
長期以來,有關南海爭議的報導層出不窮。它是在第二次世界大戰期間日本試圖佔領這個由海洋、岩石和暗礁組成的地區時出現的。正是在這些時期,這些特徵的所有權沒有得到解決;在戰爭結束時,該地區受到許多國家的巨大利益和要求。雖然該區域最初出現了許多政治事態發展和衝突,但與該區域正在發生的爭端問題相比,這些事態發展和衝突已經消失。內部爭端最初是由於與東南亞國家正在進行的其他問題而推動的,例如1966年至1976年中國的文化大革命和菲律賓反對宏觀經濟獨裁的起義。 1979年,馬來西亞首次提出主權要求。此前,馬來西亞因支持中國政府而備受懷疑。中國和越南在1974年也有過小規模的衝突;



The disputes for the region of South China Sea have been reported for a long time. It had instantiated from the time when Japan was trying to occupy this area consisting of sea, rock and reefs during the times of 2nd World War. It was during those times that the ownership of these features was not settled; this region was under the huge interest and claims by a large number of states at the time of the end of the war. Though, initially there were many political developments and conflicts which were there in this region, those had seized off in comparison to the ongoing issue of dispute over the region. The internal disputes had initially pushed because of the other ongoing issues with south East Asian Nations such as the Cultural Revolution in China during the times of 1966-1976 and the uprising against the dictatorship of Macros in Philippines. The claim was stacked by Malaysia for the first time in 1979. Prior to that, Malaysia was under huge suspicion because of its support to Chinese government. There were also small conflicts between China and Vietnam in the year 1974;

there was not much attention to this region by the international communities. Thus, the major disputes were between the socialists nations China and Vietnam. The interests in this region were registered by Vietnam after World War Two. The nation wanted to control over this region and were trying to pose a security threat for the porous archipelagic borders. Malaysia later began its claims over some places which were there on the continental shelf. During the times of 1980s and 1990s, there were a number of low-level tensions over this place. Most of the tensions were not because of any military confrontations but they were actually because of the vessel intrusions, poaching done by the fisheries and other oil resources. A number of attempts are made by one or the other state to limit the number of economic activities of the nations from other states.. In addition to this, the differences between China and Vietnam were another reason for the dispute over this place during those times. In addition to this, none of the nation had any interest over this piece until mid-1990.



2014年,苹果公司在iPhone的IOS软件中增加了扩展的安全和功能。对安全软件进行了更改,以确保它们不能访问加密的客户信息。这是为了确保客户的隐私。在这个过程中,苹果将无法访问加密的消费者信息(Donohue 8),苹果手机和平板电脑有允许用户设置密码的功能。在多次失败的尝试后,有一个自动擦除功能。这可以防止暴力攻击。在这个过程中,敏感的用户信息不受不法之徒的侵害。在某些情况下,客户自己会利用这些信息进行一些不道德的活动(Donohue 8)。在这种罕见的情况下,政府很难抓住罪犯。联邦政府要求苹果公司实施一项新的改变,这样FBI就可以很容易地读取消费者信息。它没有要求苹果调查这些信息,但政府本身出于安全考虑,希望调查一些信息。苹果对这一过程感到担忧,因为这将导致政府获取其客户的私人信息。政府希望出于安全目的进入(Donohue 8),如果在美国实施,这将在其他国家树立一个先例。

苹果在这个问题上的立场是确保他们的消费者信息不会被用于不道德的目的。苹果认为他们对个人隐私负有受托责任,这是正确的。苹果有受托责任为其消费者的利益行事。在这种情况下,消费者委托苹果服务保护他们的敏感信息(Lind和Rankin 39)。通过创建黑客软件,存在着被他人利用的软件的危险。这也可能导致更多的安全问题。选择苹果品牌的消费者非常看重公司会保护他们的个人信息。如果失去了这种基本的信任,苹果公司就会失去消费者的支持(阿德巴约等人,219)。苹果需要说服消费者,他们将确保个人隐私。这会给公司带来切实的损失,也会影响社会上个人的隐私信息(Lind和Rankin 39)。在所有范围内,政府的授权将控制政府的活动。在这一过程中有可能出现极端的政府干预。


In 2014, Apple Corporation added extended security and functionality to the IOS software of the iPhone. An alteration was done to the security software to ensure that they do not have access to encrypted customer information. This was to ensure privacy of the customer. In this process Apple will not have access to consumer information that is encrypted (Donohue 8). Apple phones and tablets have the feature of allowing user to set password. After a number of unsuccessful attempts there is a feature of auto erase. This prevents brute force attacks. In this process sensitive user information is protected from unscrupulous people. In some instances, the customers themselves use the information for certain unscrupulous activities (Donohue 8). In such a rare occasion it becomes difficult for the government to catch criminals. Federal government asked Apple to implement a new change, where FBI can easily read into consumer information. It did not ask for Apple to look into the information but the government itself wanted to look into some information for the sake of security. Apple felt apprehensive of this process as this would lead to private information of its customers to become accessible by government. Government wanted access for the purpose of security (Donohue 8). If it was implemented in United States this would set a precedent in other countries.

Apple’s stand on the issue is to ensure that their consumer information is not utilized for unethical purposes. Apple is right to assume that they have fiduciary duties towards the privacy of the individuals. Apple has the fiduciary duty to act in interest of its consumers. In this scenario, consumers had entrusted Apple services to protect their sensitive information (Lind and Rankin 39). By creation of hacking software, there is a danger of the software exploited by others. This could also lead to more possible security issues. Consumers who choose the Apple brand have a high regard that the company would secure their personal information. If that basic trust were lost it would cause Apple Corporation to lose its consumer patronage (Adebayo et al., 219). Apple needs to convince their consumers that they would ensure the privacy of individuals. This would cause tangible loss to the company and also affect the privacy information of individuals in the society (Lind and Rankin 39).All around the spectrum, governmental mandates would control the activities of the government. There is possibility of extreme governmental intrusion in this process.



万维网是人类最不可思议的发明。互联网的力量是正确的一次演讲中强调由南非总统塔博·姆贝基,今天,国家应该抓住这一技术,让自己看到的真实照片他们国家的政治、经济和文化条件,也用它来群在世界范围内,向他们的国家的关注和成就全球平台。(Crystal vii)虽然互联网上有其他几种语言的内容,但本质上是一个以英语为主的平台。互联网对英语本身产生了多方面的影响。互联网是一个开放的平台,即使是对这门语言知之甚少的人,也可以通过博客、网站或社交媒体对可用的内容进行贡献,从而贬低这门语言本身。来自各个年龄层、文化和教育背景的人们都平等地使用互联网服务。

互联网上提供的内容可能并不总是正确的,语言本身的正确性也不能得到保证。互联网被英语主导已不是一个隐藏的事实。计算机的构造始于英语的定位、使用的词汇、编写的代码、ACII文本的使用,所有的一切都是用英语广泛编写的。英语使用如此优越的原因主要是历史原因,其次是统计原因。历史上,自从互联网在美国发展以来,美国这个讲英语的国家一直是互联网的最大使用者。由于英语的使用确保了全世界将使用互联网服务作为全球语言的使用,从而接触到更多的读者(Gupta, 1997)。然而,从语言学的角度来看,互联网可能会造成掺假的威胁。然而,它很大程度上依赖于用户充分利用互联网上现有的大量知识。


The vast collection of World Wide Web is the most incredible invention of the human race. The power of internet is rightly emphasized in a speech made by the South African president, Thabo Mbeki, that today the nations should grab the this technology and empower themselves to see the real picture of their country’s political, economic and cultural conditions and also use it to be herd worldwide, to present their nation’s concern and achievements on a global platform. (Crystal vii)Even though there are contents available on the internet in several other languages but it is essentially an English dominated platform. The internet has multifaceted impact on the English language itself. Internet is an open platform where people even with bare minimum knowledge of the language can contribute to the contents available, though blog, websites or social media, thereby, degrading the language itself. People from all the age groups, cultural, and educational backgrounds equally avail the services of internet.

The contents available on the internet might not always be right and the correctness of language itself is not guaranteed.It is not a hidden fact that internet is dominated by English language. The very constructions of computers begin with English orientation, the vocabulary used, the codes written, use of ACII texts, everything is extensively written in English. The reason for this supremacy of usage of English is mainly historical and then statistical. Historical, since the internet was developed in USA, an English speaking nation and till date USA is the top user of the internet. Statistical since the usage of English ensured the entire world would use the services of internet as the usage of global language to reach a larger number of readers (Gupta, 1997).Nevertheless, when it comes to learning the language from linguistics point of view, the internet might pose a threat of adulteration. However it is largely dependent on the user to make the best out of the vast knowledge present on the internet.





The inventory has increased from 660,000 GBP in the previous year to 890,000 GBP this year. It will be examined as to what it means for the company. This company, as sometimes happened, bought larger amount than what can be sold plus the acceptable remaining stock. This probably led to the increase in inventory with effects that are predictable for the company. The increase of inventory is sometimes positive for a company, if the demand is high for the inventory. This is due to the reason that customers can be attracted with the reduction in inventory price. However, since it has been deciphered that sales are falling, it is unlikely to be the case. Income and Taxes:The increase in inventory indicates that the company would pay higher taxes. This is another negative as far as the revenue of this company is concerned. The inventory level of this company is much higher than the industry average. In addition, the inventory has increased in sizeable proportion this year compared to the last year.

Inventory Tracking :When there is an increase in inventory, as in this case, the company should put greater amount of effort into tracking the inventory. Failing in doing so can cause the company’s inability to answer questions of the customers and properly filling the orders. For this company, the trade receivable turnover has increased from 34 days in the previous year to 48 days this year, which is a huge increase. This indicates that this company has been pursuing a conservative credit policy and aggressively collecting funds. There has been decrease in working capital, which means there can be increase in the current liabilities. The changes in working capital are indicative of cash flows’ net effect with addition and subtraction from the current liabilities and assets. The change that has taken place in the working capital has been negative. This is indicative of the fact that there is heavy investment by this company on current assets. Alternately, this company can resort to drastic reduction of current liabilities.



随着时代的变迁,数字世界也在不断发展壮大。3D打印也被称为使用添加剂或简单的添加剂制造的一种制造形式。它就像车间生产一样,但以一种更加复杂、节省时间和机器操作的方式,通过层层叠加的方法工作,进一步经过所需的加减法(SCHUBERT, 2013)。今天,随着3D打印技术被描述为比互联网更大的东西,它在市场上获得了更大的关注。幸运的是,当这个发明被发明出来的时候,它被引进,被计划,并且得到了它应得的位置。增材制造的过程,又称3D打印作品由特定种类的材料制成。熔融长丝制作是3D打印过程中展开的一种工艺,其工作是将所选材料如蜡等以层层叠加的形式沉积下来;



With the changing times, the digital world has also grown and continues to grow further and further. 3D printing also referred to as a form of manufacturing by using additives or simply additive manufacturing. It is just like workshop production but in a more sophisticated, time saving and machine operated manner, it works via layer over a layer method that further goes through required addition and subtractive processes (SCHUBERT, 2013). Today, 3D printing is getting a larger chunk of attention in the market with the technology being described as something larger than the internet. Fortunately, when this invention was made, it was being introduced, projected and it got the place it deserved. The process of additive manufacturing, also called 3D printing works by specific kinds of materials. Fused Filament Fabrication is a process deployed during 3D printing and its job is to deposit the chosen material such as wax etc. in the form of layers placed above one another;

the sticking of these layers is made possible by the heating mechanism. This is a three dimensional system which means that extrusion takes place. Now, in terms of engineering, extrusion means that it is expanded in the third direction, like a circle into a cylinder. 3D printing has since its launch, taken the world by storm. Its use in medical advancement has been tremendous and unparalleled. This leads to another point of view as to whether it is an all in all a better idea or not.3D printing has turned automation, manufacturing and all the processes involved inside these larger processes into something that does not require much expertise. This idea and fast paced technology has proved to be game changing in many fields. Bionic arms, faster and more design-accurate possibilities can now be achieved that were once a myth. This makes one realize the fact how important this invention is and how much more it can hold for the industry.



旅游业是新西兰未来经济增长最重要的方面。目前,它为美国经济贡献了186亿美元,这也相当于美国国内生产总值(gdp)的9%。旅游业也是一个重要的就业来源,每十个新西兰人中就有一个在旅游业工作(Rochelle Turner, 2015)。旅游业也是新西兰最大的出口中心。国际游客每年为中国经济贡献83亿美元,占出口总收入的19.2%。新西兰被认为是一个迷人的高质量的旅游目的地。为游客提供的预订服务是非常方便和容易的。这个国家的旅游业高度致力于使游客感到满意和舒适。新西兰在澳大利亚与美国和印度尼西亚竞争。新西兰旅游业全年在澳大利亚开展许多不同的活动。因此,澳大利亚和中国是游客数量最多的国家(Gnoth, & Anwar, 2000)。



Tourism is the most important aspect of the future economic growth of New Zealand. Currently it contributes $18.6 billion to the economy, which also represent the 9% of the gross domestic product of the country. Tourism sector is also an important source of employment as one in every ten New Zealanders works in the tourism sector (Rochelle Turner, 2015). Tourism is also the largest export centre or New Zealand. The international visitors contribute $8.3 billion to the economy every year, which become 19.2% of the complete earnings from export.New Zealand is considered as an alluring and high quality tourist destination. The booking services that are offered to the visitors are highly convenient and easy. The tourism sector of the country is highly committed towards the satisfaction and comfort of the tourists. New Zealand competes with states of America and Indonesia in Australia. The New Zealand Tourism runs many different campaigns in Australia throughout the year. Thus Australia and China are the countries from where the maximum number of tourists comes (Gnoth, & Anwar, 2000).

China is the second largest visitor market in New Zealand.The tourism industry in New Zealand continuously identifies and puts forwards the strategies that will increase the returns on investments. They concentrate on generating business products and experiences that will go above the expectations of the visitors. The tourism has also concentrated on enhancing the environment of New Zealand, which could be enjoyed by the visitors and the future generations. Such products are being made, which could deliver good environmental positions (Zealand, 2012).According to the statics of New Zealand Tourism,“12.1% of the total number of people employed in New Zealand work directly or indirectly in tourism. That means 295,908 people are working in the visitor economy. The Tourism 2025 growth framework has a goal of growing total tourism revenue to $41 billion a year by 2025” (The Power of Tourism, 2015). The tourism industry also provided employment to 94,100 full-time equivalents (FTEs), which also makes 4.7% of the total employment in New Zealand. By the year 2015 the employment will increase to 36,000 more full time equivalent workers.


這處房產的歷史可以追溯到10年前。這是一系列的房主。 1916年,著名園藝師大衛·費爾柴爾德博士和他的母親從弗洛倫斯·鮑德溫·紐金特夫人手中買下了這個村莊,作為過冬的居所。幾年來,他在華盛頓特區管理美國農業部的植物引進項目。費爾柴爾德在美國建立了大約30種不同的植物品種。他實際上是哥倫布的洋基園丁。在他的陽光之州,仙童設計了一個花園,裡面有各種各樣的植物,這些植物都是他在世界各地的旅行中獲得的。 1931年,瑪麗安的姐姐和她的丈夫擁有位於該國北部的連體財產,作為他們冬季的家。從1928年到他們去世,Fairchild和他的伙伴把這個村莊塑造成他們的永久住所。

一年後,在大衛·費爾柴爾德的妻子去世後,這塊土地被生物學家兼改革家凱瑟琳·豪伯格·斯威尼(Catherine Hauberg Sweeney)獲得。 Sweeney保存了Fairchild的花園作為前瞻性研究,並在未來進一步使用它,從而保存了它在國家歷史遺跡名錄上的位置。 1984年,斯威尼把這塊地賣給了國家熱帶生物園,並一直是它的主要贊助人,直到1995年去世。這個村子的重點是教育,虐待這裡無與倫比的生活財富。每年這個村子都會為教授、醫生和其他人舉辦許多教學活動。為了支持該村日益豐富的教學和分析項目,在2003-2007年期間建立了宿舍、教室實驗室和教育中心。


The history of the property goes back to the decade (Giancarlo de Carlo, n.d). It’s a series of householders. The village has been purchased by a famous horticulturalist Dr. David Fairchild and his partner mother in 1916 from Mrs. Florence Baldwin Nugent, as a home for the winter months. For several years, he managed the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Department of Plant Introduction program in Washington, D.C. Fairchild set up around thirty different varieties of plant species into the U.S. He was actually the Yankee gardener of Columbus. At his place Sunshine State, Fairchild shaped the garden which contained different varieties of plants that he obtained all through his visits around the world. In 1931, Marian’s sister and her husband, have the conterminous property which is located towards the northern part of the country to use as their home in winter months. Fairchild and his partner shaped the village as their lasting residence from the year1928 till their deaths.

A year later, after the death of David Fairchild’s wife, the land was acquired by a biologist and reformer, Catherine Hauberg Sweeney. Sweeney preserved the Fairchild’s garden for prospective study and further used it in the future and thus preserved its listing on the National Register of Historic Places. In 1984, Sweeney offered the property to the National Tropical Biology Garden and thus remained its chief sponsor till her death in 1995.The focus at the village is education, mistreatment the property’s unequaled living collections. Every year the village holds many instructional programs, for faculty professors, physicians, and others. In order to support the increasing variety of instructional and analysis programs at the village, a dormitory, schoolroom laboratory, and Education Center were made throughout 2003-2007.



沃伦·巴菲特是伯克希尔哈撒韦集团的首席执行官。他被认为是社会上最强大的商业领袖之一。他现年85岁,对如何在企业中有效管理员工提出了各种见解。他的领导风格详细说明如下。他将责任分配给员工,并确保他们遵循流程。他们管理人员或资源的方式没有微观管理。他们被赋予经营业务的自主权。如果个别管理人员选择寻求指导,则会提供指导。在这个过程中保持了良好的平衡(Kinsley, and Clarke, 2009)。对于这种自助餐式的建议是,各个公司要招聘合适的人才。他们应该雇佣合适的人员并分配责任。这将确保工作人员达到所需的指标。巴菲特开创了一个好经理的先例。他向人们灌输保持道德规范和正直的重要性。员工的道德行为准则很重要。

在这一过程中保持了透明度和责任制,并向员工提供了培训,以满足形势的动态要求。这些培训模块的设计方式使员工保持竞争力。制定员工目标是为了与公司的目标保持一致。这在公司内部培养了一种学习环境。在员工内部保持有效的沟通。他们确保员工和公司的财务承诺是已知的。在这个场景中,任何缺点或漏洞都将得到解决(Kinsley, and Clarke, 2009)。巴菲特提倡自由放任的领导风格。由于这一点,工人有了更多的自主权。在这种制度下,工人有可能做出不利于公司的管理决策。可能会有风险投资和更多的管理风格的问题。个人的管理风格会影响公司。这是对社会中自助餐式领导的批评,可以说是一种软弱。


Warren Buffet is the CEO of Berkshire and Hathway group. He is considered to be one of the strongest business leaders in the society. He is 85 years old and has provided various insights as to how people can be effectively managed in the corporations. His style of leadership is explained in detail in the following. He allocates responsibilities to the people and ensures that they follow the processes. There is no micro managing of the ways in which they manage people or resources. They are given autonomy to conduct business operations. Guidance for the individual managers is provided if they choose to seek guidance. A fine balance is maintained in this process (Kinsley, and Clarke, 2009). For this Buffet advice is that the individual companies to hire the right kind of personnel. They should hire the right personnel and allocate responsibility. This would ensure that the personnel meet the required targets. Buffet sets the precedent for a good manager. He instils in people the need to maintain ethics and importance of integrity. There is a lot of importance given to the ethical code of conduct of the employees.

Transparency and accountability are maintained in the process and training is provided to the employees in order to meet the dynamic requirements of the situation. These training modules are designed in a way that the employees remain competitive. Employee goals are made to align with the goals of the company. This fosters a learning environment within the companies. Effective communication is maintained within the employees. They ensure that the employees and the financial commitments of the company are known. Any shortcomings or vulnerabilities are addressed in this scenario (Kinsley, and Clarke, 2009).Buffet is a proponent of laissez-faire leadership style. Owing to this there is a lot more autonomy given to the workers. In this system it is possible for the workers to take management decisions that are detrimental to the company. There can be risky investments and more issues to the management style. Individual managerial style reflects upon the company. This is the criticism for Buffet type of leadership in the societies, and it can be considered as a weakness.

论文 代写:华美化妆品公司

论文 代写:华美化妆品公司

华美化妆品创建于1995年。公司已经有了一些积极的发展,公司销售新鲜制作的化妆品的创新理念导致了公司更多的销售(Clegg, 2006)。他们拥有强大的员工结构,350名加拿大员工能够满足美国客户的需求。160个零售地点目前正在营业。计划在未来三年内开设两家门店。2007年,沃尔玛在很短的时间内就在45家零售店开设了门店。因此,现有商店的销售受到了影响。制造团队应对了很多压力。Brandi Halls领导着公司的品牌团队。公司的许多部门是由霍尔负责的。布兰迪在商店和工厂做卧底(Fernie & Sparks, 2014)。由于有权做出任何改变,这最终导致该公司在多个国家建立了业务范围。公司目前的计划是积极领导扩张,有必要研究公司的内部动态,以促进业务增长。为此,考虑了公司的三个关键问题,并对产品提出了建议。

论文 代写:华美化妆品公司
在看视频的过程中,我觉得Hall明白了公司真正的问题是如何维持公司的物资供应,确保工人的生产效率。该公司在零售商店中存在运营故障。管理层应该倾听这个问题,并对其基础设施进行更改。就像视频里的工作人员如果收不进所有的信用卡。客户觉得这个过程令人厌烦(Purce, 2014)。这些都导致了客户服务的缺失,使客户感到疏离。公司的供货未及时到位,造成库存问题。公司应该有更好的包装。应该有更好的库存管理问题。公司的这种积极扩张对公司来说将是一个问题,除非他们设法满足当前的消费人口结构。应该有更好的预测和库存问题。这就导致了对消费者需求的不响应。在保持产品质量方面存在问题。公司在保持同样高水平的质量方面面临许多问题。有一个非常重要的假设,员工将设法满足公司的消费者需求。有库存问题,包装问题,公司需要维护。

论文 代写:华美化妆品公司

Lush Cosmetics was created in 1995. There have been a number of positive developments in the company, and innovative concept of the company of selling freshly made cosmetics caused more sales of the company (Clegg, 2006). They have robust staff structure owing to which 350 employees in Canada is able to cater to the requirements of the American customers. 160 retail locations are currently under operations. Plan to have double stores in the next three years. In 2007, there was extensive in 45 retail stores in a very short period of time. Owing to this, the sales of the existing stores suffered. Manufacturing teams dealt with lot of stress. Brandi Halls leads teams branding for the company. Many parts of the business are worked by Hall. Brandi goes undercover in shops and factories (Fernie & Sparks, 2014). Authority to make any changes, this eventually led to the company establishing its operations in many countries across the spectrum. Current plans of the company are to aggressively lead expansion, and there is a need to look into the internal dynamics of the company for growing of business. For this Purpose, three key issues of the company have been factored in and proposals and recommendations are made for the products.

论文 代写:华美化妆品公司
While seeing the video, I felt that Hall had understood the real issue of the company that is maintaining of the supplies of the company, and ensuring that there is worker productivity. There are operational glitches for the company within the retail stores. Management should listen to this issue and make changes in their infrastructure. Like in the video the staff if not able to take in all the credit cards. Customers feel turned off by this process (Purce, 2014). These lead to lack in customer service making the customer feel alienated. The supplies of the company do not reach in time making issues in inventory problems. There should be better packaging in the company. There should be better problems of inventory management. This aggressive expansion of the company will be an issue for the company unless they manage to deliver to the current consumer demography. There should be better forecast and problems with inventory. This leads to being unresponsive to the consumer needs. There is issue in maintaining the quality of the products. There are a number of issues that are faced by the company in maintaining the same high level of quality. There is a much important assumption that the employee will manage to meet the consumer demands of the company. There is inventory problem, packaging issues that the company needs to be maintain.


沒有人有機會看到頂級首席執行官們進入員工的工作崗位,與他們並肩工作。在《臥底老闆》中,已經有60位高管做著普通的工作,比如安裝警報、煎漢堡和服務客戶。這種“臥底老闆”的概念既有積極的一面,也有消極的一面,包括好的或壞的做法(Geppert, Matten & Williams, 2016)。老闆們承認他們有過後悔和尷尬的時刻。他們還承認,臥底可以幫助員工更好地了解他們的生活,並試圖幫助他們擺脫困境。這個概念在很多方面都很有效,因為它幫助高管們了解他們的組織內部究竟發生了什麼,以及需要做出哪些改變來解決任何現有問題。在某些情況下,管理者發現功能失調的分支機構對員工的培訓不當,員工技能低下,管理實踐效率低下(Jules & Good, 2012)。

他們還發現一些設備損壞,經理對員工的粗暴行為和客戶的不滿。因此,臥底幫助首席執行官們為這一故障提供適當的解決方案,並對員工的不道德行為採取必要的行動。這一理念幫助高層管理者與低層員工建立了一種順暢健康的關係。一些首席執行官承認與員工建立了聯繫,並定期與他們保持聯繫,了解他們的健康狀況。首席執行官們還推出了新的項目,以確定組織中最優秀的員工,並幫助他們直接與管理層合作(Krogh, rosi – lamastra & Haefliger, 2012)。了解事情在現實中是如何進行的,了解員工的心態,發現問題,這些都是臥底的好方法或積極做法,有助於徹底改變商業慣例。


Nobody gets a chance to see the top CEOs getting themselves into the jobs of their employees, working side-by-side with them. The show undercover boss has already shown 60 top executives doing normal jobs like installing alarm to flipping burgers and serving customers. This concept of undercover boss has both positive and negative sides which includes good or bad practices (Geppert, Matten & Williams, 2016). The bosses admit to the regrets and embarrassing moments they had. They also admitted that going undercover helps in connecting better with the workers understanding their lives and then trying to help them out. The concept was effective in many ways, as it helped the top executives to know what exactly is going on within their organisations and what changes are needed to solve any existing issues. In some scenarios executives discovered dysfunctional branches having improper training of the workers, low skill of the workers and inefficient managerial practices (Jules & Good, 2012).

They also discovered that some equipment were broken, rough behaviour of the managers towards the employees and customer dissatisfaction. Thus, going undercover helped the CEOs to provide proper solutions to this malfunctioning as well as take required actions regarding unethical behaviours of employees. This concept has helped the top executives create a smooth and healthy relationship with the lower level employees. A few CEOs have admitted establishing an attachment with the employees and regularly keeping in touch with them to know about their wellbeing. New programs have also been launched by the CEOs to identify the best employees in the organisation and helping them to work directly with the management (Krogh, Rossi-Lamastra & Haefliger, 2012). Getting to know how things are done in reality, understanding the mentality of employees and spotting out the issues are the good or positive practices of going undercover which helps in revolutionizing the business practices.