults how they could disc jockey, and how they can consider composing music by using the packages of computer software. As innate entrepreneurial ability is nurtured, there is yielding of extraordinary outcomes. This helps in increasing the level of return on investment in the programs of development while improving the scope of success in the incubators of business (Frith 2007).





These two cities have been far behind when it comes to capital growth yet the data suggested by sales has a rising transaction activity. While a robust growth can be seen in home values, even though largely centered on Melbourne and Sydney, the rental rates have not followed the same trend. Throughout the combined capital cities, an increase of 1.9% on the rental rates for houses and 3.0% for units has been seen over the 12 months leading to September 2014. Currently the rental growth is much lesser than the average growth rate of five years i.e. 3.9% representing that the rental pressure is very little currently and home value growth has outstripped the rental growth.Besides these it also tells that Canberra and Perth have both filed lowering rents across the last year. In fact only 18 months ago, Perth rents were increasing at an annual rate greater than 10% but since then the Perth market has experienced a substantial and rapid slowing of rental growth. There has been an ongoing softening of rental yields due to the outpacing of rental growth over the home value growth. As on September 2014, the net rental outcome for a capital city unit was 4.5% and for a capital city houses it was 3.7%.
Net rental outcomes are depreciating at rapid rate; a year ago, capital city rental outputs were measured at 4.7% for units and 4.0% for houses. With the sights of any vital rental increase lessened over the short-haul, the expectation is that the rental yields will soften while following the trend over the upcoming year. It also discusses that rental outputs have lessened across all cities in the past year at an individual capital city level. Sydney and Melbourne have the least yields among all capital cities at 3.8% and 3.4% respectively. Hobart and Darwin on the other hand have backed the greatest yields among all capital cities at 5.2% and 5.9% respectively. It is essential to recall that the values marked are gross outputs. Finally it tells that taking a view at housing finance, on an across the state basis reveals that in most states lending activity has extended. On a yearly average basis, capitalists in New South Wales pledged to $4.5 billion in finance in August.



因此,标准之间将没有一致性,以前的决定将不能为将来的决定提供任何指示。此外,框架应该能够增加用户对财务报表的理解,并在报表中获得信任。这将进一步促进不同公司之间财务报表的比较。第二,作为适当的发展概念框架的结果,应该有可能以更快的速度解决问题,而这应该可以通过使用目前的一般理论框架来实现。这里可以引用阳光矿业公司(美国)的例子,该公司出售两种债券相关的债券。该公司可以用1000美元或50银盎司(到期时价值更高)赎回这些债券。这两种债券都有一个特定的利率为8.5% (Pelger, 2015)。该公司现在将面临的问题包括,应记录的债券金额、债券折价的金额以及应摊销的金额。在这种情况下,IASB很难对这种情况规定适当的会计处理方法。然而,执业会计师需要通过适当的判断,在一致的基础上解决他们的问题,并使用一个普遍接受的概念框架,使他们能够专注于适当的解决方案。
此外,该框架有助于制定需要满足的正式认可标准,以便允许财务报表中考虑要素(Picker, 2016)。确认标准应包括符合要素定义的项目、未来经济效益与之相关的概率、流入或流经实体的要素、以及能够可靠地衡量该项目的成本或价值。然而,在具有挑战性的方面,概念框架被证明是非常普遍的,原则不那么具体,更多地依赖于几个假设。因此,当实际需要编制财务报表时,它可能提供较少的支持。这可能导致会计准则的发展,会计准则是安静的学术和易于欺诈。此外,这些标准使得财务信息的提供变得非常复杂,不仅对准备提供财务信息的人,而且对财务报告的使用者。概念上可能有精炼厂和纯粹性,但了解的复杂性和问题可能导致财务报表有用性被边缘化。


As a consequence, standards will not have consistency with each other and the previous decisions would not be able to provide any indication for future decisions. Additionally, framework should be such that it increases users’ understanding of financial statement and gains trust within the report. It should further lead towards enhancing financial statement comparison between different companies. Secondly, as a consequence of an appropriately development concept framework, it should become probable to solve issues at a faster pace and this should be possible through the use of current framework of general theory. An example can be quoted here of Sunshine Mining, (USA), which is an organization selling two bond related issues. The company could redeem them with either 1000 dollars or with 50 silver ounces (whichever had more value on maturing). Both the issues of bond have a specific rate of interest at 8.5 percent (Pelger, 2015). The company will now face issues such as what amount should bond be recorded, the amount of discount over bonds, as well as how much amount should be amortized. It is problematic for IASB in such a scenario to prescribe appropriate treatment of accounting for this situation. However, practicing accountants need to solve their issues on consistent basis by appropriate judgement and the use of a conceptual framework which is universally accepted allows them to focus on appropriate solution.
Furthermore, the framework helps in laying out the criteria of formal recognition that needs to be met in order to allow elements to be considered within statements of finances (Picker, 2016). The criteria of recognition should include an item that meets the element definition, the probability that any benefit in economy in future is related with, the element flowing to or through the entity, and the cost or value that the item can be reliably measured. On the challenging side, however, the conceptual framework proves to be highly general and the principles are less specific with more dependence on several assumptions. Therefore, it may offer less support when financial statements need to be produced actually. And this can lead towards accounting standards development which is quiet academic and prone towards fraud. Also, these standards make financial information provision very complicated not only for the ones preparing the provision but also for the financial report users. There may be refinery and purity in concepts, but the complication and problem in knowing may cause the financial statements usefulness to get side-lined.



假设一个人必须决定是坐汽车还是坐公共汽车去寺庙,自由意志不是幻觉,因为这个人可以自由选择他或她喜欢的行为类型。无论完成任务的决定是什么,这个人都要完全负责。当大脑发出信号时,大脑会让人自愿地做一件事,这表明这不是幻觉,而是真实的事件。人们自己做选择,同样地,每一个活着的人也做同样的选择。如果把自由意志看成幻觉,那么生活就是幻觉,人的存在也是幻觉。这就引出了关于人的哲学存在的问题(Strawson, 2010)。人们的行为是无法预测的。例如上面给出的例子,不可能预测一个人的决定,因为这个人可以选择汽车或公共汽车,也不能预测他或她会做出什么样的决定。我的论点是,如果一切都被别的东西控制着,生活怎么可能对你是好的呢?人生只有一次,任何事情都不能被第三方控制。一个人的命运完全由自己决定,没有任何第三方的干涉(Stafford, 2015)。


Suppose that one has to take a decision on whether to go by car or bus to temple, the free will is not an illusion as the person is free to choose the type of action he or she would prefer. The person is totally accountable for whatever decision is taken to complete the task. As the brain signals, the mind lets the person do a task voluntarily and this shows that it is not an illusion but a real event. People make choices on their own and likewise, every living being does the same. If free will is regarded as illusion, life is an illusion and the existence of people is an illusion, too. This gains questions on the philosophical presence of people (Strawson, 2010). People do not behave predictably. For the example given above, it is impossible to predict the person’s decision as the person can either choose for a car or bus and one cannot predict what decision he or she would take. My argument is – if everything is controlled by something else, how can life be assumed to be good to you? Life is lived once and everything can’t be controlled by a third party. One’s destiny is decided by oneself with absolutely no interference of third party (Stafford, 2015).
The philosopher’s stand states that one can never be punished when a mistake is committed as the person is not accountable. This is absolute foolishness. When genes and environments tend to shape the behavior of a person, how can the person be unaccountable for the mischief done with complete consciousness? This statement is sufficient enough to prove that free will is not an illusion. Here is another example to prove this point:Suppose a person has hit a vehicle with his car unknowingly, isn’t the action termed as free will? If free will is not present, every action of a human being will be programmed and this type of activity will never happen. As free will existed, the person has directly hit a vehicle and the police catches the person red handed terming him to accountable to the accident. This is the primary rule of law and order and this rule clearly contradicts the point of early philosophers (Stafford, 2015). The behavior is shaped by genes, environment and actions completely.