标签存档: 美国作业代写



女王的收藏以这样一种风格展示,他们倾向于告知社会古代和现代艺术的比较。收藏家克里斯蒂娜皇后(Queen Christina)的动机似乎是通过这些画作向她所在的社会和人们传达有关文化的信息。在当代,收藏被认为是一种普遍存在的现象,是由于当代消费文化的影响而产生的。收集行为的重点是获取某种用途的物品,然后在使用之后,产品被处理掉。有些收集是为了维护,而另一些则主要将收集过程视为一种消费形式。这不适用于克里斯蒂娜女王的时代。绘画形式的艺术收藏不像当代产品那样是供消费的,而是供文化消费的目的。克里斯蒂安女王(Queen Christian)以收集藏品而闻名,她在花钱方面没有太多限制。这被认为是一个真正的收藏家的标志。真正的收藏家不担心他们花了多少钱,他们会收集来满足一个目的。文化收藏者致力于持续不断的购买之旅,以追求藏品。

正如乔安娜•皮特曼(Joanna Pitman)所描述的那样:“瑞典的克里斯蒂娜(Christina)是个文化饕餮。她的胃口和查尔斯一样贪得无厌,没有明显的克制,伦敦、海牙和罗马的代理人都在不断地寻找收购对象。她批发购买图书馆,然后把它们运回瑞典。她买了画、手稿和珠宝,这些战利品一箱又一箱地运到她在斯德哥尔摩的宫殿。”她的代理人在欧洲的各个角落等着她,当她想要的画作出现在市场上时,他们就开始为她购买。皮特曼所描绘的克莉丝汀娜在文化收藏品方面是一个贪吃的人,当人们考虑到克莉丝汀娜女王不仅专注于收集绘画,而且被认为非常专注于收集雕塑和其他艺术作品时,这确实是一个事实。本文主要研究她的绘画收藏。正如赫尔曼所说的那样,她毫无顾忌地挥金如土,成为一名真正的收藏家。


The queen’s collection was displayed in such a style that they tended to inform the society of the comparison of ancient and modern art. The motivations of the collector Queen Christina appeared to inform her society and people about culture through the paintings. In more contemporary times collecting is considered as a pervasive phenomenon that was brought about because of the consumer culture of current times. The collecting action is focused on acquiring things for some kind of a use and then after the use, the products get disposed of. Some collect to maintain and others are seen to view the collection process as mainly as a form of consumption. This cannot be applicable to Queen Christina’s time. The art collection in the form of paintings was not for consumption as in the case of a contemporary product but they were for the purposes of cultural consumption. Queen Christian was noted to acquire collections with not much inhibition in spending. This is considered as the mark of a genuine collector. The genuine collector does not worry about how much they spend, and they would collect to satisfy a purpose. Cultural collectors commit to a constant and continual purchasing trip in pursuit of objects for the collection.

As Joanna Pitman portrays it “Christina of Sweden was a glutton for culture. With an appetite as insatiable as Charles’s, and no apparent restraint, she had agents in London, The Hague and Rome constantly on the lookout for acquisitions. She bought libraries wholesale and had them shipped back to Sweden. She bought pictures, manuscripts and jewels, and the loot came, in crate-load after crate-load, winding its way northwards towards her palace in Stockholm”. She had representatives waiting at different corners of Europe and when paintings that she had desired for appeared in the market they set out to buy it for her. Pitman’s portrayal of Christina being a glutton when it comes to cultural collections does indeed appear to be a fact when one considers that Queen Christina did not only focus on collecting paintings but also was seen to be very focused on collecting sculpture and other art pieces. This essay mainly focuses on her paintings collections. She had no inhibitions against spending as Herrmann states to be the ambition of a true collector.





The inventory has increased from 660,000 GBP in the previous year to 890,000 GBP this year. It will be examined as to what it means for the company. This company, as sometimes happened, bought larger amount than what can be sold plus the acceptable remaining stock. This probably led to the increase in inventory with effects that are predictable for the company. The increase of inventory is sometimes positive for a company, if the demand is high for the inventory. This is due to the reason that customers can be attracted with the reduction in inventory price. However, since it has been deciphered that sales are falling, it is unlikely to be the case. Income and Taxes:The increase in inventory indicates that the company would pay higher taxes. This is another negative as far as the revenue of this company is concerned. The inventory level of this company is much higher than the industry average. In addition, the inventory has increased in sizeable proportion this year compared to the last year.

Inventory Tracking :When there is an increase in inventory, as in this case, the company should put greater amount of effort into tracking the inventory. Failing in doing so can cause the company’s inability to answer questions of the customers and properly filling the orders. For this company, the trade receivable turnover has increased from 34 days in the previous year to 48 days this year, which is a huge increase. This indicates that this company has been pursuing a conservative credit policy and aggressively collecting funds. There has been decrease in working capital, which means there can be increase in the current liabilities. The changes in working capital are indicative of cash flows’ net effect with addition and subtraction from the current liabilities and assets. The change that has taken place in the working capital has been negative. This is indicative of the fact that there is heavy investment by this company on current assets. Alternately, this company can resort to drastic reduction of current liabilities.



企业的成功主要在于所采用的战略和该战略的实施(Headd 2003)。健康药剂业务是一项成功的业务,该业务的总利润为50万美元。在其10年的经营期内,所有的贷款都已还清,业务得到了扩展。健康汤剂使用对健康有益的中草药。也有回头客。有一些可用的分析方法可以用来确保企业的质量和成功。人们需要对需要达到的高度有一个清晰的认识,也需要对实现这一目标应该遵循的路线有一个清晰的认识。此外,人们应该能够证明所选择的路线是正确的(Teece 2010)。这里可以使用SWOT分析来确定在HP业务案例中应用的活力级别。SWOT描述了企业的战略因素(Pickton 1998)。

这些因素是企业的优势和劣势,识别与之相关的机会和威胁。此外,上面提到的与明确目标相关的几点也可以很容易地用SWOT分析来证明。健康药剂业务案例具有相关的优势和增长机会,同时业务也有一些不可忽视的弱点和威胁。以下是健康药水业务的SWOT分析(Hill 1997)。通过对以上图表的分析,我们可以在此运用核心竞争力的概念来克服SWOT分析所发现的威胁。核心竞争力是指企业的活动不同于竞争对手所进行的活动,企业相对于竞争对手具有优势(Javidan 1998)。因此,惠普应该采取更多的行动,使自己在竞争中独树一帜。


The success of a business lies primarily in the strategy which has been used and the implementation of that strategy (Headd 2003). Healthy Potion business is a successful engagement where the business is in overall profit of $500,000. In its ten year operating tenure, all the loans have been paid and business has expanded. The Healthy Potion uses Chinese herb which has health benefits. There are repeat customers as well. There are analytical methods available which can be used to ensure the quality and success of a business. One needs to have a clear picture about the heights which are required to be achieved and about a route which should be followed to achieve that. Also, one should be able to justify the route which is chosen (Teece 2010). SWOT analysis can be used here to determine the level of vigour applied during HP business case. SWOT describes the strategic factors for a business (Pickton 1998).

These factors are Strength and Weakness of the firm and to identify the Opportunity and Threats related to it. Also, the above mentioned points related to clear goals can be easily demonstrated using SWOT analysis. The Healthy Potion business case has associated strengths and opportunity to grow, at the same time the business has some weaknesses and threats which cannot be overlooked. Here is the representation of SWOT analysis for Healthy Potion business (Hill 1997).On analysing the above diagram one can apply the core competence concept here to overcome the threats which have been identified with the help of SWOT analysis. Core competence says about those activities of a firm which are different than the activities performed by the competitors and the firm has an advantage over it (Javidan 1998). So, the HP should be taking more of those activities which would make them stand unique in the competition.







比如You’d be expected to write an essay each month……and also you needto hand in a short report every four weeks. 而题目问的是What two types ofcoursework are required each month on the part-time course­这里如果考生掌握了every four weeks就是each month 的复现词也是它的同义转换词那么这道题就很容易选出an essay和a short report这两个选项。










比如剑5中Test4中的Section4的37题和39题之间的关系。37题:training in specializedcomputer programs______。这里匹配的是选项中的B选项也就是library staff. 而39题checkingthe draft of the dissertation_____。这里匹配的选项还是B选项。39题中的听力录音原文是When you’vegot something together the trainer here will look through the draftversion for you to see if it’s ok.. 这里的the trainer指代的就是37题选出来的librarystaff所以这两题选的是同一个答案。这个就是可以根据人称的指代做出答案。



比如听力录音原文是Most people tend to book twenty-four hours inadvance……however, the earliest you book a computer is forty-eight hoursbefore you need it. 题目是Computer can be booked up to ___hours inadvance。如果考生注意到however这个转折信号词,那应该可以知道第一个数字24小时是个陷阱,而答案应该是48小时。







The First String Quartet by American composer Elliott Carter was his first major breakthrough work as a composer. Elliot used metric modulation in his piece of work for which he became famous. Earlier, Stravinsky used this device in 1920; however, Carter was the first to develop such transformation in work. In this, Carter changed the modulation from tonality to temp in contrast to structural role of the earlier composers. The masterpiece comprises of four movements in three sections contained in a virtual solo passage. The passage has bookends at the end of each quartet for two cadenzas. The first bookend is dedicated to cello while violin concludes the other end. Use of violin was extraordinary by Elliott in 1950 when traditional music was still prevalent, even though there were signs that modern music was in the initial stages of development. The masterpiece had expressive characters, each of whom drawed inference and linkage with each other. Moreover, the use of interrupted slow motion was the key highlight of the work. Elliot did not hesitate to take chances of using slow motion movements in work, even though the fast and furious movements were particularly popular among audiences in those days.

The disintegration of chimneys in mid air with collapse on the ground was stunning and quite contrary to traditional works. The use of violin at the end slowed the work and looked like a long stretch rather than dream time. The movements between four sections were not differentiated by pauses and potential reasons for dislike among audiences. Elliot endorses the fact that movements were Fantasia, Allegro scorrevole, Adagio, and Variations. He opines that pauses were in the middle and near starting of variations. He used two pauses in three sections due to unusual movement of division, tempo and character change. The use of pitch classes by Carter was a harmonic procedure and rare use of vertical pitch space in those times. Elliot used recurring central sounds from different set of pitch materials. Quartet based on an “all-interval” four-note chord was used in harmonic frame in the work for bonding musical tones and maintaining continuity. Moreover, the uses of both simultaneous and successive speeds in the work were quite uncommon in those times.

























Huang is the son of a successful businessman of Malaysia and has been currently working at the company of his parents. Huang has an ownership of a home in Melbourne. The land allotted over which there has been a development of the house is extremely large, and Huang takes the decision of constructing a small size workshop and factory at the rear ends of the land allotted. Huang made submissions of a tender to a company of manufacturing for assembling and making components for organization, and the key intension is of using the workshop and the factory for housing the equipment and machinery required that he will require during the process. There has been an acceptance of the tendency and currently, and there is a need for completing the workshop and garage by the 1st of November. This deadline has to be met for supplying the components for which there has been a submission of tender. Huang comes in contact with a registered builder, Bill, and has a discussion with him regarding his key requirement to construct the workshop and garage as per the date of completion to be strict for 1st November. However, he did not communicate with Bill regarding the significance of the data for Huang.

Bill holds the assumption that Huang will use the workshop and the factory for Huang, and hence require completion of construction by 1st November. Because of the delays from Bill, the building is not constructed on time as per the deadline fixed, and Huang faces a loss as he loses the tender for supplying the components. There is no denial in the fact that the loss took place due to non-performance from Bill in constructing the workshop and the garage on time. This delay of contract from Bill therefore leads towards the loss of 150,000 dollars for Huang. Huang is considering to sue Bill for breaching the contract and is also claiming the amount of 150,000 dollars from Bill as the loss took place due to the breach of contract by Bill. A contract is said to be creating specific obligations for being fulfilled by the parties who enter into some form of agreement. In legal terms, the failure of one party in fulfilling any kind of contractual obligation is referred to as a contract breach. Being highly dependent on the specifics, there can be occurrence of breach when a party ends up failing in delivering on time performance.




国家有权在其国内迫害罪犯,国际刑事法院不能剥夺这一基本权利。只有当国家因为不愿起诉或在某些情况下无法起诉而不起诉时,国际刑事法院才能干预其管辖能力。截至2010年,国际刑事法院已经审议了一些法规修正案。其中一些是第8条所规定的收养。国际刑事法庭规约》中定义的一些关键条款(aut dedere aut judicare)规定,“肯定,国际社会关注的最严重犯罪作为一个整体,不能逃脱惩罚,他们必须确保有效起诉国家层面采取措施,通过加强国际合作”(帕拉。4);(普遍管辖权)回顾每一个国家都有责任对应对国际罪行负责的人行使刑事管辖权”(第2段)。6);(互补性原则)强调根据本规约设立的国际刑事法院应与国家刑事管辖权相辅相成(第2段)。10)”


The Rome statute of the International Criminal Court ICC was one of the more permanently accepted holdings when it comes to the international criminal proceedings. The ICC was created after years of negotiation and was finalized in a diplomatic conference in 1998. Humanitarian laws in an international context were strengthened by the creation of the ICC. However, the statute requires ratification and only when more countries make the step to ratify the legislation, it would be truly effective. The ICC has been established in Hague. Its scope of jurisdiction has been defined. The scope will include crimes such as genocide, crimes related to the treatment of war prisoners, humanity related issues, aggression issues and more. The Court can exercise its scope of jurisdiction on a country. However, the country must accept such an intervention in the context where the country itself has not been able to carry out the necessary legislations. A clear scope limitation that has been defined for the ICC is that the ICC will not take over jurisdiction if the National court of a state is willing to prosecute.

It is the right of the state to persecute the criminals in their country and this primary right cannot be taken by the ICC. The ICC can only intervene with its jurisdictional abilities only if the state does not prosecute because it is unwilling to prosecute or is not able to do so under some circumstance. As of 2010, there were ICC statute amendments that have been considered.Some of them are that of the adoptions in article 8. The ICC statute preamble defines some of the key provisions (aut dedere aut judicare) which makes provision that “Affirming that the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole must not go unpunished and that their effective prosecution must be ensured by taking measures at the national level and by enhancing international cooperation’ (para. 4); (universal jurisdiction) Recalling that it is the duty of every State to exercise its criminal jurisdiction over those responsible for international crimes’ (para. 6); (principle of complementarity) Emphasizing that the International Criminal Court established under this Statute shall be complementary to national criminal jurisdictions (para. 10)”



众所周知,ARM定期进行一项关于参与和行动过程的调查,为企业提供关键的机会,使其能够根据员工的工作经验对反馈作出回应。民政事务总署的企业责任计划主要集中在四个方面,即当地社区、环境、卫生和教育。该项目的主要目标是鼓励在世界各地办事处工作的雇员,这些办事处被认为是为造福更广泛的社会和地方社区筹集资金和投资时间的关键。这有助于人们彼此建立融洽的关系,并在整个业务中发展情感联系。ARM的业务要求经常与多个学科的技术合作,这种促进是通过定期的全球活动来完成的(Edwards, 2004)。ARM每五名工程师中就有一名代表公司参加全球工程大会,同时为员工提供分享知识、解决问题和建立人脉的机会。

环境管理不可能局限于废物的管理,因此,环境管理体系已经制定了一些标准。如果有效,EMS在系统地跟踪监管绩效方面是有用的。当违规事件发生时,环境管理体系包括一个有助于确定问题关键原因和改进程序的过程。环境性能的改善以其自身的优势组合而闻名(Lawrence et al., 2002)。环境指标的检测或报告往往附有不符合项。因此,关键的目标是改善环境的绩效,因为它进一步提高了工人的安全,同时相应地改善了员工的健康。公司必须考虑对资源进行投资以防止损失。项目和员工的适当安置对于提高安全性和防止事故的发生是至关重要的。这种对预防哲学的特殊承诺提供了对污染预防方案和环境管理系统的反思(Ljubas和Sabol, 2011)。ARM应该认识到它可以影响自身的条件和环境安全的影响。


ARM is known to be regularly conducting a survey of engagement and process of action providing crucial opportunity to the business for responding to feedback in context with the experiences of work for the people. The corporate responsibility programme of ARM has key focus on four aspects that are local communities, the environment, health and education. The key objective of the project is focused on encouraging employees working at offices across the globe that can be considered as crucial for raising money and investing time for benefiting the wider society and the local communities. This assists people for the establishment of rapport with one another and developing an emotional connection across the entire business. The business of ARM holds the requirement of frequently collaborating with technology across a number of disciplines and this facilitation is done by regular global events (Edwards, 2004). For representing the company, one out of five engineers of ARM attend the Global Engineering Conference while providing opportunity of sharing knowledge, solving problem and networking with the employees.

There can be no restriction of environmental management to management of waste and hence, and there has been an establishment of some standards for EMS. If effective, EMS is useful in tracking regulatory performance systematically. When there is occurrence of violation, the EMS involves a process useful for determining the key cause of the issue and for improving the procedure. Improved performance of environment is known for having its own combination of advantages (Lawrence et al., 2002). Testing or reporting of environmental indicators more often is attached with non- conformance. Hence, the key objective is improving the performance of environment as it further results in improving the safety of worker, while correspondingly improving the health of the employees. The company must consider making investment of resource for the prevention of loss. Placement of programs and employees appropriate is crucial for the improvement of safety and the prevention of accidents. This particular commitment to a philosophy of prevention providing reflection on programs of pollution prevention and systems of environmental management (Ljubas and Sabol, 2011). ARM should realize that it can impact their conditions and impacts of environment and safety.






Disengagement of employees has various reasons that affect the growth of the organization. Sometimes employees have the problem with the boss like boss is very strict, did not provide the growth opportunity etc. Thus this creates a negative image of the boss among the employees in their mind and makes them ignorant towards him. This is also a reason of employee disengagement at the workplace. Employee made the perception about the boss like bad boss, did not think about the welfare of the employees, and cannot asses the personal problems of the employees etc (Michel.et.al, 2015). Sometimes, employees did not have the boss which results the employees did not get the instruction of the work that results the employee disengagement. It has been also found that the employee engagement helps an organisation to have better business outputs. It is very much important to keep the employees engaged so that to make them work with their best efforts and lead the business towards the desired goals.

Employees did get the proper training in the organization that how to perform the task because these employees will not be able to perform the task in the group and this results to disengagement. Many times, employee gets hearted by the abusive language of the team leader, this leads to employee disengagement. Employee disengagement can be caused due to various things in the organization, but it is the duty of the leader to keep the employees motivated towards the goal achievement. The research study of Moore et al, (2012) will be immensely useful in my research as it opens up a plethora of options to be considered for the concept of employee engagement.The workers’ disengagement in the organization has a direct impact on the business of the organization.