


整个运营的收入流来自于流量和旅行者的偏好。由于旅行者很可能会消费一些服务,如下载服务、营销支出、迎合旅行者需求的营销人员;这些倡议创造了额外的收入流,可以根据本组织的整体工作加以管理和发展。无论何时,旅行者选择把钱花在购买各种商品和服务上,都直接影响到本组织业务内收入流的管理。有一件事变得非常清楚,那就是收入模型以及收入流的总量很可能主观地依赖于管理和组织性旅行者流的工作(Ryan & Page, 2000)。收入流与由于旅行者的偏好和购买力而在系统和运营中流动的资金的方式有直接的关系。关键活动可视为业务的主要领域,这些领域对管理影响本组织工作的活动至关重要。
消费者对提供最佳服务的需求和要求的不断增加将会对一些关键活动产生影响,这些活动包括研究和开发以满足消费者的特定需求。这样的系统将寻求满足消费者这种需求的解决方案。将开发一些应用程序,这些应用程序可用于为消费者的需求提供解决方案。有一些活动可以直接或间接地受到旅行者的管理和他们的观点的影响。因此,基于旅行者的需求和偏好,可能会开展一些关键活动,要求对这些关键需求进行评估,以便明确建立与此类系统相关的规范(Weaver & Lawton, 2002)。与本组织业务有关的这种主要工作领域很可能与旅行者所产生的需求直接相关。


The revenue stream of the entire operations comes from the flow and the preferences of the travellers. As the travellers are likely to be consuming a number of services like download services, marketing spend, marketers catering to the need of the travellers; such initiatives create additional revenue stream which can be managed and developed as per the overall working of the organization. Whenever, the travellers choose to spend their money on the purchase of various goods and services, it directly creates impact on the management of the revenue stream within the operations of the organization. One thing which becomes amply clear is the way in which the revenue modelling along with the total quantum of the revenue flow which is likely to be subjectively dependent on the management and the working of the organizational traveller flow (Ryan & Page, 2000). The revenue stream has a direct relation with the manner in which flow of money is moved within the systems and operations due to the preferences and spending power of the travellers.The key activities can be regarded as the main areas of operations which become critical for the management of the activities that influence the working of the organization.
The increasing demand and call among the consumers to provide best kind of services would create impact on key activities which include research and development to as=certain the needs of the consumers. Such system would seek to find the solutions for such needs of the consumers. A number of applications would be developed which can be used for the purpose of providing solutions to the needs of the consumers. There are a number of activities which can be directly or indirectly influenced on account of the management of the travellers and their outlook. So, on the basis of the needs and preferences of the travellers, a number of key activities are likely to be developed which calls for the assessment of these key needs for the purpose of clearly establishing the norms associated with such kind of system (Weaver & Lawton, 2002). Such kind of main areas of work associated with the operations of the organization are likely to be seen at work in direct relation with the demand generated by the travellers.